package com.discord.widgets.nux; import android.os.Bundle; import c.d.b.a.a; import; import d0.z.d.a0; import d0.z.d.o; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0; /* compiled from: ArgUtils.kt */ public final class WidgetGuildTemplates$$special$$inlined$args$1 extends o implements Function0 { public final /* synthetic */ String $argsKey; public final /* synthetic */ AppFragment $this_args; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public WidgetGuildTemplates$$special$$inlined$args$1(AppFragment appFragment, String str) { super(0); this.$this_args = appFragment; this.$argsKey = str; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARNING: Unknown variable types count: 1 */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0 /* renamed from: invoke */ public final GuildCreateArgs mo1invoke() { Bundle arguments = this.$this_args.getArguments(); Object obj = null; Object obj2 = arguments != null ? arguments.get(this.$argsKey) : null; if (obj2 instanceof GuildCreateArgs) { obj = obj2; } GuildCreateArgs guildCreateArgs = (GuildCreateArgs) obj; GuildCreateArgs guildCreateArgs2 = guildCreateArgs; if (guildCreateArgs == null) { guildCreateArgs2 = this.$this_args.getMostRecentIntent().getParcelableExtra(this.$argsKey); } if (guildCreateArgs2 != null) { return guildCreateArgs2; } StringBuilder N = a.N("Missing args for class type "); N.append(a0.getOrCreateKotlinClass(GuildCreateArgs.class).getSimpleName()); N.append(" + key "); throw new IllegalStateException(a.E(N, this.$argsKey, '!')); } }