added health pickups and multiple source files

This commit is contained in:
Return0ne 2022-06-12 13:49:42 -04:00
parent fb39864584
commit 2e3d37385b
13 changed files with 461 additions and 283 deletions

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
clang : clang :
clang src/Main.c -std=c99 -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o Avoid clang src/Main.c src/Title.c src/Credits.c src/Gameover.c src/Gameplay.c -std=c99 -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o Avoid
tcc : tcc :
tcc src/Main.c -std=c99 -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o Avoid tcc src/Main.c src/Title.c src/Credits.c src/Gameover.c src/Gameplay.c -std=c99 -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o Avoid
gcc : gcc :
gcc src/Main.c -std=c99 -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o Avoid gcc src/Main.c src/Title.c src/Credits.c src/Gameover.c src/Gameplay.c -std=c99 -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o Avoid

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"modelVersion":2,"piskel":{"name":"Health","description":"","fps":12,"height":40,"width":40,"layers":["{\"name\":\"Layer 1\",\"opacity\":1,\"frameCount\":1,\"chunks\":[{\"layout\":[[0]],\"base64PNG\":\"\"}]}"],"hiddenFrames":[""]}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"modelVersion":2,"piskel":{"name":"Health","description":"","fps":12,"height":32,"width":32,"layers":["{\"name\":\"Layer 1\",\"opacity\":1,\"frameCount\":1,\"chunks\":[{\"layout\":[[0]],\"base64PNG\":\"\"}]}"],"hiddenFrames":[""]}}

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 168 B


(image error) Size: 174 B

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
emcc -o html5/index.html src/Main.c -Os -Wall /usr/local/lib/libraylib.a -I. -I/usr/local/include/raylib.h -L. -L/usr/local/lib/libraylib.a -s USE_GLFW=3 -DPLATFORM_WEB --preload-file ./assets --shell-file html5/shell.html emcc -o html5/index.html src/Main.c src/Title.c src/Credits.c src/Gameover.c src/Gameplay.c -Os -Wall /usr/local/lib/libraylib.a -I. -I/usr/local/include/raylib.h -L. -L/usr/local/lib/libraylib.a -s USE_GLFW=3 -DPLATFORM_WEB --preload-file ./assets --shell-file html5/shell.html

src/Credits.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Credits.c
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
#include "../include/raylib.h"
#include "Screens.h"
#include "Controls.h"
void UpdateCreditsScreen(void)
if (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED) currentScreen = TITLE;
void DrawCreditsScreen(void)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), GREEN);
DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, MAGENTA);
DrawText("Programming and Art by Return0ne", 10, 210, 20, BLUE);
DrawText("Powered by raylib 4.0", 10, 240, 20, BLUE);
DrawText("A Canneddonuts project 2022", 10, 270, 40, RED);
DrawText("Press 'ENTER' ", 10, 350, 20, WHITE);

src/Gameover.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Gameover.c
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
#include "../include/raylib.h"
#include "Screens.h"
#include "Controls.h"
int gameoverSelected = 0;
void InitGameoverScreen(void)
gameoverSelected = 0;
void UpdateGameoverScreen(void)
if (INPUT_UP_PRESSED) gameoverSelected++;
if (INPUT_DOWN_PRESSED) gameoverSelected--;
if (gameoverSelected > 0) gameoverSelected--;
if (gameoverSelected < -1) gameoverSelected++;
if ((gameoverSelected == 0) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED))
currentScreen = GAMEPLAY;
if ((gameoverSelected == -1) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED))
currentScreen = TITLE;
void DrawGameoverScreen(void)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), BLUE);
DrawText("GAMEOVER", 250, 20, 50, RED);
if (gameoverSelected == 0) DrawText("RETRY", 350, 200, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("RETRY", 350, 200, 20, RED);
if (gameoverSelected == -1) DrawText("TITLE", 352, 230, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("TITLE", 352, 230, 20, RED);

src/Gameplay.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Gameplay.c
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
#include "../include/raylib.h"
#include "Screens.h"
#include "Controls.h"
#include "Gameplay.h"
#include "Score.h"
int score = 0, bestscore = 0;
void InitGameplayScreen(void)
fxbounce = LoadSound("assets/sfx/boing.wav");
player.sprite = LoadTexture("assets/gfx/player.png");
player.currentframe = 0;
player.speed = 300.0f;
player.hp = 30;
player.frameRec = (Rectangle) {
(float) player.sprite.width/3,
(float) player.sprite.height
player.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetScreenWidth()/2.0f - 30,
GetScreenHeight()/2.0f - 30,
(float) player.sprite.width/3,
(float) player.sprite.height
heart.sprite = LoadTexture("assets/gfx/health.png");
heart.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetRandomValue(0, GetScreenWidth() - heart.sprite.width),
GetRandomValue(0, GetScreenHeight() - heart.sprite.height),
(float) heart.sprite.width,
(float) heart.sprite.height
}; = false;
ball.position = (Vector2){ 50, 50 };
ball.speed = (Vector2){ 400.0f, 300.0f };
ball.radius = 20;
ball.growth = 2;
ball.color = MAROON; = true;
pause = 0;
mute = 0;
DebugMode = 0;
pauseTimer = 0;
void ResetGameplayScreen(void)
// code to reset all variables without reloading assets
player.currentframe = 0;
player.speed = 300.0f;
player.hp = 30;
player.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetScreenWidth()/2.0f - 30,
GetScreenHeight()/2.0f - 30,
(float) player.sprite.width/3,
(float) player.sprite.height
heart.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetRandomValue(0, GetScreenWidth() - heart.sprite.width),
GetRandomValue(0, GetScreenHeight() - heart.sprite.height),
(float) heart.sprite.width,
(float) heart.sprite.height
}; = false;
ball.position = (Vector2){ 50, 50 };
ball.radius = 20; = true;
DebugMode = 0;
pauseTimer = 0;
score = 0;
void UpdateGameplayScreen(void)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_M)) mute = !mute;
if (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED) pause = !pause;
if (!pause) {
// Controls
if (INPUT_LEFT_DOWN) player.hitbox.x -= GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
if (INPUT_RIGHT_DOWN) player.hitbox.x += GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
if (INPUT_UP_DOWN) player.hitbox.y -= GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
if (INPUT_DOWN_DOWN) player.hitbox.y += GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
player.speed = 600.0f;
if (player.currentframe != 1) player.currentframe = 2;
} else player.speed = 300.0f;
player.sprite_pos = (Vector2){ player.hitbox.x, player.hitbox.y };
player.frameRec.x = (float)player.currentframe*(float)player.sprite.width/3;
heart.sprite_pos = (Vector2){ heart.hitbox.x, heart.hitbox.y };
if (score == 1000) = true;
if (score == 2000) = true;
if (score == 3000) = true;
if (score == 4000) = true;
if (score == 5000) = true;
if (score == 6000) = true;
if (score == 7000) = true;
if (score == 8000) = true;
if (score == 9000) = true;
if (score == 10000) = true;
// Player to da wallz collies
if ((player.hitbox.x + player.hitbox.width) >= GetScreenWidth()) player.hitbox.x = GetScreenWidth() - player.hitbox.width;
else if (player.hitbox.x <= 0) player.hitbox.x = 0;
if ((player.hitbox.y + player.hitbox.height) >= GetScreenHeight()) player.hitbox.y = GetScreenHeight() - player.hitbox.height;
else if (player.hitbox.y <= 0) player.hitbox.y = 0;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_B)) = !;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_D)) DebugMode = !DebugMode;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_R)) {
currentScreen = TITLE;
if (player.hp <= 0) {
currentScreen = GAMEOVER;
if ( {
if (CheckCollisionRecs(player.hitbox, heart.hitbox)) {
player.hp = 30;
heart.hitbox.x = GetRandomValue(0, GetScreenWidth() - heart.sprite.width);
heart.hitbox.y = GetRandomValue(0, GetScreenHeight() - heart.sprite.height); = false;
if ( {
// movement of the ball
ball.position.x += GetFrameTime() * ball.speed.x;
ball.position.y += GetFrameTime() * ball.speed.y;
if (score >= bestscore) bestscore = score;
// Ballz to da wallz collies
if ((ball.position.x >= (GetScreenWidth() - ball.radius)) || (ball.position.x <= ball.radius)) {
ball.speed.x *= -1.0f;
if (!mute) PlaySoundMulti(fxbounce);
if ((ball.position.y >= (GetScreenHeight() - ball.radius)) || (ball.position.y <= ball.radius)) {
ball.speed.y *= -1.0f;
if (!mute) PlaySoundMulti(fxbounce);
if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(ball.position, ball.radius, player.hitbox)) {
player.hp -= GetFrameTime() * 3.0f;
player.currentframe = 1;
} else player.currentframe = 0;
if (ball.radius <= 100) ball.radius += GetFrameTime() * ball.growth;
else pauseTimer++;
void DrawGameplayScreen(void)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), BLACK);
DrawFPS(10, 430);
DrawText(TextFormat("HP: %i", player.hp), 10, 10, 20, RED);
DrawText(TextFormat("SCORE: %i", score), 10, 30, 20, BLUE);
if (DebugMode) {
DrawText(TextFormat("BALL SIZE: %f", ball.radius), 10, 50, 20, GREEN);
DrawText(TextFormat("BALL POS X: %f, BALL POS Y: %f", ball.position.x, ball.position.y), 10, 70, 20, GREEN);
DrawText(TextFormat("BALL SPEED X: %f, BALL SPEED Y: %f", ball.speed.x, ball.speed.y), 10, 90, 20, GREEN);
DrawRectangleRec(player.hitbox, BLUE);
DrawRectangleRec(heart.hitbox, GREEN);
if ( DrawCircleV(ball.position, (float)ball.radius, ball.color);
if ( DrawTexture(heart.sprite, heart.sprite_pos.x, heart.sprite_pos.y, RAYWHITE);
DrawTextureRec(player.sprite, player.frameRec, player.sprite_pos, WHITE);
if (pause && ((pauseTimer/30)%2)) DrawText("PAUSED", 330, 190, 30, PURPLE);
void UnloadGameplayScreen()
void gameReset(void)

src/Gameplay.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Gameplay.h
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
typedef struct Ball {
Vector2 position;
Vector2 speed;
float radius;
float growth;
Color color;
bool active;
} Ball;
typedef struct Player {
Texture2D sprite;
float speed;
int hp;
int currentframe;
Vector2 sprite_pos;
Rectangle frameRec;
Rectangle hitbox;
} Player;
typedef struct Item {
Texture2D sprite;
Vector2 sprite_pos;
Rectangle hitbox;
bool active;
} Item;
int pauseTimer;
Sound fxbounce = { 0 };
Player player = { 0 };
Ball ball = { 0 };
Item heart = { 0 };
bool pause;
bool mute;
bool DebugMode;

View file

@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
#include "../include/raylib.h" #include "../include/raylib.h"
#include "Screens.h"
#include "Controls.h" #include "Controls.h"
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB) #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h> #include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
#endif #endif
@ -18,54 +20,13 @@
static const int screenWidth = 800; static const int screenWidth = 800;
static const int screenHeight = 450; static const int screenHeight = 450;
// Gamescreens GameScreen currentScreen = 0;
typedef enum GameScreen { TITLE = 0, GAMEPLAY, GAMEOVER, CREDITS } GameScreen;
// structs
typedef struct Ball {
Vector2 position;
Vector2 speed;
float radius;
float growth;
Color color;
bool active;
} Ball;
typedef struct Player {
Texture2D sprite;
float speed;
int hp;
int currentframe;
Vector2 sprite_pos;
Rectangle frameRec;
Rectangle hitbox;
} Player;
typedef struct Item {
Texture2D sprite;
Vector2 sprite_pos;
Rectangle hitbox;
bool active;
} Item;
// Game variables
static int pauseTimer;
static int score, bestscore;
static int titleSelected = 0, gameoverSelected = 0;
static GameScreen currentScreen = { 0 };
static Sound fxbounce = { 0 };
static Player player = { 0 };
static Ball ball = { 0 };
// static Item heart = { 0 };
static bool pause;
static bool mute;
static bool DebugMode;
// Game functions // Game functions
static void gameSetup(void); static void gameSetup(void);
static void updateGame(void); static void updateGame(void);
static void drawGame(void); static void drawGame(void);
static void gameReset(void);
static void gameLoop(void); static void gameLoop(void);
static void unloadGame(void); static void unloadGame(void);
@ -99,48 +60,7 @@ void gameSetup(void)
// asset loading & setting of variable values // asset loading & setting of variable values
currentScreen = TITLE; currentScreen = TITLE;
fxbounce = LoadSound("assets/sfx/boing.wav"); InitGameplayScreen();
player.sprite = LoadTexture("assets/gfx/player.png");
player.currentframe = 0;
player.speed = 300.0f;
player.hp = 30;
player.frameRec = (Rectangle) {
(float) player.sprite.width/3,
(float) player.sprite.height
player.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetScreenWidth()/2.0f - 30,
GetScreenHeight()/2.0f - 30,
(float) player.sprite.width/3,
(float) player.sprite.height
heart.sprite = LoadTexture("assets/gfx/health.png");
heart.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetRandomValue(0, screenWidth - heart.sprite.width),
GetRandomValue(0, screenHeight - heart.sprite.height),
(float) heart.sprite.width/3,
(float) heart.sprite.height
}; = true;
ball.position = (Vector2){ 50, 50 };
ball.speed = (Vector2){ 400.0f, 300.0f };
ball.radius = 20;
ball.growth = 2;
ball.color = MAROON; = true;
pause = 0;
mute = 0;
DebugMode = 0;
pauseTimer = 0;
score = 0;
} }
void updateGame(void) void updateGame(void)
@ -149,106 +69,10 @@ void updateGame(void)
if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT)) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_F))) ToggleFullscreen(); if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT)) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_F))) ToggleFullscreen();
switch(currentScreen) { switch(currentScreen) {
case TITLE: case TITLE: UpdateTitleScreen(); break;
if (INPUT_UP_PRESSED) titleSelected++; case GAMEPLAY: UpdateGameplayScreen(); break;
if (INPUT_DOWN_PRESSED) titleSelected--; case GAMEOVER: UpdateGameoverScreen(); break;
if (titleSelected > 0) titleSelected--; case CREDITS: UpdateCreditsScreen(); break;
if (titleSelected < -2) titleSelected++;
if ((titleSelected == 0) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) currentScreen = GAMEPLAY;
if ((titleSelected == -1) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) currentScreen = CREDITS;
if ((titleSelected == -2) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) OpenURL("");
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_M)) mute = !mute;
if (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED) pause = !pause;
if (!pause) {
// Controls
if (INPUT_LEFT_DOWN) player.hitbox.x -= GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
if (INPUT_RIGHT_DOWN) player.hitbox.x += GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
if (INPUT_UP_DOWN) player.hitbox.y -= GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
if (INPUT_DOWN_DOWN) player.hitbox.y += GetFrameTime() * player.speed;
player.speed = 600.0f;
if (player.currentframe != 1) player.currentframe = 2;
} else player.speed = 300.0f;
player.sprite_pos = (Vector2){ player.hitbox.x, player.hitbox.y };
player.frameRec.x = (float)player.currentframe*(float)player.sprite.width/3;
// heart.sprite_pos = (Vector2){ heart.hitbox.x, heart.hitbox.y };
// Player to da wallz collies
if ((player.hitbox.x + player.hitbox.width) >= GetScreenWidth()) player.hitbox.x = GetScreenWidth() - player.hitbox.width;
else if (player.hitbox.x <= 0) player.hitbox.x = 0;
if ((player.hitbox.y + player.hitbox.height) >= GetScreenHeight()) player.hitbox.y = GetScreenHeight() - player.hitbox.height;
else if (player.hitbox.y <= 0) player.hitbox.y = 0;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_B)) = !;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_D)) DebugMode = !DebugMode;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_R)) {
currentScreen = TITLE;
if (player.hp <= 0) {
currentScreen = GAMEOVER;
if ( {
// movement of the ball
ball.position.x += GetFrameTime() * ball.speed.x;
ball.position.y += GetFrameTime() * ball.speed.y;
if (score >= bestscore) bestscore = score;
// Ballz to da wallz collies
if ((ball.position.x >= (GetScreenWidth() - ball.radius)) || (ball.position.x <= ball.radius)) {
ball.speed.x *= -1.0f;
if (!mute) PlaySoundMulti(fxbounce);
if ((ball.position.y >= (GetScreenHeight() - ball.radius)) || (ball.position.y <= ball.radius)) {
ball.speed.y *= -1.0f;
if (!mute) PlaySoundMulti(fxbounce);
if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(ball.position, ball.radius, player.hitbox)) {
player.hp -= GetFrameTime() * 3.0f;
player.currentframe = 1;
} else player.currentframe = 0;
if (ball.radius <= 100) ball.radius += GetFrameTime() * ball.growth;
else pauseTimer++;
if (INPUT_UP_PRESSED) gameoverSelected++;
if (INPUT_DOWN_PRESSED) gameoverSelected--;
if (gameoverSelected > 0) gameoverSelected--;
if (gameoverSelected < -1) gameoverSelected++;
if ((gameoverSelected == 0) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED))
currentScreen = GAMEPLAY;
if ((gameoverSelected == -1) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED))
currentScreen = TITLE;
if (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED) currentScreen = TITLE;
default: break; default: break;
} }
} }
@ -261,102 +85,16 @@ void drawGame(void)
ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); ClearBackground(RAYWHITE);
switch(currentScreen) { switch(currentScreen) {
case TITLE: case TITLE: DrawTitleScreen(); break;
DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, ORANGE); case GAMEPLAY: DrawGameplayScreen(); break;
DrawText("Controls", 10, 10, 30, PURPLE); case GAMEOVER: DrawGameoverScreen(); break;
DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, WHITE); case CREDITS: DrawCreditsScreen(); break;
DrawText("Press the arrow keys or 'DPAD' to move and 'X' to dash", 10, 40, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'ENTER' or 'START' to pause", 10, 60, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'M' to mute", 10, 80, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'Left-ALT' + 'F' for full screen", 10, 100, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'R' to restart", 10, 120, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'ENTER' or 'START' to select an option", 10, 140, 10, RED);
DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, BLUE);
if (titleSelected == 0) DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, BLUE);
if (titleSelected == -1) DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, BLUE);
if (titleSelected == -2) DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, BLUE);
DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, BLACK);
DrawFPS(10, 430);
DrawText(TextFormat("HP: %i", player.hp), 10, 10, 20, RED);
DrawText(TextFormat("SCORE: %i", score), 10, 30, 20, BLUE);
if (DebugMode) {
DrawText(TextFormat("BALL SIZE: %f", ball.radius), 10, 50, 20, GREEN);
DrawText(TextFormat("BALL POS X: %f, BALL POS Y: %f", ball.position.x, ball.position.y), 10, 70, 20, GREEN);
DrawText(TextFormat("BALL SPEED X: %f, BALL SPEED Y: %f", ball.speed.x, ball.speed.y), 10, 90, 20, GREEN);
DrawRectangleRec(player.hitbox, BLUE);
if ( DrawCircleV(ball.position, (float)ball.radius, ball.color);
// if ( DrawTexture(heart.sprite, heart.sprite_pos.x, heart.sprite_pos.y, RAYWHITE);
DrawTextureRec(player.sprite, player.frameRec, player.sprite_pos, WHITE);
if (pause && ((pauseTimer/30)%2)) DrawText("PAUSED", 330, 190, 30, PURPLE);
DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, BLUE);
DrawText("GAMEOVER", 250, 20, 50, RED);
if (gameoverSelected == 0) DrawText("RETRY", 350, 200, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("RETRY", 350, 200, 20, RED);
if (gameoverSelected == -1) DrawText("TITLE", 352, 230, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("TITLE", 352, 230, 20, RED);
DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, GREEN);
DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, MAGENTA);
DrawText("Programming and Art by Return0ne", 10, 210, 20, BLUE);
DrawText("Powered by raylib 4.0", 10, 240, 20, BLUE);
DrawText("A Canneddonuts project 2022", 10, 270, 40, RED);
DrawText("Press 'ENTER' ", 10, 350, 20, WHITE);
default: break; default: break;
} }
EndDrawing(); EndDrawing();
} }
void gameReset(void)
// code to reset all variables without reloading assets
player.currentframe = 0;
player.speed = 300.0f;
player.hp = 30;
player.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetScreenWidth()/2.0f - 30,
GetScreenHeight()/2.0f - 30,
(float) player.sprite.width/3,
(float) player.sprite.height
heart.hitbox = (Rectangle) {
GetRandomValue(0, screenWidth - heart.sprite.width),
GetRandomValue(0, screenHeight - heart.sprite.height),
(float) heart.sprite.width/3,
(float) heart.sprite.height
}; = true;
ball.position = (Vector2){ 50, 50 };
ball.radius = 20; = true;
DebugMode = 0;
pauseTimer = 0;
score = 0;
gameoverSelected = 0;
void gameLoop(void) void gameLoop(void)
{ {
updateGame(); updateGame();
@ -365,7 +103,5 @@ void gameLoop(void)
void unloadGame(void) void unloadGame(void)
{ {
UnloadSound(fxbounce); UnloadGameplayScreen();
} }

src/Score.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Score.h
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
extern int bestscore;
extern int score;

src/Screens.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Screens.h
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
typedef enum GameScreen { TITLE = 0, GAMEPLAY, GAMEOVER, CREDITS } GameScreen;
extern GameScreen currentScreen;
void gameReset(void);
void UpdateTitleScreen(void);
void DrawTitleScreen(void);
void InitGameplayScreen(void);
void UpdateGameplayScreen(void);
void DrawGameplayScreen(void);
void UnloadGameplayScreen(void);
void ResetGameplayScreen(void);
void UpdateCreditsScreen(void);
void DrawCreditsScreen(void);
void InitGameoverScreen(void);
void UpdateGameoverScreen(void);
void DrawGameoverScreen(void);

src/Title.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
- Avoid ~ a game by Canneddonuts
- Filename ~ Title.h
- Author ~ Return0ne
- 2022
- *no license*
#include "../include/raylib.h"
#include "Screens.h"
#include "Controls.h"
#include "Score.h"
int titleSelected = 0;
void UpdateTitleScreen(void)
if (INPUT_UP_PRESSED) titleSelected++;
if (INPUT_DOWN_PRESSED) titleSelected--;
if (titleSelected > 0) titleSelected--;
if (titleSelected < -2) titleSelected++;
if ((titleSelected == 0) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) currentScreen = GAMEPLAY;
if ((titleSelected == -1) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) currentScreen = CREDITS;
if ((titleSelected == -2) && (INPUT_OPTION_PRESSED)) OpenURL("");
void DrawTitleScreen(void)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), ORANGE);
DrawText("Controls", 10, 10, 30, PURPLE);
DrawText(TextFormat("BEST: %i", bestscore), 600, 0, 30, WHITE);
DrawText("Press the arrow keys or 'DPAD' to move and 'X' to dash", 10, 40, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'ENTER' or 'START' to pause", 10, 60, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'M' to mute", 10, 80, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'Left-ALT' + 'F' for full screen", 10, 100, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'R' to restart", 10, 120, 10, RED);
DrawText("Press 'ENTER' or 'START' to select an option", 10, 140, 10, RED);
DrawText("Avoid", 330, 20, 50, BLUE);
if (titleSelected == 0) DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("PLAY", 360, 220, 20, BLUE);
if (titleSelected == -1) DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("CREDITS", 340, 240, 20, BLUE);
if (titleSelected == -2) DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, WHITE);
else DrawText("MORE GAMES", 320, 260, 20, BLUE);