package; import flixel.FlxG; using StringTools; class Highscore { #if (haxe >= "4.0.0") public static var weekScores:Map = new Map(); public static var songScores:Map = new Map(); public static var songRating:Map = new Map(); #else public static var weekScores:Map = new Map(); public static var songScores:Map = new Map(); public static var songRating:Map = new Map(); #end public static function resetSong(song:String, diff:Int = 0):Void { var daSong:String = formatSong(song, diff); setScore(daSong, 0); setRating(daSong, 0); } public static function resetWeek(week:String, diff:Int = 0):Void { var daWeek:String = formatSong(week, diff); setWeekScore(daWeek, 0); } public static function saveScore(song:String, score:Int = 0, ?diff:Int = 0, ?rating:Float = -1):Void { var daSong:String = formatSong(song, diff); if (songScores.exists(daSong)) { if (songScores.get(daSong) < score) { setScore(daSong, score); if(rating >= 0) setRating(daSong, rating); } } else { setScore(daSong, score); if(rating >= 0) setRating(daSong, rating); } } public static function saveWeekScore(week:String, score:Int = 0, ?diff:Int = 0):Void { var daWeek:String = formatSong(week, diff); if (weekScores.exists(daWeek)) { if (weekScores.get(daWeek) < score) setWeekScore(daWeek, score); } else setWeekScore(daWeek, score); } /** * YOU SHOULD FORMAT SONG WITH formatSong() BEFORE TOSSING IN SONG VARIABLE */ static function setScore(song:String, score:Int):Void { // Reminder that I don't need to format this song, it should come formatted! songScores.set(song, score); = songScores;; } static function setWeekScore(week:String, score:Int):Void { // Reminder that I don't need to format this song, it should come formatted! weekScores.set(week, score); = weekScores;; } static function setRating(song:String, rating:Float):Void { // Reminder that I don't need to format this song, it should come formatted! songRating.set(song, rating); = songRating;; } public static function formatSong(song:String, diff:Int):String { return Paths.formatToSongPath(song) + CoolUtil.difficultyStuff[diff][1]; } public static function getScore(song:String, diff:Int):Int { var daSong:String = formatSong(song, diff); if (!songScores.exists(daSong)) setScore(daSong, 0); return songScores.get(daSong); } public static function getRating(song:String, diff:Int):Float { var daSong:String = formatSong(song, diff); if (!songRating.exists(daSong)) setRating(daSong, 0); return songRating.get(daSong); } public static function getWeekScore(week:String, diff:Int):Int { var daWeek:String = formatSong(week, diff); if (!weekScores.exists(daWeek)) setWeekScore(daWeek, 0); return weekScores.get(daWeek); } public static function load():Void { if ( != null) { weekScores =; } if ( != null) { songScores =; } if ( != null) { songRating =; } } }