/* - Avoid a game by Canneddonuts - Filename ~ Main.c - Author ~ Return0ne - 2022 - *no license* */ #include "../include/raylib.h" #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB) #include #endif // screen variables static const int screenWidth = 800; static const int screenHeight = 450; // Gamescreens typedef enum GameScreen { TITLE = 0, GAMEPLAY, GAMEOVER, CREDITS } GameScreen; // structs typedef struct Ball { Vector2 position; Vector2 speed; float radius; float growth; Color color; bool active; } Ball; typedef struct Player { Texture2D sprite; int currentframe; Vector2 sprite_pos; Rectangle frameRec; Rectangle hitbox; int hp; } Player; // Game variables static int pauseTimer; static int score, bestscore; static int titleSelected = 0, gameoverSelected = 0; static GameScreen currentScreen = { 0 }; static Sound fxbounce = { 0 }; static Player player = { 0 }; static Ball ball = { 0 }; static bool pause; static bool mute; static bool ShowHitbox; // Game functions static void gameSetup(void); static void updateGame(void); static void drawGame(void); static void gameReset(void); static void gameLoop(void); static void unloadGame(void); int main(void) { InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "Avoid"); InitAudioDevice(); gameSetup(); #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB) emscripten_set_main_loop(gameLoop, 60, 1); #else SetTargetFPS(60); while (!WindowShouldClose()) gameLoop(); #endif unloadGame(); CloseWindow(); return 0; } void gameSetup(void) { // asset loading & setting of variable values currentScreen = TITLE; fxbounce = LoadSound("assets/sfx/boing.wav"); SetMasterVolume(0.2); player.sprite = LoadTexture("assets/gfx/player.png"); player.currentframe = 0; player.hp = 30; player.frameRec = (Rectangle) { 0.0f, 0.0f, (float) player.sprite.width/2, (float) player.sprite.height }; player.hitbox = (Rectangle) { GetScreenWidth()/2.0f - 30, GetScreenHeight()/2.0f - 30, 70, 70 }; ball.position = (Vector2){ 50, 50 }; ball.speed = (Vector2){ 400.0f, 300.0f }; ball.radius = 20; ball.growth = 2; ball.color = MAROON; ball.active = true; pause = 0; mute = 0; ShowHitbox = 0; pauseTimer = 0; score = 0; } void updateGame(void) { // code that runs as long as the program is running if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT)) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_F))) ToggleFullscreen(); switch(currentScreen) { case TITLE: if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) titleSelected++; if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) titleSelected--; if (titleSelected > 0) titleSelected--; if (titleSelected < -2) titleSelected++; if ((titleSelected == 0) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))) currentScreen = GAMEPLAY; if ((titleSelected == -1) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))) currentScreen = CREDITS; if ((titleSelected == -2) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))) OpenURL("https://canneddonuts.itch.io/"); break; case GAMEPLAY: if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_M)) mute = !mute; if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) pause = !pause; if (!pause) { // Controls if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) player.hitbox.x -= GetFrameTime() * 300.0f; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) player.hitbox.x += GetFrameTime() * 300.0f; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) player.hitbox.y -= GetFrameTime() * 300.0f; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) player.hitbox.y += GetFrameTime() * 300.0f; player.sprite_pos = (Vector2){ player.hitbox.x, player.hitbox.y }; player.frameRec.x = (float)player.currentframe*(float)player.sprite.width/2; // Player to da wallz collies if ((player.hitbox.x + player.hitbox.width) >= GetScreenWidth()) player.hitbox.x = GetScreenWidth() - player.hitbox.width; else if (player.hitbox.x <= 0) player.hitbox.x = 0; if ((player.hitbox.y + player.hitbox.height) >= GetScreenHeight()) player.hitbox.y = GetScreenHeight() - player.hitbox.height; else if (player.hitbox.y <= 0) player.hitbox.y = 0; if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_D)) ball.active = !ball.active; if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_H)) ShowHitbox = !ShowHitbox; if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_R)) { gameReset(); currentScreen = TITLE; } if (player.hp <= 0) { gameReset(); currentScreen = GAMEOVER; } if (ball.active) { score++; // moveiement of the balls ball.position.x += GetFrameTime() * ball.speed.x; ball.position.y += GetFrameTime() * ball.speed.y; if (score >= bestscore) bestscore = score; // Ballz to da wallz collies if ((ball.position.x >= (GetScreenWidth() - ball.radius)) || (ball.position.x <= ball.radius)) { ball.speed.x *= -1.0f; if (!mute) PlaySoundMulti(fxbounce); } if ((ball.position.y >= (GetScreenHeight() - ball.radius)) || (ball.position.y <= ball.radius)) { ball.speed.y *= -1.0f; if (!mute) PlaySoundMulti(fxbounce); } if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(ball.position, ball.radius, player.hitbox)) { player.hp -= GetFrameTime() * 3.0f; player.currentframe = 1; } else player.currentframe = 0; if (ball.radius <= 100) ball.radius += GetFrameTime() * ball.growth; } } else pauseTimer++; break; case GAMEOVER: if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) gameoverSelected++; if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) gameoverSelected--; if (gameoverSelected > 0) gameoverSelected--; if (gameoverSelected < -1) gameoverSelected++; if ((gameoverSelected == 0) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))) currentScreen = GAMEPLAY; if ((gameoverSelected == -1) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))) currentScreen = TITLE; break; case CREDITS: if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) currentScreen = TITLE; default: break; } } void drawGame(void) { // code to render the game to the game window BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); switch(currentScreen) { case TITLE: DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, ORANGE); DrawText("Controls", 10, 10, 30, PURPLE); DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, WHITE); DrawText("Press the arrow keys to move", 10, 40, 10, RED); DrawText("Press 'ENTER' to pause", 10, 60, 10, RED); DrawText("Press 'M' to mute", 10, 80, 10, RED); DrawText("Press 'Left-ALT' + 'F' for full screen", 10, 100, 10, RED); DrawText("Press 'R' to restart", 10, 120, 10, RED); DrawText("Press 'ENTER' to select an option", 10, 140, 10, RED); DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, BLUE); if (titleSelected == 0) DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, BLUE); if (titleSelected == -1) DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, BLUE); if (titleSelected == -2) DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, BLUE); break; case GAMEPLAY: DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, BLACK); DrawFPS(10, 430); DrawText(TextFormat("HP: %i", player.hp), 10, 10, 20, RED); DrawText(TextFormat("SCORE: %i", score), 10, 30, 20, BLUE); DrawText(TextFormat("BALL SIZE: %f", ball.radius), 10, 50, 20, PINK); if (ball.active) DrawCircleV(ball.position, (float)ball.radius, ball.color); if (ShowHitbox) DrawRectangleRec(player.hitbox, BLUE); DrawTextureRec(player.sprite, player.frameRec, player.sprite_pos, WHITE); if (pause && ((pauseTimer/30)%2)) DrawText("PAUSED", 330, 190, 30, PURPLE); break; case GAMEOVER: DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, BLUE); DrawText("GAMEOVER", 250, 20, 50, RED); if (gameoverSelected == 0) DrawText("RETRY", 350, 200, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("RETRY", 350, 200, 20, RED); if (gameoverSelected == -1) DrawText("TITLE", 352, 230, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("TITLE", 352, 230, 20, RED); break; case CREDITS: DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GREEN); DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, MAGENTA); DrawText("Programming and Art by Return0ne", 10, 210, 20, BLUE); DrawText("Powered by raylib 4.0", 10, 240, 20, BLUE); DrawText("A Canneddonuts project 2022", 10, 270, 40, RED); DrawText("Press 'ENTER' ", 10, 350, 20, WHITE); break; default: break; } EndDrawing(); } void gameReset(void) { // code to reset all variables without reloading assets player.currentframe = 0; player.hp = 30; player.hitbox = (Rectangle) { GetScreenWidth()/2.0f - 30, GetScreenHeight()/2.0f - 30, 70, 70 }; ball.position = (Vector2){ 50, 50 }; ball.radius = 20; ball.active = true; ShowHitbox = 0; pauseTimer = 0; score = 0; gameoverSelected = 0; } void gameLoop(void) { updateGame(); drawGame(); } void unloadGame(void) { UnloadSound(fxbounce); UnloadTexture(player.sprite); }