RJWAnimAddons-AnimalPatch Tory187, Middle_aged_dragon https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/13979-anim-addons/
  • 1.1
  • 1.2
  • 1.3
  • 1.4
  • Tory187.RJWAnimAddons.AnimalPatch
  • c0ffee.rimworld.animations Rimworld-Animations https://gitgud.io/Platinumspoons/rimworld-animations/-/tree/master
  • c0ffee.rimworld.animations
  • Tory187.RJWAnimAddons.VoicePatch
  • Tory187.RJWAnimAddons.XtraAnims
  • <b>Load Order:</b> Rimworld-Animations VoicePatch - if using XtraAnims - if using <b>AnimalPatch</b> Adds new animations used by all animals: -Animal --On Human ---Human Initiates ----<b>Beast Cowgirl</b> (by <b>c0ffee</b>) ---Animal Initiates ----<b>Beast Doggystyle</b> (by <b>c0ffee</b>) ----<b>Humanoid Beast Doggystyle</b> (by <b>c0ffee, Tory187</b>) --On Animal ----<b>Beast On Beast Doggystyle</b> (by <b>c0ffee, Ranot</b>) ----<b>Humanoid Beast On Humanoid Beast Doggystyle</b> (by <b>c0ffee, Tory187</b>) -Human --On Animal ---Human Initiates ----<b>Beast Doggystyle2</b> (by <b>c0ffee, Tory187</b>) ----<b>Humanoid Beast Doggystyle2</b> (by <b>c0ffee, Tory187</b>) ----<b>Beast Oral</b> (by <b>IridiumX</b>) ----<b>Beast Muzzlefuck</b> (by <b>IridiumX</b>) -Mech --On Human ---Mech Initiates ----<b>Mech Doggystyle</b> (by <b>c0ffee, Tory187</b>) Supports every animal in core and every mod that adds animals ever! Post on the AnimAddons thread on LL if you think that statement is a lie! (But seriously let me know if it's missing any animals)