using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using RimWorld; using Verse; using Verse.Sound; using HarmonyLib; using UnityEngine; using rjw; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace SizedApparel { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation), "DrawTabs")] public class SizedApparelStyleStationDrawTabsPatch { public static void Postfix(Rect rect, ref Vector2 ___hairScrollPosition, Dialog_StylingStation __instance, List ___tabs, Dialog_StylingStation.StylingTab ___curTab, float ___viewRectHeight, ref List ___tmpStyleItems, bool ___devEditMode, Pawn ___pawn, float ___colorsHeight, Color ___desiredHairColor) { if (!SizedApparelSettings.drawPubicHair) return; //Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); //TabDrawer.DrawTabs(rect, ___tabs, 200f); //rect = rect.ContractedBy(18f); switch (___curTab) { case (Dialog_StylingStation.StylingTab)24: //Draw PubicHair Tab Code here! //rect.yMax -= ___colorsHeight; DrawStylingTypePubicHair(ref __instance, ref ___viewRectHeight, ref ___tmpStyleItems, ___devEditMode, ___pawn, ___colorsHeight, ___desiredHairColor, rect, ref ___hairScrollPosition, delegate (Rect r, PubicHairDef h) { GUI.color = ___desiredHairColor; Widgets.DefIcon(r, h, null, 1.25f, null, false, null, null, null); //Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(r, h.Icon, 1.25f, null); GUI.color = Color.white; }, delegate (PubicHairDef h) { ___pawn.GetComp().pubicHairDef = h; //___pawn.story.hairDef = h; }, (StyleItemDef h) => ___pawn.GetComp().pubicHairDef == h, (StyleItemDef h) => ___pawn.GetComp().initialPubicHairDef == h, null, false); return; default: return; } } //Some Copy Code from Rimnudeworld //maybe Some Var has to be ref static void DrawStylingTypePubicHair(ref Dialog_StylingStation dialog_StylingStation, ref float viewRectHeight, ref List tmpStyleItems, bool devEditMode, Pawn pawn, float colorsHeight, Color desiredHairColor, Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, Action drawAction, Action selectAction, Func hasStyleItem, Func hadStyleItem, Func extraValidator = null, bool doColors = false) { //Color desiredHairColor = AccessTools.FieldRefAccess(dialog_StylingStation, "desiredHairColor"); int total_pubes_count = 0; total_pubes_count = DefDatabase.AllDefs.Count(); //need child patch? if (total_pubes_count <= 0) { Widgets.NoneLabelCenteredVertically(rect, "(" + "NoneUsableForPawn".Translate(pawn.Named("PAWN")) + ")"); return; } ApparelRecorderComp comp = pawn.GetComp(); Rect viewRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - 16f, viewRectHeight); int num = Mathf.FloorToInt(viewRect.width / 60f) - 1; float num2 = (viewRect.width - (float)num * 60f - (float)(num - 1) * 10f) / 2f; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; tmpStyleItems.Clear(); /* tmpStyleItems.AddRange(from x in DefDatabase.AllDefs where (devEditMode || PawnStyleItemChooser.WantsToUseStyle(pawn, x, null) || hadStyleItem(x)) && (extraValidator == null || extraValidator(x)) select x);*/ tmpStyleItems.AddRange(DefDatabase.AllDefs);// just add All Pubic Hair def. tmpStyleItems.SortBy((StyleItemDef x) => -PawnStyleItemChooser.StyleItemChoiceLikelihoodFor(x, pawn)); if (tmpStyleItems.NullOrEmpty()) { Widgets.NoneLabelCenteredVertically(rect, "(" + "NoneUsableForPawn".Translate(pawn.Named("PAWN")) + ")"); } else { Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect, true); foreach (StyleItemDef styleItemDef in tmpStyleItems) { if (num5 >= num - 1) { num5 = 0; num4++; } else if (num3 > 0) { num5++; } Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + num2 + (float)num5 * 60f + (float)num5 * 10f, rect.y + (float)num4 * 60f + (float)num4 * 10f, 60f, 60f); Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect2); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect2)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect2); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, styleItemDef.LabelCap); } if (drawAction != null) { drawAction(rect2, styleItemDef as PubicHairDef); } if (hasStyleItem(styleItemDef)) { Widgets.DrawBox(rect2, 2, null); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect2, true)) { if (selectAction != null) { selectAction(styleItemDef as PubicHairDef); } SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null);; PortraitsCache.SetDirty(pawn); } num3++; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { viewRectHeight = (float)(num4 + 1) * 60f + (float)num4 * 10f + 10f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); } if (doColors) { //dialog_StylingStation.DrawHairColors(new Rect(rect.x, rect.yMax + 10f, rect.width, dialog_StylingStation.colorsHeight)); //Copy From RimnudeWorld Rect newrect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.yMax - 10f, rect.width, colorsHeight); Color _desiredHairColor = desiredHairColor; float numC = newrect.y; float height; Widgets.ColorSelector(new Rect(newrect.x, numC, newrect.width, 92f), ref _desiredHairColor, AllHairColors, out height, null, 22, 2); if (_desiredHairColor != desiredHairColor) { var desiredHairColor_ = dialog_StylingStation.GetType().GetField("desiredHairColor", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); desiredHairColor_.SetValue(dialog_StylingStation, _desiredHairColor); } numC += 60f; if (desiredHairColor != pawn.story.HairColor && desiredHairColor != { Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(newrect.x, numC, Text.LineHeight, Text.LineHeight), ThingDefOf.Dye, null, null, 1.1f, null); string text = "Required".Translate() + ": 1 " + ThingDefOf.Dye.label; float x = Text.CalcSize(text).x; Widgets.Label(new Rect(newrect.x + Text.LineHeight + 4f, numC, x, Text.LineHeight), text); Rect rect2 = new Rect(newrect.x, numC, x + Text.LineHeight + 8f, Text.LineHeight); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect2)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect2); TooltipHandler.TipRegionByKey(rect2, "TooltipDyeExplanation"); } numC += Text.LineHeight; if (pawn.Map.resourceCounter.GetCount(ThingDefOf.Dye) < 1) { rect2 = new Rect(newrect.x, numC, newrect.width, Text.LineHeight); Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = ColorLibrary.RedReadable; Widgets.Label(rect2, "NotEnoughDye".Translate() + " " + "NotEnoughDyeWillRecolorHair".Translate()); GUI.color = color; numC += rect2.height; } } } } private static List allHairColors; private static List AllHairColors { get { if (allHairColors == null) { allHairColors = (from ic in DefDatabase.AllDefsListForReading select ic.color).ToList(); allHairColors.SortByColor((Color x) => x); } return allHairColors; } } static void AddPubicHairTab(Dialog_StylingStation stylingStation, List tabs) { if (!SizedApparelSettings.drawPubicHair) return; var curTabField = AccessTools.Field(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation), "curTab"); tabs.Add(new TabRecord("PubicHair".Translate().CapitalizeFirst(), delegate () { curTabField.SetValue(stylingStation, (Dialog_StylingStation.StylingTab)24); }, (Dialog_StylingStation.StylingTab)curTabField.GetValue(stylingStation) == (Dialog_StylingStation.StylingTab)24)); } static IEnumerable Transpiler(IEnumerable instructions) { bool isHair = false; MethodInfo tabAdd = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(List),"Add"); foreach (var instruction in instructions) { if(instruction.opcode == OpCodes.Ldstr) { if (instruction.OperandIs("Hair")) isHair = true; else isHair = false; } if (isHair && instruction.opcode == OpCodes.Callvirt && instruction.OperandIs(tabAdd)) { yield return instruction;//finish add hairTab yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //Log.Message("this"); yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldfld, AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation),"tabs")); //Log.Message("tabs"); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //Log.Message("this"); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldfld, AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation), "curTab")); //Log.Message("curtab"); yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(typeof(SizedApparelStyleStationDrawTabsPatch), "AddPubicHairTab")); //Log.Message("call"); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldfld, AccessTools.Field(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation), "tabs")); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldstr,"PubicHair".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); isHair = false; } else yield return instruction; } yield break; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation), "Reset")] public class SizedApparelStyleStationResetPatch { public static void Prefix(Pawn ___pawn) { ApparelRecorderComp comp = ___pawn.GetComp(); //this.pawn.story.hairDef = this.initialHairDef; comp.pubicHairDef = comp.initialPubicHairDef; comp.initialPubicHairDef = null; } } //Patching Constructors [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Dialog_StylingStation), MethodType.Constructor, new Type[] { typeof(Pawn), typeof(Thing) })] public class SizedApparelDialogStylingStationPatch { public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn) { var comp = pawn.GetComp(); comp.initialPubicHairDef = comp.pubicHairDef; } } }