'use strict'; const binding = process.electronBinding('crash_reporter'); class CrashReporter { contructor() { this.productName = null; this.crashesDirectory = null; } init(options) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } start(options) { if (options == null) options = {}; const { productName, companyName, extra = {}, ignoreSystemCrashHandler = false, submitURL, uploadToServer = true } = options; if (companyName == null) throw new Error('companyName is a required option to crashReporter.start'); if (submitURL == null) throw new Error('submitURL is a required option to crashReporter.start'); const ret = this.init({ submitURL, productName }); this.productName = ret.productName; this.crashesDirectory = ret.crashesDirectory; this.crashServicePid = ret.crashServicePid; if (extra._productName == null) extra._productName = ret.productName; if (extra._companyName == null) extra._companyName = companyName; if (extra._version == null) extra._version = ret.appVersion; binding.start(ret.productName, companyName, submitURL, ret.crashesDirectory, uploadToServer, ignoreSystemCrashHandler, extra); } getLastCrashReport() { const reports = this.getUploadedReports() .sort((a, b) => { const ats = (a && a.date) ? new Date(a.date).getTime() : 0; const bts = (b && b.date) ? new Date(b.date).getTime() : 0; return bts - ats; }); return (reports.length > 0) ? reports[0] : null; } getUploadedReports() { return binding.getUploadedReports(this.getCrashesDirectory()); } getCrashesDirectory() { return this.crashesDirectory; } getProductName() { return this.productName; } getUploadToServer() { if (process.type === 'browser') { return binding.getUploadToServer(); } else { throw new Error('getUploadToServer can only be called from the main process'); } } setUploadToServer(uploadToServer) { if (process.type === 'browser') { return binding.setUploadToServer(uploadToServer); } else { throw new Error('setUploadToServer can only be called from the main process'); } } addExtraParameter(key, value) { binding.addExtraParameter(key, value); } removeExtraParameter(key) { binding.removeExtraParameter(key); } getParameters() { return binding.getParameters(); } } module.exports = CrashReporter; //# sourceMappingURL=crash-reporter.js.map