using RimWorld; using RimWorld.BaseGen; using rjw; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using Verse; namespace RJW_Menstruation { public class HediffComp_PregeneratedBabies : HediffComp { public List babies; // Unused, but can't hurt to track protected Dictionary enzygoticSiblings; protected static readonly MethodInfo RandomLastName = typeof(PregnancyUtility).GetMethod("RandomLastName", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(Pawn), typeof(Pawn), typeof(Pawn) }, null); public bool HasBaby { get => !babies.NullOrEmpty(); } public Pawn PopBaby() { if (babies.NullOrEmpty()) return null; Pawn firstBaby = babies.First(); babies.Remove(firstBaby); return firstBaby; } public override void CompPostPostRemoved() { // At this point in the hediff removal process, the new hediff is already on the pawn // But it is possible that there is no new hediff (be it a birth, miscarrage, or dev edit) base.CompPostPostRemoved(); // Send the babies from this comp to the new one switch (parent) { case Hediff_Pregnant hediff_Pregnant: Hediff_Labor labor = (Hediff_Labor) => hediff is Hediff_Labor).MaxByWithFallback(hediff => hediff.loadID); HediffComp_PregeneratedBabies laborcomp = labor?.TryGetComp(); if (laborcomp == null) return; laborcomp.babies = this.babies; laborcomp.enzygoticSiblings = this.enzygoticSiblings; break; case Hediff_Labor hediff_Labor: Hediff_LaborPushing pushing = (Hediff_LaborPushing) => hediff is Hediff_LaborPushing).MaxByWithFallback(hediff => hediff.loadID); HediffComp_PregeneratedBabies pushingcomp = pushing?.TryGetComp(); if (pushingcomp == null) return; pushingcomp.babies = this.babies; pushingcomp.enzygoticSiblings = this.enzygoticSiblings; break; case Hediff_LaborPushing hediff_LaborPushing: // Nothing to do, the laborpushing transpiler will pick it up break; } } public override void CompExposeData() { base.CompExposeData(); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref babies, "babies", LookMode.Deep); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref enzygoticSiblings, "enzygoticSiblings", keyLookMode: LookMode.Reference, valueLookMode: LookMode.Reference); } public void AddNewBaby(Pawn mother, Pawn father) { if (babies == null) babies = new List(); PawnKindDef babyPawnKind = PregnancyCommon.BabyPawnKindDecider(mother, father, true); PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest ( kind: babyPawnKind, faction: mother.Faction, allowDowned: true, fixedLastName: (string)RandomLastName.Invoke(null, new object[] { mother, mother, xxx.is_human(father) ? father : null }), forceNoIdeo: true, // Kill on bad positivity in the post-birth // forceDead: positivityIndex == -1 forcedEndogenes: PregnancyUtility.GetInheritedGenes(father, mother), forcedXenotype: XenotypeDefOf.Baseliner, developmentalStages: DevelopmentalStage.Newborn ); int division = 1; Pawn firstbaby = null; while (Rand.Chance(Configurations.EnzygoticTwinsChance) && division < Configurations.MaxEnzygoticTwins) division++; if (division > 1 && enzygoticSiblings == null) enzygoticSiblings = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < division; i++) { Pawn baby = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); if (baby == null) break; PregnancyCommon.SetupBabyXenotype(mother, father, baby); if (division > 1) { if (i == 0) { if (baby.IsHAR()); firstbaby = baby; request.FixedGender = baby.gender; request.ForcedEndogenes = baby.genes?.Endogenes.Select(gene => gene.def).ToList(); } else { enzygoticSiblings.Add(baby, firstbaby); if (baby.story != null) { baby.story.headType = firstbaby.story.headType; baby.story.hairDef = firstbaby.story.hairDef; baby.story.bodyType = firstbaby.story.bodyType; baby.story.furDef = firstbaby.story.furDef; } if (baby.genes != null) { baby.genes.SetXenotypeDirect(firstbaby.genes.Xenotype); baby.genes.xenotypeName = firstbaby.genes.xenotypeName; baby.genes.iconDef = firstbaby.genes.iconDef; baby.genes.hybrid = firstbaby.genes.hybrid; } if (baby.IsHAR()) HARCompatibility.CopyHARProperties(baby, firstbaby); // MultiplePregnancy calls this post-birth because RJW resets private parts // So xenotype things shouldn't be shared PregnancyCommon.ProcessIdenticalSibling(baby, firstbaby); } } babies.Add(baby); } } } }