/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.inventory.translators; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.window.WindowType; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.client.window.ClientClickWindowButtonPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.client.window.ClientCloseWindowPacket; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.ListTag; import com.nukkitx.math.vector.Vector3i; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMap; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMapBuilder; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ItemData; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.GeyserItemStack; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.Inventory; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.LecternContainer; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.PlayerInventory; import org.geysermc.connector.network.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.inventory.updater.InventoryUpdater; import org.geysermc.connector.utils.BlockEntityUtils; import org.geysermc.connector.utils.InventoryUtils; public class LecternInventoryTranslator extends BaseInventoryTranslator { private final InventoryUpdater updater; public LecternInventoryTranslator() { super(1); this.updater = new LecternInventoryUpdater(); } @Override public void prepareInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory) { } @Override public void openInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory) { } @Override public void closeInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory) { } @Override public void updateProperty(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, int key, int value) { if (key == 0) { // Lectern page update LecternContainer lecternContainer = (LecternContainer) inventory; lecternContainer.setCurrentBedrockPage(value / 2); lecternContainer.setBlockEntityTag(lecternContainer.getBlockEntityTag().toBuilder().putInt("page", lecternContainer.getCurrentBedrockPage()).build()); BlockEntityUtils.updateBlockEntity(session, lecternContainer.getBlockEntityTag(), lecternContainer.getPosition()); } } @Override public void updateInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory) { } @Override public void updateSlot(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, int slot) { this.updater.updateSlot(this, session, inventory, slot); if (slot == 0) { LecternContainer lecternContainer = (LecternContainer) inventory; if (session.isDroppingLecternBook()) { // We have to enter the inventory GUI to eject the book ClientClickWindowButtonPacket packet = new ClientClickWindowButtonPacket(inventory.getId(), 3); session.sendDownstreamPacket(packet); session.setDroppingLecternBook(false); InventoryUtils.closeInventory(session, inventory.getId()); } else if (lecternContainer.getBlockEntityTag() == null) { // If the method returns true, this is already handled for us GeyserItemStack geyserItemStack = inventory.getItem(0); CompoundTag tag = geyserItemStack.getNbt(); if (tag != null) { // Position has to be the last interacted position... right? Vector3i position = session.getLastInteractionPosition(); // shouldRefresh means that we should boot out the client on our side because their lectern GUI isn't updated yet boolean shouldRefresh = !session.getConnector().getWorldManager().shouldExpectLecternHandled() && !session.getLecternCache().contains(position); int pagesSize = ((ListTag) tag.get("pages")).size(); ItemData itemData = geyserItemStack.getItemData(session); NbtMapBuilder lecternTag = getBaseLecternTag(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ(), pagesSize); lecternTag.putCompound("book", NbtMap.builder() .putByte("Count", (byte) itemData.getCount()) .putShort("Damage", (short) 0) .putString("Name", "minecraft:written_book") .putCompound("tag", itemData.getTag()) .build()); lecternTag.putInt("page", lecternContainer.getCurrentBedrockPage()); NbtMap blockEntityTag = lecternTag.build(); // Even with serverside access to lecterns, we don't easily know which lectern this is, so we need to rebuild // the block entity tag lecternContainer.setBlockEntityTag(blockEntityTag); lecternContainer.setPosition(position); if (shouldRefresh) { // Update the lectern because it's not updated client-side BlockEntityUtils.updateBlockEntity(session, blockEntityTag, position); session.getLecternCache().add(position); // Close the window - we will reopen it once the client has this data synced ClientCloseWindowPacket closeWindowPacket = new ClientCloseWindowPacket(lecternContainer.getId()); session.sendDownstreamPacket(closeWindowPacket); InventoryUtils.closeInventory(session, inventory.getId()); session.getConnector().getLogger().warning("Closing inventory"); } } } } } @Override public Inventory createInventory(String name, int windowId, WindowType windowType, PlayerInventory playerInventory) { return new LecternContainer(name, windowId, this.size, playerInventory); } public static NbtMapBuilder getBaseLecternTag(int x, int y, int z, int totalPages) { NbtMapBuilder builder = NbtMap.builder() .putInt("x", x) .putInt("y", y) .putInt("z", z) .putString("id", "Lectern"); if (totalPages != 0) { builder.putByte("hasBook", (byte) 1); builder.putInt("totalPages", totalPages); } else { // Not usually needed, but helps with kicking out Bedrock players from reading the UI builder.putByte("hasBook", (byte) 0); } return builder; } private static class LecternInventoryUpdater extends InventoryUpdater { } }