package; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flixel.addons.ui.interfaces.IFlxUIClickable; import flixel.addons.ui.interfaces.IFlxUIWidget; import flixel.addons.ui.interfaces.IHasParams; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.ui.FlxButton; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil; import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIGroup; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIText; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIButton; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUISpriteButton; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUI9SliceSprite; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIAssets; import flixel.addons.ui.StrNameLabel; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUI; /* THIS IS AN EDIT OF FlxUIDropDownMenu I'VE MADE BECAUSE I'M TIRED OF IT NOT SUPPORTING SCROLLING UP/DOWN BAH! The differences are the following: * Support to scrolling up/down with mouse wheel or arrow keys * THe default drop direction is "Down" instead of "Automatic" */ /** * @author larsiusprime */ class FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom extends FlxUIGroup implements IFlxUIWidget implements IFlxUIClickable implements IHasParams { public var skipButtonUpdate(default, set):Bool; private function set_skipButtonUpdate(b:Bool):Bool { skipButtonUpdate = b; header.button.skipButtonUpdate = b; return b; } public var selectedId(get, set):String; public var selectedLabel(get, set):String; private var _selectedId:String; private var _selectedLabel:String; private var currentScroll:Int = 0; //Handles the scrolling public var canScroll:Bool = true; private function get_selectedId():String { return _selectedId; } private function set_selectedId(str:String):String { if (_selectedId == str) return str; var i:Int = 0; for (btn in list) { if (btn != null && == str) { var item:FlxUIButton = list[i]; _selectedId = str; if (item.label != null) { _selectedLabel = item.label.text; header.text.text = item.label.text; } else { _selectedLabel = ""; header.text.text = ""; } return str; } i++; } return str; } private function get_selectedLabel():String { return _selectedLabel; } private function set_selectedLabel(str:String):String { if (_selectedLabel == str) return str; var i:Int = 0; for (btn in list) { if (btn.label.text == str) { var item:FlxUIButton = list[i]; _selectedId =; _selectedLabel = str; header.text.text = str; return str; } i++; } return str; } /** * The header of this dropdown menu. */ public var header:FlxUIDropDownHeader; /** * The list of items that is shown when the toggle button is clicked. */ public var list:Array = []; /** * The background for the list. */ public var dropPanel:FlxUI9SliceSprite; public var params(default, set):Array; private function set_params(p:Array):Array { return params = p; } public var dropDirection(default, set):FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection = Down; private function set_dropDirection(dropDirection):FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection { this.dropDirection = dropDirection; updateButtonPositions(); return dropDirection; } public static inline var CLICK_EVENT:String = "click_dropdown"; public var callback:String->Void; // private var _ui_control_callback:Bool->FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom->Void; /** * This creates a new dropdown menu. * * @param X x position of the dropdown menu * @param Y y position of the dropdown menu * @param DataList The data to be displayed * @param Callback Optional Callback * @param Header The header of this dropdown menu * @param DropPanel Optional 9-slice-background for actual drop down menu * @param ButtonList Optional list of buttons to be used for the corresponding entry in DataList * @param UIControlCallback Used internally by FlxUI */ public function new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, DataList:Array, ?Callback:String->Void, ?Header:FlxUIDropDownHeader, ?DropPanel:FlxUI9SliceSprite, ?ButtonList:Array, ?UIControlCallback:Bool->FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom->Void) { super(X, Y); callback = Callback; header = Header; dropPanel = DropPanel; if (header == null) header = new FlxUIDropDownHeader(); if (dropPanel == null) { var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, header.background.width, header.background.height); dropPanel = new FlxUI9SliceSprite(0, 0, FlxUIAssets.IMG_BOX, rect, [1, 1, 14, 14]); } if (DataList != null) { for (i in 0...DataList.length) { var data = DataList[i]; list.push(makeListButton(i, data.label,; } selectSomething(DataList[0].name, DataList[0].label); } else if (ButtonList != null) { for (btn in ButtonList) { list.push(btn); btn.resize(header.background.width, header.background.height); btn.x = 1; } } updateButtonPositions(); dropPanel.resize(header.background.width, getPanelHeight()); dropPanel.visible = false; add(dropPanel); for (btn in list) { add(btn); btn.visible = false; } // _ui_control_callback = UIControlCallback; header.button.onUp.callback = onDropdown; add(header); } private function updateButtonPositions():Void { var buttonHeight = header.background.height; dropPanel.y = header.background.y; if (dropsUp()) dropPanel.y -= getPanelHeight(); else dropPanel.y += buttonHeight; var offset = dropPanel.y; for (i in 0...currentScroll) { //Hides buttons that goes before the current scroll var button:FlxUIButton = list[i]; if(button != null) { button.y = -99999; } } for (i in currentScroll...list.length) { var button:FlxUIButton = list[i]; if(button != null) { button.y = offset; offset += buttonHeight; } } } override function set_visible(Value:Bool):Bool { var vDropPanel = dropPanel.visible; var vButtons = []; for (i in 0...list.length) { if (list[i] != null) { vButtons.push(list[i].visible); } else { vButtons.push(false); } } super.set_visible(Value); dropPanel.visible = vDropPanel; for (i in 0...list.length) { if (list[i] != null) { list[i].visible = vButtons[i]; } } return Value; } private function dropsUp():Bool { return dropDirection == Up || (dropDirection == Automatic && exceedsHeight()); } private function exceedsHeight():Bool { return y + getPanelHeight() + header.background.height > FlxG.height; } private function getPanelHeight():Float { return list.length * header.background.height; } /** * Change the contents with a new data list * Replaces the old content with the new content */ public function setData(DataList:Array):Void { var i:Int = 0; if (DataList != null) { for (data in DataList) { var recycled:Bool = false; if (list != null) { if (i <= list.length - 1) { // If buttons exist, try to re-use them var btn:FlxUIButton = list[i]; if (btn != null) { btn.label.text = data.label; // Set the label list[i].name =; // Replace the name recycled = true; // we successfully recycled it } } } else { list = []; } if (!recycled) { // If we couldn't recycle a button, make a fresh one var t:FlxUIButton = makeListButton(i, data.label,; list.push(t); add(t); t.visible = false; } i++; } // Remove excess buttons: if (list.length > DataList.length) { // we have more entries in the original set for (j in DataList.length...list.length) { // start counting from end of list var b:FlxUIButton = list.pop(); // remove last button on list b.visible = false; = false; remove(b, true); // remove from widget b.destroy(); // destroy it b = null; } } selectSomething(DataList[0].name, DataList[0].label); } dropPanel.resize(header.background.width, getPanelHeight()); updateButtonPositions(); } private function selectSomething(name:String, label:String):Void { header.text.text = label; selectedId = name; selectedLabel = label; } private function makeListButton(i:Int, Label:String, Name:String):FlxUIButton { var t:FlxUIButton = new FlxUIButton(0, 0, Label); t.broadcastToFlxUI = false; t.onUp.callback = onClickItem.bind(i); = Name; t.loadGraphicSlice9([FlxUIAssets.IMG_INVIS, FlxUIAssets.IMG_HILIGHT, FlxUIAssets.IMG_HILIGHT],,, [[1, 1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 3, 3]], FlxUI9SliceSprite.TILE_NONE); t.labelOffsets[FlxButton.PRESSED].y -= 1; // turn off the 1-pixel depress on click t.up_color = FlxColor.BLACK; t.over_color = FlxColor.WHITE; t.down_color = FlxColor.WHITE; t.resize(header.background.width - 2, header.background.height - 1); t.label.alignment = "left"; t.autoCenterLabel(); t.x = 1; for (offset in t.labelOffsets) { offset.x += 2; } return t; } /*public function setUIControlCallback(UIControlCallback:Bool->FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom->Void):Void { _ui_control_callback = UIControlCallback; }*/ public function changeLabelByIndex(i:Int, NewLabel:String):Void { var btn:FlxUIButton = getBtnByIndex(i); if (btn != null && btn.label != null) { btn.label.text = NewLabel; } } public function changeLabelById(name:String, NewLabel:String):Void { var btn:FlxUIButton = getBtnById(name); if (btn != null && btn.label != null) { btn.label.text = NewLabel; } } public function getBtnByIndex(i:Int):FlxUIButton { if (i >= 0 && i < list.length) { return list[i]; } return null; } public function getBtnById(name:String):FlxUIButton { for (btn in list) { if ( == name) { return btn; } } return null; } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); #if FLX_MOUSE if (dropPanel.visible) { if(list.length > 1 && canScroll) { if(FlxG.mouse.wheel > 0 || FlxG.keys.justPressed.UP) { // Go up --currentScroll; if(currentScroll < 0) currentScroll = 0; updateButtonPositions(); } else if (FlxG.mouse.wheel < 0 || FlxG.keys.justPressed.DOWN) { // Go down currentScroll++; if(currentScroll >= list.length) currentScroll = list.length-1; updateButtonPositions(); } } if (FlxG.mouse.justPressed && !FlxG.mouse.overlaps(this)) { showList(false); } } #end } override public function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); dropPanel = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(dropPanel); list = FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(list); // _ui_control_callback = null; callback = null; } private function showList(b:Bool):Void { for (button in list) { button.visible = b; = b; } dropPanel.visible = b; if(currentScroll != 0) { currentScroll = 0; updateButtonPositions(); } FlxUI.forceFocus(b, this); // avoid overlaps } private function onDropdown():Void { (dropPanel.visible) ? showList(false) : showList(true); } private function onClickItem(i:Int):Void { var item:FlxUIButton = list[i]; selectSomething(, item.label.text); showList(false); if (callback != null) { callback(; } if (broadcastToFlxUI) { FlxUI.event(CLICK_EVENT, this,, params); } } /** * Helper function to easily create a data list for a dropdown menu from an array of strings. * * @param StringArray The strings to use as data - used for both label and string ID. * @param UseIndexID Whether to use the integer index of the current string as ID. * @return The StrIDLabel array ready to be used in FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom's constructor */ public static function makeStrIdLabelArray(StringArray:Array, UseIndexID:Bool = false):Array { var strIdArray:Array = []; for (i in 0...StringArray.length) { var ID:String = StringArray[i]; if (UseIndexID) { ID = Std.string(i); } strIdArray[i] = new StrNameLabel(ID, StringArray[i]); } return strIdArray; } } /** * Header for a FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom */ class FlxUIDropDownHeader extends FlxUIGroup { /** * The background of the header. */ public var background:FlxSprite; /** * The text that displays the currently selected item. */ public var text:FlxUIText; /** * The button that toggles the visibility of the dropdown panel. */ public var button:FlxUISpriteButton; /** * Creates a new dropdown header to be used in a FlxUIDropDownMenuCustom. * * @param Width Width of the dropdown - only relevant when no back sprite was specified * @param Back Optional sprite to be placed in the background * @param Text Optional text that displays the current value * @param Button Optional button that toggles the dropdown list */ public function new(Width:Int = 120, ?Background:FlxSprite, ?Text:FlxUIText, ?Button:FlxUISpriteButton) { super(); background = Background; text = Text; button = Button; // Background if (background == null) { background = new FlxUI9SliceSprite(0, 0, FlxUIAssets.IMG_BOX, new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, 20), [1, 1, 14, 14]); } // Button if (button == null) { button = new FlxUISpriteButton(0, 0, new FlxSprite(0, 0, FlxUIAssets.IMG_DROPDOWN)); button.loadGraphicSlice9([FlxUIAssets.IMG_BUTTON_THIN], 80, 20, [FlxStringUtil.toIntArray(FlxUIAssets.SLICE9_BUTTON)], FlxUI9SliceSprite.TILE_NONE, -1, false, FlxUIAssets.IMG_BUTTON_SIZE, FlxUIAssets.IMG_BUTTON_SIZE); } button.resize(background.height, background.height); button.x = background.x + background.width - button.width; // Reposition and resize the button hitbox so the whole header is clickable button.width = Width; button.offset.x -= (Width - button.frameWidth); button.x = offset.x; button.label.offset.x += button.offset.x; // Text if (text == null) { text = new FlxUIText(0, 0,; } text.setPosition(2, 4); text.color = FlxColor.BLACK; add(background); add(button); add(text); } override public function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); background = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(background); text = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(text); button = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(button); } } enum FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection { Automatic; Down; Up; }