package; #if desktop import Discord.DiscordClient; #end import Section.SwagSection; import Song.SwagSong; import WiggleEffect.WiggleEffectType; import flixel.FlxBasic; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxGame; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.effects.FlxTrail; import flixel.addons.effects.FlxTrailArea; import flixel.addons.effects.chainable.FlxEffectSprite; import flixel.addons.effects.chainable.FlxWaveEffect; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.ui.FlxBar; import flixel.util.FlxCollision; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSort; import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import haxe.Json; import lime.utils.Assets; import openfl.display.BlendMode; import openfl.display.StageQuality; import openfl.filters.ShaderFilter; import openfl.utils.Assets as OpenFlAssets; import editors.ChartingState; import editors.CharacterEditorState; import; import Achievements; import StageData; import FunkinLua; import DialogueBoxPsych; #if sys import sys.FileSystem; #end using StringTools; class PlayState extends MusicBeatState { public static var STRUM_X = 42; public static var STRUM_X_MIDDLESCROLL = -278; public static var ratingStuff:Array = [ ['You Suck!', 0.2], //From 0% to 19% ['Shit', 0.4], //From 20% to 39% ['Bad', 0.5], //From 40% to 49% ['Bruh', 0.6], //From 50% to 59% ['Meh', 0.69], //From 60% to 68% ['Nice', 0.7], //69% ['Good', 0.8], //From 70% to 79% ['Great', 0.9], //From 80% to 89% ['Sick!', 1], //From 90% to 99% ['Perfect!!', 1] //The value on this one isn't used actually, since Perfect is always "1" ]; #if (haxe >= "4.0.0") public var modchartTweens:Map = new Map(); public var modchartSprites:Map = new Map(); public var modchartTimers:Map = new Map(); public var modchartSounds:Map = new Map(); #else public var modchartTweens:Map = new Map(); public var modchartSprites:Map = new Map(); public var modchartTimers:Map = new Map(); public var modchartSounds:Map = new Map(); #end //event variables private var isCameraOnForcedPos:Bool = false; #if (haxe >= "4.0.0") public var boyfriendMap:Map = new Map(); public var dadMap:Map = new Map(); public var gfMap:Map = new Map(); #else public var boyfriendMap:Map = new Map(); public var dadMap:Map = new Map(); public var gfMap:Map = new Map(); #end public var BF_X:Float = 770; public var BF_Y:Float = 100; public var DAD_X:Float = 100; public var DAD_Y:Float = 100; public var GF_X:Float = 400; public var GF_Y:Float = 130; public var boyfriendGroup:FlxSpriteGroup; public var dadGroup:FlxSpriteGroup; public var gfGroup:FlxSpriteGroup; public static var curStage:String = ''; public static var isPixelStage:Bool = false; public static var SONG:SwagSong = null; public static var isStoryMode:Bool = false; public static var storyWeek:Int = 0; public static var storyPlaylist:Array = []; public static var storyDifficulty:Int = 1; public var vocals:FlxSound; public var dad:Character; public var gf:Character; public var boyfriend:Boyfriend; public var notes:FlxTypedGroup; public var unspawnNotes:Array = []; public var eventNotes:Array = []; private var strumLine:FlxSprite; //Handles the new epic mega sexy cam code that i've done private var camFollow:FlxPoint; private var camFollowPos:FlxObject; private static var prevCamFollow:FlxPoint; private static var prevCamFollowPos:FlxObject; private static var resetSpriteCache:Bool = false; public var strumLineNotes:FlxTypedGroup; public var opponentStrums:FlxTypedGroup; public var playerStrums:FlxTypedGroup; public var grpNoteSplashes:FlxTypedGroup; public var camZooming:Bool = false; private var curSong:String = ""; public var gfSpeed:Int = 1; public var health:Float = 1; public var combo:Int = 0; private var healthBarBG:AttachedSprite; public var healthBar:FlxBar; var songPercent:Float = 0; private var timeBarBG:AttachedSprite; public var timeBar:FlxBar; private var generatedMusic:Bool = false; public var endingSong:Bool = false; private var startingSong:Bool = false; private var updateTime:Bool = false; public static var practiceMode:Bool = false; public static var usedPractice:Bool = false; public static var changedDifficulty:Bool = false; public static var cpuControlled:Bool = false; var botplaySine:Float = 0; var botplayTxt:FlxText; public var iconP1:HealthIcon; public var iconP2:HealthIcon; public var camHUD:FlxCamera; public var camGame:FlxCamera; public var camOther:FlxCamera; public var cameraSpeed:Float = 1; var dialogue:Array = ['blah blah blah', 'coolswag']; var dialogueJson:DialogueFile = null; var halloweenBG:BGSprite; var halloweenWhite:BGSprite; var phillyCityLights:FlxTypedGroup; var phillyTrain:BGSprite; var blammedLightsBlack:ModchartSprite; var blammedLightsBlackTween:FlxTween; var phillyCityLightsEvent:FlxTypedGroup; var phillyCityLightsEventTween:FlxTween; var trainSound:FlxSound; var limoKillingState:Int = 0; var limo:BGSprite; var limoMetalPole:BGSprite; var limoLight:BGSprite; var limoCorpse:BGSprite; var limoCorpseTwo:BGSprite; var bgLimo:BGSprite; var grpLimoParticles:FlxTypedGroup; var grpLimoDancers:FlxTypedGroup; var fastCar:BGSprite; var upperBoppers:BGSprite; var bottomBoppers:BGSprite; var santa:BGSprite; var heyTimer:Float; var bgGirls:BackgroundGirls; var wiggleShit:WiggleEffect = new WiggleEffect(); var bgGhouls:BGSprite; public var songScore:Int = 0; public var songHits:Int = 0; public var songMisses:Int = 0; public var ghostMisses:Int = 0; public var scoreTxt:FlxText; var timeTxt:FlxText; var scoreTxtTween:FlxTween; public static var campaignScore:Int = 0; public static var campaignMisses:Int = 0; public static var seenCutscene:Bool = false; public static var deathCounter:Int = 0; public var defaultCamZoom:Float = 1.05; // how big to stretch the pixel art assets public static var daPixelZoom:Float = 6; public var inCutscene:Bool = false; var songLength:Float = 0; #if desktop // Discord RPC variables var storyDifficultyText:String = ""; var detailsText:String = ""; var detailsPausedText:String = ""; #end private var luaArray:Array = []; //Achievement shit var keysPressed:Array = [false, false, false, false]; var boyfriendIdleTime:Float = 0.0; var boyfriendIdled:Bool = false; // Lua shit private var luaDebugGroup:FlxTypedGroup; public var introSoundsSuffix:String = ''; override public function create() { #if MODS_ALLOWED Paths.destroyLoadedImages(resetSpriteCache); #end resetSpriteCache = false; if ( != null); practiceMode = false; // var gameCam:FlxCamera =; camGame = new FlxCamera(); camHUD = new FlxCamera(); camOther = new FlxCamera(); camHUD.bgColor.alpha = 0; camOther.bgColor.alpha = 0; FlxG.cameras.reset(camGame); FlxG.cameras.add(camHUD); FlxG.cameras.add(camOther); grpNoteSplashes = new FlxTypedGroup(); FlxCamera.defaultCameras = [camGame]; CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = camOther; //FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget(camGame, true); persistentUpdate = true; persistentDraw = true; if (SONG == null) SONG = Song.loadFromJson('tutorial'); Conductor.mapBPMChanges(SONG); Conductor.changeBPM(SONG.bpm); #if desktop storyDifficultyText = '' + CoolUtil.difficultyStuff[storyDifficulty][0]; // String that contains the mode defined here so it isn't necessary to call changePresence for each mode if (isStoryMode) { detailsText = "Story Mode: " + WeekData.getCurrentWeek().weekName; } else { detailsText = "Freeplay"; } // String for when the game is paused detailsPausedText = "Paused - " + detailsText; #end GameOverSubstate.resetVariables(); var songName:String = Paths.formatToSongPath(; curStage = PlayState.SONG.stage; trace('stage is: ' + curStage); if(PlayState.SONG.stage == null || PlayState.SONG.stage.length < 1) { switch (songName) { case 'spookeez' | 'south' | 'monster': curStage = 'spooky'; case 'pico' | 'blammed' | 'philly' | 'philly-nice': curStage = 'philly'; case 'milf' | 'satin-panties' | 'high': curStage = 'limo'; case 'cocoa' | 'eggnog': curStage = 'mall'; case 'winter-horrorland': curStage = 'mallEvil'; case 'senpai' | 'roses': curStage = 'school'; case 'thorns': curStage = 'schoolEvil'; default: curStage = 'stage'; } } var stageData:StageFile = StageData.getStageFile(curStage); if(stageData == null) { //Stage couldn't be found, create a dummy stage for preventing a crash stageData = { directory: "", defaultZoom: 0.9, isPixelStage: false, boyfriend: [770, 100], girlfriend: [400, 130], opponent: [100, 100] }; } defaultCamZoom = stageData.defaultZoom; isPixelStage = stageData.isPixelStage; BF_X = stageData.boyfriend[0]; BF_Y = stageData.boyfriend[1]; GF_X = stageData.girlfriend[0]; GF_Y = stageData.girlfriend[1]; DAD_X = stageData.opponent[0]; DAD_Y = stageData.opponent[1]; boyfriendGroup = new FlxSpriteGroup(BF_X, BF_Y); dadGroup = new FlxSpriteGroup(DAD_X, DAD_Y); gfGroup = new FlxSpriteGroup(GF_X, GF_Y); switch (curStage) { case 'stage': //Week 1 var bg:BGSprite = new BGSprite('stageback', -600, -200, 0.9, 0.9); add(bg); var stageFront:BGSprite = new BGSprite('stagefront', -650, 600, 0.9, 0.9); stageFront.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); stageFront.updateHitbox(); add(stageFront); if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { var stageLight:BGSprite = new BGSprite('stage_light', -125, -100, 0.9, 0.9); stageLight.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); stageLight.updateHitbox(); add(stageLight); var stageLight:BGSprite = new BGSprite('stage_light', 1225, -100, 0.9, 0.9); stageLight.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); stageLight.updateHitbox(); stageLight.flipX = true; add(stageLight); var stageCurtains:BGSprite = new BGSprite('stagecurtains', -500, -300, 1.3, 1.3); stageCurtains.setGraphicSize( * 0.9)); stageCurtains.updateHitbox(); add(stageCurtains); } case 'spooky': //Week 2 if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { halloweenBG = new BGSprite('halloween_bg', -200, -100, ['halloweem bg0', 'halloweem bg lightning strike']); } else { halloweenBG = new BGSprite('halloween_bg_low', -200, -100); } add(halloweenBG); halloweenWhite = new BGSprite(null, -FlxG.width, -FlxG.height, 0, 0); halloweenWhite.makeGraphic( * 3), * 3), FlxColor.WHITE); halloweenWhite.alpha = 0; halloweenWhite.blend = ADD; //PRECACHE SOUNDS CoolUtil.precacheSound('thunder_1'); CoolUtil.precacheSound('thunder_2'); case 'philly': //Week 3 if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { var bg:BGSprite = new BGSprite('philly/sky', -100, 0, 0.1, 0.1); add(bg); } var city:BGSprite = new BGSprite('philly/city', -10, 0, 0.3, 0.3); city.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); city.updateHitbox(); add(city); phillyCityLights = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(phillyCityLights); for (i in 0...5) { var light:BGSprite = new BGSprite('philly/win' + i, city.x, city.y, 0.3, 0.3); light.visible = false; light.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); light.updateHitbox(); phillyCityLights.add(light); } if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { var streetBehind:BGSprite = new BGSprite('philly/behindTrain', -40, 50); add(streetBehind); } phillyTrain = new BGSprite('philly/train', 2000, 360); add(phillyTrain); trainSound = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('train_passes')); CoolUtil.precacheSound('train_passes'); FlxG.sound.list.add(trainSound); var street:BGSprite = new BGSprite('philly/street', -40, 50); add(street); case 'limo': //Week 4 var skyBG:BGSprite = new BGSprite('limo/limoSunset', -120, -50, 0.1, 0.1); add(skyBG); if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { limoMetalPole = new BGSprite('gore/metalPole', -500, 220, 0.4, 0.4); add(limoMetalPole); bgLimo = new BGSprite('limo/bgLimo', -150, 480, 0.4, 0.4, ['background limo pink'], true); add(bgLimo); limoCorpse = new BGSprite('gore/noooooo', -500, limoMetalPole.y - 130, 0.4, 0.4, ['Henchmen on rail'], true); add(limoCorpse); limoCorpseTwo = new BGSprite('gore/noooooo', -500, limoMetalPole.y, 0.4, 0.4, ['henchmen death'], true); add(limoCorpseTwo); grpLimoDancers = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpLimoDancers); for (i in 0...5) { var dancer:BackgroundDancer = new BackgroundDancer((370 * i) + 130, bgLimo.y - 400); dancer.scrollFactor.set(0.4, 0.4); grpLimoDancers.add(dancer); } limoLight = new BGSprite('gore/coldHeartKiller', limoMetalPole.x - 180, limoMetalPole.y - 80, 0.4, 0.4); add(limoLight); grpLimoParticles = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpLimoParticles); //PRECACHE BLOOD var particle:BGSprite = new BGSprite('gore/stupidBlood', -400, -400, 0.4, 0.4, ['blood'], false); particle.alpha = 0.01; grpLimoParticles.add(particle); resetLimoKill(); //PRECACHE SOUND CoolUtil.precacheSound('dancerdeath'); } limo = new BGSprite('limo/limoDrive', -120, 550, 1, 1, ['Limo stage'], true); fastCar = new BGSprite('limo/fastCarLol', -300, 160); = true; limoKillingState = 0; case 'mall': //Week 5 - Cocoa, Eggnog var bg:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/bgWalls', -1000, -500, 0.2, 0.2); bg.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); bg.updateHitbox(); add(bg); if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { upperBoppers = new BGSprite('christmas/upperBop', -240, -90, 0.33, 0.33, ['Upper Crowd Bob']); upperBoppers.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); upperBoppers.updateHitbox(); add(upperBoppers); var bgEscalator:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/bgEscalator', -1100, -600, 0.3, 0.3); bgEscalator.setGraphicSize( * 0.9)); bgEscalator.updateHitbox(); add(bgEscalator); } var tree:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/christmasTree', 370, -250, 0.40, 0.40); add(tree); bottomBoppers = new BGSprite('christmas/bottomBop', -300, 140, 0.9, 0.9, ['Bottom Level Boppers Idle']); bottomBoppers.animation.addByPrefix('hey', 'Bottom Level Boppers HEY', 24, false); bottomBoppers.setGraphicSize( * 1)); bottomBoppers.updateHitbox(); add(bottomBoppers); var fgSnow:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/fgSnow', -600, 700); add(fgSnow); santa = new BGSprite('christmas/santa', -840, 150, 1, 1, ['santa idle in fear']); add(santa); CoolUtil.precacheSound('Lights_Shut_off'); case 'mallEvil': //Week 5 - Winter Horrorland var bg:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/evilBG', -400, -500, 0.2, 0.2); bg.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); bg.updateHitbox(); add(bg); var evilTree:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/evilTree', 300, -300, 0.2, 0.2); add(evilTree); var evilSnow:BGSprite = new BGSprite('christmas/evilSnow', -200, 700); add(evilSnow); case 'school': //Week 6 - Senpai, Roses GameOverSubstate.deathSoundName = 'fnf_loss_sfx-pixel'; GameOverSubstate.loopSoundName = 'gameOver-pixel'; GameOverSubstate.endSoundName = 'gameOverEnd-pixel'; GameOverSubstate.characterName = 'bf-pixel-dead'; var bgSky:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/weebSky', 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1); add(bgSky); bgSky.antialiasing = false; var repositionShit = -200; var bgSchool:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/weebSchool', repositionShit, 0, 0.6, 0.90); add(bgSchool); bgSchool.antialiasing = false; var bgStreet:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/weebStreet', repositionShit, 0, 0.95, 0.95); add(bgStreet); bgStreet.antialiasing = false; var widShit = * 6); if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { var fgTrees:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/weebTreesBack', repositionShit + 170, 130, 0.9, 0.9); fgTrees.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); fgTrees.updateHitbox(); add(fgTrees); fgTrees.antialiasing = false; } var bgTrees:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(repositionShit - 380, -800); bgTrees.frames = Paths.getPackerAtlas('weeb/weebTrees'); bgTrees.animation.add('treeLoop', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], 12);'treeLoop'); bgTrees.scrollFactor.set(0.85, 0.85); add(bgTrees); bgTrees.antialiasing = false; if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { var treeLeaves:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/petals', repositionShit, -40, 0.85, 0.85, ['PETALS ALL'], true); treeLeaves.setGraphicSize(widShit); treeLeaves.updateHitbox(); add(treeLeaves); treeLeaves.antialiasing = false; } bgSky.setGraphicSize(widShit); bgSchool.setGraphicSize(widShit); bgStreet.setGraphicSize(widShit); bgTrees.setGraphicSize( * 1.4)); bgSky.updateHitbox(); bgSchool.updateHitbox(); bgStreet.updateHitbox(); bgTrees.updateHitbox(); if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { bgGirls = new BackgroundGirls(-100, 190); bgGirls.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9); bgGirls.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); bgGirls.updateHitbox(); add(bgGirls); } case 'schoolEvil': //Week 6 - Thorns GameOverSubstate.deathSoundName = 'fnf_loss_sfx-pixel'; GameOverSubstate.loopSoundName = 'gameOver-pixel'; GameOverSubstate.endSoundName = 'gameOverEnd-pixel'; GameOverSubstate.characterName = 'bf-pixel-dead'; /*if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { //Does this even do something? var waveEffectBG = new FlxWaveEffect(FlxWaveMode.ALL, 2, -1, 3, 2); var waveEffectFG = new FlxWaveEffect(FlxWaveMode.ALL, 2, -1, 5, 2); }*/ var posX = 400; var posY = 200; if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { var bg:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/animatedEvilSchool', posX, posY, 0.8, 0.9, ['background 2'], true); bg.scale.set(6, 6); bg.antialiasing = false; add(bg); bgGhouls = new BGSprite('weeb/bgGhouls', -100, 190, 0.9, 0.9, ['BG freaks glitch instance'], false); bgGhouls.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); bgGhouls.updateHitbox(); bgGhouls.visible = false; bgGhouls.antialiasing = false; add(bgGhouls); } else { var bg:BGSprite = new BGSprite('weeb/animatedEvilSchool_low', posX, posY, 0.8, 0.9); bg.scale.set(6, 6); bg.antialiasing = false; add(bg); } } if(isPixelStage) { introSoundsSuffix = '-pixel'; } add(gfGroup); // Shitty layering but whatev it works LOL if (curStage == 'limo') add(limo); add(dadGroup); add(boyfriendGroup); if(curStage == 'spooky') { add(halloweenWhite); } #if LUA_ALLOWED luaDebugGroup = new FlxTypedGroup(); luaDebugGroup.cameras = [camOther]; add(luaDebugGroup); #end #if (MODS_ALLOWED && LUA_ALLOWED) var doPush:Bool = false; var luaFile:String = 'stages/' + curStage + '.lua'; if(FileSystem.exists(Paths.modFolders(luaFile))) { luaFile = Paths.modFolders(luaFile); doPush = true; } else { luaFile = Paths.getPreloadPath(luaFile); if(FileSystem.exists(luaFile)) { doPush = true; } } if(curStage == 'philly') { phillyCityLightsEvent = new FlxTypedGroup(); for (i in 0...5) { var light:BGSprite = new BGSprite('philly/win' + i, -10, 0, 0.3, 0.3); light.visible = false; light.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); light.updateHitbox(); phillyCityLightsEvent.add(light); } } if(doPush) luaArray.push(new FunkinLua(luaFile)); if(!modchartSprites.exists('blammedLightsBlack')) { //Creates blammed light black fade in case you didn't make your own blammedLightsBlack = new ModchartSprite(FlxG.width * -0.5, FlxG.height * -0.5); blammedLightsBlack.makeGraphic( * 2), * 2), FlxColor.BLACK); var position:Int = members.indexOf(gfGroup); if(members.indexOf(boyfriendGroup) < position) { position = members.indexOf(boyfriendGroup); } else if(members.indexOf(dadGroup) < position) { position = members.indexOf(dadGroup); } insert(position, blammedLightsBlack); blammedLightsBlack.wasAdded = true; modchartSprites.set('blammedLightsBlack', blammedLightsBlack); } if(curStage == 'philly') insert(members.indexOf(blammedLightsBlack) + 1, phillyCityLightsEvent); blammedLightsBlack = modchartSprites.get('blammedLightsBlack'); blammedLightsBlack.alpha = 0.0; #end var gfVersion:String = SONG.player3; if(gfVersion == null || gfVersion.length < 1) { switch (curStage) { case 'limo': gfVersion = 'gf-car'; case 'mall' | 'mallEvil': gfVersion = 'gf-christmas'; case 'school' | 'schoolEvil': gfVersion = 'gf-pixel'; default: gfVersion = 'gf'; } SONG.player3 = gfVersion; //Fix for the Chart Editor } gf = new Character(0, 0, gfVersion); startCharacterPos(gf); gf.scrollFactor.set(0.95, 0.95); gfGroup.add(gf); dad = new Character(0, 0, SONG.player2); startCharacterPos(dad, true); dadGroup.add(dad); boyfriend = new Boyfriend(0, 0, SONG.player1); startCharacterPos(boyfriend); boyfriendGroup.add(boyfriend); var camPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(gf.getGraphicMidpoint().x, gf.getGraphicMidpoint().y); camPos.x += gf.cameraPosition[0]; camPos.y += gf.cameraPosition[1]; if(dad.curCharacter.startsWith('gf')) { dad.setPosition(GF_X, GF_Y); gf.visible = false; } switch(curStage) { case 'limo': resetFastCar(); insert(members.indexOf(gfGroup) - 1, fastCar); case 'schoolEvil': var evilTrail = new FlxTrail(dad, null, 4, 24, 0.3, 0.069); //nice insert(members.indexOf(dadGroup) - 1, evilTrail); } var file:String = Paths.json(songName + '/dialogue'); //Checks for json/Psych Engine dialogue if (OpenFlAssets.exists(file)) { dialogueJson = DialogueBoxPsych.parseDialogue(file); } var file:String = Paths.txt(songName + '/' + songName + 'Dialogue'); //Checks for vanilla/Senpai dialogue if (OpenFlAssets.exists(file)) { dialogue = CoolUtil.coolTextFile(file); } var doof:DialogueBox = new DialogueBox(false, dialogue); // doof.x += 70; // doof.y = FlxG.height * 0.5; doof.scrollFactor.set(); doof.finishThing = startCountdown; doof.nextDialogueThing = startNextDialogue; doof.skipDialogueThing = skipDialogue; Conductor.songPosition = -5000; strumLine = new FlxSprite(ClientPrefs.middleScroll ? STRUM_X_MIDDLESCROLL : STRUM_X, 50).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 10); if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) strumLine.y = FlxG.height - 150; strumLine.scrollFactor.set(); timeTxt = new FlxText(STRUM_X + (FlxG.width / 2) - 248, 20, 400, "", 32); timeTxt.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); timeTxt.scrollFactor.set(); timeTxt.alpha = 0; timeTxt.borderSize = 2; timeTxt.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideTime; if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) timeTxt.y = FlxG.height - 45; timeBarBG = new AttachedSprite('timeBar'); timeBarBG.x = timeTxt.x; timeBarBG.y = timeTxt.y + (timeTxt.height / 4); timeBarBG.scrollFactor.set(); timeBarBG.alpha = 0; timeBarBG.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideTime; timeBarBG.color = FlxColor.BLACK; timeBarBG.xAdd = -4; timeBarBG.yAdd = -4; add(timeBarBG); timeBar = new FlxBar(timeBarBG.x + 4, timeBarBG.y + 4, LEFT_TO_RIGHT, - 8), - 8), this, 'songPercent', 0, 1); timeBar.scrollFactor.set(); timeBar.createFilledBar(0xFF000000, 0xFFFFFFFF); timeBar.numDivisions = 800; //How much lag this causes?? Should i tone it down to idk, 400 or 200? timeBar.alpha = 0; timeBar.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideTime; add(timeBar); add(timeTxt); timeBarBG.sprTracker = timeBar; strumLineNotes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(strumLineNotes); add(grpNoteSplashes); var splash:NoteSplash = new NoteSplash(100, 100, 0); grpNoteSplashes.add(splash); splash.alpha = 0.0; opponentStrums = new FlxTypedGroup(); playerStrums = new FlxTypedGroup(); // startCountdown(); generateSong(; #if LUA_ALLOWED for (notetype in noteTypeMap.keys()) { var luaToLoad:String = Paths.modFolders('custom_notetypes/' + notetype + '.lua'); if(FileSystem.exists(luaToLoad)) { luaArray.push(new FunkinLua(luaToLoad)); } } for (event in eventPushedMap.keys()) { var luaToLoad:String = Paths.modFolders('custom_events/' + event + '.lua'); if(FileSystem.exists(luaToLoad)) { luaArray.push(new FunkinLua(luaToLoad)); } } #end noteTypeMap.clear(); noteTypeMap = null; eventPushedMap.clear(); eventPushedMap = null; // After all characters being loaded, it makes then invisible 0.01s later so that the player won't freeze when you change characters // add(strumLine); camFollow = new FlxPoint(); camFollowPos = new FlxObject(0, 0, 1, 1); snapCamFollowToPos(camPos.x, camPos.y); if (prevCamFollow != null) { camFollow = prevCamFollow; prevCamFollow = null; } if (prevCamFollowPos != null) { camFollowPos = prevCamFollowPos; prevCamFollowPos = null; } add(camFollowPos);, LOCKON, 1); //, FlxG.width, 0, FlxG.height); = defaultCamZoom;; FlxG.worldBounds.set(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); FlxG.fixedTimestep = false; moveCameraSection(0); healthBarBG = new AttachedSprite('healthBar'); healthBarBG.y = FlxG.height * 0.89; healthBarBG.screenCenter(X); healthBarBG.scrollFactor.set(); healthBarBG.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; healthBarBG.xAdd = -4; healthBarBG.yAdd = -4; add(healthBarBG); if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) healthBarBG.y = 0.11 * FlxG.height; healthBar = new FlxBar(healthBarBG.x + 4, healthBarBG.y + 4, RIGHT_TO_LEFT, - 8), - 8), this, 'health', 0, 2); healthBar.scrollFactor.set(); // healthBar healthBar.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; add(healthBar); healthBarBG.sprTracker = healthBar; iconP1 = new HealthIcon(boyfriend.healthIcon, true); iconP1.y = healthBar.y - (iconP1.height / 2); iconP1.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; add(iconP1); iconP2 = new HealthIcon(dad.healthIcon, false); iconP2.y = healthBar.y - (iconP2.height / 2); iconP2.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; add(iconP2); reloadHealthBarColors(); scoreTxt = new FlxText(0, healthBarBG.y + 36, FlxG.width, "", 20); scoreTxt.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 20, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); scoreTxt.scrollFactor.set(); scoreTxt.borderSize = 1.25; scoreTxt.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; add(scoreTxt); botplayTxt = new FlxText(400, timeBarBG.y + 55, FlxG.width - 800, "BOTPLAY", 32); botplayTxt.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); botplayTxt.scrollFactor.set(); botplayTxt.borderSize = 1.25; botplayTxt.visible = cpuControlled; add(botplayTxt); if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) { botplayTxt.y = timeBarBG.y - 78; } strumLineNotes.cameras = [camHUD]; grpNoteSplashes.cameras = [camHUD]; notes.cameras = [camHUD]; healthBar.cameras = [camHUD]; healthBarBG.cameras = [camHUD]; iconP1.cameras = [camHUD]; iconP2.cameras = [camHUD]; scoreTxt.cameras = [camHUD]; botplayTxt.cameras = [camHUD]; timeBar.cameras = [camHUD]; timeBarBG.cameras = [camHUD]; timeTxt.cameras = [camHUD]; doof.cameras = [camHUD]; // if ( == 'South') // = 0.7; // UI_camera.zoom = 1; // cameras = [FlxG.cameras.list[1]]; startingSong = true; updateTime = true; #if (MODS_ALLOWED && LUA_ALLOWED) var doPush:Bool = false; var luaFile:String = 'data/' + Paths.formatToSongPath( + '/script.lua'; if(FileSystem.exists(Paths.modFolders(luaFile))) { luaFile = Paths.modFolders(luaFile); doPush = true; } else { luaFile = Paths.getPreloadPath(luaFile); if(FileSystem.exists(luaFile)) { doPush = true; } } if(doPush) luaArray.push(new FunkinLua(luaFile)); #end var daSong:String = Paths.formatToSongPath(curSong); if (isStoryMode && !seenCutscene) { switch (daSong) { case "monster": var whiteScreen:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, 0).makeGraphic( * 2), * 2), FlxColor.WHITE); add(whiteScreen); whiteScreen.scrollFactor.set(); whiteScreen.blend = ADD; camHUD.visible = false; snapCamFollowToPos(dad.getMidpoint().x + 150, dad.getMidpoint().y - 100); inCutscene = true; FlxTween.tween(whiteScreen, {alpha: 0}, 1, { startDelay: 0.1, ease: FlxEase.linear, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { camHUD.visible = true; remove(whiteScreen); startCountdown(); } });'thunder_', 1, 2)); gf.playAnim('scared', true); boyfriend.playAnim('scared', true); case "winter-horrorland": var blackScreen:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic( * 2), * 2), FlxColor.BLACK); add(blackScreen); blackScreen.scrollFactor.set(); camHUD.visible = false; inCutscene = true; FlxTween.tween(blackScreen, {alpha: 0}, 0.7, { ease: FlxEase.linear, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { remove(blackScreen); } });'Lights_Turn_On')); snapCamFollowToPos(400, -2050);; = 1.5; new FlxTimer().start(0.8, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { camHUD.visible = true; remove(blackScreen); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, 2.5, { ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { startCountdown(); } }); }); case 'senpai' | 'roses' | 'thorns': if(daSong == 'roses')'ANGRY')); schoolIntro(doof); default: startCountdown(); } seenCutscene = true; } else { startCountdown(); } RecalculateRating(); //PRECACHING MISS SOUNDS BECAUSE I THINK THEY CAN LAG PEOPLE AND FUCK THEM UP IDK HOW HAXE WORKS CoolUtil.precacheSound('missnote1'); CoolUtil.precacheSound('missnote2'); CoolUtil.precacheSound('missnote3'); #if desktop // Updating Discord Rich Presence. DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter()); #end super.create(); } public function addTextToDebug(text:String) { #if LUA_ALLOWED luaDebugGroup.forEachAlive(function(spr:DebugLuaText) { spr.y += 20; }); luaDebugGroup.add(new DebugLuaText(text, luaDebugGroup)); #end } public function reloadHealthBarColors() { healthBar.createFilledBar(FlxColor.fromRGB(dad.healthColorArray[0], dad.healthColorArray[1], dad.healthColorArray[2]), FlxColor.fromRGB(boyfriend.healthColorArray[0], boyfriend.healthColorArray[1], boyfriend.healthColorArray[2])); healthBar.updateBar(); } public function addCharacterToList(newCharacter:String, type:Int) { switch(type) { case 0: if(!boyfriendMap.exists(newCharacter)) { var newBoyfriend:Boyfriend = new Boyfriend(0, 0, newCharacter); boyfriendMap.set(newCharacter, newBoyfriend); boyfriendGroup.add(newBoyfriend); startCharacterPos(newBoyfriend); newBoyfriend.alpha = 0.00001; newBoyfriend.alreadyLoaded = false; } case 1: if(!dadMap.exists(newCharacter)) { var newDad:Character = new Character(0, 0, newCharacter); dadMap.set(newCharacter, newDad); dadGroup.add(newDad); startCharacterPos(newDad, true); newDad.alpha = 0.00001; newDad.alreadyLoaded = false; } case 2: if(!gfMap.exists(newCharacter)) { var newGf:Character = new Character(0, 0, newCharacter); newGf.scrollFactor.set(0.95, 0.95); gfMap.set(newCharacter, newGf); gfGroup.add(newGf); startCharacterPos(newGf); newGf.alpha = 0.00001; newGf.alreadyLoaded = false; } } } function startCharacterPos(char:Character, ?gfCheck:Bool = false) { if(gfCheck && char.curCharacter.startsWith('gf')) { //IF DAD IS GIRLFRIEND, HE GOES TO HER POSITION char.setPosition(GF_X, GF_Y); char.scrollFactor.set(0.95, 0.95); } char.x += char.positionArray[0]; char.y += char.positionArray[1]; } public function startVideo(name:String):Void { #if VIDEOS_ALLOWED var foundFile:Bool = false; var fileName:String = #if MODS_ALLOWED Paths.modFolders('videos/' + name + '.' + Paths.VIDEO_EXT); #else ''; #end #if sys if(FileSystem.exists(fileName)) { foundFile = true; } #end if(!foundFile) { fileName =; #if sys if(FileSystem.exists(fileName)) { #else if(OpenFlAssets.exists(fileName)) { #end foundFile = true; } } if(foundFile) { inCutscene = true; var bg = new FlxSprite(-FlxG.width, -FlxG.height).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 3, FlxG.height * 3, FlxColor.BLACK); bg.scrollFactor.set(); bg.cameras = [camHUD]; add(bg); (new FlxVideo(fileName)).finishCallback = function() { remove(bg); if(endingSong) { endSong(); } else { startCountdown(); } } return; } else { FlxG.log.warn('Couldnt find video file: ' + fileName); } #end if(endingSong) { endSong(); } else { startCountdown(); } } var dialogueCount:Int = 0; //You don't have to add a song, just saying. You can just do "startDialogue(dialogueJson);" and it should work public function startDialogue(dialogueFile:DialogueFile, ?song:String = null):Void { // TO DO: Make this more flexible, maybe? if(dialogueFile.dialogue.length > 0) { inCutscene = true; CoolUtil.precacheSound('dialogue'); CoolUtil.precacheSound('dialogueClose'); var doof:DialogueBoxPsych = new DialogueBoxPsych(dialogueFile, song); doof.scrollFactor.set(); if(endingSong) { doof.finishThing = endSong; } else { doof.finishThing = startCountdown; } doof.nextDialogueThing = startNextDialogue; doof.skipDialogueThing = skipDialogue; doof.cameras = [camHUD]; add(doof); } else { FlxG.log.warn('Your dialogue file is badly formatted!'); if(endingSong) { endSong(); } else { startCountdown(); } } } function schoolIntro(?dialogueBox:DialogueBox):Void { inCutscene = true; var black:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-100, -100).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); black.scrollFactor.set(); add(black); var red:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-100, -100).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, 0xFFff1b31); red.scrollFactor.set(); var senpaiEvil:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); senpaiEvil.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('weeb/senpaiCrazy'); senpaiEvil.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'Senpai Pre Explosion', 24, false); senpaiEvil.setGraphicSize( * 6)); senpaiEvil.scrollFactor.set(); senpaiEvil.updateHitbox(); senpaiEvil.screenCenter(); senpaiEvil.x += 300; var songName:String = Paths.formatToSongPath(; if (songName == 'roses' || songName == 'thorns') { remove(black); if (songName == 'thorns') { add(red); camHUD.visible = false; } } new FlxTimer().start(0.3, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { black.alpha -= 0.15; if (black.alpha > 0) { tmr.reset(0.3); } else { if (dialogueBox != null) { if (Paths.formatToSongPath( == 'thorns') { add(senpaiEvil); senpaiEvil.alpha = 0; new FlxTimer().start(0.3, function(swagTimer:FlxTimer) { senpaiEvil.alpha += 0.15; if (senpaiEvil.alpha < 1) { swagTimer.reset(); } else {'idle');'Senpai_Dies'), 1, false, null, true, function() { remove(senpaiEvil); remove(red);, 0.01, true, function() { add(dialogueBox); camHUD.visible = true; }, true); }); new FlxTimer().start(3.2, function(deadTime:FlxTimer) {, 1.6, false); }); } }); } else { add(dialogueBox); } } else startCountdown(); remove(black); } }); } var startTimer:FlxTimer; var finishTimer:FlxTimer = null; // For being able to mess with the sprites on Lua public var countDownSprites:Array = []; public function startCountdown():Void { if(startedCountdown) { callOnLuas('onStartCountdown', []); return; } inCutscene = false; var ret:Dynamic = callOnLuas('onStartCountdown', []); if(ret != FunkinLua.Function_Stop) { generateStaticArrows(0); generateStaticArrows(1); for (i in 0...playerStrums.length) { setOnLuas('defaultPlayerStrumX' + i, playerStrums.members[i].x); setOnLuas('defaultPlayerStrumY' + i, playerStrums.members[i].y); } for (i in 0...opponentStrums.length) { setOnLuas('defaultOpponentStrumX' + i, opponentStrums.members[i].x); setOnLuas('defaultOpponentStrumY' + i, opponentStrums.members[i].y); if(ClientPrefs.middleScroll) opponentStrums.members[i].visible = false; } startedCountdown = true; Conductor.songPosition = 0; Conductor.songPosition -= Conductor.crochet * 5; setOnLuas('startedCountdown', true); var swagCounter:Int = 0; startTimer = new FlxTimer().start(Conductor.crochet / 1000, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { if (tmr.loopsLeft % gfSpeed == 0 && !gf.stunned && != null && !"sing")) {; } if(tmr.loopsLeft % 2 == 0) { if (boyfriend.animation.curAnim != null && !'sing')) {; } if (dad.animation.curAnim != null && !'sing') && !dad.stunned) {; } } else if(dad.danceIdle && dad.animation.curAnim != null && !dad.stunned && !dad.curCharacter.startsWith('gf') && !"sing")) {; } var introAssets:Map> = new Map>(); introAssets.set('default', ['ready', 'set', 'go']); introAssets.set('pixel', ['pixelUI/ready-pixel', 'pixelUI/set-pixel', 'pixelUI/date-pixel']); var introAlts:Array = introAssets.get('default'); var antialias:Bool = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; if(isPixelStage) { introAlts = introAssets.get('pixel'); antialias = false; } // head bopping for bg characters on Mall if(curStage == 'mall') { if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality);;; } switch (swagCounter) { case 0:'intro3' + introSoundsSuffix), 0.6); case 1: var ready:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(introAlts[0])); ready.scrollFactor.set(); ready.updateHitbox(); if (PlayState.isPixelStage) ready.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); ready.screenCenter(); ready.antialiasing = antialias; add(ready); countDownSprites.push(ready); FlxTween.tween(ready, {y: ready.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { countDownSprites.remove(ready); remove(ready); ready.destroy(); } });'intro2' + introSoundsSuffix), 0.6); case 2: var set:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(introAlts[1])); set.scrollFactor.set(); if (PlayState.isPixelStage) set.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); set.screenCenter(); set.antialiasing = antialias; add(set); countDownSprites.push(set); FlxTween.tween(set, {y: set.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { countDownSprites.remove(set); remove(set); set.destroy(); } });'intro1' + introSoundsSuffix), 0.6); case 3: var go:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(introAlts[2])); go.scrollFactor.set(); if (PlayState.isPixelStage) go.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); go.updateHitbox(); go.screenCenter(); go.antialiasing = antialias; add(go); countDownSprites.push(go); FlxTween.tween(go, {y: go.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { countDownSprites.remove(go); remove(go); go.destroy(); } });'introGo' + introSoundsSuffix), 0.6); case 4: } notes.forEachAlive(function(note:Note) { note.copyAlpha = false; note.alpha = 1 * note.multAlpha; }); callOnLuas('onCountdownTick', [swagCounter]); if (generatedMusic) { notes.sort(FlxSort.byY, ClientPrefs.downScroll ? FlxSort.ASCENDING : FlxSort.DESCENDING); } swagCounter += 1; // generateSong('fresh'); }, 5); } } function startNextDialogue() { dialogueCount++; callOnLuas('onNextDialogue', [dialogueCount]); } function skipDialogue() { callOnLuas('onSkipDialogue', [dialogueCount]); } var previousFrameTime:Int = 0; var lastReportedPlayheadPosition:Int = 0; var songTime:Float = 0; function startSong():Void { startingSong = false; previousFrameTime =; lastReportedPlayheadPosition = 0; FlxG.sound.playMusic(Paths.inst(, 1, false); = finishSong;; if(paused) { //trace('Oopsie doopsie! Paused sound');; vocals.pause(); } // Song duration in a float, useful for the time left feature songLength =; FlxTween.tween(timeBar, {alpha: 1}, 0.5, {ease: FlxEase.circOut}); FlxTween.tween(timeTxt, {alpha: 1}, 0.5, {ease: FlxEase.circOut}); #if desktop // Updating Discord Rich Presence (with Time Left) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter(), true, songLength); #end setOnLuas('songLength', songLength); callOnLuas('onSongStart', []); } var debugNum:Int = 0; private var noteTypeMap:Map = new Map(); private var eventPushedMap:Map = new Map(); private function generateSong(dataPath:String):Void { // FlxG.log.add(ChartParser.parse()); var songData = SONG; Conductor.changeBPM(songData.bpm); curSong =; if (SONG.needsVoices) vocals = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Paths.voices(; else vocals = new FlxSound(); FlxG.sound.list.add(vocals); FlxG.sound.list.add(new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Paths.inst(; notes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(notes); var noteData:Array; // NEW SHIT noteData = songData.notes; var playerCounter:Int = 0; var daBeats:Int = 0; // Not exactly representative of 'daBeats' lol, just how much it has looped var songName:String = Paths.formatToSongPath(; var file:String = Paths.json(songName + '/events'); #if sys if (FileSystem.exists(Paths.modsJson(songName + '/events')) || FileSystem.exists(file)) { #else if (OpenFlAssets.exists(file)) { #end var eventsData:Array = Song.loadFromJson('events', songName).notes; for (section in eventsData) { for (songNotes in section.sectionNotes) { if(songNotes[1] < 0) { eventNotes.push([songNotes[0], songNotes[1], songNotes[2], songNotes[3], songNotes[4]]); eventPushed(songNotes); } } } } for (section in noteData) { for (songNotes in section.sectionNotes) { if(songNotes[1] > -1) { //Real notes var daStrumTime:Float = songNotes[0]; var daNoteData:Int =[1] % 4); var gottaHitNote:Bool = section.mustHitSection; if (songNotes[1] > 3) { gottaHitNote = !section.mustHitSection; } var oldNote:Note; if (unspawnNotes.length > 0) oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; else oldNote = null; var swagNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime, daNoteData, oldNote); swagNote.mustPress = gottaHitNote; swagNote.sustainLength = songNotes[2]; swagNote.noteType = songNotes[3]; if(!Std.isOfType(songNotes[3], String)) swagNote.noteType = editors.ChartingState.noteTypeList[songNotes[3]]; //Backward compatibility + compatibility with Week 7 charts swagNote.scrollFactor.set(); var susLength:Float = swagNote.sustainLength; susLength = susLength / Conductor.stepCrochet; unspawnNotes.push(swagNote); var floorSus:Int = Math.floor(susLength); if(floorSus > 0) { for (susNote in 0...floorSus+1) { oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; var sustainNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime + (Conductor.stepCrochet * susNote) + (Conductor.stepCrochet / FlxMath.roundDecimal(SONG.speed, 2)), daNoteData, oldNote, true); sustainNote.mustPress = gottaHitNote; sustainNote.noteType = swagNote.noteType; sustainNote.scrollFactor.set(); unspawnNotes.push(sustainNote); if (sustainNote.mustPress) { sustainNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } } } if (swagNote.mustPress) { swagNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } else {} if(!noteTypeMap.exists(swagNote.noteType)) { noteTypeMap.set(swagNote.noteType, true); } } else { //Event Notes eventNotes.push([songNotes[0], songNotes[1], songNotes[2], songNotes[3], songNotes[4]]); eventPushed(songNotes); } } daBeats += 1; } // trace(unspawnNotes.length); // playerCounter += 1; unspawnNotes.sort(sortByShit); if(eventNotes.length > 1) { //No need to sort if there's a single one or none at all eventNotes.sort(sortByTime); } checkEventNote(); generatedMusic = true; } function eventPushed(event:Array) { switch(event[2]) { case 'Change Character': var charType:Int = 0; switch(event[3].toLowerCase()) { case 'gf' | 'girlfriend': charType = 2; case 'dad' | 'opponent': charType = 1; default: charType = Std.parseInt(event[3]); if(Math.isNaN(charType)) charType = 0; } var newCharacter:String = event[4]; addCharacterToList(newCharacter, charType); } if(!eventPushedMap.exists(event[2])) { eventPushedMap.set(event[2], true); } } function eventNoteEarlyTrigger(event:Array):Float { var returnedValue:Float = callOnLuas('eventEarlyTrigger', [event[2]]); if(returnedValue != 0) { return returnedValue; } switch(event[2]) { case 'Kill Henchmen': //Better timing so that the kill sound matches the beat intended return 280; //Plays 280ms before the actual position } return 0; } function sortByShit(Obj1:Note, Obj2:Note):Int { return FlxSort.byValues(FlxSort.ASCENDING, Obj1.strumTime, Obj2.strumTime); } function sortByTime(Obj1:Array, Obj2:Array):Int { var earlyTime1:Float = eventNoteEarlyTrigger(Obj1); var earlyTime2:Float = eventNoteEarlyTrigger(Obj2); return FlxSort.byValues(FlxSort.ASCENDING, Obj1[0] - earlyTime1, Obj2[0] - earlyTime2); } private function generateStaticArrows(player:Int):Void { for (i in 0...4) { // FlxG.log.add(i); var babyArrow:StrumNote = new StrumNote(ClientPrefs.middleScroll ? STRUM_X_MIDDLESCROLL : STRUM_X, strumLine.y, i, player); if (!isStoryMode) { babyArrow.y -= 10; babyArrow.alpha = 0; FlxTween.tween(babyArrow, {y: babyArrow.y + 10, alpha: 1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.circOut, startDelay: 0.5 + (0.2 * i)}); } if (player == 1) { playerStrums.add(babyArrow); } else { opponentStrums.add(babyArrow); } strumLineNotes.add(babyArrow); babyArrow.postAddedToGroup(); } } override function openSubState(SubState:FlxSubState) { if (paused) { if ( != null) {; vocals.pause(); } if (!startTimer.finished) = false; if (finishTimer != null && !finishTimer.finished) = false; if(blammedLightsBlackTween != null) = false; if(phillyCityLightsEventTween != null) = false; if(carTimer != null) = false; var chars:Array = [boyfriend, gf, dad]; for (i in 0...chars.length) { if(chars[i].colorTween != null) { chars[i] = false; } } for (tween in modchartTweens) { = false; } for (timer in modchartTimers) { = false; } } super.openSubState(SubState); } override function closeSubState() { if (paused) { if ( != null && !startingSong) { resyncVocals(); } if (!startTimer.finished) = true; if (finishTimer != null && !finishTimer.finished) = true; if(blammedLightsBlackTween != null) = true; if(phillyCityLightsEventTween != null) = true; if(carTimer != null) = true; var chars:Array = [boyfriend, gf, dad]; for (i in 0...chars.length) { if(chars[i].colorTween != null) { chars[i] = true; } } for (tween in modchartTweens) { = true; } for (timer in modchartTimers) { = true; } paused = false; callOnLuas('onResume', []); #if desktop if (startTimer.finished) { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter(), true, songLength - Conductor.songPosition - ClientPrefs.noteOffset); } else { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter()); } #end } super.closeSubState(); } override public function onFocus():Void { #if desktop if (health > 0 && !paused) { if (Conductor.songPosition > 0.0) { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter(), true, songLength - Conductor.songPosition - ClientPrefs.noteOffset); } else { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter()); } } #end super.onFocus(); } override public function onFocusLost():Void { #if desktop if (health > 0 && !paused) { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsPausedText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter()); } #end super.onFocusLost(); } function resyncVocals():Void { if(finishTimer != null) return; vocals.pause();; Conductor.songPosition =; vocals.time = Conductor.songPosition;; } private var paused:Bool = false; var startedCountdown:Bool = false; var canPause:Bool = true; var limoSpeed:Float = 0; override public function update(elapsed:Float) { /*if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.NINE) { iconP1.swapOldIcon(); }*/ callOnLuas('onUpdate', [elapsed]); switch (curStage) { case 'schoolEvil': if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality && bgGhouls.animation.curAnim.finished) { bgGhouls.visible = false; } case 'philly': if (trainMoving) { trainFrameTiming += elapsed; if (trainFrameTiming >= 1 / 24) { updateTrainPos(); trainFrameTiming = 0; } } phillyCityLights.members[curLight].alpha -= (Conductor.crochet / 1000) * FlxG.elapsed * 1.5; case 'limo': if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { grpLimoParticles.forEach(function(spr:BGSprite) { if(spr.animation.curAnim.finished) { spr.kill(); grpLimoParticles.remove(spr, true); spr.destroy(); } }); switch(limoKillingState) { case 1: limoMetalPole.x += 5000 * elapsed; limoLight.x = limoMetalPole.x - 180; limoCorpse.x = limoLight.x - 50; limoCorpseTwo.x = limoLight.x + 35; var dancers:Array = grpLimoDancers.members; for (i in 0...dancers.length) { if(dancers[i].x < FlxG.width * 1.5 && limoLight.x > (370 * i) + 130) { switch(i) { case 0 | 3: if(i == 0)'dancerdeath'), 0.5); var diffStr:String = i == 3 ? ' 2 ' : ' '; var particle:BGSprite = new BGSprite('gore/noooooo', dancers[i].x + 200, dancers[i].y, 0.4, 0.4, ['hench leg spin' + diffStr + 'PINK'], false); grpLimoParticles.add(particle); var particle:BGSprite = new BGSprite('gore/noooooo', dancers[i].x + 160, dancers[i].y + 200, 0.4, 0.4, ['hench arm spin' + diffStr + 'PINK'], false); grpLimoParticles.add(particle); var particle:BGSprite = new BGSprite('gore/noooooo', dancers[i].x, dancers[i].y + 50, 0.4, 0.4, ['hench head spin' + diffStr + 'PINK'], false); grpLimoParticles.add(particle); var particle:BGSprite = new BGSprite('gore/stupidBlood', dancers[i].x - 110, dancers[i].y + 20, 0.4, 0.4, ['blood'], false); particle.flipX = true; particle.angle = -57.5; grpLimoParticles.add(particle); case 1: limoCorpse.visible = true; case 2: limoCorpseTwo.visible = true; } //Note: Nobody cares about the fifth dancer because he is mostly hidden offscreen :( dancers[i].x += FlxG.width * 2; } } if(limoMetalPole.x > FlxG.width * 2) { resetLimoKill(); limoSpeed = 800; limoKillingState = 2; } case 2: limoSpeed -= 4000 * elapsed; bgLimo.x -= limoSpeed * elapsed; if(bgLimo.x > FlxG.width * 1.5) { limoSpeed = 3000; limoKillingState = 3; } case 3: limoSpeed -= 2000 * elapsed; if(limoSpeed < 1000) limoSpeed = 1000; bgLimo.x -= limoSpeed * elapsed; if(bgLimo.x < -275) { limoKillingState = 4; limoSpeed = 800; } case 4: bgLimo.x = FlxMath.lerp(bgLimo.x, -150, CoolUtil.boundTo(elapsed * 9, 0, 1)); if(Math.round(bgLimo.x) == -150) { bgLimo.x = -150; limoKillingState = 0; } } if(limoKillingState > 2) { var dancers:Array = grpLimoDancers.members; for (i in 0...dancers.length) { dancers[i].x = (370 * i) + bgLimo.x + 280; } } } case 'mall': if(heyTimer > 0) { heyTimer -= elapsed; if(heyTimer <= 0) {; heyTimer = 0; } } } if(!inCutscene) { var lerpVal:Float = CoolUtil.boundTo(elapsed * 2.4 * cameraSpeed, 0, 1); camFollowPos.setPosition(FlxMath.lerp(camFollowPos.x, camFollow.x, lerpVal), FlxMath.lerp(camFollowPos.y, camFollow.y, lerpVal)); if(!startingSong && !endingSong &&'idle')) { boyfriendIdleTime += elapsed; if(boyfriendIdleTime >= 0.15) { // Kind of a mercy thing for making the achievement easier to get as it's apparently frustrating to some playerss boyfriendIdled = true; } } else { boyfriendIdleTime = 0; } } super.update(elapsed); if(ratingString == '?') { scoreTxt.text = 'Score: ' + songScore + ' | Misses: ' + songMisses + ' | Rating: ' + ratingString; } else { scoreTxt.text = 'Score: ' + songScore + ' | Misses: ' + songMisses + ' | Rating: ' + ratingString + ' (' + Math.floor(ratingPercent * 100) + '%)'; } if(cpuControlled) { botplaySine += 180 * elapsed; botplayTxt.alpha = 1 - Math.sin((Math.PI * botplaySine) / 180); } botplayTxt.visible = cpuControlled; if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ENTER && startedCountdown && canPause) { var ret:Dynamic = callOnLuas('onPause', []); if(ret != FunkinLua.Function_Stop) { persistentUpdate = false; persistentDraw = true; paused = true; // 1 / 1000 chance for Gitaroo Man easter egg if (FlxG.random.bool(0.1)) { // gitaroo man easter egg cancelFadeTween(); CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = camOther; MusicBeatState.switchState(new GitarooPause()); } else { if( != null) {; vocals.pause(); } PauseSubState.transCamera = camOther; openSubState(new PauseSubState(boyfriend.getScreenPosition().x, boyfriend.getScreenPosition().y)); } #if desktop DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsPausedText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter()); #end } } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SEVEN && !endingSong && !inCutscene) { persistentUpdate = false; paused = true; cancelFadeTween(); CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = camOther; MusicBeatState.switchState(new ChartingState()); #if desktop DiscordClient.changePresence("Chart Editor", null, null, true); #end } //'VOL', vocals.amplitudeLeft); //'VOLRight', vocals.amplitudeRight); iconP1.setGraphicSize(, iconP1.width, CoolUtil.boundTo(1 - (elapsed * 30), 0, 1)))); iconP2.setGraphicSize(, iconP2.width, CoolUtil.boundTo(1 - (elapsed * 30), 0, 1)))); iconP1.updateHitbox(); iconP2.updateHitbox(); var iconOffset:Int = 26; iconP1.x = healthBar.x + (healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(healthBar.percent, 0, 100, 100, 0) * 0.01) - iconOffset); iconP2.x = healthBar.x + (healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(healthBar.percent, 0, 100, 100, 0) * 0.01)) - (iconP2.width - iconOffset); if (health > 2) health = 2; if (healthBar.percent < 20) iconP1.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 1; else iconP1.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 0; if (healthBar.percent > 80) iconP2.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 1; else iconP2.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 0; if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.EIGHT && !endingSong && !inCutscene) { persistentUpdate = false; paused = true; cancelFadeTween(); CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = camOther; MusicBeatState.switchState(new CharacterEditorState(SONG.player2)); } if (startingSong) { if (startedCountdown) { Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; if (Conductor.songPosition >= 0) startSong(); } } else { Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; if (!paused) { songTime += - previousFrameTime; previousFrameTime =; // Interpolation type beat if (Conductor.lastSongPos != Conductor.songPosition) { songTime = (songTime + Conductor.songPosition) / 2; Conductor.lastSongPos = Conductor.songPosition; // Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; // trace('MISSED FRAME'); } if(updateTime) { var curTime:Float = Conductor.songPosition - ClientPrefs.noteOffset; if(curTime < 0) curTime = 0; songPercent = (curTime / songLength); var secondsTotal:Int = Math.floor((songLength - curTime) / 1000); if(secondsTotal < 0) secondsTotal = 0; timeTxt.text = FlxStringUtil.formatTime(secondsTotal, false); } } // Conductor.lastSongPos =; } if (camZooming) { = FlxMath.lerp(defaultCamZoom,, CoolUtil.boundTo(1 - (elapsed * 3.125), 0, 1)); camHUD.zoom = FlxMath.lerp(1, camHUD.zoom, CoolUtil.boundTo(1 - (elapsed * 3.125), 0, 1)); }"beatShit", curBeat);"stepShit", curStep); // RESET = Quick Game Over Screen if (controls.RESET && !inCutscene && !endingSong) { health = 0; trace("RESET = True"); } doDeathCheck(); var roundedSpeed:Float = FlxMath.roundDecimal(SONG.speed, 2); if (unspawnNotes[0] != null) { var time:Float = 1500; if(roundedSpeed < 1) time /= roundedSpeed; while (unspawnNotes.length > 0 && unspawnNotes[0].strumTime - Conductor.songPosition < time) { var dunceNote:Note = unspawnNotes[0]; notes.add(dunceNote); var index:Int = unspawnNotes.indexOf(dunceNote); unspawnNotes.splice(index, 1); } } if (generatedMusic) { var fakeCrochet:Float = (60 / SONG.bpm) * 1000; notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if(!daNote.mustPress && ClientPrefs.middleScroll) { = true; daNote.visible = false; } else if (daNote.y > FlxG.height) { = false; daNote.visible = false; } else { daNote.visible = true; = true; } // i am so fucking sorry for this if condition var strumX:Float = 0; var strumY:Float = 0; var strumAngle:Float = 0; var strumAlpha:Float = 0; if(daNote.mustPress) { strumX = playerStrums.members[daNote.noteData].x; strumY = playerStrums.members[daNote.noteData].y; strumAngle = playerStrums.members[daNote.noteData].angle; strumAlpha = playerStrums.members[daNote.noteData].alpha; } else { strumX = opponentStrums.members[daNote.noteData].x; strumY = opponentStrums.members[daNote.noteData].y; strumAngle = opponentStrums.members[daNote.noteData].angle; strumAlpha = opponentStrums.members[daNote.noteData].alpha; } strumX += daNote.offsetX; strumY += daNote.offsetY; strumAngle += daNote.offsetAngle; strumAlpha *= daNote.multAlpha; var center:Float = strumY + Note.swagWidth / 2; if(daNote.copyX) { daNote.x = strumX; } if(daNote.copyAngle) { daNote.angle = strumAngle; } if(daNote.copyAlpha) { daNote.alpha = strumAlpha; } if(daNote.copyY) { if (ClientPrefs.downScroll) { daNote.y = (strumY + 0.45 * (Conductor.songPosition - daNote.strumTime) * roundedSpeed); if (daNote.isSustainNote) { //Jesus fuck this took me so much mother fucking time AAAAAAAAAA if ('end')) { daNote.y += 10.5 * (fakeCrochet / 400) * 1.5 * roundedSpeed + (46 * (roundedSpeed - 1)); daNote.y -= 46 * (1 - (fakeCrochet / 600)) * roundedSpeed; if(PlayState.isPixelStage) { daNote.y += 8; } else { daNote.y -= 19; } } daNote.y += (Note.swagWidth / 2) - (60.5 * (roundedSpeed - 1)); daNote.y += 27.5 * ((SONG.bpm / 100) - 1) * (roundedSpeed - 1); if(daNote.mustPress || !daNote.ignoreNote) { if(daNote.y - daNote.offset.y * daNote.scale.y + daNote.height >= center && (!daNote.mustPress || (daNote.wasGoodHit || (daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.canBeHit)))) { var swagRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, daNote.frameWidth, daNote.frameHeight); swagRect.height = (center - daNote.y) / daNote.scale.y; swagRect.y = daNote.frameHeight - swagRect.height; daNote.clipRect = swagRect; } } } } else { daNote.y = (strumY - 0.45 * (Conductor.songPosition - daNote.strumTime) * roundedSpeed); if(daNote.mustPress || !daNote.ignoreNote) { if (daNote.isSustainNote && daNote.y + daNote.offset.y * daNote.scale.y <= center && (!daNote.mustPress || (daNote.wasGoodHit || (daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.canBeHit)))) { var swagRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, daNote.width / daNote.scale.x, daNote.height / daNote.scale.y); swagRect.y = (center - daNote.y) / daNote.scale.y; swagRect.height -= swagRect.y; daNote.clipRect = swagRect; } } } } if (!daNote.mustPress && daNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.hitByOpponent && !daNote.ignoreNote) { if (Paths.formatToSongPath( != 'tutorial') camZooming = true; if(daNote.noteType == 'Hey!' && dad.animOffsets.exists('hey')) { dad.playAnim('hey', true); dad.specialAnim = true; dad.heyTimer = 0.6; } else if(!daNote.noAnimation) { var altAnim:String = ""; if (SONG.notes[Math.floor(curStep / 16)] != null) { if (SONG.notes[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].altAnim || daNote.noteType == 'Alt Animation') { altAnim = '-alt'; } } var animToPlay:String = ''; switch (Math.abs(daNote.noteData)) { case 0: animToPlay = 'singLEFT'; case 1: animToPlay = 'singDOWN'; case 2: animToPlay = 'singUP'; case 3: animToPlay = 'singRIGHT'; } if(daNote.noteType == 'GF Sing') { gf.playAnim(animToPlay + altAnim, true); gf.holdTimer = 0; } else { dad.playAnim(animToPlay + altAnim, true); dad.holdTimer = 0; } } if (SONG.needsVoices) vocals.volume = 1; var time:Float = 0.15; if(daNote.isSustainNote && !'end')) { time += 0.15; } StrumPlayAnim(true, % 4, time); daNote.hitByOpponent = true; callOnLuas('opponentNoteHit', [notes.members.indexOf(daNote), Math.abs(daNote.noteData), daNote.noteType, daNote.isSustainNote]); if (!daNote.isSustainNote) { daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } } if(daNote.mustPress && cpuControlled) { if(daNote.isSustainNote) { if(daNote.canBeHit) { goodNoteHit(daNote); } } else if(daNote.strumTime <= Conductor.songPosition || (daNote.isSustainNote && daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress)) { goodNoteHit(daNote); } } // WIP interpolation shit? Need to fix the pause issue // daNote.y = (strumLine.y - (songTime - daNote.strumTime) * (0.45 * PlayState.SONG.speed)); var doKill:Bool = daNote.y < -daNote.height; if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) doKill = daNote.y > FlxG.height; if (doKill) { if (daNote.mustPress && !cpuControlled &&!daNote.ignoreNote && !endingSong && (daNote.tooLate || !daNote.wasGoodHit)) { noteMiss(daNote); } = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } }); } checkEventNote(); if (!inCutscene) { if(!cpuControlled) { keyShit(); } else if(boyfriend.holdTimer > Conductor.stepCrochet * 0.001 * boyfriend.singDuration &&'sing') && !'miss')) {; } } #if debug if(!endingSong && !startingSong) { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ONE) { KillNotes();; } if(FlxG.keys.justPressed.TWO) { //Go 10 seconds into the future :O; vocals.pause(); Conductor.songPosition += 10000; notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if(daNote.strumTime + 800 < Conductor.songPosition) { = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } }); for (i in 0...unspawnNotes.length) { var daNote:Note = unspawnNotes[0]; if(daNote.strumTime + 800 >= Conductor.songPosition) { break; } = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); unspawnNotes.splice(unspawnNotes.indexOf(daNote), 1); daNote.destroy(); } = Conductor.songPosition;; vocals.time = Conductor.songPosition;; } } setOnLuas('cameraX', camFollowPos.x); setOnLuas('cameraY', camFollowPos.y); setOnLuas('botPlay', PlayState.cpuControlled); callOnLuas('onUpdatePost', [elapsed]); #end } var isDead:Bool = false; function doDeathCheck() { if (health <= 0 && !practiceMode && !isDead) { var ret:Dynamic = callOnLuas('onGameOver', []); if(ret != FunkinLua.Function_Stop) { boyfriend.stunned = true; deathCounter++; persistentUpdate = false; persistentDraw = false; paused = true; vocals.stop();; openSubState(new GameOverSubstate(boyfriend.getScreenPosition().x, boyfriend.getScreenPosition().y, camFollowPos.x, camFollowPos.y, this)); for (tween in modchartTweens) { = true; } for (timer in modchartTimers) { = true; } // MusicBeatState.switchState(new GameOverState(boyfriend.getScreenPosition().x, boyfriend.getScreenPosition().y)); #if desktop // Game Over doesn't get his own variable because it's only used here DiscordClient.changePresence("Game Over - " + detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconP2.getCharacter()); #end isDead = true; return true; } } return false; } public function checkEventNote() { while(eventNotes.length > 0) { var early:Float = eventNoteEarlyTrigger(eventNotes[0]); var leStrumTime:Float = eventNotes[0][0]; if(Conductor.songPosition < leStrumTime - early) { break; } var value1:String = ''; if(eventNotes[0][3] != null) value1 = eventNotes[0][3]; var value2:String = ''; if(eventNotes[0][4] != null) value2 = eventNotes[0][4]; triggerEventNote(eventNotes[0][2], value1, value2); eventNotes.shift(); } } public function getControl(key:String) { var pressed:Bool = Reflect.getProperty(controls, key); //trace('Control result: ' + pressed); return pressed; } public function triggerEventNote(eventName:String, value1:String, value2:String) { switch(eventName) { case 'Hey!': var value:Int = 2; switch(value1.toLowerCase().trim()) { case 'bf' | 'boyfriend' | '0': value = 0; case 'gf' | 'girlfriend' | '1': value = 1; } var time:Float = Std.parseFloat(value2); if(Math.isNaN(time) || time <= 0) time = 0.6; if(value != 0) { if(dad.curCharacter.startsWith('gf')) { //Tutorial GF is actually Dad! The GF is an imposter!! ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, dindinding, end my suffering dad.playAnim('cheer', true); dad.specialAnim = true; dad.heyTimer = time; } else { gf.playAnim('cheer', true); gf.specialAnim = true; gf.heyTimer = time; } if(curStage == 'mall') {'hey', true); heyTimer = time; } } if(value != 1) { boyfriend.playAnim('hey', true); boyfriend.specialAnim = true; boyfriend.heyTimer = time; } case 'Set GF Speed': var value:Int = Std.parseInt(value1); if(Math.isNaN(value)) value = 1; gfSpeed = value; case 'Blammed Lights': var lightId:Int = Std.parseInt(value1); if(Math.isNaN(lightId)) lightId = 0; if(lightId > 0 && curLightEvent != lightId) { if(lightId > 5) lightId =, 5, [curLightEvent]); var color:Int = 0xffffffff; switch(lightId) { case 1: //Blue color = 0xff31a2fd; case 2: //Green color = 0xff31fd8c; case 3: //Pink color = 0xfff794f7; case 4: //Red color = 0xfff96d63; case 5: //Orange color = 0xfffba633; } curLightEvent = lightId; if(blammedLightsBlack.alpha == 0) { if(blammedLightsBlackTween != null) { blammedLightsBlackTween.cancel(); } blammedLightsBlackTween = FlxTween.tween(blammedLightsBlack, {alpha: 1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { blammedLightsBlackTween = null; } }); var chars:Array = [boyfriend, gf, dad]; for (i in 0...chars.length) { if(chars[i].colorTween != null) { chars[i].colorTween.cancel(); } chars[i].colorTween = FlxTween.color(chars[i], 1, FlxColor.WHITE, color, {onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { chars[i].colorTween = null; }, ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); } } else { if(blammedLightsBlackTween != null) { blammedLightsBlackTween.cancel(); } blammedLightsBlackTween = null; blammedLightsBlack.alpha = 1; var chars:Array = [boyfriend, gf, dad]; for (i in 0...chars.length) { if(chars[i].colorTween != null) { chars[i].colorTween.cancel(); } chars[i].colorTween = null; } dad.color = color; boyfriend.color = color; gf.color = color; } if(curStage == 'philly') { if(phillyCityLightsEvent != null) { phillyCityLightsEvent.forEach(function(spr:BGSprite) { spr.visible = false; }); phillyCityLightsEvent.members[lightId - 1].visible = true; phillyCityLightsEvent.members[lightId - 1].alpha = 1; } } } else { if(blammedLightsBlack.alpha != 0) { if(blammedLightsBlackTween != null) { blammedLightsBlackTween.cancel(); } blammedLightsBlackTween = FlxTween.tween(blammedLightsBlack, {alpha: 0}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { blammedLightsBlackTween = null; } }); } if(curStage == 'philly') { phillyCityLights.forEach(function(spr:BGSprite) { spr.visible = false; }); phillyCityLightsEvent.forEach(function(spr:BGSprite) { spr.visible = false; }); var memb:FlxSprite = phillyCityLightsEvent.members[curLightEvent - 1]; if(memb != null) { memb.visible = true; memb.alpha = 1; if(phillyCityLightsEventTween != null) phillyCityLightsEventTween.cancel(); phillyCityLightsEventTween = FlxTween.tween(memb, {alpha: 0}, 1, {onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { phillyCityLightsEventTween = null; }, ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); } } var chars:Array = [boyfriend, gf, dad]; for (i in 0...chars.length) { if(chars[i].colorTween != null) { chars[i].colorTween.cancel(); } chars[i].colorTween = FlxTween.color(chars[i], 1, chars[i].color, FlxColor.WHITE, {onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { chars[i].colorTween = null; }, ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); } curLight = 0; curLightEvent = 0; } case 'Kill Henchmen': killHenchmen(); case 'Add Camera Zoom': if(ClientPrefs.camZooms && < 1.35) { var camZoom:Float = Std.parseFloat(value1); var hudZoom:Float = Std.parseFloat(value2); if(Math.isNaN(camZoom)) camZoom = 0.015; if(Math.isNaN(hudZoom)) hudZoom = 0.03; += camZoom; camHUD.zoom += hudZoom; } case 'Trigger BG Ghouls': if(curStage == 'schoolEvil' && !ClientPrefs.lowQuality) {; bgGhouls.visible = true; } case 'Play Animation': //trace('Anim to play: ' + value1); var char:Character = dad; switch(value2.toLowerCase().trim()) { case 'bf' | 'boyfriend': char = boyfriend; case 'gf' | 'girlfriend': char = gf; default: var val2:Int = Std.parseInt(value2); if(Math.isNaN(val2)) val2 = 0; switch(val2) { case 1: char = boyfriend; case 2: char = gf; } } char.playAnim(value1, true); char.specialAnim = true; case 'Camera Follow Pos': var val1:Float = Std.parseFloat(value1); var val2:Float = Std.parseFloat(value2); if(Math.isNaN(val1)) val1 = 0; if(Math.isNaN(val2)) val2 = 0; isCameraOnForcedPos = false; if(!Math.isNaN(Std.parseFloat(value1)) || !Math.isNaN(Std.parseFloat(value2))) { camFollow.x = val1; camFollow.y = val2; isCameraOnForcedPos = true; } case 'Alt Idle Animation': var char:Character = dad; switch(value1.toLowerCase()) { case 'gf' | 'girlfriend': char = gf; case 'boyfriend' | 'bf': char = boyfriend; default: var val:Int = Std.parseInt(value1); if(Math.isNaN(val)) val = 0; switch(val) { case 1: char = boyfriend; case 2: char = gf; } } char.idleSuffix = value2; char.recalculateDanceIdle(); case 'Screen Shake': var valuesArray:Array = [value1, value2]; var targetsArray:Array = [camGame, camHUD]; for (i in 0...targetsArray.length) { var split:Array = valuesArray[i].split(','); var duration:Float = Std.parseFloat(split[0].trim()); var intensity:Float = Std.parseFloat(split[1].trim()); if(Math.isNaN(duration)) duration = 0; if(Math.isNaN(intensity)) intensity = 0; if(duration > 0 && intensity != 0) { targetsArray[i].shake(intensity, duration); } } case 'Change Character': var charType:Int = 0; switch(value1) { case 'gf' | 'girlfriend': charType = 2; case 'dad' | 'opponent': charType = 1; default: charType = Std.parseInt(value1); if(Math.isNaN(charType)) charType = 0; } switch(charType) { case 0: if(boyfriend.curCharacter != value2) { if(!boyfriendMap.exists(value2)) { addCharacterToList(value2, charType); } boyfriend.visible = false; boyfriend = boyfriendMap.get(value2); if(!boyfriend.alreadyLoaded) { boyfriend.alpha = 1; boyfriend.alreadyLoaded = true; } boyfriend.visible = true; iconP1.changeIcon(boyfriend.healthIcon); } case 1: if(dad.curCharacter != value2) { if(!dadMap.exists(value2)) { addCharacterToList(value2, charType); } var wasGf:Bool = dad.curCharacter.startsWith('gf'); dad.visible = false; dad = dadMap.get(value2); if(!dad.curCharacter.startsWith('gf')) { if(wasGf) { gf.visible = true; } } else { gf.visible = false; } if(!dad.alreadyLoaded) { dad.alpha = 1; dad.alreadyLoaded = true; } dad.visible = true; iconP2.changeIcon(dad.healthIcon); } case 2: if(gf.curCharacter != value2) { if(!gfMap.exists(value2)) { addCharacterToList(value2, charType); } gf.visible = false; gf = gfMap.get(value2); if(!gf.alreadyLoaded) { gf.alpha = 1; gf.alreadyLoaded = true; } } } reloadHealthBarColors(); case 'BG Freaks Expression': if(bgGirls != null) bgGirls.swapDanceType(); } callOnLuas('onEvent', [eventName, value1, value2]); } function moveCameraSection(?id:Int = 0):Void { if(SONG.notes[id] == null) return; if (!SONG.notes[id].mustHitSection) { moveCamera(true); callOnLuas('onMoveCamera', ['dad']); } else { moveCamera(false); callOnLuas('onMoveCamera', ['boyfriend']); } } var cameraTwn:FlxTween; public function moveCamera(isDad:Bool) { if(isDad) { camFollow.set(dad.getMidpoint().x + 150, dad.getMidpoint().y - 100); camFollow.x += dad.cameraPosition[0]; camFollow.y += dad.cameraPosition[1]; tweenCamIn(); } else { camFollow.set(boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 100, boyfriend.getMidpoint().y - 100); switch (curStage) { case 'limo': camFollow.x = boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 300; case 'mall': camFollow.y = boyfriend.getMidpoint().y - 200; case 'school' | 'schoolEvil': camFollow.x = boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 200; camFollow.y = boyfriend.getMidpoint().y - 200; } camFollow.x -= boyfriend.cameraPosition[0]; camFollow.y += boyfriend.cameraPosition[1]; if (Paths.formatToSongPath( == 'tutorial' && cameraTwn == null && != 1) { cameraTwn = FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: 1}, (Conductor.stepCrochet * 4 / 1000), {ease: FlxEase.elasticInOut, onComplete: function (twn:FlxTween) { cameraTwn = null; } }); } } } function tweenCamIn() { if (Paths.formatToSongPath( == 'tutorial' && cameraTwn == null && != 1.3) { cameraTwn = FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: 1.3}, (Conductor.stepCrochet * 4 / 1000), {ease: FlxEase.elasticInOut, onComplete: function (twn:FlxTween) { cameraTwn = null; } }); } } function snapCamFollowToPos(x:Float, y:Float) { camFollow.set(x, y); camFollowPos.setPosition(x, y); } function finishSong():Void { var finishCallback:Void->Void = endSong; //In case you want to change it in a specific song. updateTime = false; = 0; vocals.volume = 0; vocals.pause(); if(ClientPrefs.noteOffset <= 0) { finishCallback(); } else { finishTimer = new FlxTimer().start(ClientPrefs.noteOffset / 1000, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { finishCallback(); }); } } var transitioning = false; public function endSong():Void { //Should kill you if you tried to cheat if(!startingSong) { notes.forEach(function(daNote:Note) { if(daNote.strumTime < songLength - Conductor.safeZoneOffset) { health -= 0.0475; } }); for (daNote in unspawnNotes) { if(daNote.strumTime < songLength - Conductor.safeZoneOffset) { health -= 0.0475; } } if(doDeathCheck()) { return; } } timeBarBG.visible = false; timeBar.visible = false; timeTxt.visible = false; canPause = false; endingSong = true; camZooming = false; inCutscene = false; updateTime = false; deathCounter = 0; seenCutscene = false; #if ACHIEVEMENTS_ALLOWED if(achievementObj != null) { return; } else { var achieve:String = checkForAchievement(['week1_nomiss', 'week2_nomiss', 'week3_nomiss', 'week4_nomiss', 'week5_nomiss', 'week6_nomiss', 'week7_nomiss', 'ur_bad', 'ur_good', 'hype', 'two_keys', 'toastie', 'debugger']); if(achieve != null) { startAchievement(achieve); return; } } #end #if LUA_ALLOWED var ret:Dynamic = callOnLuas('onEndSong', []); #else var ret:Dynamic = FunkinLua.Function_Continue; #end if(ret != FunkinLua.Function_Stop && !transitioning) { if (SONG.validScore) { #if !switch var percent:Float = ratingPercent; if(Math.isNaN(percent)) percent = 0; Highscore.saveScore(, songScore, storyDifficulty, percent); #end } if (isStoryMode) { campaignScore += songScore; campaignMisses += songMisses; storyPlaylist.remove(storyPlaylist[0]); if (storyPlaylist.length <= 0) { FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu')); cancelFadeTween(); CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = camOther; if(FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn) { CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = null; } MusicBeatState.switchState(new StoryMenuState()); // if () if(!usedPractice) { StoryMenuState.weekCompleted.set(WeekData.weeksList[storyWeek], true); if (SONG.validScore) { Highscore.saveWeekScore(WeekData.getWeekFileName(), campaignScore, storyDifficulty); } = StoryMenuState.weekCompleted;; } usedPractice = false; changedDifficulty = false; cpuControlled = false; } else { var difficulty:String = '' + CoolUtil.difficultyStuff[storyDifficulty][1]; trace('LOADING NEXT SONG'); trace(Paths.formatToSongPath(PlayState.storyPlaylist[0]) + difficulty); var winterHorrorlandNext = (Paths.formatToSongPath( == "eggnog"); if (winterHorrorlandNext) { var blackShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-FlxG.width *, -FlxG.height * * 3, FlxG.height * 3, FlxColor.BLACK); blackShit.scrollFactor.set(); add(blackShit); camHUD.visible = false;'Lights_Shut_off')); } FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; prevCamFollow = camFollow; prevCamFollowPos = camFollowPos; PlayState.SONG = Song.loadFromJson(PlayState.storyPlaylist[0] + difficulty, PlayState.storyPlaylist[0]);; if(winterHorrorlandNext) { new FlxTimer().start(1.5, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { cancelFadeTween(); //resetSpriteCache = true; LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState()); }); } else { cancelFadeTween(); //resetSpriteCache = true; LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState()); } } } else { trace('WENT BACK TO FREEPLAY??'); cancelFadeTween(); CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = camOther; if(FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn) { CustomFadeTransition.nextCamera = null; } MusicBeatState.switchState(new FreeplayState()); FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu')); usedPractice = false; changedDifficulty = false; cpuControlled = false; } transitioning = true; } } #if ACHIEVEMENTS_ALLOWED var achievementObj:AchievementObject = null; function startAchievement(achieve:String) { achievementObj = new AchievementObject(achieve, camOther); achievementObj.onFinish = achievementEnd; add(achievementObj); trace('Giving achievement ' + achieve); } function achievementEnd():Void { achievementObj = null; if(endingSong && !inCutscene) { endSong(); } } #end public function KillNotes() { while(notes.length > 0) { var daNote:Note = notes.members[0]; = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } unspawnNotes = []; eventNotes = []; } private function popUpScore(note:Note = null):Void { var noteDiff:Float = Math.abs(note.strumTime - Conductor.songPosition + 8); // boyfriend.playAnim('hey'); vocals.volume = 1; var placement:String = Std.string(combo); var coolText:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 0, 0, placement, 32); coolText.screenCenter(); coolText.x = FlxG.width * 0.55; // var rating:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); var score:Int = 350; var daRating:String = "sick"; if (noteDiff > Conductor.safeZoneOffset * 0.75) { daRating = 'shit'; score = 50; } else if (noteDiff > Conductor.safeZoneOffset * 0.5) { daRating = 'bad'; score = 100; } else if (noteDiff > Conductor.safeZoneOffset * 0.25) { daRating = 'good'; score = 200; } if(daRating == 'sick' && !note.noteSplashDisabled) { spawnNoteSplashOnNote(note); } if(!practiceMode && !cpuControlled) { songScore += score; songHits++; RecalculateRating(); if(scoreTxtTween != null) { scoreTxtTween.cancel(); } scoreTxt.scale.x = 1.1; scoreTxt.scale.y = 1.1; scoreTxtTween = FlxTween.tween(scoreTxt.scale, {x: 1, y: 1}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { scoreTxtTween = null; } }); } /* if (combo > 60) daRating = 'sick'; else if (combo > 12) daRating = 'good' else if (combo > 4) daRating = 'bad'; */ var pixelShitPart1:String = ""; var pixelShitPart2:String = ''; if (PlayState.isPixelStage) { pixelShitPart1 = 'pixelUI/'; pixelShitPart2 = '-pixel'; } rating.loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + daRating + pixelShitPart2)); rating.screenCenter(); rating.x = coolText.x - 40; rating.y -= 60; rating.acceleration.y = 550; rating.velocity.y -=, 175); rating.velocity.x -=, 10); rating.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; var comboSpr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + 'combo' + pixelShitPart2)); comboSpr.screenCenter(); comboSpr.x = coolText.x; comboSpr.acceleration.y = 600; comboSpr.velocity.y -= 150; comboSpr.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; comboSpr.velocity.x +=, 10); add(rating); if (!PlayState.isPixelStage) { rating.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); rating.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); comboSpr.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; } else { rating.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom * 0.7)); comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom * 0.7)); } comboSpr.updateHitbox(); rating.updateHitbox(); var seperatedScore:Array = []; if(combo >= 1000) { seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 1000) % 10); } seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 100) % 10); seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 10) % 10); seperatedScore.push(combo % 10); var daLoop:Int = 0; for (i in seperatedScore) { var numScore:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + 'num' + + pixelShitPart2)); numScore.screenCenter(); numScore.x = coolText.x + (43 * daLoop) - 90; numScore.y += 80; if (!PlayState.isPixelStage) { numScore.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; numScore.setGraphicSize( * 0.5)); } else { numScore.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); } numScore.updateHitbox(); numScore.acceleration.y =, 300); numScore.velocity.y -=, 160); numScore.velocity.x = FlxG.random.float(-5, 5); numScore.visible = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; if (combo >= 10 || combo == 0) add(numScore); FlxTween.tween(numScore, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { numScore.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.002 }); daLoop++; } /* trace(combo); trace(seperatedScore); */ coolText.text = Std.string(seperatedScore); // add(coolText); FlxTween.tween(rating, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); FlxTween.tween(comboSpr, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { coolText.destroy(); comboSpr.destroy(); rating.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); } private function keyShit():Void { // HOLDING var up = controls.NOTE_UP; var right = controls.NOTE_RIGHT; var down = controls.NOTE_DOWN; var left = controls.NOTE_LEFT; var upP = controls.NOTE_UP_P; var rightP = controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P; var downP = controls.NOTE_DOWN_P; var leftP = controls.NOTE_LEFT_P; var upR = controls.NOTE_UP_R; var rightR = controls.NOTE_RIGHT_R; var downR = controls.NOTE_DOWN_R; var leftR = controls.NOTE_LEFT_R; var controlArray:Array = [leftP, downP, upP, rightP]; var controlReleaseArray:Array = [leftR, downR, upR, rightR]; var controlHoldArray:Array = [left, down, up, right]; //'asdfa', upP); if (!boyfriend.stunned && generatedMusic) { // rewritten inputs??? notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { // hold note functions if (daNote.isSustainNote && controlHoldArray[daNote.noteData] && daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && !daNote.tooLate && !daNote.wasGoodHit) { goodNoteHit(daNote); } }); if ((controlHoldArray.contains(true) || controlArray.contains(true)) && !endingSong) { var canMiss:Bool = !ClientPrefs.ghostTapping; if (controlArray.contains(true)) { for (i in 0...controlArray.length) { // heavily based on my own code LOL if it aint broke dont fix it var pressNotes:Array = []; var notesDatas:Array = []; var notesStopped:Bool = false; var sortedNotesList:Array = []; notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && !daNote.tooLate && !daNote.wasGoodHit && daNote.noteData == i) { sortedNotesList.push(daNote); notesDatas.push(daNote.noteData); canMiss = true; } }); sortedNotesList.sort((a, b) -> - b.strumTime)); if (sortedNotesList.length > 0) { for (epicNote in sortedNotesList) { for (doubleNote in pressNotes) { if (Math.abs(doubleNote.strumTime - epicNote.strumTime) < 10) { doubleNote.kill(); notes.remove(doubleNote, true); doubleNote.destroy(); } else notesStopped = true; } // eee jack detection before was not super good if (controlArray[epicNote.noteData] && !notesStopped) { goodNoteHit(epicNote); pressNotes.push(epicNote); } } } else if (canMiss) ghostMiss(controlArray[i], i, true); // I dunno what you need this for but here you go // - Shubs // Shubs, this is for the "Just the Two of Us" achievement lol // - Shadow Mario if (!keysPressed[i] && controlArray[i]) keysPressed[i] = true; } } #if ACHIEVEMENTS_ALLOWED var achieve:String = checkForAchievement(['oversinging']); if (achieve != null) { startAchievement(achieve); } #end } else if (boyfriend.holdTimer > Conductor.stepCrochet * 0.001 * boyfriend.singDuration &&'sing') && !'miss')); } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:StrumNote) { if(controlArray[spr.ID] && != 'confirm') { spr.playAnim('pressed'); spr.resetAnim = 0; } if(controlReleaseArray[spr.ID]) { spr.playAnim('static'); spr.resetAnim = 0; } }); } function ghostMiss(statement:Bool = false, direction:Int = 0, ?ghostMiss:Bool = false) { if (statement) { noteMissPress(direction, ghostMiss); callOnLuas('noteMissPress', [direction]); } } function noteMiss(daNote:Note):Void { //You didn't hit the key and let it go offscreen, also used by Hurt Notes //Dupe note remove notes.forEachAlive(function(note:Note) { if (daNote != note && daNote.mustPress && daNote.noteData == note.noteData && daNote.isSustainNote == note.isSustainNote && Math.abs(daNote.strumTime - note.strumTime) < 10) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } }); health -= daNote.missHealth; //For testing purposes //trace(daNote.missHealth); songMisses++; vocals.volume = 0; RecalculateRating(); var animToPlay:String = ''; switch (Math.abs(daNote.noteData) % 4) { case 0: animToPlay = 'singLEFTmiss'; case 1: animToPlay = 'singDOWNmiss'; case 2: animToPlay = 'singUPmiss'; case 3: animToPlay = 'singRIGHTmiss'; } if(daNote.noteType == 'GF Sing') { gf.playAnim(animToPlay, true); } else { var daAlt = ''; if(daNote.noteType == 'Alt Animation') daAlt = '-alt'; boyfriend.playAnim(animToPlay + daAlt, true); } callOnLuas('noteMiss', [notes.members.indexOf(daNote), daNote.noteData, daNote.noteType, daNote.isSustainNote]); } function noteMissPress(direction:Int = 1, ?ghostMiss:Bool = false):Void //You pressed a key when there was no notes to press for this key { if (!boyfriend.stunned) { health -= 0.04; if (combo > 5 && gf.animOffsets.exists('sad')) { gf.playAnim('sad'); } combo = 0; if(!practiceMode) songScore -= 10; if(!endingSong) { if(ghostMiss) ghostMisses++; songMisses++; } RecalculateRating();'missnote', 1, 3), FlxG.random.float(0.1, 0.2)); //'missnote1'), 1, false); // FlxG.log.add('played imss note'); /*boyfriend.stunned = true; // get stunned for 1/60 of a second, makes you able to new FlxTimer().start(1 / 60, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { boyfriend.stunned = false; });*/ switch (direction) { case 0: boyfriend.playAnim('singLEFTmiss', true); case 1: boyfriend.playAnim('singDOWNmiss', true); case 2: boyfriend.playAnim('singUPmiss', true); case 3: boyfriend.playAnim('singRIGHTmiss', true); } vocals.volume = 0; } } function goodNoteHit(note:Note):Void { if (!note.wasGoodHit) { if(cpuControlled && (note.ignoreNote || note.hitCausesMiss)) return; if(note.hitCausesMiss) { noteMiss(note); if(!note.noteSplashDisabled && !note.isSustainNote) { spawnNoteSplashOnNote(note); } switch(note.noteType) { case 'Hurt Note': //Hurt note if(boyfriend.animation.getByName('hurt') != null) { boyfriend.playAnim('hurt', true); boyfriend.specialAnim = true; } } note.wasGoodHit = true; if (!note.isSustainNote) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } return; } if (!note.isSustainNote) { popUpScore(note); combo += 1; if(combo > 9999) combo = 9999; } health += note.hitHealth; if(!note.noAnimation) { var daAlt = ''; if(note.noteType == 'Alt Animation') daAlt = '-alt'; var animToPlay:String = ''; switch ( { case 0: animToPlay = 'singLEFT'; case 1: animToPlay = 'singDOWN'; case 2: animToPlay = 'singUP'; case 3: animToPlay = 'singRIGHT'; } if(note.noteType == 'GF Sing') { gf.playAnim(animToPlay + daAlt, true); gf.holdTimer = 0; } else { boyfriend.playAnim(animToPlay + daAlt, true); boyfriend.holdTimer = 0; } if(note.noteType == 'Hey!') { if(boyfriend.animOffsets.exists('hey')) { boyfriend.playAnim('hey', true); boyfriend.specialAnim = true; boyfriend.heyTimer = 0.6; } if(gf.animOffsets.exists('cheer')) { gf.playAnim('cheer', true); gf.specialAnim = true; gf.heyTimer = 0.6; } } } if(cpuControlled) { var time:Float = 0.15; if(note.isSustainNote && !'end')) { time += 0.15; } StrumPlayAnim(false, % 4, time); } else { playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:StrumNote) { if (Math.abs(note.noteData) == spr.ID) { spr.playAnim('confirm', true); } }); } note.wasGoodHit = true; vocals.volume = 1; var isSus:Bool = note.isSustainNote; //GET OUT OF MY HEAD, GET OUT OF MY HEAD, GET OUT OF MY HEAD var leData:Int = Math.round(Math.abs(note.noteData)); var leType:String = note.noteType; callOnLuas('goodNoteHit', [notes.members.indexOf(note), leData, leType, isSus]); if (!note.isSustainNote) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } } } function spawnNoteSplashOnNote(note:Note) { if(ClientPrefs.noteSplashes && note != null) { var strum:StrumNote = playerStrums.members[note.noteData]; if(strum != null) { spawnNoteSplash(strum.x, strum.y, note.noteData, note); } } } public function spawnNoteSplash(x:Float, y:Float, data:Int, ?note:Note = null) { var skin:String = 'noteSplashes'; if(PlayState.SONG.splashSkin != null && PlayState.SONG.splashSkin.length > 0) skin = PlayState.SONG.splashSkin; var hue:Float = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[data % 4][0] / 360; var sat:Float = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[data % 4][1] / 100; var brt:Float = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[data % 4][2] / 100; if(note != null) { skin = note.noteSplashTexture; hue = note.noteSplashHue; sat = note.noteSplashSat; brt = note.noteSplashBrt; } var splash:NoteSplash = grpNoteSplashes.recycle(NoteSplash); splash.setupNoteSplash(x, y, data, skin, hue, sat, brt); grpNoteSplashes.add(splash); } var fastCarCanDrive:Bool = true; function resetFastCar():Void { fastCar.x = -12600; fastCar.y =, 250); fastCar.velocity.x = 0; fastCarCanDrive = true; } var carTimer:FlxTimer; function fastCarDrive() { //trace('Car drive');'carPass', 0, 1), 0.7); fastCar.velocity.x = (, 220) / FlxG.elapsed) * 3; fastCarCanDrive = false; carTimer = new FlxTimer().start(2, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { resetFastCar(); carTimer = null; }); } var trainMoving:Bool = false; var trainFrameTiming:Float = 0; var trainCars:Int = 8; var trainFinishing:Bool = false; var trainCooldown:Int = 0; function trainStart():Void { trainMoving = true; if (!trainSound.playing); } var startedMoving:Bool = false; function updateTrainPos():Void { if (trainSound.time >= 4700) { startedMoving = true; gf.playAnim('hairBlow'); gf.specialAnim = true; } if (startedMoving) { phillyTrain.x -= 400; if (phillyTrain.x < -2000 && !trainFinishing) { phillyTrain.x = -1150; trainCars -= 1; if (trainCars <= 0) trainFinishing = true; } if (phillyTrain.x < -4000 && trainFinishing) trainReset(); } } function trainReset():Void { gf.danced = false; //Sets head to the correct position once the animation ends gf.playAnim('hairFall'); gf.specialAnim = true; phillyTrain.x = FlxG.width + 200; trainMoving = false; // trainSound.stop(); // trainSound.time = 0; trainCars = 8; trainFinishing = false; startedMoving = false; } function lightningStrikeShit():Void {'thunder_', 1, 2)); if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality)'halloweem bg lightning strike'); lightningStrikeBeat = curBeat; lightningOffset =, 24); if(boyfriend.animOffsets.exists('scared')) { boyfriend.playAnim('scared', true); } if(gf.animOffsets.exists('scared')) { gf.playAnim('scared', true); } if(ClientPrefs.camZooms) { += 0.015; camHUD.zoom += 0.03; if(!camZooming) { //Just a way for preventing it to be permanently zoomed until Skid & Pump hits a note FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, 0.5); FlxTween.tween(camHUD, {zoom: 1}, 0.5); } } if(ClientPrefs.flashing) { halloweenWhite.alpha = 0.4; FlxTween.tween(halloweenWhite, {alpha: 0.5}, 0.075); FlxTween.tween(halloweenWhite, {alpha: 0}, 0.25, {startDelay: 0.15}); } } function killHenchmen():Void { if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality && ClientPrefs.violence && curStage == 'limo') { if(limoKillingState < 1) { limoMetalPole.x = -400; limoMetalPole.visible = true; limoLight.visible = true; limoCorpse.visible = false; limoCorpseTwo.visible = false; limoKillingState = 1; #if ACHIEVEMENTS_ALLOWED Achievements.henchmenDeath++; var achieve:String = checkForAchievement(['roadkill_enthusiast']); if (achieve != null) { startAchievement(achieve); } else { = Achievements.henchmenDeath;; } FlxG.log.add('Deaths: ' + Achievements.henchmenDeath); #end } } } function resetLimoKill():Void { if(curStage == 'limo') { limoMetalPole.x = -500; limoMetalPole.visible = false; limoLight.x = -500; limoLight.visible = false; limoCorpse.x = -500; limoCorpse.visible = false; limoCorpseTwo.x = -500; limoCorpseTwo.visible = false; } } private var preventLuaRemove:Bool = false; override function destroy() { preventLuaRemove = true; for (i in 0...luaArray.length) { luaArray[i].call('onDestroy', []); luaArray[i].stop(); } luaArray = []; super.destroy(); } public function cancelFadeTween() { if( != null) {; } = null; } public function removeLua(lua:FunkinLua) { if(luaArray != null && !preventLuaRemove) { luaArray.remove(lua); } } var lastStepHit:Int = -1; override function stepHit() { super.stepHit(); if ( > Conductor.songPosition + 20 || < Conductor.songPosition - 20) { resyncVocals(); } if(curStep == lastStepHit) { return; } lastStepHit = curStep; setOnLuas('curStep', curStep); callOnLuas('onStepHit', []); } var lightningStrikeBeat:Int = 0; var lightningOffset:Int = 8; var lastBeatHit:Int = -1; override function beatHit() { super.beatHit(); if(lastBeatHit >= curBeat) { trace('BEAT HIT: ' + curBeat + ', LAST HIT: ' + lastBeatHit); return; } if (generatedMusic) { notes.sort(FlxSort.byY, ClientPrefs.downScroll ? FlxSort.ASCENDING : FlxSort.DESCENDING); } if (SONG.notes[Math.floor(curStep / 16)] != null) { if (SONG.notes[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].changeBPM) { Conductor.changeBPM(SONG.notes[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].bpm); //FlxG.log.add('CHANGED BPM!'); setOnLuas('curBpm', Conductor.bpm); setOnLuas('crochet', Conductor.crochet); setOnLuas('stepCrochet', Conductor.stepCrochet); } setOnLuas('mustHitSection', SONG.notes[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].mustHitSection); // else // Conductor.changeBPM(SONG.bpm); } // FlxG.log.add('change bpm' + SONG.notes[ / 16)].changeBPM); if (generatedMusic && PlayState.SONG.notes[ / 16)] != null && !endingSong && !isCameraOnForcedPos) { moveCameraSection( / 16)); } if (camZooming && < 1.35 && ClientPrefs.camZooms && curBeat % 4 == 0) { += 0.015; camHUD.zoom += 0.03; } iconP1.setGraphicSize( + 30)); iconP2.setGraphicSize( + 30)); iconP1.updateHitbox(); iconP2.updateHitbox(); if (curBeat % gfSpeed == 0 && !gf.stunned && != null && !"sing")) {; } if(curBeat % 2 == 0) { if ( != null && !"sing")) {; } if ( != null && !"sing") && !dad.stunned) {; } } else if(dad.danceIdle && != null && !dad.curCharacter.startsWith('gf') && !"sing") && !dad.stunned) {; } switch (curStage) { case 'school': if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) {; } case 'mall': if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) {; } if(heyTimer <= 0);; case 'limo': if(!ClientPrefs.lowQuality) { grpLimoDancers.forEach(function(dancer:BackgroundDancer) {; }); } if (FlxG.random.bool(10) && fastCarCanDrive) fastCarDrive(); case "philly": if (!trainMoving) trainCooldown += 1; if (curBeat % 4 == 0) { phillyCityLights.forEach(function(light:BGSprite) { light.visible = false; }); curLight =, phillyCityLights.length - 1, [curLight]); phillyCityLights.members[curLight].visible = true; phillyCityLights.members[curLight].alpha = 1; } if (curBeat % 8 == 4 && FlxG.random.bool(30) && !trainMoving && trainCooldown > 8) { trainCooldown =, 0); trainStart(); } } if (curStage == 'spooky' && FlxG.random.bool(10) && curBeat > lightningStrikeBeat + lightningOffset) { lightningStrikeShit(); } lastBeatHit = curBeat; setOnLuas('curBeat', curBeat); callOnLuas('onBeatHit', []); } public function callOnLuas(event:String, args:Array):Dynamic { var returnVal:Dynamic = FunkinLua.Function_Continue; #if LUA_ALLOWED for (i in 0...luaArray.length) { var ret:Dynamic = luaArray[i].call(event, args); if(ret != FunkinLua.Function_Continue) { returnVal = ret; } } #end return returnVal; } public function setOnLuas(variable:String, arg:Dynamic) { #if LUA_ALLOWED for (i in 0...luaArray.length) { luaArray[i].set(variable, arg); } #end } function StrumPlayAnim(isDad:Bool, id:Int, time:Float) { var spr:StrumNote = null; if(isDad) { spr = strumLineNotes.members[id]; } else { spr = playerStrums.members[id]; } if(spr != null) { spr.playAnim('confirm', true); spr.resetAnim = time; } } public var ratingString:String; public var ratingPercent:Float; public function RecalculateRating() { setOnLuas('score', songScore); setOnLuas('misses', songMisses); setOnLuas('ghostMisses', songMisses); setOnLuas('hits', songHits); var ret:Dynamic = callOnLuas('onRecalculateRating', []); if(ret != FunkinLua.Function_Stop) { ratingPercent = songScore / ((songHits + songMisses - ghostMisses) * 350); if(!Math.isNaN(ratingPercent) && ratingPercent < 0) ratingPercent = 0; if(Math.isNaN(ratingPercent)) { ratingString = '?'; } else if(ratingPercent >= 1) { ratingPercent = 1; ratingString = ratingStuff[ratingStuff.length-1][0]; //Uses last string } else { for (i in 0...ratingStuff.length-1) { if(ratingPercent < ratingStuff[i][1]) { ratingString = ratingStuff[i][0]; break; } } } setOnLuas('rating', ratingPercent); setOnLuas('ratingName', ratingString); } } #if ACHIEVEMENTS_ALLOWED private function checkForAchievement(achievesToCheck:Array):String { for (i in 0...achievesToCheck.length) { var achievementName:String = achievesToCheck[i]; if(!Achievements.isAchievementUnlocked(achievementName)) { var unlock:Bool = false; switch(achievementName) { case 'week1_nomiss' | 'week2_nomiss' | 'week3_nomiss' | 'week4_nomiss' | 'week5_nomiss' | 'week6_nomiss' | 'week7_nomiss': if(isStoryMode && campaignMisses + songMisses < 1 && CoolUtil.difficultyString() == 'HARD' && storyPlaylist.length <= 1 && !changedDifficulty && !usedPractice) { var weekName:String = WeekData.getWeekFileName(); switch(weekName) //I know this is a lot of duplicated code, but it's easier readable and you can add weeks with different names than the achievement tag { case 'week1': if(achievementName == 'week1_nomiss') unlock = true; case 'week2': if(achievementName == 'week2_nomiss') unlock = true; case 'week3': if(achievementName == 'week3_nomiss') unlock = true; case 'week4': if(achievementName == 'week4_nomiss') unlock = true; case 'week5': if(achievementName == 'week5_nomiss') unlock = true; case 'week6': if(achievementName == 'week6_nomiss') unlock = true; case 'week7': if(achievementName == 'week7_nomiss') unlock = true; } } case 'ur_bad': if(ratingPercent < 0.2 && !practiceMode && !cpuControlled) { unlock = true; } case 'ur_good': if(ratingPercent >= 1 && !usedPractice && !cpuControlled) { unlock = true; } case 'roadkill_enthusiast': if(Achievements.henchmenDeath >= 100) { unlock = true; } case 'oversinging': if(boyfriend.holdTimer >= 20 && !usedPractice) { unlock = true; } case 'hype': if(!boyfriendIdled && !usedPractice) { unlock = true; } case 'two_keys': if(!usedPractice) { var howManyPresses:Int = 0; for (j in 0...keysPressed.length) { if(keysPressed[j]) howManyPresses++; } if(howManyPresses <= 2) { unlock = true; } } case 'toastie': if(/*ClientPrefs.framerate <= 60 &&*/ ClientPrefs.lowQuality && !ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing && !ClientPrefs.imagesPersist) { unlock = true; } case 'debugger': if(Paths.formatToSongPath( == 'test' && !usedPractice) { unlock = true; } } if(unlock) { Achievements.unlockAchievement(achievementName); return achievementName; } } } return null; } #end var curLight:Int = 0; var curLightEvent:Int = 0; }