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2022-08-14 20:46:19 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;
using rjw;
namespace SizedApparel
public static class SizedApparelUtility
//DefName, BodyTypeName, targetTextureInt(index is breasts hediff)
//static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<int>>> sizedApparelSupportCache = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<int>>>();
//those breasts size codes are hard coded. maybe some days, It needs to be fixed
public static string chestString = "Chest";
public static string breastsString = "Breasts";
static string Titanic = "_10";
static string Colossal = "_9";
static string Gargantuan = "_8";
static string Massive = "_7";
static string Enormous = "_6";
static string Huge = "_5";
static string Large = "_4";
static string Average = "_3";
static string Small = "_2";
static string Tiny = "_1";
static string Nipples = "_0";
//static String[] size = new string[10] { "_0", "_1", "_2", "_3", "_4", "_5" , "_6", "_7", "_8", "_9"};
public static string[] size = new string[11] { Nipples, Tiny, Small, Average, Large, Huge, Enormous, Massive, Gargantuan, Colossal, Titanic };
public static int findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(int current)
int target = current;
target = Math.Min(target, size.Length - 1);
while (target > 0)
if (SizedApparelSettings.getUseSettingFromIndex(target) == false)
return target;
public static int findAvailableBiggerSizeFromSetting(int current)
int target = current;
while (target < size.Length)
if (SizedApparelSettings.getUseSettingFromIndex(target) == false)
target = Math.Min(target, size.Length - 1);
return target;
public static int findAvailableSizeFromSetting(int current, bool findBigger)
if (findBigger)
return findAvailableBiggerSizeFromSetting(current);
return findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(current);
public static bool GetBreastSeverity(Pawn pawn, out float BreastSeverity, out Hediff breastHediff)
//string breastsString =
float _breastSeverity = -1;
Hediff _breastHediff = null;
bool result = false;
if (SizedApparelPatch.RJWActive || (SizedApparelPatch.SJWActive&&SizedApparelSettings.useSafeJobBreasts))
// ,BodyPartRecord ,false);
//, BodyPartDepth.Undefined, null, null).Any((BodyPartRecord bpr) => bpr.untranslatedCustomLabel == label || bpr.def.defName == label);
foreach (Hediff hediff in
if (hediff != null)
if (hediff.Part != null)
if (hediff.Part.def.defName.Equals(chestString))
if (hediff.def.defName.EndsWith(breastsString))
//Log.Message("Found Breast Hediff");
_breastSeverity = hediff.Severity;
_breastHediff = hediff;
result = true;
var breastList = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_breastsBPR(pawn));
Hediff hediff = null;
hediff = breastList.FirstOrDefault((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("breast"));
if(hediff != null)
_breastSeverity = hediff.Severity;
_breastHediff = hediff;
result = true;
}//Find Breasts in chest
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel]" + pawn.Name + "'s breasts severity: " + _breastSeverity.ToString());
BreastSeverity = _breastSeverity;
breastHediff = _breastHediff;
return result;
public static Graphic GetSizedApparelGraphic(Graphic sourceGraphic, float breastSeverity, string wearerDefName = null, string breastHediff = null, string customPose = null)
int currentBreastSizeIndex = -1;
float currentBreastSeverity = -1;
string s;
bool flag = false;
return GetSizedApparelGraphic(sourceGraphic, breastSeverity, out currentBreastSizeIndex, out currentBreastSeverity, out flag, out s, wearerDefName, breastHediff);
public static Graphic GetSizedApparelGraphic(Graphic sourceGraphic, float breastSeverity , out int indexOut, out float severityOut, out bool result, out string hediffResult, string wearerDefName = null, string breastHediffName = null, string customPose = null)
indexOut = -1;
severityOut = -1;
result = false;
hediffResult = null;
if (sourceGraphic == null)
return null;
string path;
string extraPath = null;
string raceExtraPath = null;
string racePath = null;
//path = agr.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + __instance.pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
path = sourceGraphic.path;
if (customPose != null)
path = path.Insert(Math.Max(path.LastIndexOf('/'), 0), "/CustomPose/"+ customPose);
if(wearerDefName != null)
racePath = path + "_" + wearerDefName;
if (breastHediffName != null)
extraPath = path + "_" + breastHediffName;
if (wearerDefName != null)
raceExtraPath = path + "_" + wearerDefName + "_" + breastHediffName;
int offset = 0;
bool validTexture = false;
Graphic graphic = null;
bool findBigger = true; // if false : search smaller first
string pathString = "";
while (offset < SizedApparelUtility.size.Length)
if (breastHediffName != null)
if(raceExtraPath != null)
pathString = raceExtraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = breastHediffName;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = breastHediffName;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is missing");
if(racePath != null)
pathString = racePath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = null;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = null;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is missing");
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try bigger Texture.");
if (indexOut == -1)
if (validTexture == false)
offset = 0;
while (offset < SizedApparelUtility.size.Length)
if (breastHediffName != null)
if (raceExtraPath != null)
pathString = raceExtraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = breastHediffName;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = breastHediffName;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is missing");
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
if(racePath != null)
pathString = racePath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = null;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref indexOut, ref severityOut);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString, sourceGraphic.Shader, sourceGraphic.drawSize, sourceGraphic.color, sourceGraphic.colorTwo,;
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
result = true;
hediffResult = null;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")apparel texture is missing");
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try smaller Texture.");
if (indexOut == -1)
if (validTexture == false)
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(breastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. try smaller instead of bigger .");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + path + ")apparel texture is not patched::missing texture");
graphic = sourceGraphic;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + path + ")apparel texture has been patched");
//rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, rec.sourceApparel);
result = validTexture;
//Find Humanlike for Alien. ps. null for search defealt texturepath
if(result == false & wearerDefName != null)
GetSizedApparelGraphic(sourceGraphic, breastSeverity, null , breastHediffName, customPose);
return graphic;
public static SizedApparelBodyPartDef TryGetSizedApparelBodyPart(string bodyPartName)
return null;
public static bool isPragnencyHediff(Hediff h)
return h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("pregnancy");
public static bool isBellyBulgeHediff(Hediff h)
if (isPragnencyHediff(h))
return true;
if (SizedApparelPatch.LicentiaActive)
if (h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("cumflation"))
return true;
if (h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("cumstuffed"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool isRJWParts(string defname)
return (isBreast(defname)|| isPenis(defname)|| isVagina(defname)|| isAnus(defname));
public static bool isBreast(string defname)
string lower = defname.ToLower();
if (lower.Contains("breast"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool isUdder(string defname)
string lower = defname.ToLower();
if (lower.Contains("udder"))
return true;
return false;
//To Race Support, you should Patch this!
public static bool isPenis(string defname)
string lower = defname.ToLower();
if (lower.Contains("penis") || lower.Contains("dick") || (lower.Contains("tentacle") || lower.Contains("ovipositorm")))//(lower.Contains("tentacle")&&lower.Contains("penis") is for fertility. not for graphic
return true;
return false;
public static bool isVagina(string defname)
string lower = defname.ToLower();
if (lower.Contains("vagina") || lower.Contains("ovipositorf"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool isAnus(string defname)
string lower = defname.ToLower();
if (lower.Contains("anus"))
return true;
return false;
//find valid breasts texture to choose apparel.
public static float GetBreastSeverityValidTextures(Pawn pawn, Hediff hediff, string customDefName = null)
ApparelRecorderComp comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
return -1;
if (comp.hasUpdateBefore == false)
//comp.Update(true, true);
if (pawn == null)
return -1;
if (hediff == null)
return -1;
string defName;
if (customDefName == null)
defName = pawn.def.defName;
defName = customDefName;
string bodyPartsFolderPath = "SizedApparel/BodyParts/";
string defaultHediffName = "Breasts";
string graphicFolderPath = bodyPartsFolderPath + defName + "/" + "Breasts" + "/";
string fileName;
string extraFileName;
string bodyType = null;
if (pawn.story != null)
bodyType = pawn.story.bodyType?.defName;
if (bodyType != null)
fileName = defaultHediffName + ("_" + bodyType);
extraFileName = hediff.def.defName + ("_" + bodyType);
fileName = defaultHediffName;
extraFileName = hediff.def.defName;
string path = graphicFolderPath + fileName;
string extraPath = graphicFolderPath + extraFileName;
//path = agr.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + __instance.pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
//SizedApparelsDatabase.BodyPartDatabaseKey key = new SizedApparelsDatabase.BodyPartDatabaseKey(,)
int offset = 0;
float targetBreastSeverity = hediff.Severity;
bool validTexture = false;
bool findBigger = true; // if false : search smaller first
string pathString = "";
int currentSizeIndex = -1;
float currentSeverity = -1;
while (offset < SizedApparelUtility.size.Length)
if (hediff != null)
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(targetBreastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is found");
validTexture = true;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is missing");
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(targetBreastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is found");
validTexture = true;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is missing");
if (currentSizeIndex == -1)
if (validTexture == false)
offset = 0;
while (offset < SizedApparelUtility.size.Length)
if (hediff != null)
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(targetBreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is found");
validTexture = true;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is missing");
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(targetBreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is found");
validTexture = true;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")Breasts texture is missing");
if (currentSizeIndex == -1)
if (validTexture == false)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + path + ")Breasts texture is not patched::missing texture");
return -10;
{// ValidTextureFound
return currentSeverity;
//It's heavy search. Do Not Call this function rapidly
public static Graphic GetBodyPartGraphic(string raceDefName, string bodyTypeName, string hediffDefName, bool isBreast, int sizeIndex, string folderName, string defaultHediffName, out int indexOut, out string hediffResult, bool hornyGraphic = false, string customRaceDefName = null, string variation = null)
Graphic graphic = null; //for return
//rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(null, null);
string defName = raceDefName;
if (customRaceDefName != null)
defName = customRaceDefName;
string bodyType = bodyTypeName;
string bodyPartsFolderPath = "SizedApparel/BodyParts/";
string graphicFolderPath;
string targetFolderName = folderName;
if (hornyGraphic)
graphicFolderPath = bodyPartsFolderPath + defName + "/" + targetFolderName + "/Horny/";
graphicFolderPath = bodyPartsFolderPath + defName + "/" + targetFolderName + "/";
string fileName;
string extraFileName = null;
if (bodyType != null)
fileName = defaultHediffName + ("_" + bodyType);
if(hediffDefName != null)
extraFileName = hediffDefName + ("_" + bodyType);
fileName = defaultHediffName;
if (hediffDefName != null)
extraFileName = hediffDefName;
hediffResult = null;
//if (SizedApparelSettings.matchBodyTextureToMinimumApparelSize)
// BreastSeverity = comp.BreastSeverityCache;
int currentSizeIndex = -1;
float currentSeverity = -1;
//int minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = 1000;
//float minSupportedBreastSeverity = 1000;
//SizedApparelUtility.GetBreastSeverity(apparel.Wearer, out BreastSeverity, out breastHediff);
string path = graphicFolderPath + fileName;
string extraPath = graphicFolderPath + extraFileName;
//path = agr.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + __instance.pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
int offset = 0;
float SeverityCapped;
if (isBreast)
SeverityCapped = SizedApparelUtility.BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(sizeIndex);
SeverityCapped = SizedApparelUtility.PrivatePartSizeIndexToSeverity(sizeIndex);
bool validTexture = false;
bool findBigger = true; // if false : search smaller first
string pathString = "";
string pathStringWithVariatione = "";
while (offset < SizedApparelUtility.size.Length)
if (hediffDefName != null)
if (isBreast)
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(SeverityCapped, offset, findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.PrivatePartsSevertyStringNotBreast(SeverityCapped, offset, findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if (variation != null)
pathStringWithVariatione = pathString + "_" + variation;
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathStringWithVariatione + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathStringWithVariatione);
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = hediffDefName;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is found");
//minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = Math.Min(currentBreastSizeIndex, minSupportedBreastSizeIndex);
//minSupportedBreastSeverity = Math.Min(currentBreastSeverity, minSupportedBreastSeverity);
//graphic = new Graphic();
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString);
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = hediffDefName;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
if (isBreast)
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(SeverityCapped, offset, findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.PrivatePartsSevertyStringNotBreast(SeverityCapped, offset, findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if (variation != null)
pathStringWithVariatione = pathString + "_" + variation;
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathStringWithVariatione + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathStringWithVariatione);
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = hediffDefName;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is found");
//minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = Math.Min(currentBreastSizeIndex, minSupportedBreastSizeIndex);
//minSupportedBreastSeverity = Math.Min(currentBreastSeverity, minSupportedBreastSeverity);
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString);
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = defaultHediffName;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try bigger Texture.");
if (currentSizeIndex == -1)
if (validTexture == false)
offset = 0;
while (offset < SizedApparelUtility.size.Length)
if (hediffDefName != null)
if (isBreast)
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(SeverityCapped, offset, !findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
pathString = extraPath + SizedApparelUtility.PrivatePartsSevertyStringNotBreast(SeverityCapped, offset, !findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if (variation != null)
pathStringWithVariatione = pathString + "_" + variation;
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathStringWithVariatione + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathStringWithVariatione);
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = hediffDefName;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is found");
//minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = Math.Min(currentBreastSizeIndex, minSupportedBreastSizeIndex);
//minSupportedBreastSeverity = Math.Min(currentBreastSeverity, minSupportedBreastSeverity);
//graphic = new Graphic();
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString);
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = hediffDefName;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
if (isBreast)
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityString(SeverityCapped, offset, !findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
pathString = path + SizedApparelUtility.PrivatePartsSevertyStringNotBreast(SeverityCapped, offset, !findBigger, ref currentSizeIndex, ref currentSeverity);
if (variation != null)
pathStringWithVariatione = pathString + "_" + variation;
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathStringWithVariatione + "_south"), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is found");
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathStringWithVariatione);
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = hediffDefName;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathStringWithVariatione + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((pathString + "_south"), false) != null))
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is found");
//minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = Math.Min(currentBreastSizeIndex, minSupportedBreastSizeIndex);
//minSupportedBreastSeverity = Math.Min(currentBreastSeverity, minSupportedBreastSeverity);
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(pathString);
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
validTexture = true;
hediffResult = defaultHediffName;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + pathString + ")BodyPart texture is missing");
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try smaller Texture.");
if (currentSizeIndex == -1)
if (validTexture == false)
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. try smaller instead of bigger .");
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
//graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(path, ShaderDatabase.Cutout, agr.graphic.drawSize, agr.graphic.color);
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + path + ")BodyPart texture is not patched::missing texture");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] (" + path + ")BodyPart texture has been patched");
indexOut = currentSizeIndex;
if(graphic == null & hornyGraphic == true)
//try search normal Graphic instead of HornyGraphic
graphic = GetBodyPartGraphic(raceDefName, bodyTypeName, hediffDefName, isBreast, sizeIndex, folderName, defaultHediffName, out indexOut, out hediffResult, false, customRaceDefName, variation);
return graphic;
public static Graphic GetBodyPartGraphic(Pawn pawn, Hediff hediff, bool isBreast, string folderName, string defaultHediffName, bool hornyGraphic = false, bool updateComp = false, string customRaceDefName = null)
int i = -1;
string s = null;
return GetBodyPartGraphic(pawn, hediff, isBreast, folderName, defaultHediffName, out i,out s, hornyGraphic, updateComp, customRaceDefName);
public static Graphic GetBodyPartGraphic(Pawn pawn, Hediff hediff, bool isBreast, string folderName, string defaultHediffName, out int indexOut,out string hediffResult, bool hornyGraphic = false, bool updateComp = false, string customRaceDefName = null)
Graphic graphic = null; //for return
indexOut = -1;
hediffResult = null;
if (pawn == null)
return null;
if (hediff == null)
return null;
//rec = new ApparelGraphicRecord(null, null);
Graphic nakedGraphic = pawn.Drawer?.renderer?.graphics?.nakedGraphic;
if (nakedGraphic == null)
return null;
var rotComp = pawn.TryGetComp<CompRottable>();
if (rotComp!=null)
if (rotComp.Stage == RotStage.Rotting)
nakedGraphic =;
ApparelRecorderComp comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
string defName = pawn.def.defName;
if (customRaceDefName != null)
defName = customRaceDefName;
string bodyType = null;
if (pawn.story != null)
bodyType = pawn.story.bodyType?.defName;
string bodyPartsFolderPath = "SizedApparel/BodyParts/";
string graphicFolderPath;
if (hornyGraphic)
graphicFolderPath = bodyPartsFolderPath + defName + "/" + folderName + "/Horny/";
graphicFolderPath = bodyPartsFolderPath + defName + "/" + folderName + "/";
string fileName;
string extraFileName;
if(bodyType != null)
fileName = defaultHediffName + ("_" + bodyType);
extraFileName = hediff.def.defName + ("_" + bodyType);
fileName = defaultHediffName;
extraFileName = hediff.def.defName;
//if (SizedApparelSettings.matchBodyTextureToMinimumApparelSize)
// BreastSeverity = comp.BreastSeverityCache;
//int currentSizeIndex = 0;
//float currentSeverity = -1;
//int minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = 1000;
//float minSupportedBreastSeverity = 1000;
//SizedApparelUtility.GetBreastSeverity(apparel.Wearer, out BreastSeverity, out breastHediff);
if (comp != null)
if (comp.hasUpdateBefore == false)
if (updateComp)
//SizedApparelUtility.GetBreastSeverity(apparel.Wearer, out BreastSeverity, out breastHediff);
//comp.hasUnsupportedApparel = SizedApparelUtility.hasUnSupportedApparelFromWornData(apparel.Wearer, BreastSeverity, breastHediff);
//comp.breastSeverity = BreastSeverity;
//comp.breastHediff = breastHediff;
//comp.hasUpdateBefore = true;
float SeverityCapped = hediff.Severity; ;
if (isBreast)
if (SizedApparelSettings.useBreastSizeCapForApparels) //SizedApparelSettings.useBreastSizeCapForApparels //wip
SeverityCapped = Math.Min(comp.BreastSeverityCache, SeverityCapped);
if (comp.hasUnsupportedApparel == false)
int index;
if (isBreast)
index = SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityInt(hediff.Severity);
index = SizedApparelUtility.PrivatePartSeverityInt(hediff.Severity);
Graphic partGraphic = GetBodyPartGraphic(pawn.def.defName, pawn.story?.bodyType?.defName, hediff.def.defName, hornyGraphic, index, folderName, defaultHediffName,out indexOut, out hediffResult, hornyGraphic, customRaceDefName);
if(partGraphic != null)
graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(partGraphic.path, nakedGraphic.Shader, nakedGraphic.drawSize, nakedGraphic.color, nakedGraphic.colorTwo);
//minSupportedBreastSizeIndex = Math.Min(currentBreastSizeIndex, minSupportedBreastSizeIndex);
//comp.breastSeverityCapToDraw = Math.Min(comp.breastSeverityCapToDraw, minSupportedBreastSeverity);
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Warning("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + " doesn't have SizedApparel Compoenet!!");
return graphic;
public static Graphic GetBodyGraphic()
return null;
public static bool IsHorny(Pawn pawn)
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if(comp != null)
if (comp.forceHorny == true)
return true;
JobDriver_Sex sexDriver = null;
if ( != null)
sexDriver = as rjw.JobDriver_Sex;
if (sexDriver != null)
return true;
if (pawn.needs == null)
return false;
bool flag = (xxx.is_hornyorfrustrated(pawn));
return flag;
bool erect = false;
Need_Sex needSex = null;
if (pawn.needs != null)
needSex = pawn.needs.TryGetNeed<Need_Sex>();
JobDriver_Sex dri = null;
if ( != null)
dri = as rjw.JobDriver_Sex;
//Log.Message("find needSex");
if (needSex == null)
return false;
if (needSex.CurLevel >= needSex.thresh_ahegao() || needSex.CurLevel < needSex.thresh_neutral())
erect = true;
if (dri != null)
erect = true;
return false;
public static float BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(int index)
switch (index)
case -1:
return 0;
case 0:
return 0.01f;
case 1:
return 0.02f;
case 2:
return 0.2f;
case 3:
return 0.4f;
case 4:
return 0.6f;
case 5:
return 0.8f;
case 6:
return 1.0f;
case 7:
return 1.2f;
case 8:
return 1.4f;
case 9:
return 1.6f;
case 10:
return 1.8f;
return 0;
public static float PrivatePartSizeIndexToSeverity(int index)
switch (index)
case -1:
return 0;
case 0:
return 0.01f;
case 1:
return 0.2f;
case 2:
return 0.4f;
case 3:
return 0.6f;
case 4:
return 0.8f;
case 5:
return 1.01f;
return 0;
public static int PrivatePartSeverityInt(float Severity)
if (Severity < 0f)
return -1;
else if (Severity < 0.01f)
return 0;
else if (Severity < 0.2f)
return 0;
else if (Severity < 0.40f)
return 1;
else if (Severity < 0.60f)
return 2;
else if (Severity < 0.80f)
return 3;
else if (Severity < 1.01f)
return 4;
return 5;
public static int BreastSeverityInt(float BreastSeverity)
if (BreastSeverity < 0f)
return -1;
if (BreastSeverity < 0.01f)
return 0;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.02f)
return 0;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.2f)
return 1;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.40f)
return 2;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.60f)
return 3;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.80f)
return 4;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.0f)
return 5;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.2f)
return 6;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.4f)
return 7;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.6f)
return 8;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.8f)
return 9;
return 10;
public static string PrivatePartsSevertyStringNotBreast(float severity, int offset, bool findBigger, ref int outTargetIndex, ref float outTargetSeverity)
int targetIndex = -1;
float targetSeverity = 0;
int result = -1;
if (offset >= 0)
if (severity < 0f)//Error Serverity
targetIndex = -1;
targetSeverity = 0;
else if (severity < 0.2f)
targetIndex = 0;
targetSeverity = 0.01f;
else if (severity < 0.4f)
targetIndex = 1;
targetSeverity = 0.2f;
else if (severity < 0.6f)
targetIndex = 2;
targetSeverity = 0.4f;
else if (severity < 0.8f)
targetIndex = 3;
targetSeverity = 0.6f;
else if (severity < 1.01f)
targetIndex = 4;
targetSeverity = 0.80f;
targetIndex = 5;
targetSeverity = 1.01f;
//if (targetIndex - offset < 0)
// return "_-1";
if (findBigger)
if (size.Length - (targetIndex + offset) > 0)
//size.Length< targetIndex + offset
if (size[targetIndex + offset] != null)
return size[targetIndex + offset];
//result = findAvailableBiggerSizeFromSetting(targetIndex + offset);
result = (targetIndex + offset);
outTargetIndex = result;
//targetSeverity = BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(result);
targetSeverity = PrivatePartSizeIndexToSeverity(result);
outTargetSeverity = targetSeverity;
return size[result];
if (targetIndex - offset < 0)
return "_-1";
if (size.Length - (targetIndex - offset) > 0)
if (size[targetIndex - offset] != null)
return size[targetIndex - offset];
//result = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(targetIndex - offset);
result = (targetIndex - offset);
outTargetIndex = result;
//targetSeverity = BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(result);
targetSeverity = PrivatePartSizeIndexToSeverity(result);
outTargetSeverity = targetSeverity;
return size[result];
return "_-1";
public static string BreastSeverityString(float BreastSeverity, int offset, bool findBigger)
int breastResultIndex = 0;
float breastResultFloat = 0;
return BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref breastResultIndex, ref breastResultFloat);
public static string BreastSeverityString(float BreastSeverity, int offset, bool findBigger, ref int outTargetIndex, ref float outTargetSeverity)
/* old method
if (offset == 0)
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.1f)
return micro; //micro, flat
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.05f)
return small; // small , tight
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.25f)
return average; // average
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.70f)
return large; // large , loose
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.90f)
return huge; // huge , gaping
if (BreastSeverity <= 1.01f)
return oversized; // oversized
return String.Empty; // none
if (offset == 1)
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.1f)
return micro; //micro, flat
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.05f)
return small; // small , tight
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.25f)
return average; // average
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.70f)
return large; // large , loose
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.90f)
return huge; // huge , gaping
if (BreastSeverity <= 1.01f)
return oversized; // oversized
return String.Empty; // none
if (offset == 2)
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.1f)
return micro; //micro, flat
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.05f)
return small; // small , tight
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.25f)
return average; // average
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.70f)
return large; // large , loose
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.90f)
return huge; // huge , gaping
if (BreastSeverity <= 1.01f)
return oversized; // oversized
return String.Empty; // none
if (offset == 3)
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.1f)
return micro; //micro, flat
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.05f)
return small; // small , tight
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.25f)
return average; // average
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.70f)
return large; // large , loose
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.90f)
return huge; // huge , gaping
if (BreastSeverity <= 1.01f)
return oversized; // oversized
return String.Empty; // none
if (offset == 4)
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.1f)
return micro; //micro, flat
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.05f)
return small; // small , tight
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.25f)
return average; // average
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.70f)
return large; // large , loose
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.90f)
return huge; // huge , gaping
if (BreastSeverity <= 1.01f)
return oversized; // oversized
return String.Empty; // none
if (offset == 5)
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.1f)
return micro; //micro, flat
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.05f)
return small; // small , tight
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.25f)
return average; // average
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.70f)
return large; // large , loose
if (BreastSeverity <= 0.90f)
return huge; // huge , gaping
if (BreastSeverity <= 1.01f)
return oversized; // oversized
return String.Empty; // none
return String.Empty; // none }
}//Old Method
int targetIndex = -1;
float targetSeverity = 0;
int result = -1;
if (offset >= 0)
if (BreastSeverity < 0f)//Error Serverity
targetIndex = -1;
targetSeverity = 0;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.02f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(0);
targetSeverity = 0.01f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.2f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(1);
targetSeverity = 0.02f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.40f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(2);
targetSeverity = 0.2f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.60f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(3);
targetSeverity = 0.40f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 0.80f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(4);
targetSeverity = 0.60f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.0f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(5);
targetSeverity = 0.80f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.2f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(6);
targetSeverity = 1.0f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.4f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(7);
targetSeverity = 1.2f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.6f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(8);
targetSeverity = 1.4f;
else if (BreastSeverity < 1.8f)
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(9);
targetSeverity = 1.6f;
targetIndex = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(10);
targetSeverity = 1.8f;
//if (targetIndex - offset < 0)
// return "_-1";
if (findBigger)
if (size.Length - (targetIndex + offset) > 0)
//size.Length< targetIndex + offset
if (size[targetIndex + offset] != null)
return size[targetIndex + offset];
result = findAvailableBiggerSizeFromSetting(targetIndex + offset);
outTargetIndex = result;
targetSeverity = BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(result);
outTargetSeverity = targetSeverity;
return size[result];
if (targetIndex - offset < 0)
return "_-1";
if (size.Length - (targetIndex - offset) > 0)
if (size[targetIndex - offset] != null)
return size[targetIndex - offset];
result = findAvailableSmallerSizeFromSetting(targetIndex - offset);
outTargetIndex = result;
targetSeverity = BreastSizeIndexToSeverity(result);
outTargetSeverity = targetSeverity;
return size[result];
return "_-1";
public static bool isPawnNaked(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.Clothes, bool fromGraphicRecord = true)
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
if (fromGraphicRecord)
if (pawn.Drawer?.renderer?.graphics?.apparelGraphics == null)
return true;
foreach (ApparelGraphicRecord ap in ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (bpgd.defName == "Chest" || bpgd.defName == "Torso")
return false;
if (pawn.apparel == null)
return true;
foreach (Apparel ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel)
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (bpgd.defName == "Chest" || bpgd.defName == "Torso")
return false;
return true;
//for displayed apparel only
public static bool hasUnSupportedApparel(Pawn pawn, float BreastSeverity, Hediff breastHediff)//only check chest and torso for now
ApparelRecorderComp apparelRecorder = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if(apparelRecorder == null)
Log.Message("No ApparelRecorder Found");
//Log.Message("Add ApparelRecorder");
apparelRecorder = new ApparelRecorderComp();
apparelRecorder.Initialize(new ApparelRecorderCompProperties());
//Log.Message("Check hasUnSupportedApparel");
bool hasUnsupportedApparel = false;
foreach (ApparelGraphicRecord ap in ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel
bool isChest = false;
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (bpgd.defName == "Chest" || bpgd.defName == "Torso")
isChest = true;
if (isChest)
string path;
string extraPath;
string searchingPath;
int offset = 0;
int currentIndex = 0;
float currentSeverity = 0;
//path = agr.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + __instance.pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
//path = agr.graphic.path;
//path = ap.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
if (pawn.story?.bodyType?.defName != null)
path = ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
path = ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath;
if (breastHediff != null)
extraPath = path + "_" + breastHediff.def.defName;
extraPath = path;
bool validTexture = false;
bool findBigger = true; // if false : search smaller first
while (offset < size.Length)
if (breastHediff != null)
searchingPath = extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger,ref currentIndex,ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
searchingPath = path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref currentIndex,ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null))
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try bigger Texture.");
if (validTexture == false)
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. try smaller instead of bigger .");
if (validTexture == false)
offset = 0;
while (offset < size.Length)
if (breastHediff != null)
searchingPath = extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref currentIndex,ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
searchingPath = path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref currentIndex, ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null))
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try smaller Texture.");
if (validTexture == false)
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. hide breasts .");
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
//graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(path, ShaderDatabase.Cutout, agr.graphic.drawSize, agr.graphic.color);
hasUnsupportedApparel = true;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug == false)
Log.Warning("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + "'s Unsupported Apparel: " + path);
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] "+pawn.Name + " has unsupported apparel?: " + hasUnsupportedApparel.ToString());
return hasUnsupportedApparel;
public static bool hasUnSupportedApparelFromWornData(Pawn pawn, float BreastSeverity, Hediff breastHediff, bool cacheToComp = false, bool fromGraphicRecord = false)//only check chest and torso for now
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": hasUnSupportedApparel Testing...");
ApparelRecorderComp apparelRecorder = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if(apparelRecorder == null)
Log.Message("No ApparelRecorder Found");
//Log.Message("Add ApparelRecorder");
apparelRecorder = new ApparelRecorderComp();
apparelRecorder.Initialize(new ApparelRecorderCompProperties());
//Log.Message("Check hasUnSupportedApparel");
bool hasUnsupportedApparel = false;
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (!pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
return true;
List<Apparel> apparels = new List<Apparel>();
if (!fromGraphicRecord)
foreach (Apparel worn in pawn.apparel.WornApparel)
//Only apparel that has graphic
if (isPawnNaked(pawn, fromGraphicRecord))
if (cacheToComp)
comp.hasUnsupportedApparel = false;
return false;
foreach (ApparelGraphicRecord agr in
comp.BreastSeverityCache = 1000;
foreach (Apparel ap in apparels)//Apparel ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel
bool isChest = false;
if (ap.def.apparel.tags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == "SizedApparel_IgnorBreastSize".ToLower()))//skip tags
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (bpgd.defName == "Chest" || bpgd.defName == "Torso")
isChest = true;
//isChest = (ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups.First((BodyPartGroupDef bpgd) => bpgd.defName == "Chest" || bpgd.defName == "Torso")!=null);
if (isChest)
/////TODO: caching Apparel Check Data
if (!sizedApparelSupportCache.ContainsKey(ap.def.defName))
sizedApparelSupportCache.Add(ap.def.defName, new Dictionary<string, List<int>>());
var apparelCache = sizedApparelSupportCache[ap.def.defName];
if (!apparelCache.ContainsKey(pawn.story.bodyType.defName))
apparelCache.Add(pawn.story.bodyType.defName, new List<int>());
var apparelBodyTypeCache = apparelCache[pawn.story.bodyType.defName];
int breastSeverityInt = BreastSeverityInt(BreastSeverity);
if (apparelBodyTypeCache.Count <= breastSeverityInt)
string path;
string extraPath;
string searchingPath;
int offset = 0;
int currentIndex = 0;
float currentSeverity = BreastSeverity;
//path = agr.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + __instance.pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
//path = agr.graphic.path;
//path = ap.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
path = ap.WornGraphicPath + "_" + pawn.story.bodyType.defName;
if (breastHediff != null)
extraPath = path + "_" + breastHediff.def.defName;
extraPath = path;
string resultPath = null;
bool resultOut = false;
var result = SizedApparelsDatabase.GetSupportedApparelSizedPath(new SizedApparelsDatabase.SizedApparelDatabaseKey(path, pawn.def.defName, pawn.story?.bodyType?.defName, breastHediff?.def.defName, SizedApparelUtility.BreastSeverityInt(BreastSeverity)),out currentIndex, out currentSeverity).pathWithSizeIndex;
if (comp != null)
if (cacheToComp)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] apparel's breasts severity" + currentSeverity);
if (SizedApparelSettings.ForcedSupportApparel)
comp.BreastSeverityCache = currentSeverity;
comp.BreastSeverityCache = Math.Min(currentSeverity, comp.BreastSeverityCache);
if (result == null)
if (!SizedApparelSettings.ForcedSupportApparel)
hasUnsupportedApparel = true;
bool validTexture = false;
bool findBigger = true; // if false : search smaller first
while (offset < size.Length)
if (breastHediff != null)
searchingPath = extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref currentIndex, ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
if (comp != null)
if (cacheToComp)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] apparel's breasts severity" + currentSeverity);
comp.BreastSeverityCache = Math.Min(currentSeverity, comp.BreastSeverityCache);
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
searchingPath = path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger, ref currentIndex, ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null))
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
if (comp != null)
if (cacheToComp)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] apparel's breasts severity" + currentSeverity);
comp.BreastSeverityCache = Math.Min(currentSeverity, comp.BreastSeverityCache);
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try bigger Texture.");
if (validTexture == false)
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. try smaller instead of bigger .");
if (validTexture == false)
offset = 0;
while (offset < size.Length)
if (breastHediff != null)
searchingPath = extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref currentIndex, ref currentSeverity) + "_south";
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if (ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((searchingPath), false) != null) // checking special texture like udder
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Found");
if (comp != null)
if (cacheToComp)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] apparel's breasts severity" + currentSeverity);
comp.BreastSeverityCache = Math.Min(currentSeverity, comp.BreastSeverityCache);
//Log.Warning(extraPath + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Extra Texture Not Found.");
searchingPath = (path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger, ref currentIndex, ref currentSeverity) + "_south");
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + ": ApparelSearching: " + searchingPath);
if ((ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(searchingPath, false) != null))
validTexture = true;
//Log.Message(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Found");
if (comp != null)
if (cacheToComp)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] apparel's breasts severity" + currentSeverity);
comp.BreastSeverityCache = Math.Min(currentSeverity, comp.BreastSeverityCache);
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, !findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. Try smaller Texture.");
if (validTexture == false)
//Log.Warning(path + BreastSeverityString(BreastSeverity, offset, findBigger) + ":Texture Not Found. hide breasts .");
//newAgr.Add(new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, agr.sourceApparel));
//graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(path, ShaderDatabase.Cutout, agr.graphic.drawSize, agr.graphic.color);
hasUnsupportedApparel = true;
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug == false)
Log.Warning("[Sized Apparel] " + pawn.Name + "'s Unsupported Apparel: " + path);
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel]" + pawn.Name + " has unsupported apparel?: " + hasUnsupportedApparel.ToString());
Log.Message("[Sized Apparel] cached breasts severity" + comp.BreastSeverityCache);
return hasUnsupportedApparel;
public static void UpdateAllApparel(Pawn pawn, bool onlyGraphicRecords = false)//need to be update before call it
if (pawn == null)
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
PawnGraphicSet pawnGraphicSet = pawn.Drawer?.renderer?.graphics;
if (pawnGraphicSet == null)
if (pawnGraphicSet.apparelGraphics.NullOrEmpty())
if (pawn.story == null)
//List<ApparelGraphicRecord> copy = pawnGraphicSet.apparelGraphics.ToList();
List<ApparelGraphicRecord> loc = new List<ApparelGraphicRecord>();
for (int i = 0; i< pawnGraphicSet.apparelGraphics.Count; i++)
ApparelGraphicRecord agr = pawnGraphicSet.apparelGraphics[i];
ApparelGraphicRecord graphicOut;
BodyTypeDef bodyType = null;
if (pawn.story != null)
bodyType = pawn.story.bodyType;
if (ApparelGraphicRecordGetter.TryGetGraphicApparel(agr.sourceApparel, bodyType, out graphicOut))
//agr.graphic = graphicOut.graphic;
//bool flag = false;
//GetApparelGraphicFix.Postfix(agr.sourceApparel, pawn.story.bodyType, ref agr, ref flag);
//agr.graphic = graphicOut.graphic;
pawnGraphicSet.apparelGraphics = loc;
public static bool CanDrawBreasts(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.None, bool fromGraphicRecord = true)
if (pawn == null)
return false;
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
return false;
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
if (comp.hasUnsupportedApparel)
return isPawnNaked(pawn, flags, fromGraphicRecord);
return true;
public static bool CanDrawPenis(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.None, bool fromGraphicRecord = true)//Notion: like pants, there is apparel with no graphic but still cover penis.
if (pawn == null)
return false;
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
return false;
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
if (fromGraphicRecord)
if (pawn.Drawer?.renderer?.graphics?.apparelGraphics == null)
return true;
foreach (ApparelGraphicRecord ap in ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.CoversBodyPart(Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)) || ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Legs))
if (ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.tags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == "SizedApparel_ShowPrivateCrotch".ToLower()))
//if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
// Log.Message("[SizedApparel]" + pawn.Name + "'s Genitals has coverd but showing for graphic. apparel:" + ap.sourceApparel.def.defName);
return false;
if (pawn.apparel == null)
return true;
foreach (Apparel ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel)
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (ap.def.apparel.CoversBodyPart(Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)) || ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Contains(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Legs))
if (ap.def.apparel.tags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == "SizedApparel_ShowPrivateCrotch".ToLower()))
//if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
// Log.Message("[SizedApparel]" + pawn.Name + "'s Genitals has coverd but showing for graphic. apparel:" + ap.def.defName);
return false;
return true;
public static bool CanDrawVagina(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.None)
if (pawn == null)
return false;
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
return false;
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
return true;
public static bool CanDrawAnus(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.None)
if (pawn == null)
return false;
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
return false;
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
return true;
public static bool CanDrawUdder(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.None)//TODO
return false;
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
public static bool CanDrawBelly(Pawn pawn, PawnRenderFlags flags = PawnRenderFlags.None, bool fromGraphicRecord = true)
if (pawn == null)
return false;
var comp = pawn.TryGetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
return false;
if (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Clothes))
return true;
if (fromGraphicRecord)
if (pawn.Drawer?.renderer?.graphics?.apparelGraphics == null)
return true;
foreach (ApparelGraphicRecord ap in ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel
if (ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.tags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == "SizedApparel_ShowBelly".ToLower()))
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.sourceApparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (bpgd.defName == "Torso")
return false;
if (pawn.apparel == null)
return true;
foreach (Apparel ap in pawn.apparel.WornApparel)
if (ap.def.apparel.tags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == "SizedApparel_ShowBelly".ToLower()))
foreach (BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups)//BodyPartGroupDef bpgd in ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups
if (bpgd.defName == "Torso")
return false;
return true;