"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const ipc_renderer_internal_utils_1 = require("@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal-utils"); window.onload = function () { // Use menu API to show context menu. window.InspectorFrontendHost.showContextMenuAtPoint = createMenu; // correct for Chromium returning undefined for filesystem window.Persistence.FileSystemWorkspaceBinding.completeURL = completeURL; // Use dialog API to override file chooser dialog. window.UI.createFileSelectorElement = createFileSelectorElement; }; // Extra / is needed as a result of MacOS requiring absolute paths function completeURL(project, path) { project = 'file:///'; return `${project}${path}`; } // The DOM implementation expects (message?: string) => boolean window.confirm = function (message, title) { return ipc_renderer_internal_utils_1.invokeSync('ELECTRON_INSPECTOR_CONFIRM', message, title); }; const useEditMenuItems = function (x, y, items) { return items.length === 0 && document.elementsFromPoint(x, y).some(function (element) { return element.nodeName === 'INPUT' || element.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' || element.isContentEditable; }); }; const createMenu = function (x, y, items) { const isEditMenu = useEditMenuItems(x, y, items); ipc_renderer_internal_utils_1.invoke('ELECTRON_INSPECTOR_CONTEXT_MENU', items, isEditMenu).then(id => { if (typeof id === 'number') { window.DevToolsAPI.contextMenuItemSelected(id); } window.DevToolsAPI.contextMenuCleared(); }); }; const showFileChooserDialog = function (callback) { ipc_renderer_internal_utils_1.invoke('ELECTRON_INSPECTOR_SELECT_FILE').then(([path, data]) => { if (path && data) { callback(dataToHtml5FileObject(path, data)); } }); }; const dataToHtml5FileObject = function (path, data) { return new File([data], path); }; const createFileSelectorElement = function (callback) { const fileSelectorElement = document.createElement('span'); fileSelectorElement.style.display = 'none'; fileSelectorElement.click = showFileChooserDialog.bind(this, callback); return fileSelectorElement; }; //# sourceMappingURL=inspector.js.map