package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flash.display.BitmapData; import editors.ChartingState; using StringTools; class Note extends FlxSprite { public var strumTime:Float = 0; public var mustPress:Bool = false; public var noteData:Int = 0; public var canBeHit:Bool = false; public var tooLate:Bool = false; public var wasGoodHit:Bool = false; public var ignoreNote:Bool = false; public var hitByOpponent:Bool = false; public var noteWasHit:Bool = false; public var prevNote:Note; public var sustainLength:Float = 0; public var isSustainNote:Bool = false; public var noteType(default, set):String = null; public var eventName:String = ''; public var eventVal1:String = ''; public var eventVal2:String = ''; public var colorSwap:ColorSwap; public var inEditor:Bool = false; private var earlyHitMult:Float = 0.5; public static var swagWidth:Float = 160 * 0.7; public static var PURP_NOTE:Int = 0; public static var GREEN_NOTE:Int = 2; public static var BLUE_NOTE:Int = 1; public static var RED_NOTE:Int = 3; // Lua shit public var noteSplashDisabled:Bool = false; public var noteSplashTexture:String = null; public var noteSplashHue:Float = 0; public var noteSplashSat:Float = 0; public var noteSplashBrt:Float = 0; public var offsetX:Float = 0; public var offsetY:Float = 0; public var offsetAngle:Float = 0; public var multAlpha:Float = 1; public var copyX:Bool = true; public var copyY:Bool = true; public var copyAngle:Bool = true; public var copyAlpha:Bool = true; public var hitHealth:Float = 0.023; public var missHealth:Float = 0.0475; public var texture(default, set):String = null; public var noAnimation:Bool = false; public var hitCausesMiss:Bool = false; private function set_texture(value:String):String { if(texture != value) { reloadNote('', value); } texture = value; return value; } private function set_noteType(value:String):String { noteSplashTexture = PlayState.SONG.splashSkin; colorSwap.hue = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[noteData % 4][0] / 360; colorSwap.saturation = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[noteData % 4][1] / 100; colorSwap.brightness = ClientPrefs.arrowHSV[noteData % 4][2] / 100; if(noteData > -1 && noteType != value) { switch(value) { case 'Hurt Note': ignoreNote = mustPress; reloadNote('HURT'); noteSplashTexture = 'HURTnoteSplashes'; colorSwap.hue = 0; colorSwap.saturation = 0; colorSwap.brightness = 0; if(isSustainNote) { missHealth = 0.1; } else { missHealth = 0.3; } hitCausesMiss = true; case 'No Animation': noAnimation = true; } noteType = value; } noteSplashHue = colorSwap.hue; noteSplashSat = colorSwap.saturation; noteSplashBrt = colorSwap.brightness; return value; } public function new(strumTime:Float, noteData:Int, ?prevNote:Note, ?sustainNote:Bool = false, ?inEditor:Bool = false) { super(); if (prevNote == null) prevNote = this; this.prevNote = prevNote; isSustainNote = sustainNote; this.inEditor = inEditor; x += (ClientPrefs.middleScroll ? PlayState.STRUM_X_MIDDLESCROLL : PlayState.STRUM_X) + 50; // MAKE SURE ITS DEFINITELY OFF SCREEN? y -= 2000; this.strumTime = strumTime; if(!inEditor) this.strumTime += ClientPrefs.noteOffset; this.noteData = noteData; if(noteData > -1) { texture = ''; colorSwap = new ColorSwap(); shader = colorSwap.shader; x += swagWidth * (noteData % 4); if(!isSustainNote) { //Doing this 'if' check to fix the warnings on Senpai songs var animToPlay:String = ''; switch (noteData % 4) { case 0: animToPlay = 'purple'; case 1: animToPlay = 'blue'; case 2: animToPlay = 'green'; case 3: animToPlay = 'red'; } + 'Scroll'); } } // trace(prevNote); if (isSustainNote && prevNote != null) { alpha = 0.6; multAlpha = 0.6; if(ClientPrefs.downScroll) flipY = true; offsetX += width / 2; copyAngle = false; switch (noteData) { case 0:'purpleholdend'); case 1:'blueholdend'); case 2:'greenholdend'); case 3:'redholdend'); } updateHitbox(); offsetX -= width / 2; if (PlayState.isPixelStage) offsetX += 30; if (prevNote.isSustainNote) { switch (prevNote.noteData) { case 0:'purplehold'); case 1:'bluehold'); case 2:'greenhold'); case 3:'redhold'); } prevNote.scale.y *= Conductor.stepCrochet / 100 * 1.05 * PlayState.SONG.speed; if(PlayState.isPixelStage) { prevNote.scale.y *= 1.19; } prevNote.updateHitbox(); // prevNote.setGraphicSize(); } if(PlayState.isPixelStage) { scale.y *= PlayState.daPixelZoom; updateHitbox(); } } else if(!isSustainNote) { earlyHitMult = 1; } x += offsetX; } function reloadNote(?prefix:String = '', ?texture:String = '', ?suffix:String = '') { if(prefix == null) prefix = ''; if(texture == null) texture = ''; if(suffix == null) suffix = ''; var skin:String = texture; if(texture.length < 1) { skin = PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin; if(skin == null || skin.length < 1) { skin = 'NOTE_assets'; } } var animName:String = null; if(animation.curAnim != null) { animName =; } var arraySkin:Array = skin.split('/'); arraySkin[arraySkin.length-1] = prefix + arraySkin[arraySkin.length-1] + suffix; var lastScaleY:Float = scale.y; var blahblah:String = arraySkin.join('/'); if(PlayState.isPixelStage) { if(isSustainNote) { loadGraphic(Paths.image('pixelUI/' + blahblah + 'ENDS')); width = width / 4; height = height / 2; loadGraphic(Paths.image('pixelUI/' + blahblah + 'ENDS'), true, Math.floor(width), Math.floor(height)); } else { loadGraphic(Paths.image('pixelUI/' + blahblah)); width = width / 4; height = height / 5; loadGraphic(Paths.image('pixelUI/' + blahblah), true, Math.floor(width), Math.floor(height)); } setGraphicSize( * PlayState.daPixelZoom)); loadPixelNoteAnims(); antialiasing = false; } else { frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(blahblah); loadNoteAnims(); antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing; } if(isSustainNote) { scale.y = lastScaleY; } updateHitbox(); if(animName != null), true); if(inEditor) { setGraphicSize(ChartingState.GRID_SIZE, ChartingState.GRID_SIZE); updateHitbox(); } } function loadNoteAnims() { animation.addByPrefix('greenScroll', 'green0'); animation.addByPrefix('redScroll', 'red0'); animation.addByPrefix('blueScroll', 'blue0'); animation.addByPrefix('purpleScroll', 'purple0'); if (isSustainNote) { animation.addByPrefix('purpleholdend', 'pruple end hold'); animation.addByPrefix('greenholdend', 'green hold end'); animation.addByPrefix('redholdend', 'red hold end'); animation.addByPrefix('blueholdend', 'blue hold end'); animation.addByPrefix('purplehold', 'purple hold piece'); animation.addByPrefix('greenhold', 'green hold piece'); animation.addByPrefix('redhold', 'red hold piece'); animation.addByPrefix('bluehold', 'blue hold piece'); } setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); updateHitbox(); } function loadPixelNoteAnims() { if(isSustainNote) { animation.add('purpleholdend', [PURP_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('greenholdend', [GREEN_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('redholdend', [RED_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('blueholdend', [BLUE_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('purplehold', [PURP_NOTE]); animation.add('greenhold', [GREEN_NOTE]); animation.add('redhold', [RED_NOTE]); animation.add('bluehold', [BLUE_NOTE]); } else { animation.add('greenScroll', [GREEN_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('redScroll', [RED_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('blueScroll', [BLUE_NOTE + 4]); animation.add('purpleScroll', [PURP_NOTE + 4]); } } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (mustPress) { // ok river if (strumTime > Conductor.songPosition - Conductor.safeZoneOffset && strumTime < Conductor.songPosition + (Conductor.safeZoneOffset * earlyHitMult)) canBeHit = true; else canBeHit = false; if (strumTime < Conductor.songPosition - Conductor.safeZoneOffset && !wasGoodHit) tooLate = true; } else { canBeHit = false; if (strumTime <= Conductor.songPosition) wasGoodHit = true; } if (tooLate) { if (alpha > 0.3) alpha = 0.3; } } }