using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using RimWorld; using Verse; using HarmonyLib; using UnityEngine; using rjw; namespace SizedApparel { public static class SizedApparelsDatabase { public struct BodyGraphicKey { } public struct SizedApparelDatabaseKey { public string pathWithoutSizeIndex; // Do Not Include Size Data to path! bodytype could be included public string raceName; public string bodyTypeName; public Gender gender; public string hediffName; public int targetSize; public bool isHorny; public string customPose; public string variation; public SizedApparelDatabaseKey(string path, string race, string bodyType = null, Gender genderInput = Gender.None , string hediff = null, int size = -1, bool horny = false, string customPose = null, string variation = null) { this.pathWithoutSizeIndex = path; this.raceName = race; this.bodyTypeName = bodyType; this.gender = genderInput; this.hediffName = hediff; this.targetSize = size; this.isHorny = horny; this.customPose = customPose; this.variation = variation; } } public struct SizedApparelDatabaseKeyComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals(SizedApparelDatabaseKey x, SizedApparelDatabaseKey y) { if (x.targetSize != y.targetSize) return false; return true && (x.pathWithoutSizeIndex == y.pathWithoutSizeIndex) && (x.bodyTypeName == y.bodyTypeName) && (x.raceName == y.raceName)&& (x.gender == y.gender) && (x.hediffName == y.hediffName) && (x.isHorny == y.isHorny) && (x.customPose == y.customPose) && (x.variation == y.variation); } public int GetHashCode(SizedApparelDatabaseKey obj) { return obj.GetHashCode(); } } public struct BodyPartDatabaseKey { public string raceName; public string bodyTypeName; public string hediffName; public string folderPath; public Gender gender; public int targetSize; public bool isHorny; public string customPose; // null custom pose as default pose public string variation; // null variation as default graphic public BodyPartDatabaseKey(string race, string bodyType = null, string hediff = null, string path = null, Gender pawnGender = Gender.None, int size = -1, bool horny = false, string customPose = null, string variation = null) { this.raceName = race; this.bodyTypeName = bodyType; this.hediffName = hediff; this.folderPath = path; this.gender = pawnGender; this.targetSize = size; this.isHorny = horny; this.customPose = customPose; this.variation = variation; } } public struct BodyPartDatabaseKeyComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals(BodyPartDatabaseKey x, BodyPartDatabaseKey y) { if (x.targetSize != y.targetSize) return false; return true && (x.raceName == y.raceName) && (x.bodyTypeName == y.bodyTypeName) && (x.hediffName == y.hediffName) && ( x.folderPath == y.folderPath)&& (x.gender == y.gender) && (x.isHorny == y.isHorny) && (x.customPose == y.customPose) && (x.variation == y.variation); } public int GetHashCode(BodyPartDatabaseKey obj) { return obj.GetHashCode(); } } public struct PathAndSize { public string pathWithSizeIndex; public int size; public bool isUnsupportedHumanlikePath; public bool isCustomPose; public string hediffName; public Dictionary points; public PathAndSize(string path, int index, bool unsupportedHumanlike = false, bool customPose = false, string hediff = null ,Dictionary pointsInput = null) { this.pathWithSizeIndex = path; this.size = index; this.isUnsupportedHumanlikePath = unsupportedHumanlike; this.isCustomPose = customPose; this.hediffName = hediff; this.points = pointsInput; } } private static Dictionary SizedApparelBodyGraphic = new Dictionary(); // TODO private static Dictionary SupportedApparelResultPath = new Dictionary(new SizedApparelDatabaseKeyComparer()); private static Dictionary SupportedBodyPartResultPath = new Dictionary(new BodyPartDatabaseKeyComparer()); private static Dictionary SupportedApparelOriginalPath = new Dictionary(); //AlienRace AllowHumanlike. Need to Restart or Clear cache to change options public static Dictionary AlienRaceUseHumanlike = new Dictionary(); private static void ResetAlienRaceUseHumanlike() { AlienRaceUseHumanlike.Clear(); IEnumerable HumanlikeRaces; HumanlikeRaces = DefDatabase.AllDefs.Where(b =>b.race?.Humanlike == true); foreach (ThingDef raceDef in HumanlikeRaces) { //Default Value Is True AlienRaceUseHumanlike.Add(raceDef.defName, true); } } public static bool GetAlienRaceUseHumanlike(string raceDef) { if (AlienRaceUseHumanlike.NullOrEmpty()) { ResetAlienRaceUseHumanlike(); } if (AlienRaceUseHumanlike.ContainsKey(raceDef)) return AlienRaceUseHumanlike[raceDef]; return false; } public static List GetAlienRacesDefNames() { if (AlienRaceUseHumanlike.NullOrEmpty()) { ResetAlienRaceUseHumanlike(); } //It must have one or more elements: human. return AlienRaceUseHumanlike.Keys.ToList(); } public static void ClearAll() { SupportedApparelResultPath.Clear(); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.Clear(); SupportedApparelOriginalPath.Clear(); AlienRaceUseHumanlike.Clear(); } //Apparels, Bodyparts can be used public static PathAndSize GetSupportedApparelSizedPath(SizedApparelDatabaseKey key) { int currentSize = -1; float currentSeverity = -1; return GetSupportedApparelSizedPath(key, out currentSize, out currentSeverity); } public static string GetSupportedApparelOriginalPath(string path) { string outString; if (SupportedApparelOriginalPath.TryGetValue(path, out outString)) return outString; return null; } public static Dictionary GetGraphicPoints(string textuerPath) { //DefDatabase<> return null; } public static PathAndSize GetSupportedApparelSizedPath(SizedApparelDatabaseKey key, out int indexOut, out float currentSeverityOut) { if (SupportedApparelResultPath.ContainsKey(key)) { if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug) Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] SizedApparelDataBase::ValidKey: "+ key.pathWithoutSizeIndex); var value = SupportedApparelResultPath.TryGetValue(key); indexOut = value.size; currentSeverityOut = SizedApparelUtility.BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(value.size); if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug) Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] SizedApparelDataBase::Result Path: " + value.pathWithSizeIndex); return value; } if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug) Log.Message(" [Sized Apparel] SizedApparelDataBase::Key Not Found: " + key.pathWithoutSizeIndex); PathAndSize result; Graphic sourceGraphic = GraphicDatabase.Get(key.pathWithoutSizeIndex); bool flag; bool customPose = true; //default none pose also custom pose string hediffResult; string targetRaceName; //if (GetAlienRaceUseHumanlike(key.raceName)) //TODO. AlienRaceHumanlike /* var pawnDef = DefDatabase.GetNamed(key.raceName); if (pawnDef != null) { if(pawnDef.isHumanlike) targetRaceName = "Humanlike"; } else targetRaceName = key.raceName;*/ targetRaceName = key.raceName; Graphic graphic = null; graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetSizedApparelGraphic(sourceGraphic, SizedApparelUtility.BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(key.targetSize), out indexOut, out currentSeverityOut, out flag, out hediffResult, targetRaceName, key.hediffName, key.customPose, key.gender);//key.customPose if(graphic == null && key.gender != Gender.None) { //try Genderless graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetSizedApparelGraphic(sourceGraphic, SizedApparelUtility.BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(key.targetSize), out indexOut, out currentSeverityOut, out flag, out hediffResult, targetRaceName, key.hediffName, key.customPose, Gender.None);//key.customPose } if (key.customPose != null && graphic == null) { customPose = false; graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetSizedApparelGraphic(sourceGraphic, SizedApparelUtility.BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(key.targetSize), out indexOut, out currentSeverityOut, out flag, out hediffResult , targetRaceName, key.hediffName , null ,key.gender); if (graphic == null && key.gender != Gender.None) { //try Genderless graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetSizedApparelGraphic(sourceGraphic, SizedApparelUtility.BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(key.targetSize), out indexOut, out currentSeverityOut, out flag, out hediffResult, targetRaceName, key.hediffName, null, Gender.None);//key.customPose } } //Try Find Different Target Size if (flag == true) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, indexOut, false, customPose, hediffResult); SupportedApparelResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); SupportedApparelOriginalPath.SetOrAdd(result.pathWithSizeIndex, key.pathWithoutSizeIndex); } else { result = new PathAndSize(null, -1); SupportedApparelResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); SupportedApparelOriginalPath.SetOrAdd(key.pathWithoutSizeIndex, key.pathWithoutSizeIndex); } return result; } public static PathAndSize GetSupportedBodyPartPath(BodyPartDatabaseKey key, bool isBreast, string folderName, string defaultHediffName) { PathAndSize result; if (SupportedBodyPartResultPath.ContainsKey(key)) return SupportedBodyPartResultPath.TryGetValue(key); int currentSize = -1; string hediffResult; Graphic graphic = null; if (key.customPose != null) { graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, key.bodyTypeName, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName+"/CustomPose/"+key.customPose, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, null, key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, false, true, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } if (key.bodyTypeName != null) graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, null, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName + "/CustomPose/" + key.customPose, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, null, key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, false, true, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } } graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, key.bodyTypeName, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, null, key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, false, key.customPose == null ? true : false, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } if (key.bodyTypeName != null) graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, null, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, null, key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, false, key.customPose == null ? true : false, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } //SizedApparelMod.CheckAndLoadAlienRaces(); //HumanLike Search var raceSetting = SizedApparelSettings.alienRaceSettings.FirstOrDefault((AlienRaceSetting s) => s.raceName == key.raceName); if (raceSetting !=null && !raceSetting.asHumanlike) //old: !SizedApparelSettings.UnsupportedRaceToUseHumanlike { //Cannot find Any result result = new PathAndSize(null, -1); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } if (key.customPose != null) { graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, key.bodyTypeName, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName + "/CustomPose/" + key.customPose, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, "Humanlike", key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, true, true, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } if (key.bodyTypeName != null) graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, null, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName + "/CustomPose/" + key.customPose, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, "Humanlike", key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, true, true, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } } graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, key.bodyTypeName, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, "Humanlike", key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, true, key.customPose == null ? true : false, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } if (key.bodyTypeName != null) graphic = SizedApparelUtility.GetBodyPartGraphic(key.raceName, null, key.hediffName, isBreast, key.targetSize, folderName, defaultHediffName, out currentSize, out hediffResult, key.isHorny, "Humanlike", key.variation, key.gender); if (graphic != null) { result = new PathAndSize(graphic.path, currentSize, true, key.customPose == null ? true : false, hediffResult); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } //Cannot find Any result result = new PathAndSize(null, -1); SupportedBodyPartResultPath.SetOrAdd(key, result); return result; } } }