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package com.discord.utilities.experiments;
import com.discord.utilities.experiments.RegisteredExperiment;
import d0.t.n;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
/* compiled from: ExperimentRegistry.kt */
public final class ExperimentRegistry {
public static final ExperimentRegistry INSTANCE = new ExperimentRegistry();
private static final LinkedHashMap<String, RegisteredExperiment> registeredExperiments;
/* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r0v1, resolved type: java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String, com.discord.utilities.experiments.RegisteredExperiment> */
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
static {
LinkedHashMap<String, RegisteredExperiment> linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
registeredExperiments = linkedHashMap;
RegisteredExperiment.Type type = RegisteredExperiment.Type.USER;
RegisteredExperiment.Type type2 = RegisteredExperiment.Type.GUILD;
for (Object obj : n.listOf((Object[]) new RegisteredExperiment[]{new RegisteredExperiment("Compact Invite Widget", "2020-01_mobile_invite_suggestion_compact", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Use compact view"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Guild Invite Sheet", "2020-12_android_guild_channel_invite_sheet", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Use the full-screen guild invite UI", "Treatment 1: Use the bottom sheet guild invite UI"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Disable mentions in landscape", "2020-12_android_disable_landscape_mentions", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Hide mentions in landscape"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Invite to GDM Sheet", "2020-12_invite_to_gdm", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Use the full-screen GDM invite UI", "Treatment 1: Use the bottom sheet GDM invite UI"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Guild Delete Feedback", "2020-12_guild_delete_feedback", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Do not show the feedback modal", "Treatment 1: Show the feedback modal"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("View Threads", "2021-02_view_threads", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Do not display anything threads-related, except if receiving a notification", "Treatment 1: Show view-only threads features in channel list, in chat view, etc."}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Create Threads", "2020-09_threads", type2, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Do not show thread creation entrypoints, or Thread Browser", "Treatment 1: Show thread creation buttons, and show button to open Thread Browser"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Disable Camera 2", "2021-02_android_webrtc_camera2", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Use Camera 2 API if supported", "Treatment 1: Force Camera 1 API"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("MediaSinkWants", "2021-03_android_media_sink_wants", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: disabled", "Treatment 1: use MediaSinkWants"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Default Invite Expiration", "2021-03_android_extend_invite_expiration", type2, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Default Invite Expiration is 1 day", "Treatment 1: Default Invite Expiration is 7 days"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Emoji Autocomplete Upsell", "2021-03_nitro_emoji_autocomplete_upsell_android", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show Emoji Autocomplete Upsell"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Application Command Frecency", "2021-09_android_app_commands_frecency", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show frecent application commands"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Attachments Bottom Sheet", "2021-10_android_attachment_bottom_sheet", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show attachments bottom sheet"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Bot UI Kit Components", "2021-03_bot_ui_kit_components_android", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show Bot UI Kit Components"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Select Bot UI Component", "2021-05_bot_ui_kit_select", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show Select Bot Ui Component"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Stage Events Guilds", "2021-06_stage_events", type2, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Enables users to see events in guilds"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Contact Sync: Base Experiment", "2021-04_contact_sync_android_main", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Enable core Contact Sync features"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Contact Sync: Existing Users w/ Phone Upsell Experiment", "2021-04_contact_sync_android_existing_user_phone_prompt", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show Contact Sync for existing users with a phone number"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Contact Sync: Existing Users without Phone Upsell Experiment", "2021-04_contact_sync_android_existing_user_without_phone_prompt", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show Contact Sync for existing users without a phone number"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Contact Sync: Empty states", "2021-05_contact_sync_android_empty_states", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Show Contact Sync in empty friend lists"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Stop Offscreen Video Streams", "2021-03_stop_offscreen_video_streams", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Stop offscreen video streams"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Hub Multiple Domains", "2021-08_hub_multi_domain_mobile", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Enable multiple domains for hubs"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enabled Discord Hub Directories", "2021-06_desktop_school_hubs", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: See Discord Hub Directories"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enabled Discord Hub Emails", "2021-06_hub_email_connection", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: See Discord Hub Emails"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enabled Discord Hub Recommendations", "2021-10_hubs_recs_and_rankings", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Hub Ranks Enabled", "Treatment 2: Hub Recommendations Enabled", "Treatment 3: Hub Ranks and Recommendations Enabled"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enabled Discord Hub Study Groups", "2021-10_study_group", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Hub Study Groups Enabled"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enabled Discord Hub Unreads", "2021-11_hub_unreads", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Enabled hub Unreads"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enable Impression Logging", "2021-08_impression_logging_enabled_android", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Enable Impression Logging"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("AudioManager V2 and OpenSL ES", "2021-05_opensl_default_enable_android", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Default enable OpenSL", "Treatment 2: Use StoreAudioManagerV2 for output routing"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Phone Registration - Bailout to Email", "2021-06_reg_bailout_to_email_android", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Just the back button", "Treatment 1: Static button to bailout to the email tab"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Enable Network Action Logging", "2021-07_network_action_logging_android", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Off: No Action logging", "On: Enable Action Logging"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Preview Promotions", "2021-06_preview_promotions", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Off: Hit normal endpoint", "On: Hit preview endpoint"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Route audio to speakerphone by default", "2021-08_android_speakerphone_default", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control", "Treatment 1: Always default to speakerphone"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("New Thread Perms", "2021-08_threads_permissions", type2, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: Use old threads permissions.", "Treatment 1: Use new threads permissions."}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Longer billing grace periods", "2021-09_longer_billing_grace_periods", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: 3-day grace period", "Treatment 1: 7-day grace period"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("SMS Autofill", "2021-09_android_sms_autofill", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: No SMS Autofill", "Treatment 1: SMS Code autofills"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Android Text-In-Voice", "2021-10_android_textinvoice", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: No Android text-in-voice.", "Treatment 1: Android text-in-voice enabled, if it's enabled for the guild."}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Guild Member Profiles v2", "2021-10_premium_guild_member_profiles", type, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: No editing of guild member premium profiles.", "Treatment 1: Can edit guild member premium profiles"}), true), new RegisteredExperiment("Animated Guild Banner", "2021-10_animated_guild_banners", type2, n.listOf((Object[]) new String[]{"Control: No Animated Guild Banners", "Treatment 1: Animated Guild Banners"}), true)})) {
linkedHashMap.put(((RegisteredExperiment) obj).getName(), obj);
private ExperimentRegistry() {
public final LinkedHashMap<String, RegisteredExperiment> getRegisteredExperiments() {
return registeredExperiments;