package; #if desktop import Discord.DiscordClient; #end import flash.text.TextField; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import lime.utils.Assets; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flash.text.TextField; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.util.FlxSave; import haxe.Json; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey; import; import Controls; using StringTools; // TO DO: Redo the menu creation system for not being as dumb class OptionsState extends MusicBeatState { var options:Array = ['Notes', 'Controls', 'Preferences']; private var grpOptions:FlxTypedGroup; private static var curSelected:Int = 0; public static var menuBG:FlxSprite; override function create() { #if desktop DiscordClient.changePresence("Options Menu", null); #end menuBG = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('menuDesat')); menuBG.color = 0xFFea71fd; menuBG.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); menuBG.updateHitbox(); menuBG.screenCenter(); menuBG.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; add(menuBG); grpOptions = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpOptions); for (i in 0...options.length) { var optionText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, 0, options[i], true, false); optionText.screenCenter(); optionText.y += (100 * (i - (options.length / 2))) + 50; grpOptions.add(optionText); } changeSelection(); super.create(); } override function closeSubState() { super.closeSubState(); ClientPrefs.saveSettings(); changeSelection(); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeSelection(-1); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeSelection(1); } if (controls.BACK) {'cancelMenu')); MusicBeatState.switchState(new MainMenuState()); } if (controls.ACCEPT) { for (item in grpOptions.members) { item.alpha = 0; } switch(options[curSelected]) { case 'Notes': openSubState(new NotesSubstate()); case 'Controls': openSubState(new ControlsSubstate()); case 'Preferences': openSubState(new PreferencesSubstate()); } } } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = options.length - 1; if (curSelected >= options.length) curSelected = 0; var bullShit:Int = 0; for (item in grpOptions.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curSelected; bullShit++; item.alpha = 0.6; if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; } } } } class NotesSubstate extends MusicBeatSubstate { private static var curSelected:Int = 0; private static var typeSelected:Int = 0; private var grpNumbers:FlxTypedGroup; private var grpNotes:FlxTypedGroup; private var shaderArray:Array = []; var curValue:Float = 0; var holdTime:Float = 0; var hsvText:Alphabet; var nextAccept:Int = 5; var posX = 250; public function new() { super(); grpNotes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpNotes); grpNumbers = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpNumbers); for (i in 0...ClientPrefs.arrowHSV.length) { var yPos:Float = (165 * i) + 35; for (j in 0...3) { var optionText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, yPos, Std.string(ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[i][j])); optionText.x = posX + (225 * j) + 100 - ((optionText.lettersArray.length * 90) / 2); grpNumbers.add(optionText); } var note:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(posX - 70, yPos); note.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('NOTE_assets'); switch(i) { case 0: note.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'purple0'); case 1: note.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'blue0'); case 2: note.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'green0'); case 3: note.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'red0'); }'idle'); note.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; grpNotes.add(note); var newShader:ColorSwap = new ColorSwap(); note.shader = newShader.shader; newShader.hue = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[i][0] / 360; newShader.saturation = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[i][1] / 100; newShader.brightness = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[i][2] / 100; shaderArray.push(newShader); } hsvText = new Alphabet(0, 0, "Hue Saturation Brightness", false, false, 0, 0.65); add(hsvText); changeSelection(); } var changingNote:Bool = false; var hsvTextOffsets:Array = [240, 90]; override function update(elapsed:Float) { if(changingNote) { if(holdTime < 0.5) { if(controls.UI_LEFT_P) { updateValue(-1);'scrollMenu')); } else if(controls.UI_RIGHT_P) { updateValue(1);'scrollMenu')); } else if(controls.RESET) { resetValue(curSelected, typeSelected);'scrollMenu')); } if(controls.UI_LEFT_R || controls.UI_RIGHT_R) { holdTime = 0; } else if(controls.UI_LEFT || controls.UI_RIGHT) { holdTime += elapsed; } } else { var add:Float = 90; switch(typeSelected) { case 1 | 2: add = 50; } if(controls.UI_LEFT) { updateValue(elapsed * -add); } else if(controls.UI_RIGHT) { updateValue(elapsed * add); } if(controls.UI_LEFT_R || controls.UI_RIGHT_R) {'scrollMenu')); holdTime = 0; } } } else { if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeSelection(-1);'scrollMenu')); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeSelection(1);'scrollMenu')); } if (controls.UI_LEFT_P) { changeType(-1);'scrollMenu')); } if (controls.UI_RIGHT_P) { changeType(1);'scrollMenu')); } if(controls.RESET) { for (i in 0...3) { resetValue(curSelected, i); }'scrollMenu')); } if (controls.ACCEPT && nextAccept <= 0) {'scrollMenu')); changingNote = true; holdTime = 0; for (i in 0...grpNumbers.length) { var item = grpNumbers.members[i]; item.alpha = 0; if ((curSelected * 3) + typeSelected == i) { item.alpha = 1; } } for (i in 0...grpNotes.length) { var item = grpNotes.members[i]; item.alpha = 0; if (curSelected == i) { item.alpha = 1; } } super.update(elapsed); return; } } var lerpVal:Float = CoolUtil.boundTo(elapsed * 9.6, 0, 1); for (i in 0...grpNotes.length) { var item = grpNotes.members[i]; var intendedPos:Float = posX - 70; if (curSelected == i) { item.x = FlxMath.lerp(item.x, intendedPos + 100, lerpVal); } else { item.x = FlxMath.lerp(item.x, intendedPos, lerpVal); } for (j in 0...3) { var item2 = grpNumbers.members[(i * 3) + j]; item2.x = item.x + 265 + (225 * (j % 3)) - (30 * item2.lettersArray.length) / 2; if(ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[i][j] < 0) { item2.x -= 20; } } if(curSelected == i) { hsvText.setPosition(item.x + hsvTextOffsets[0], item.y - hsvTextOffsets[1]); } } if (controls.BACK || (changingNote && controls.ACCEPT)) { changeSelection(); if(!changingNote) { grpNumbers.forEachAlive(function(spr:Alphabet) { spr.alpha = 0; }); grpNotes.forEachAlive(function(spr:FlxSprite) { spr.alpha = 0; }); close(); } changingNote = false;'cancelMenu')); } if(nextAccept > 0) { nextAccept -= 1; } super.update(elapsed); } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV.length-1; if (curSelected >= ClientPrefs.arrowHSV.length) curSelected = 0; curValue = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[curSelected][typeSelected]; updateValue(); for (i in 0...grpNumbers.length) { var item = grpNumbers.members[i]; item.alpha = 0.6; if ((curSelected * 3) + typeSelected == i) { item.alpha = 1; } } for (i in 0...grpNotes.length) { var item = grpNotes.members[i]; item.alpha = 0.6; item.scale.set(1, 1); if (curSelected == i) { item.alpha = 1; item.scale.set(1.2, 1.2); hsvText.setPosition(item.x + hsvTextOffsets[0], item.y - hsvTextOffsets[1]); } }'scrollMenu')); } function changeType(change:Int = 0) { typeSelected += change; if (typeSelected < 0) typeSelected = 2; if (typeSelected > 2) typeSelected = 0; curValue = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[curSelected][typeSelected]; updateValue(); for (i in 0...grpNumbers.length) { var item = grpNumbers.members[i]; item.alpha = 0.6; if ((curSelected * 3) + typeSelected == i) { item.alpha = 1; } } } function resetValue(selected:Int, type:Int) { curValue = 0; ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[selected][type] = 0; switch(type) { case 0: shaderArray[selected].hue = 0; case 1: shaderArray[selected].saturation = 0; case 2: shaderArray[selected].brightness = 0; } grpNumbers.members[(selected * 3) + type].changeText('0'); } function updateValue(change:Float = 0) { curValue += change; var roundedValue:Int = Math.round(curValue); var max:Float = 180; switch(typeSelected) { case 1 | 2: max = 100; } if(roundedValue < -max) { curValue = -max; } else if(roundedValue > max) { curValue = max; } roundedValue = Math.round(curValue); ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[curSelected][typeSelected] = roundedValue; switch(typeSelected) { case 0: shaderArray[curSelected].hue = roundedValue / 360; case 1: shaderArray[curSelected].saturation = roundedValue / 100; case 2: shaderArray[curSelected].brightness = roundedValue / 100; } grpNumbers.members[(curSelected * 3) + typeSelected].changeText(Std.string(roundedValue)); } } class ControlsSubstate extends MusicBeatSubstate { private static var curSelected:Int = -1; private static var curAlt:Bool = false; private static var defaultKey:String = 'Reset to Default Keys'; private var bindLength:Int = 0; var optionShit:Array = [ ['NOTES'], ['Left', 'note_left'], ['Down', 'note_down'], ['Up', 'note_up'], ['Right', 'note_right'], [''], ['UI'], ['Left', 'ui_left'], ['Down', 'ui_down'], ['Up', 'ui_up'], ['Right', 'ui_right'], [''], ['Reset', 'reset'], ['Accept', 'accept'], ['Back', 'back'], ['Pause', 'pause'], ]; private var grpOptions:FlxTypedGroup; private var grpInputs:Array = []; private var grpInputsAlt:Array = []; private var controlMap:Map; var rebindingKey:Bool = false; var nextAccept:Int = 5; public function new() { super(); grpOptions = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpOptions); controlMap = ClientPrefs.keyBinds.copy(); optionShit.push(['']); optionShit.push([defaultKey]); for (i in 0...optionShit.length) { var isCentered:Bool = false; var isDefaultKey:Bool = (optionShit[i][0] == defaultKey); if(unselectableCheck(i, true)) { isCentered = true; } var optionText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, (10 * i), optionShit[i][0], (!isCentered || isDefaultKey), false); optionText.isMenuItem = true; if(isCentered) { optionText.screenCenter(X); optionText.forceX = optionText.x; optionText.yAdd = -55; } else { optionText.forceX = 200; } optionText.yMult = 60; optionText.targetY = i; grpOptions.add(optionText); if(!isCentered) { addBindTexts(optionText, i); bindLength++; if(curSelected < 0) curSelected = i; } } changeSelection(); } var leaving:Bool = false; var bindingTime:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float) { if(!rebindingKey) { if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeSelection(-1); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeSelection(1); } if (controls.UI_LEFT_P || controls.UI_RIGHT_P) { changeAlt(); } if (controls.BACK) { ClientPrefs.keyBinds = controlMap.copy(); ClientPrefs.reloadControls(); grpOptions.forEachAlive(function(spr:Alphabet) { spr.alpha = 0; }); close();'cancelMenu')); } if(controls.ACCEPT && nextAccept <= 0) { if(optionShit[curSelected][0] == defaultKey) { controlMap = ClientPrefs.defaultKeys.copy(); reloadKeys(); changeSelection();'confirmMenu')); } else if(!unselectableCheck(curSelected)) { bindingTime = 0; rebindingKey = true; if (curAlt) { grpInputsAlt[getInputTextNum()].alpha = 0; } else { grpInputs[getInputTextNum()].alpha = 0; }'scrollMenu')); } } } else { var keyPressed:Int = FlxG.keys.firstJustPressed(); if (keyPressed > -1) { var keysArray:Array = controlMap.get(optionShit[curSelected][1]); keysArray[curAlt ? 1 : 0] = keyPressed; var opposite:Int = (curAlt ? 0 : 1); if(keysArray[opposite] == keysArray[1 - opposite]) { keysArray[opposite] = NONE; } controlMap.set(optionShit[curSelected][1], keysArray); reloadKeys();'confirmMenu')); rebindingKey = false; } bindingTime += elapsed; if(bindingTime > 5) { if (curAlt) { grpInputsAlt[curSelected].alpha = 1; } else { grpInputs[curSelected].alpha = 1; }'scrollMenu')); rebindingKey = false; bindingTime = 0; } } if(nextAccept > 0) { nextAccept -= 1; } super.update(elapsed); } function getInputTextNum() { var num:Int = 0; for (i in 0...curSelected) { if(optionShit[i].length > 1) { num++; } } return num; } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { do { curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = optionShit.length - 1; if (curSelected >= optionShit.length) curSelected = 0; } while(unselectableCheck(curSelected)); var bullShit:Int = 0; for (i in 0...grpInputs.length) { grpInputs[i].alpha = 0.6; } for (i in 0...grpInputsAlt.length) { grpInputsAlt[i].alpha = 0.6; } for (item in grpOptions.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curSelected; bullShit++; if(!unselectableCheck(bullShit-1)) { item.alpha = 0.6; if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; if(curAlt) { for (i in 0...grpInputsAlt.length) { if(grpInputsAlt[i].sprTracker == item) { grpInputsAlt[i].alpha = 1; break; } } } else { for (i in 0...grpInputs.length) { if(grpInputs[i].sprTracker == item) { grpInputs[i].alpha = 1; break; } } } } } }'scrollMenu')); } function changeAlt() { curAlt = !curAlt; for (i in 0...grpInputs.length) { if(grpInputs[i].sprTracker == grpOptions.members[curSelected]) { grpInputs[i].alpha = 0.6; if(!curAlt) { grpInputs[i].alpha = 1; } break; } } for (i in 0...grpInputsAlt.length) { if(grpInputsAlt[i].sprTracker == grpOptions.members[curSelected]) { grpInputsAlt[i].alpha = 0.6; if(curAlt) { grpInputsAlt[i].alpha = 1; } break; } }'scrollMenu')); } private function unselectableCheck(num:Int, ?checkDefaultKey:Bool = false):Bool { if(optionShit[num][0] == defaultKey) { return checkDefaultKey; } return optionShit[num].length < 2 && optionShit[num][0] != defaultKey; } private function addBindTexts(optionText:Alphabet, num:Int) { var keys:Array = controlMap.get(optionShit[num][1]); var text1 = new AttachedText(InputFormatter.getKeyName(keys[0]), 400, -55); text1.setPosition(optionText.x + 400, optionText.y - 55); text1.sprTracker = optionText; grpInputs.push(text1); add(text1); var text2 = new AttachedText(InputFormatter.getKeyName(keys[1]), 650, -55); text2.setPosition(optionText.x + 650, optionText.y - 55); text2.sprTracker = optionText; grpInputsAlt.push(text2); add(text2); } function reloadKeys() { while(grpInputs.length > 0) { var item:AttachedText = grpInputs[0]; item.kill(); grpInputs.remove(item); item.destroy(); } while(grpInputsAlt.length > 0) { var item:AttachedText = grpInputsAlt[0]; item.kill(); grpInputsAlt.remove(item); item.destroy(); } for (i in 0...grpOptions.length) { if(!unselectableCheck(i, true)) { addBindTexts(grpOptions.members[i], i); } } var bullShit:Int = 0; for (i in 0...grpInputs.length) { grpInputs[i].alpha = 0.6; } for (i in 0...grpInputsAlt.length) { grpInputsAlt[i].alpha = 0.6; } for (item in grpOptions.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curSelected; bullShit++; if(!unselectableCheck(bullShit-1)) { item.alpha = 0.6; if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; if(curAlt) { for (i in 0...grpInputsAlt.length) { if(grpInputsAlt[i].sprTracker == item) { grpInputsAlt[i].alpha = 1; } } } else { for (i in 0...grpInputs.length) { if(grpInputs[i].sprTracker == item) { grpInputs[i].alpha = 1; } } } } } } } } class PreferencesSubstate extends MusicBeatSubstate { private static var curSelected:Int = 0; static var unselectableOptions:Array = [ 'GRAPHICS', 'GAMEPLAY' ]; static var noCheckbox:Array = [ 'Framerate', 'Note Delay' ]; static var options:Array = [ 'GRAPHICS', 'Low Quality', 'Anti-Aliasing', 'Persistent Cached Data', #if !html5 'Framerate', //Apparently 120FPS isn't correctly supported on Browser? Probably it has some V-Sync shit enabled by default, idk #end 'GAMEPLAY', 'Downscroll', 'Middlescroll', 'Ghost Tapping', 'Note Delay', 'Note Splashes', 'Hide HUD', 'Hide Song Length', 'Flashing Lights', 'Camera Zooms' #if !mobile ,'FPS Counter' #end ]; private var grpOptions:FlxTypedGroup; private var checkboxArray:Array = []; private var checkboxNumber:Array = []; private var grpTexts:FlxTypedGroup; private var textNumber:Array = []; private var showCharacter:Character = null; private var descText:FlxText; public function new() { super(); // avoids lagspikes while scrolling through menus! showCharacter = new Character(840, 170, 'bf', true); showCharacter.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); showCharacter.updateHitbox();; add(showCharacter); showCharacter.visible = false; grpOptions = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpOptions); grpTexts = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpTexts); for (i in 0...options.length) { var isCentered:Bool = unselectableCheck(i); var optionText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, 70 * i, options[i], false, false); optionText.isMenuItem = true; if(isCentered) { optionText.screenCenter(X); optionText.forceX = optionText.x; } else { optionText.x += 300; optionText.forceX = 300; } optionText.yMult = 90; optionText.targetY = i; grpOptions.add(optionText); if(!isCentered) { var useCheckbox:Bool = true; for (j in 0...noCheckbox.length) { if(options[i] == noCheckbox[j]) { useCheckbox = false; break; } } if(useCheckbox) { var checkbox:CheckboxThingie = new CheckboxThingie(optionText.x - 105, optionText.y, false); checkbox.sprTracker = optionText; checkboxArray.push(checkbox); checkboxNumber.push(i); add(checkbox); } else { var valueText:AttachedText = new AttachedText('0', optionText.width + 80); valueText.sprTracker = optionText; grpTexts.add(valueText); textNumber.push(i); } } } descText = new FlxText(50, 600, 1180, "", 32); descText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, CENTER, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); descText.scrollFactor.set(); descText.borderSize = 2.4; add(descText); for (i in 0...options.length) { if(!unselectableCheck(i)) { curSelected = i; break; } } changeSelection(); reloadValues(); } var nextAccept:Int = 5; var holdTime:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float) { if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeSelection(-1); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeSelection(1); } if (controls.BACK) { grpOptions.forEachAlive(function(spr:Alphabet) { spr.alpha = 0; }); grpTexts.forEachAlive(function(spr:AttachedText) { spr.alpha = 0; }); for (i in 0...checkboxArray.length) { var spr:CheckboxThingie = checkboxArray[i]; if(spr != null) { spr.alpha = 0; } } if(showCharacter != null) { showCharacter.alpha = 0; } descText.alpha = 0; close();'cancelMenu')); } var usesCheckbox = true; for (i in 0...noCheckbox.length) { if(options[curSelected] == noCheckbox[i]) { usesCheckbox = false; break; } } if(usesCheckbox) { if(controls.ACCEPT && nextAccept <= 0) { switch(options[curSelected]) { case 'FPS Counter': ClientPrefs.showFPS = !ClientPrefs.showFPS; if(Main.fpsVar != null) Main.fpsVar.visible = ClientPrefs.showFPS; case 'Low Quality': ClientPrefs.lowQuality = !ClientPrefs.lowQuality; case 'Anti-Aliasing': ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing = !ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; showCharacter.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; for (item in grpOptions) { item.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; } for (i in 0...checkboxArray.length) { var spr:CheckboxThingie = checkboxArray[i]; if(spr != null) { spr.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; } } OptionsState.menuBG.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; case 'Note Splashes': ClientPrefs.noteSplashes = !ClientPrefs.noteSplashes; case 'Flashing Lights': ClientPrefs.flashing = !ClientPrefs.flashing; case 'Violence': ClientPrefs.violence = !ClientPrefs.violence; case 'Swearing': ClientPrefs.cursing = !ClientPrefs.cursing; case 'Downscroll': ClientPrefs.downScroll = !ClientPrefs.downScroll; case 'Middlescroll': ClientPrefs.middleScroll = !ClientPrefs.middleScroll; case 'Ghost Tapping': ClientPrefs.ghostTapping = !ClientPrefs.ghostTapping; case 'Camera Zooms': ClientPrefs.camZooms = !ClientPrefs.camZooms; case 'Hide HUD': ClientPrefs.hideHud = !ClientPrefs.hideHud; case 'Persistent Cached Data': ClientPrefs.imagesPersist = !ClientPrefs.imagesPersist; FlxGraphic.defaultPersist = ClientPrefs.imagesPersist; case 'Hide Song Length': ClientPrefs.hideTime = !ClientPrefs.hideTime; }'scrollMenu')); reloadValues(); } } else { if(controls.UI_LEFT || controls.UI_RIGHT) { var add:Int = controls.UI_LEFT ? -1 : 1; if(holdTime > 0.5 || controls.UI_LEFT_P || controls.UI_RIGHT_P) switch(options[curSelected]) { case 'Framerate': ClientPrefs.framerate += add; if(ClientPrefs.framerate < 60) ClientPrefs.framerate = 60; else if(ClientPrefs.framerate > 240) ClientPrefs.framerate = 240; if(ClientPrefs.framerate > FlxG.drawFramerate) { FlxG.updateFramerate = ClientPrefs.framerate; FlxG.drawFramerate = ClientPrefs.framerate; } else { FlxG.drawFramerate = ClientPrefs.framerate; FlxG.updateFramerate = ClientPrefs.framerate; } case 'Note Delay': var mult:Int = 1; if(holdTime > 1.5) { //Double speed after 1.5 seconds holding mult = 2; } ClientPrefs.noteOffset += add * mult; if(ClientPrefs.noteOffset < 0) ClientPrefs.noteOffset = 0; else if(ClientPrefs.noteOffset > 500) ClientPrefs.noteOffset = 500; } reloadValues(); if(holdTime <= 0)'scrollMenu')); holdTime += elapsed; } else { holdTime = 0; } } if(showCharacter != null && showCharacter.animation.curAnim.finished) {; } if(nextAccept > 0) { nextAccept -= 1; } super.update(elapsed); } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { do { curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = options.length - 1; if (curSelected >= options.length) curSelected = 0; } while(unselectableCheck(curSelected)); var daText:String = ''; switch(options[curSelected]) { case 'Framerate': daText = "Pretty self explanatory, isn't it?\nDefault value is 60."; case 'Note Delay': daText = "Changes how late a note is spawned.\nUseful for preventing audio lag from wireless earphones."; case 'FPS Counter': daText = "If unchecked, hides FPS Counter."; case 'Low Quality': daText = "If checked, disables some background details,\ndecreases loading times and improves performance."; case 'Persistent Cached Data': daText = "If checked, images loaded will stay in memory\nuntil the game is closed, this increases memory usage,\nbut basically makes reloading times instant."; case 'Anti-Aliasing': daText = "If unchecked, disables anti-aliasing, increases performance\nat the cost of the graphics not looking as smooth."; case 'Downscroll': daText = "If checked, notes go Down instead of Up, simple enough."; case 'Middlescroll': daText = "If checked, hides Opponent's notes and your notes get centered."; case 'Ghost Tapping': daText = "If checked, you won't get misses from pressing keys\nwhile there are no notes able to be hit."; case 'Swearing': daText = "If unchecked, your mom won't be angry at you."; case 'Violence': daText = "If unchecked, you won't get disgusted as frequently."; case 'Note Splashes': daText = "If unchecked, hitting \"Sick!\" notes won't show particles."; case 'Flashing Lights': daText = "Uncheck this if you're sensitive to flashing lights!"; case 'Camera Zooms': daText = "If unchecked, the camera won't zoom in on a beat hit."; case 'Hide HUD': daText = "If checked, hides most HUD elements."; case 'Hide Song Length': daText = "If checked, the bar showing how much time is left\nwill be hidden."; } descText.text = daText; var bullShit:Int = 0; for (item in grpOptions.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curSelected; bullShit++; if(!unselectableCheck(bullShit-1)) { item.alpha = 0.6; if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; } for (j in 0...checkboxArray.length) { var tracker:FlxSprite = checkboxArray[j].sprTracker; if(tracker == item) { checkboxArray[j].alpha = item.alpha; break; } } } } for (i in 0...grpTexts.members.length) { var text:AttachedText = grpTexts.members[i]; if(text != null) { text.alpha = 0.6; if(textNumber[i] == curSelected) { text.alpha = 1; } } } showCharacter.visible = (options[curSelected] == 'Anti-Aliasing');'scrollMenu')); } function reloadValues() { for (i in 0...checkboxArray.length) { var checkbox:CheckboxThingie = checkboxArray[i]; if(checkbox != null) { var daValue:Bool = false; switch(options[checkboxNumber[i]]) { case 'FPS Counter': daValue = ClientPrefs.showFPS; case 'Low Quality': daValue = ClientPrefs.lowQuality; case 'Anti-Aliasing': daValue = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; case 'Note Splashes': daValue = ClientPrefs.noteSplashes; case 'Flashing Lights': daValue = ClientPrefs.flashing; case 'Downscroll': daValue = ClientPrefs.downScroll; case 'Middlescroll': daValue = ClientPrefs.middleScroll; case 'Ghost Tapping': daValue = ClientPrefs.ghostTapping; case 'Swearing': daValue = ClientPrefs.cursing; case 'Violence': daValue = ClientPrefs.violence; case 'Camera Zooms': daValue = ClientPrefs.camZooms; case 'Hide HUD': daValue = ClientPrefs.hideHud; case 'Persistent Cached Data': daValue = ClientPrefs.imagesPersist; case 'Hide Song Length': daValue = ClientPrefs.hideTime; } checkbox.daValue = daValue; } } for (i in 0...grpTexts.members.length) { var text:AttachedText = grpTexts.members[i]; if(text != null) { var daText:String = ''; switch(options[textNumber[i]]) { case 'Framerate': daText = '' + ClientPrefs.framerate; case 'Note Delay': daText = ClientPrefs.noteOffset + 'ms'; } var lastTracker:FlxSprite = text.sprTracker; text.sprTracker = null; text.changeText(daText); text.sprTracker = lastTracker; } } } private function unselectableCheck(num:Int):Bool { for (i in 0...unselectableOptions.length) { if(options[num] == unselectableOptions[i]) { return true; } } return options[num] == null || options[num].length < 1; } }