/* - Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts - Filename ~ Title.h - Author ~ Return0ne - 2022 - *no license* */ #include "../include/raylib.h" #include "Screens.h" #include "Controls.h" #include "Score.h" #include "Textures.h" int titleSelected = 0; void DrawScore(void) { if (bestscore >= 10000) DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, (Color){ 222, 181, 0, 255 }); else if (bestscore >= 5000) DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, (Color){ 149, 148, 147, 255 }); else if (bestscore >= 1000) DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, (Color){ 138, 72, 4, 255 }); else DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, BLUE); } void InitTitleScreen(void) { background = LoadTexture("assets/gfx/background.png"); } void UpdateTitleScreen(void) { if (INPUT_UP_PRESSED) titleSelected++; if (INPUT_DOWN_PRESSED) titleSelected--; if (titleSelected > 0) titleSelected--; if (titleSelected < -2) titleSelected++; if ((titleSelected == 0) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) currentScreen = GAMEPLAY; if ((titleSelected == -1) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) currentScreen = CREDITS; if ((titleSelected == -2) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) OpenURL("https://canneddonuts.itch.io/"); } void DrawTitleScreen(void) { DrawTexture(background, 0, 0, GRAY); DrawText("Controls", 10, 10, 30, BLUE); DrawScore(); DrawText("Press the arrow keys or 'DPAD' to move and 'X' to dash", 10, 40, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Press 'ENTER' or 'START' to pause", 10, 60, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Press 'M' to mute", 10, 80, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Press 'Left-ALT' + 'F' for full screen", 10, 100, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Press 'R' to restart", 10, 120, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Press 'ENTER' or 'START' to select an option", 10, 140, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, BLUE); if (titleSelected == 0) DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, BLUE); if (titleSelected == -1) DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, BLUE); if (titleSelected == -2) DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, WHITE); else DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, BLUE); } void UnloadTitleScreen(void) { UnloadTexture(background); }