remove useless files

This commit is contained in:
moreoreganostodump 2021-02-01 20:41:24 +09:00
parent c61af46130
commit 45877378b9
47 changed files with 0 additions and 6725 deletions

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
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Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "RJW_Menstruation", "RJW_Menstruation\RJW_Menstruation.csproj", "{0E3D82EC-3048-43DC-8C7A-6377671928FA}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
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{0E3D82EC-3048-43DC-8C7A-6377671928FA}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0E3D82EC-3048-43DC-8C7A-6377671928FA}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0E3D82EC-3048-43DC-8C7A-6377671928FA}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0E3D82EC-3048-43DC-8C7A-6377671928FA}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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SolutionGuid = {0E4B1D09-2A81-4440-AC1E-32ACCECBEE0B}

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />

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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Configurations : ModSettings
public static readonly float ImplantationChanceDefault = 0.25f;
public static readonly int ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault = 25;
public static readonly float FertilizeChanceDefault = 0.05f;
public static readonly int FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault = 50;
public static readonly float CumDecayRatioDefault = 0.05f;
public static readonly int CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault = 50;
public static readonly float CumFertilityDecayRatioDefault = 0.2f;
public static readonly int CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault = 200;
public static readonly int CycleAccelerationDefault = 6;
public static float ImplantationChance = ImplantationChanceDefault;
public static int ImplantationChanceAdjust = ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault;
public static float FertilizeChance = FertilizeChanceDefault;
public static int FertilizeChanceAdjust = FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault;
public static float CumDecayRatio = CumDecayRatioDefault;
public static int CumDecayRatioAdjust = CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
public static float CumFertilityDecayRatio = CumFertilityDecayRatioDefault;
public static int CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
public static int CycleAcceleration = CycleAccelerationDefault;
public static bool EnableWombIcon = true;
public static bool EnableAnimalCycle = false;
public static bool Debug = false;
public override void ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look(ref ImplantationChanceAdjust, "ImplantationChanceAdjust", ImplantationChanceAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref ImplantationChance, "ImplantationChance", ImplantationChance, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref FertilizeChanceAdjust, "FertilizeChanceAdjust", FertilizeChanceAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref FertilizeChance, "FertilizeChance", FertilizeChance, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumDecayRatioAdjust, "CumDecayRatioAdjust", CumDecayRatioAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumDecayRatio, "CumDecayRatio", CumDecayRatio, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, "CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust", CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumFertilityDecayRatio, "CumFertilityDecayRatio", CumFertilityDecayRatio, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref EnableWombIcon, "EnableWombIcon", EnableWombIcon, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref EnableAnimalCycle, "EnableAnimalCycle", EnableAnimalCycle, true);
public class RJW_Menstruation : Mod
private readonly Configurations config;
public RJW_Menstruation(ModContentPack content) : base(content)
config = GetSettings<Configurations>();
public override string SettingsCategory()
return Translations.Mod_Title;
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect)
Rect mainRect = inRect.ContractedBy(20f);
Listing_Standard listmain = new Listing_Standard();
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option1_Label, ref Configurations.EnableWombIcon, Translations.Option1_Desc);
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option2_Label, ref Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle, Translations.Option2_Desc);
listmain.Label(Translations.Option3_Label + " " + Configurations.ImplantationChance*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option3_Desc);
Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.ImplantationChance = (float)Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust/100;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option4_Label + " " + Configurations.FertilizeChance*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option4_Desc);
Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.FertilizeChance = (float)Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option5_Label + " " + Configurations.CumDecayRatio*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option5_Desc);
Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.CumDecayRatio = (float)Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option6_Label + " " + Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option6_Desc);
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio = (float)Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option7_Label + " x" + Configurations.CycleAcceleration, -1, Translations.Option7_Desc);
Configurations.CycleAcceleration = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CycleAcceleration,1,50);
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option8_Label, ref Configurations.Debug, Translations.Option8_Desc);
if (listmain.ButtonText("reset to default"))
Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust = Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault;
Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust = Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault;
Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust = Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
Configurations.EnableWombIcon = true;
Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle = false;
Configurations.CycleAcceleration = Configurations.CycleAccelerationDefault;

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Cum : IExposable
public Pawn pawn;
//public bool failedFertilization = false;
//public bool dead = false;
public float volume; // ml
public float fertvolume;
public float fertFactor = 1.0f;
public bool notcum = false; // for other fluids
public string notcumLabel = "";
private bool useCustomColor = false;
private float notcumthickness = 0;
public float decayresist
if (!notcum) return DNA.cumTickness;
else return notcumthickness;
notcumthickness = value;
private Color customColor;
public DNADef DNA
if (DNAcache == null)
DNAcache = DefDatabase<DNADef>.GetNamedSilentFail(pawn.def.defName);
if (DNAcache == null)
DNAcache = VariousDefOf.defaultDNA;
return DNAcache;
else return DNAcache;
private DNADef DNAcache = null;
public ThingDef FilthDef
if (filthDef == null) return VariousDefOf.CumFilth;
else return filthDef;
filthDef = value;
private ThingDef filthDef = null;
public Color color
if (!useCustomColor) return DNA.CumColor;
else return customColor;
useCustomColor = true;
customColor = value;
public Cum() {}
public Cum(Pawn pawn)
this.pawn = pawn;
volume = 1.0f;
fertvolume = 1.0f;
decayresist = 0;
public Cum(Pawn pawn, float volume, string notcumlabel, float decayresist = 0, ThingDef filthDef = null)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.volume = volume;
this.fertvolume = volume;
this.notcum = true;
this.notcumLabel = notcumlabel;
this.notcumthickness = decayresist;
this.filthDef = filthDef;
public Cum(Pawn pawn, float volume, float fertility, ThingDef filthDef = null)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.volume = volume;
if (fertility > 0)
this.fertvolume = volume;
this.fertFactor = fertility;
else this.fertvolume = 0;
this.filthDef = filthDef;
public void ExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref pawn, "pawn", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref volume, "volume", volume, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertvolume, "fertvolume", fertvolume, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcumthickness, "notcumthickness", notcumthickness, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertFactor, "fertFactor", fertFactor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcum, "notcum", notcum, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcumLabel, "notcumLabel", notcumLabel, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref useCustomColor, "useCustomColor", useCustomColor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref customColor, "customColor", customColor, true);

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class DNADef : Def
public bool IsNone => string.IsNullOrEmpty(defName);
public static readonly DNADef None = new DNADef();
public string fetusTexPath;
public ColorInt cumColor;
public Color CumColor => cumColor.ToColor;
public float cumTickness = 0f;

View File

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Dialog_WombStatus : Window
private Pawn pawn;
private HediffComp_Menstruation comp;
private const float windowMargin = 20f;
private const float pawnRectWidth = 150f;
private const float pawnRectHeight = 150f;
private const float wombRectHeight = 270f;
private const float wombRectWidth = 300f;
private const float fontheight = 30;
private const float genitalRectWidth = 102;
private const float genitalRectHeight = 140;
private Texture2D womb;
private Texture2D cum;
private Texture2D vagina;
private Texture2D anal;
private Color cumcolor;
public override Vector2 InitialSize
return new Vector2(300f + 2*windowMargin,800f);
public Dialog_WombStatus(Pawn pawn, HediffComp_Menstruation comp, Texture2D icon)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.comp = comp;
womb = icon;
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect)
bool flag = false;
soundClose = SoundDefOf.InfoCard_Close;
//closeOnClickedOutside = true;
absorbInputAroundWindow = false;
forcePause = false;
preventCameraMotion = false;
draggable = true;
//resizeable = true;
if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape))
flag = true;
Rect windowRect = inRect.ContractedBy(windowMargin);
Rect mainRect = new Rect(windowRect.x, windowRect.y, windowRect.width, windowRect.height - 20f);
Rect closeRect = new Rect(windowRect.xMax, 0f, 20f, 20f);
if (Widgets.CloseButtonFor(closeRect))
private void MainContents(Rect mainRect)
GUIStyle fontstylecenter = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter };
GUIStyle fontstyleright = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight };
GUIStyle fontstyleleft = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft };
GUIStyle boxstyle = new GUIStyle(;
GUIStyle buttonstyle = new GUIStyle(;
boxstyle.hover = boxstyle.normal;
boxstyle.onHover = boxstyle.normal;
boxstyle.onNormal = boxstyle.normal;
buttonstyle.onHover = buttonstyle.onNormal;
buttonstyle.hover = buttonstyle.normal;
boxstyle.border.left = 4; boxstyle.border.right = 4; boxstyle.border.bottom = 4; = 4;
float preginfoheight = 0f;
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (pawn.IsPregnant())
womb = Utility.GetPregnancyIcon(comp, hediff);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) cum = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
else cum = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
Pawn fetus = Utility.GetFetus(pawn);
preginfoheight = fontheight;
Rect preginfo = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - 2, wombRectWidth, preginfoheight);
if (fetus != null)
fontstyleright.normal.textColor = Color.white;
buttonstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUI.Box(preginfo, h.babies.Count + " " + fetus.def.label + " " + Translations.Dialog_WombInfo02, buttonstyle);
GUI.Label(preginfo, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo03 + ": " + h.father.LabelShort + " ", fontstyleright);
else cum = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
womb = Utility.GetWombIcon(comp);
cum = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
Rect pawnRect = new Rect(0, 0, pawnRectWidth, pawnRectHeight);
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(pawnRect,PortraitsCache.Get(pawn, pawnRect.size),1.0f);
Rect pawnLabelRect = new Rect(0, pawnRectHeight, pawnRectWidth, fontheight-10);
Rect pawnLabel2Rect = new Rect(0, pawnRectHeight+fontheight-10, pawnRectWidth, fontheight-10);
fontstylecenter.normal.textColor = pawn.DrawColor;
GUI.Label(pawnLabelRect, pawn.Name.ToStringFull, fontstylecenter);
GUI.Label(pawnLabel2Rect, pawn.story.Title, fontstylecenter);
GUI.color = Color.white;
Rect wombInfoRect = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - fontheight - 2, wombRectWidth, fontheight);
buttonstyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
//boxstyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
buttonstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.24f, 0.29f, 0.35f, 1);
GUI.Box(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo01 + ": " + comp.GetCurStageLabel,buttonstyle);
GUI.color = Color.white;
fontstyleright.normal.textColor =;
if (comp.GetFertilization) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo05 + " ", fontstyleright);
else if (comp.GetEggFertilizing) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo06 + " ", fontstyleright);
else if (comp.GetEgg) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo07 + " ", fontstyleright);
//Widgets.Label(wombInfoRect,Translations.Dialog_WombInfo01 + ": " + comp.GetCurStageLabel);
cumcolor = comp.GetCumMixtureColor;
Rect wombRect = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight + preginfoheight, wombRectWidth, wombRectHeight);
GUI.color = new Color(1.00f,0.47f,0.47f,1);
//GUI.color = Color.white;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(wombRect, womb,1.0f);
//GUI.color = cumcolor;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(wombRect, cum,1.0f);
GUI.DrawTexture(wombRect, womb, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0, Color.white, 0, 0);
GUI.DrawTexture(wombRect, cum, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0, cumcolor,0,0);
GUI.color = Color.white;
Rect cumlistTitle = new Rect(pawnRectWidth, 0, wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth, fontheight);
Rect cumlistRect = new Rect(pawnRectWidth, fontheight, wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - fontheight);
Listing_Standard cumlist = new Listing_Standard
maxOneColumn = true,
ColumnWidth = wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth
Listing_Standard cumlistsection = cumlist.BeginSection_NewTemp(mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - 2 * fontheight - 12f);
foreach(string s in comp.GetCumsInfo)
Rect genitalRect = new Rect(24, pawnRectHeight + 2*fontheight, genitalRectWidth, genitalRectHeight + fontheight*2);
Rect genitalIconRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y + fontheight ,genitalRectWidth,genitalRectHeight);
Rect genitalVaginaLabelRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y,genitalRectWidth,fontheight);
Rect genitalAnusLabelRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y + fontheight +genitalRectHeight ,genitalRectWidth,fontheight);
vagina = Utility.GetGenitalIcon(pawn);
anal = Utility.GetAnalIcon(pawn);
GUI.color = new Color(1.00f, 0.47f, 0.47f, 1);
GUI.Box(genitalRect, "", boxstyle);
GUI.color = pawn.story.SkinColor;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(genitalIconRect, anal, 1.0f);
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(genitalIconRect, vagina, 1.0f);
GUI.DrawTexture(genitalIconRect, anal, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
GUI.DrawTexture(genitalIconRect, vagina, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
GUI.color = Color.white;
GUI.Label(genitalVaginaLabelRect, Utility.GetVaginaLabel(pawn),fontstylecenter);
GUI.Label(genitalAnusLabelRect, Utility.GetAnusLabel(pawn),fontstylecenter);

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class FertPillOutcomDoer : IngestionOutcomeDoer
protected override void DoIngestionOutcomeSpecial(Pawn pawn, Thing ingested)
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(pawn);
if (comp.curStage.Equals(HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Follicular) || comp.curStage.Equals(HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Luteal)) comp.curStage = HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Ovulatory;

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.Sound;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Pawn), "GetGizmos")]
public class Pawn_GetGizmos
public static void Postfix(ref IEnumerable<Gizmo> __result, Pawn __instance)
List<Gizmo> gizmoList = __result.ToList();
bool isCreatureMine = __instance.Faction != null && (__instance.Faction.IsPlayer || __instance.IsPrisonerOfColony);
if (!isCreatureMine)
if (Configurations.EnableWombIcon && __instance.gender == Gender.Female)
if (!__instance.IsAnimal())
AddWombGizmos(__instance, ref gizmoList);
else if (Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle)
AddWombGizmos(__instance, ref gizmoList);
__result = gizmoList;
private static void AddWombGizmos(Pawn __instance, ref List<Gizmo> gizmoList)
private static Gizmo CreateGizmo_WombStatus(Pawn pawn)
HediffComp_Menstruation comp =<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
Texture2D icon,icon_overay;
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
string description = "";
if (Configurations.Debug) description += comp.curStage + ": " + comp.curStageHrs + "\n" + "fertcums: " + comp.TotalFertCum;
else description += comp.GetCurStageLabel + "\n";
if (pawn.IsPregnant())
icon = Utility.GetPregnancyIcon(comp,hediff);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) icon_overay = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
else icon_overay = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
else icon_overay = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
icon = Utility.GetWombIcon(comp);
icon_overay = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
foreach (string s in comp.GetCumsInfo) description += s + "\n";
Color c = comp.GetCumMixtureColor;
Gizmo gizmo = new Gizmo_Womb
defaultLabel = pawn.LabelShort,
defaultDesc = description,
icon = icon,
icon_overay = icon_overay,
cumcolor = c,
order = 100,
action = delegate
Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_WombStatus(pawn, comp,icon));
return gizmo;

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.Sound;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Gizmo_Womb : Command_Action
public Texture2D icon_overay;
public Color cumcolor;
protected override void DrawIcon(Rect rect, Material buttonMat = null)
Texture2D badTex = icon;
Texture2D overay = icon_overay;
Color color = cumcolor;
if (badTex == null)
badTex = BaseContent.BadTex;
if (overay == null)
overay = BaseContent.BadTex;
if (color == null) color = Color.white;
rect.position += new Vector2(iconOffset.x * rect.size.x, iconOffset.y * rect.size.y);
GUI.color = IconDrawColor;
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, badTex, this.iconDrawScale * 0.85f, this.iconProportions, this.iconTexCoords, this.iconAngle, buttonMat);
GUI.color = color;
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, overay, iconDrawScale * 0.85f, iconProportions, iconTexCoords, iconAngle, buttonMat);
GUI.color = Color.white;

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
internal static class First
static First()
var har = new Harmony("LL");

View File

@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using HugsLib;
using rjw;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class CompProperties_Menstruation : HediffCompProperties
public float maxCumCapacity; // ml
public float baseImplantationChanceFactor;
public float basefertilizationChanceFactor;
public float deviationFactor;
public int folicularIntervalDays = 14; //before ovulation including beginning of bleeding
public int lutealIntervalDays = 14; //after ovulation until bleeding
public int bleedingIntervalDays = 6; //must be less than folicularIntervalDays
public int recoveryIntervalDays = 10; //additional infertile days after gave birth
public int eggLifespanDays = 2; //fertiledays = ovaluationday - spermlifespan ~ ovaluationday + egglifespanday
public string wombTex = "Womb/Womb"; //fertiledays = ovaluationday - spermlifespan ~ ovaluationday + egglifespanday
public CompProperties_Menstruation()
compClass = typeof(HediffComp_Menstruation);
public class HediffComp_Menstruation : HediffComp
const float minmakefilthvalue = 1.0f;
public static readonly int tickInterval = 2500; // an hour
public CompProperties_Menstruation Props;
public Stage curStage = Stage.Follicular;
public int curStageHrs = 0;
public enum Stage
private List<Cum> cums;
private bool loaded = false;
private List<Egg> eggs;
private int follicularIntervalhours = -1;
private int lutealIntervalhours = -1;
private int bleedingIntervalhours = -1;
private int recoveryIntervalhours = -1;
private Action actionref;
public float TotalCum
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
res += cum.volume;
return res;
public float TotalFertCum
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum) res += cum.fertvolume;
return res;
public float TotalCumPercent
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
res += cum.volume;
return res/ Props.maxCumCapacity;
public float CumCapacity
float res = Props.maxCumCapacity;
if (curStage == Stage.Pregnant) res *= 0.2f;
return res;
public float CumInFactor
float res = 1.0f;
if ( res = 0.001f;
return res;
//make follicular interval into half and double egg lifespan
public float CycleFactor
if (xxx.has_quirk(parent.pawn, "Breeder")) return 0.5f;
return 1.0f;
//effect on implant chance
public float ImplantFactor
float factor = 1.0f;
if (xxx.has_quirk(parent.pawn, "Breeder")) factor = 10.0f;
if (xxx.is_animal(parent.pawn)) factor *= RJWPregnancySettings.animal_impregnation_chance/100f;
else factor *= RJWPregnancySettings.humanlike_impregnation_chance/100f;
return * factor;
public IEnumerable<string> GetCumsInfo
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum) yield return String.Format(cum.pawn.Label + ": {0:0.##}ml", cum.volume);
else yield return String.Format(cum.notcumLabel + ": {0:0.##}ml", cum.volume);
else yield return Translations.Info_noCum;
public Color GetCumMixtureColor
Color mixedcolor = Color.white;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty())
float mixedsofar = 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
mixedcolor = Color.LerpUnclamped(mixedcolor, cum.color, cum.volume/(mixedsofar + cum.volume));
mixedsofar += cum.volume;
return mixedcolor;
public string GetCurStageLabel
switch (curStage)
case Stage.Follicular:
return Translations.Stage_Follicular;
case Stage.Ovulatory:
return Translations.Stage_Ovulatory;
case Stage.Luteal:
return Translations.Stage_Luteal;
case Stage.Bleeding:
return Translations.Stage_Bleeding;
case Stage.Fertilized:
return Translations.Stage_Fertilized;
case Stage.Pregnant:
return Translations.Stage_Pregnant;
case Stage.Recover:
return Translations.Stage_Recover;
return "";
public bool GetEggFertilizing
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach(Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.fertvolume > 0) return true;
return false;
else return false;
public bool GetFertilization
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty()) foreach(Egg egg in eggs)
if (egg.fertilized) return true;
return false;
public bool GetEgg
return !eggs.NullOrEmpty();
public override void CompExposeData()
Scribe_Collections.Look(ref cums, saveDestroyedThings: true, label: "cums", lookMode: LookMode.Deep, ctorArgs: new object[0]);
Scribe_Collections.Look(ref eggs, saveDestroyedThings: true, label: "eggs", lookMode: LookMode.Deep, ctorArgs: new object[0]);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStage, "curStage", curStage, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStageHrs, "curStageHrs", curStageHrs, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref follicularIntervalhours, "follicularIntervalhours", follicularIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref lutealIntervalhours, "lutealIntervalhours", lutealIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref bleedingIntervalhours, "bleedingIntervalhours", bleedingIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref recoveryIntervalhours, "recoveryIntervalhours", recoveryIntervalhours, true);
public override void CompPostTick(ref float severityAdjustment)
if (!loaded)
Props = (CompProperties_Menstruation)props;
if (follicularIntervalhours < 0)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.folicularIntervalDays*24,Props.deviationFactor);
curStage = RandomStage();
if (lutealIntervalhours < 0) lutealIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.lutealIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (bleedingIntervalhours < 0) bleedingIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.bleedingIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (recoveryIntervalhours < 0) recoveryIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.recoveryIntervalDays * 24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (cums == null) cums = new List<Cum>();
if (eggs == null) eggs = new List<Egg>();
if (parent.pawn.IsPregnant()) curStage = Stage.Pregnant;
if (Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
else if (!parent.pawn.IsAnimal()) HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
loaded = true;
public override void CompPostPostRemoved()
ModLog.Message(parent.pawn.Label + "tick scheduler removed");
public Cum GetNotCum(string notcumlabel)
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel)) return cum;
return null;
public Cum GetCum(Pawn pawn)
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn)) return cum;
return null;
public void CumIn(Pawn pawn, float injectedvolume, float fertility = 1.0f, ThingDef filthdef = null)
float volume = injectedvolume * CumInFactor;
float tmp = TotalCum + volume;
if (tmp > Props.maxCumCapacity)
float cumoutrate = 1 - (Props.maxCumCapacity / tmp);
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.pawn.Equals(pawn))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.fertvolume += volume;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
cum.volume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
cum.fertvolume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume * (1 - cumoutrate),fertility, filthdef));
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.pawn.Equals(pawn))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.fertvolume += volume;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume, fertility, filthdef));
public void CumIn(Pawn pawn, float volume, string notcumlabel, float decayresist = 0, ThingDef filthdef = null)
float tmp = TotalCum + volume;
if (tmp > Props.maxCumCapacity)
float cumoutrate = 1 - (Props.maxCumCapacity / tmp);
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn) && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.decayresist = decayresist;
cum.fertvolume = 0;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
cum.volume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
cum.fertvolume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume * (1 - cumoutrate), notcumlabel,decayresist, filthdef));
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn) && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.decayresist = decayresist;
cum.fertvolume = 0;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume, notcumlabel,decayresist, filthdef));
public void CumOut()
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach(Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
cum.volume *= Math.Max(0,(1 - (Configurations.CumDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
cum.fertvolume *= Math.Max(0, (1 - (Configurations.CumDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
if (vd - cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.01f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach(Cum cum in removecums)
public float CumOut(Cum targetcum, float portion = 0.1f)
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
float outcum = 0;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
if (cum.Equals(targetcum)) outcum = cum.volume * (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist));
cum.volume *= Math.Max(0, 1 - (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist)));
cum.fertvolume *= Math.Max(0, (1 - (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist))) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
if (vd-cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.01f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach (Cum cum in removecums)
return outcum;
//ignores cum.decayresist
public float CumOutForce(Cum targetcum, float portion = 0.1f)
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
float outcum = 0;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
if (cum.Equals(targetcum)) outcum = cum.volume * (portion);
cum.volume *= 1 - (portion);
cum.fertvolume *= (1 - (portion)) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio));
if (vd - cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.1f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach (Cum cum in removecums)
return outcum;
public bool FertilizationCheck()
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
bool onefertilized = false;
foreach (Egg egg in eggs)
if (!egg.fertilized) egg.fertilizer = Fertilize();
if (egg.fertilizer != null) {
egg.fertilized = true;
onefertilized = true;
return onefertilized;
else return false;
private Pawn Fertilize()
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return null;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float rand = Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
if (!cum.notcum && rand < cum.fertvolume * cum.fertFactor * Configurations.FertilizeChance * Props.basefertilizationChanceFactor)
return cum.pawn;
return null;
//for now, only one egg can be implanted
private bool Implant()
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
List<Egg> deadeggs = new List<Egg>();
bool pregnant = false;
foreach(Egg egg in eggs)
if (!egg.fertilized) continue;
else if (Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) <= Configurations.ImplantationChance * Props.baseImplantationChanceFactor * ImplantFactor * InterspeciesImplantFactor(egg.fertilizer))
PregnancyHelper.PregnancyDecider(parent.pawn, egg.fertilizer);
pregnant = true;
else deadeggs.Add(egg);
if (pregnant)
return true;
else if (!deadeggs.NullOrEmpty())
foreach (Egg egg in deadeggs)
return false;
private void BleedOut()
//FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(parent.pawn.Position, parent.pawn.Map, ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood,parent.pawn.Label);
CumIn(parent.pawn, Rand.Range(0f, 20f), Translations.Menstrual_Blood,-4.0f,ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood);
GetNotCum(Translations.Menstrual_Blood).color = Colors.blood;
private void MakeCumFilth(Cum cum)
FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(parent.pawn.Position, parent.pawn.Map, cum.FilthDef, cum.pawn.LabelShort);
private void EggDecay()
List<Egg> deadeggs = new List<Egg>();
foreach (Egg egg in eggs)
if (egg.lifespanhrs < 0) deadeggs.Add(egg);
if (!deadeggs.NullOrEmpty())
foreach (Egg egg in deadeggs)
private Action PeriodSimulator(Enum targetstage)
Action action = null;
switch (targetstage)
case Stage.Follicular:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= (follicularIntervalhours - bleedingIntervalhours) * CycleFactor)
case Stage.Ovulatory:
action = delegate
eggs.Add(new Egg(Props.eggLifespanDays * 24));
lutealIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(lutealIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
case Stage.Luteal:
action = delegate
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
if (FertilizationCheck())
else if (curStageHrs <= lutealIntervalhours)
bleedingIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(bleedingIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
case Stage.Bleeding:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= bleedingIntervalhours)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(follicularIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
if (curStageHrs < bleedingIntervalhours / 6) for (int i = 0; i < Configurations.CycleAcceleration; i++) BleedOut();
case Stage.Fertilized:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= 24)
if (Implant())
GoNextStageSetHour(Stage.Luteal, 96);
case Stage.Pregnant:
action = delegate
if (parent.pawn.IsPregnant()) StayCurrentStageConst(Stage.Pregnant);
else GoNextStage(Stage.Recover);
case Stage.Recover:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= recoveryIntervalhours)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(follicularIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
curStage = Stage.Follicular;
curStageHrs = 0;
if (follicularIntervalhours < 0) follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.folicularIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(Stage.Follicular), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
action += () =>
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty()) EggDecay();
actionref = action;
return action;
void GoNextStage(Stage nextstage, float factor = 1.0f)
curStageHrs = 0;
curStage = nextstage;
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(nextstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void GoNextStageSetHour(Stage nextstage, int hour, float factor = 1.0f)
curStageHrs = hour;
curStage = nextstage;
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(nextstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void StayCurrentStage(float factor = 1.0f)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void StayCurrentStageConst(Stage curstage, float factor = 1.0f)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
private int PeriodRandomizer(int intervalhours, float deviation)
return intervalhours + (int)(intervalhours*Rand.Range(-deviation,deviation));
private float InterspeciesImplantFactor(Pawn fertilizer)
if (RJWPregnancySettings.complex_interspecies) return SexUtility.BodySimilarity(parent.pawn, fertilizer);
else return RJWPregnancySettings.interspecies_impregnation_modifier;
private Stage RandomStage()
int rand = Rand.Range(0,2);
switch (rand)
case 0:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, (Props.folicularIntervalDays - Props.bleedingIntervalDays) * 24);
return Stage.Follicular;
case 1:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, Props.eggLifespanDays * 24);
return Stage.Luteal;
case 2:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, Props.bleedingIntervalDays * 24);
return Stage.Bleeding;
default: return Stage.Follicular;
public class Egg : IExposable
public bool fertilized;
public int lifespanhrs;
public Pawn fertilizer;
public Egg()
fertilized = false;
lifespanhrs = 96;
fertilizer = null;
public Egg(int lifespanhrs)
fertilized = false;
this.lifespanhrs = lifespanhrs;
fertilizer = null;
public void ExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref fertilizer, "fertilizer", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertilized, "fertilized", fertilized, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref lifespanhrs, "lifespanhrs", lifespanhrs, true);

View File

@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
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<Compile Include="Cum.cs" />
<Compile Include="Dialog_WombStatus.cs" />
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<Compile Include="GetGizmos.cs" />
<Compile Include="Gizmo_Womb.cs" />
<Compile Include="Harmony.cs" />
<Compile Include="HediffComp_Menstruation.cs" />
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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using rjw;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PregnancyHelper), "impregnate")]
public static class impregnate_Patch
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, xxx.rjwSextype sextype = xxx.rjwSextype.None)
if (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal)
var pawnpartBPR = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn);
var pawnparts = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, pawnpartBPR);
var partnerpartBPR = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(partner);
var partnerparts = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(partner, partnerpartBPR);
if (Genital_Helper.has_vagina(partner, partnerparts))
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(partner);
if (comp != null)
if (Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(pawn, pawnparts) && PregnancyHelper.CanImpregnate(pawn, partner, sextype))
PregnancyHelper.Doimpregnate(pawn, partner);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn), 0);
else if (Genital_Helper.has_vagina(pawn, pawnparts))
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(pawn);
if (comp != null)
if (Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(partner, partnerparts) && PregnancyHelper.CanImpregnate(partner, pawn, sextype))
PregnancyHelper.Doimpregnate(partner, pawn);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(partner, Utility.GetCumVolume(partner), 0);
return true;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PregnancyHelper), "Doimpregnate")]
public static class Doimpregnate_Patch
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner) // partner has vagina
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(partner);
if (comp != null)
if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn) && !AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidPenisFertility(pawn))
comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn),0);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn),;
return false;
ModLog.Message("used original rjw method: Comp missing");
return true;

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class Translations
public static readonly string Mod_Title = "Mod_Title".Translate();
public static readonly string Info_noCum = "Info_noCum".Translate();
public static readonly string Menstrual_Blood = "Menstrual_Blood".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Follicular = "Stage_Follicular".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Ovulatory = "Stage_Ovulatory".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Luteal = "Stage_Luteal".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Bleeding = "Stage_Bleeding".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Fertilized = "Stage_Fertilized".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Pregnant = "Stage_Pregnant".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Recover = "Stage_Recover".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo01 = "Dialog_WombInfo01".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo02 = "Dialog_WombInfo02".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo03 = "Dialog_WombInfo03".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo04 = "Dialog_WombInfo04".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo05 = "Dialog_WombInfo05".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo06 = "Dialog_WombInfo06".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo07 = "Dialog_WombInfo07".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo08 = "Dialog_WombInfo08".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo09 = "Dialog_WombInfo09".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo10 = "Dialog_WombInfo10".Translate();
public static readonly string Option1_Label = "Option1_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option1_Desc = "Option1_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option2_Label = "Option2_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option2_Desc = "Option2_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option3_Label = "Option3_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option3_Desc = "Option3_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option4_Label = "Option4_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option4_Desc = "Option4_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option5_Label = "Option5_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option5_Desc = "Option5_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option6_Label = "Option6_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option6_Desc = "Option6_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option7_Label = "Option7_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option7_Desc = "Option7_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option8_Label = "Option8_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option8_Desc = "Option8_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option9_Label = "Option9_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option9_Desc = "Option9_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option10_Label = "Option10_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option10_Desc = "Option10_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option11_Label = "Option11_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option11_Desc = "Option11_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option12_Label = "Option12_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option12_Desc = "Option12_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option13_Label = "Option13_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option13_Desc = "Option13_Desc".Translate();

View File

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using rjw;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class Colors
public static Color blood = new Color(0.78f, 0, 0);
public static class Utility
public static float GetCumVolume(Pawn pawn)
CompHediffBodyPart part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("penis")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("ovipositorf")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("ovipositorm")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("tentacle")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
return part?.FluidAmmount * part.FluidModifier * Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f) ?? 0.0f;
public static HediffComp_Menstruation GetMenstruationComp(Pawn pawn)
var hedifflist = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
HediffComp_Menstruation result;
if (hedifflist.NullOrEmpty()) return null;
foreach (Hediff h in hedifflist)
result = h.TryGetComp<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
public static bool HasMenstruationComp(Pawn pawn)
var hedifflist = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
HediffComp_Menstruation result;
if (hedifflist.NullOrEmpty()) return false;
foreach (Hediff h in hedifflist)
result = h.TryGetComp<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
if (result != null) return true;
return false;
public static HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage GetCurStage(Pawn pawn)
return GetMenstruationComp(pawn)?.curStage ?? HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Bleeding;
public static float GetPregnancyProgress(Pawn pawn)
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
return h.GestationProgress;
return -1;
public static Pawn GetFetus(Pawn pawn)
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
//else if (hediff is Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy)
// Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy h = (Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy)hediff;
// return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
//else if (hediff is Hediff_BestialPregnancy)
// Hediff_BestialPregnancy h = (Hediff_BestialPregnancy)hediff;
// return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
else if (hediff is Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)
Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy h = (Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)hediff;
return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
return null;
public static Texture2D GetPregnancyIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp, Hediff hediff)
string icon = "";
if (hediff is Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Mechanoid_Fluid"), true);
else if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
string fetustex = DefDatabase<DNADef>.GetNamedSilentFail(h.babies.First().def.defName)?.fetusTexPath ?? "Fetus/Fetus_Default";
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) icon = comp.Props.wombTex + "_Implanted";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.3f) icon += "Fetus/Fetus_Early00";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.4f) icon += fetustex + "00";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.5f) icon += fetustex + "01";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.6f) icon += fetustex + "02";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.7f) icon += fetustex + "03";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.8f) icon += fetustex + "04";
else icon += fetustex + "05";
else icon = "Fetus/Slime_Abomi02";
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static Texture2D GetCumIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp)
string icon = "Womb/";
float cumpercent = comp.TotalCumPercent;
if (cumpercent < 0.001f) icon += "Empty";
else if (cumpercent < 0.01f) icon += "Cum_00";
else if (cumpercent < 0.05f) icon += "Cum_01";
else if (cumpercent < 0.11f) icon += "Cum_02";
else if (cumpercent < 0.17f) icon += "Cum_03";
else if (cumpercent < 0.23f) icon += "Cum_04";
else if (cumpercent < 0.29f) icon += "Cum_05";
else if (cumpercent < 0.35f) icon += "Cum_06";
else if (cumpercent < 0.41f) icon += "Cum_07";
else if (cumpercent < 0.47f) icon += "Cum_08";
else if (cumpercent < 0.53f) icon += "Cum_09";
else if (cumpercent < 0.59f) icon += "Cum_10";
else if (cumpercent < 0.65f) icon += "Cum_11";
else if (cumpercent < 0.71f) icon += "Cum_12";
else if (cumpercent < 0.77f) icon += "Cum_13";
else if (cumpercent < 0.83f) icon += "Cum_14";
else if (cumpercent < 0.89f) icon += "Cum_15";
else if (cumpercent < 0.95f) icon += "Cum_16";
else icon += "Cum_17";
Texture2D cumtex = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
return cumtex;
public static Texture2D GetWombIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp)
string icon = comp.Props.wombTex;
HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage stage = comp.curStage;
if (stage == HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Bleeding) icon += "_Bleeding";
Texture2D wombtex = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
return wombtex;
public static Texture2D GetGenitalIcon(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
string icon = "Genitals/";
if (hediff.Severity < 0.20f) icon += "Vagina00"; //micro
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.30f) icon += "Vagina01"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.40f) icon += "Vagina02"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.47f) icon += "Vagina03"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.53f) icon += "Vagina04"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.60f) icon += "Vagina05"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.70f) icon += "Vagina06"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.80f) icon += "Vagina07"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.87f) icon += "Vagina08"; //cavernous
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.94f) icon += "Vagina09"; //cavernous
else if (hediff.Severity < 1.01f) icon += "Vagina10"; //cavernous
else icon += "Vagina11"; //abyssal
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static Texture2D GetAnalIcon(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_anusBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("anus"));
string icon = "Genitals/";
if (hediff.Severity < 0.20f) icon += "Anal00"; //micro
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.40f) icon += "Anal01"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.60f) icon += "Anal02"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.80f) icon += "Anal03"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 1.01f) icon += "Anal04"; //cavernous
else icon += "Anal05"; //abyssal
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static string GetVaginaLabel(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
return hediff.LabelBase + "\n" + hediff.LabelInBrackets;
public static string GetAnusLabel(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_anusBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("anus"));
return hediff.Label;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class VariousDefOf
public static readonly DNADef defaultDNA = new DNADef
fetusTexPath = "Fetus/Fetus_Default",
cumColor = new ColorInt(255, 255, 255, 255),
cumTickness = 0
public static readonly ThingDef CumFilth = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("FilthCum");
public static readonly HediffDef RJW_IUD = DefDatabase<HediffDef>.GetNamed("RJW_IUD");

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />

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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Configurations : ModSettings
public static readonly float ImplantationChanceDefault = 0.25f;
public static readonly int ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault = 25;
public static readonly float FertilizeChanceDefault = 0.05f;
public static readonly int FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault = 50;
public static readonly float CumDecayRatioDefault = 0.05f;
public static readonly int CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault = 50;
public static readonly float CumFertilityDecayRatioDefault = 0.2f;
public static readonly int CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault = 200;
public static readonly int CycleAccelerationDefault = 6;
public static float ImplantationChance = ImplantationChanceDefault;
public static int ImplantationChanceAdjust = ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault;
public static float FertilizeChance = FertilizeChanceDefault;
public static int FertilizeChanceAdjust = FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault;
public static float CumDecayRatio = CumDecayRatioDefault;
public static int CumDecayRatioAdjust = CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
public static float CumFertilityDecayRatio = CumFertilityDecayRatioDefault;
public static int CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
public static int CycleAcceleration = CycleAccelerationDefault;
public static bool EnableWombIcon = true;
public static bool EnableAnimalCycle = false;
public static bool Debug = false;
public override void ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look(ref ImplantationChanceAdjust, "ImplantationChanceAdjust", ImplantationChanceAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref ImplantationChance, "ImplantationChance", ImplantationChance, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref FertilizeChanceAdjust, "FertilizeChanceAdjust", FertilizeChanceAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref FertilizeChance, "FertilizeChance", FertilizeChance, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumDecayRatioAdjust, "CumDecayRatioAdjust", CumDecayRatioAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumDecayRatio, "CumDecayRatio", CumDecayRatio, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, "CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust", CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumFertilityDecayRatio, "CumFertilityDecayRatio", CumFertilityDecayRatio, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref EnableWombIcon, "EnableWombIcon", EnableWombIcon, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref EnableAnimalCycle, "EnableAnimalCycle", EnableAnimalCycle, true);
public class RJW_Menstruation : Mod
private readonly Configurations config;
public RJW_Menstruation(ModContentPack content) : base(content)
config = GetSettings<Configurations>();
public override string SettingsCategory()
return Translations.Mod_Title;
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect)
Rect mainRect = inRect.ContractedBy(20f);
Listing_Standard listmain = new Listing_Standard();
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option1_Label, ref Configurations.EnableWombIcon, Translations.Option1_Desc);
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option2_Label, ref Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle, Translations.Option2_Desc);
listmain.Label(Translations.Option3_Label + " " + Configurations.ImplantationChance*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option3_Desc);
Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.ImplantationChance = (float)Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust/100;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option4_Label + " " + Configurations.FertilizeChance*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option4_Desc);
Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.FertilizeChance = (float)Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option5_Label + " " + Configurations.CumDecayRatio*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option5_Desc);
Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.CumDecayRatio = (float)Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option6_Label + " " + Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option6_Desc);
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio = (float)Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option7_Label + " x" + Configurations.CycleAcceleration, -1, Translations.Option7_Desc);
Configurations.CycleAcceleration = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CycleAcceleration,1,50);
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option8_Label, ref Configurations.Debug, Translations.Option8_Desc);
if (listmain.ButtonText("reset to default"))
Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust = Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault;
Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust = Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault;
Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust = Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
Configurations.EnableWombIcon = true;
Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle = false;
Configurations.CycleAcceleration = Configurations.CycleAccelerationDefault;

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@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Cum : IExposable
public Pawn pawn;
//public bool failedFertilization = false;
//public bool dead = false;
public float volume; // ml
public float fertvolume;
public float fertFactor = 1.0f;
public bool notcum = false; // for other fluids
public string notcumLabel = "";
private bool useCustomColor = false;
private float notcumthickness = 0;
public float decayresist
if (!notcum) return DNA.cumTickness;
else return notcumthickness;
notcumthickness = value;
private Color customColor;
public DNADef DNA
if (DNAcache == null)
DNAcache = DefDatabase<DNADef>.GetNamedSilentFail(pawn.def.defName);
if (DNAcache == null)
DNAcache = VariousDefOf.defaultDNA;
return DNAcache;
else return DNAcache;
private DNADef DNAcache = null;
public ThingDef FilthDef
if (filthDef == null) return VariousDefOf.CumFilth;
else return filthDef;
filthDef = value;
private ThingDef filthDef = null;
public Color color
if (!useCustomColor) return DNA.CumColor;
else return customColor;
useCustomColor = true;
customColor = value;
public Cum() {}
public Cum(Pawn pawn)
this.pawn = pawn;
volume = 1.0f;
fertvolume = 1.0f;
decayresist = 0;
public Cum(Pawn pawn, float volume, string notcumlabel, float decayresist = 0, ThingDef filthDef = null)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.volume = volume;
this.fertvolume = volume;
this.notcum = true;
this.notcumLabel = notcumlabel;
this.notcumthickness = decayresist;
this.filthDef = filthDef;
public Cum(Pawn pawn, float volume, float fertility, ThingDef filthDef = null)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.volume = volume;
if (fertility > 0)
this.fertvolume = volume;
this.fertFactor = fertility;
else this.fertvolume = 0;
this.filthDef = filthDef;
public void ExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref pawn, "pawn", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref volume, "volume", volume, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertvolume, "fertvolume", fertvolume, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcumthickness, "notcumthickness", notcumthickness, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertFactor, "fertFactor", fertFactor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcum, "notcum", notcum, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcumLabel, "notcumLabel", notcumLabel, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref useCustomColor, "useCustomColor", useCustomColor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref customColor, "customColor", customColor, true);

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class DNADef : Def
public bool IsNone => string.IsNullOrEmpty(defName);
public static readonly DNADef None = new DNADef();
public string fetusTexPath;
public ColorInt cumColor;
public Color CumColor => cumColor.ToColor;
public float cumTickness = 0f;

View File

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Dialog_WombStatus : Window
private Pawn pawn;
private HediffComp_Menstruation comp;
private const float windowMargin = 20f;
private const float pawnRectWidth = 150f;
private const float pawnRectHeight = 150f;
private const float wombRectHeight = 270f;
private const float wombRectWidth = 300f;
private const float fontheight = 30;
private const float genitalRectWidth = 102;
private const float genitalRectHeight = 140;
private Texture2D womb;
private Texture2D cum;
private Texture2D vagina;
private Texture2D anal;
private Color cumcolor;
public override Vector2 InitialSize
return new Vector2(300f + 2*windowMargin,800f);
public Dialog_WombStatus(Pawn pawn, HediffComp_Menstruation comp, Texture2D icon)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.comp = comp;
womb = icon;
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect)
bool flag = false;
soundClose = SoundDefOf.InfoCard_Close;
//closeOnClickedOutside = true;
absorbInputAroundWindow = false;
forcePause = false;
preventCameraMotion = false;
draggable = true;
//resizeable = true;
if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape))
flag = true;
Rect windowRect = inRect.ContractedBy(windowMargin);
Rect mainRect = new Rect(windowRect.x, windowRect.y, windowRect.width, windowRect.height - 20f);
Rect closeRect = new Rect(windowRect.xMax, 0f, 20f, 20f);
if (Widgets.CloseButtonFor(closeRect))
private void MainContents(Rect mainRect)
GUIStyle fontstylecenter = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter };
GUIStyle fontstyleright = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight };
GUIStyle fontstyleleft = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft };
GUIStyle boxstyle = new GUIStyle(;
GUIStyle buttonstyle = new GUIStyle(;
boxstyle.hover = boxstyle.normal;
boxstyle.onHover = boxstyle.normal;
boxstyle.onNormal = boxstyle.normal;
buttonstyle.onHover = buttonstyle.onNormal;
buttonstyle.hover = buttonstyle.normal;
boxstyle.border.left = 4; boxstyle.border.right = 4; boxstyle.border.bottom = 4; = 4;
float preginfoheight = 0f;
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (pawn.IsPregnant())
womb = Utility.GetPregnancyIcon(comp, hediff);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) cum = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
else cum = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
Pawn fetus = Utility.GetFetus(pawn);
preginfoheight = fontheight;
Rect preginfo = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - 2, wombRectWidth, preginfoheight);
if (fetus != null)
fontstyleright.normal.textColor = Color.white;
buttonstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUI.Box(preginfo, h.babies.Count + " " + fetus.def.label + " " + Translations.Dialog_WombInfo02, buttonstyle);
GUI.Label(preginfo, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo03 + ": " + h.father.LabelShort + " ", fontstyleright);
else cum = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
womb = Utility.GetWombIcon(comp);
cum = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
Rect pawnRect = new Rect(0, 0, pawnRectWidth, pawnRectHeight);
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(pawnRect,PortraitsCache.Get(pawn, pawnRect.size),1.0f);
Rect pawnLabelRect = new Rect(0, pawnRectHeight, pawnRectWidth, fontheight-10);
Rect pawnLabel2Rect = new Rect(0, pawnRectHeight+fontheight-10, pawnRectWidth, fontheight-10);
fontstylecenter.normal.textColor = pawn.DrawColor;
GUI.Label(pawnLabelRect, pawn.Name.ToStringFull, fontstylecenter);
GUI.Label(pawnLabel2Rect, pawn.story.Title, fontstylecenter);
GUI.color = Color.white;
Rect wombInfoRect = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - fontheight - 2, wombRectWidth, fontheight);
buttonstyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
//boxstyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
buttonstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.24f, 0.29f, 0.35f, 1);
GUI.Box(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo01 + ": " + comp.GetCurStageLabel,buttonstyle);
GUI.color = Color.white;
fontstyleright.normal.textColor =;
if (comp.GetFertilization) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo05 + " ", fontstyleright);
else if (comp.GetEggFertilizing) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo06 + " ", fontstyleright);
else if (comp.GetEgg) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo07 + " ", fontstyleright);
//Widgets.Label(wombInfoRect,Translations.Dialog_WombInfo01 + ": " + comp.GetCurStageLabel);
cumcolor = comp.GetCumMixtureColor;
Rect wombRect = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight + preginfoheight, wombRectWidth, wombRectHeight);
GUI.color = new Color(1.00f,0.47f,0.47f,1);
//GUI.color = Color.white;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(wombRect, womb,1.0f);
//GUI.color = cumcolor;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(wombRect, cum,1.0f);
GUI.DrawTexture(wombRect, womb, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0, Color.white, 0, 0);
GUI.DrawTexture(wombRect, cum, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0, cumcolor,0,0);
GUI.color = Color.white;
Rect cumlistTitle = new Rect(pawnRectWidth, 0, wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth, fontheight);
Rect cumlistRect = new Rect(pawnRectWidth, fontheight, wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - fontheight);
Listing_Standard cumlist = new Listing_Standard
maxOneColumn = true,
ColumnWidth = wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth
Listing_Standard cumlistsection = cumlist.BeginSection_NewTemp(mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - 2 * fontheight - 12f);
foreach(string s in comp.GetCumsInfo)
Rect genitalRect = new Rect(24, pawnRectHeight + 2*fontheight, genitalRectWidth, genitalRectHeight + fontheight*2);
Rect genitalIconRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y + fontheight ,genitalRectWidth,genitalRectHeight);
Rect genitalVaginaLabelRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y,genitalRectWidth,fontheight);
Rect genitalAnusLabelRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y + fontheight +genitalRectHeight ,genitalRectWidth,fontheight);
vagina = Utility.GetGenitalIcon(pawn);
anal = Utility.GetAnalIcon(pawn);
GUI.color = new Color(1.00f, 0.47f, 0.47f, 1);
GUI.Box(genitalRect, "", boxstyle);
GUI.color = pawn.story.SkinColor;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(genitalIconRect, anal, 1.0f);
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(genitalIconRect, vagina, 1.0f);
GUI.DrawTexture(genitalIconRect, anal, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
GUI.DrawTexture(genitalIconRect, vagina, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
GUI.color = Color.white;
GUI.Label(genitalVaginaLabelRect, Utility.GetVaginaLabel(pawn),fontstylecenter);
GUI.Label(genitalAnusLabelRect, Utility.GetAnusLabel(pawn),fontstylecenter);

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class FertPillOutcomDoer : IngestionOutcomeDoer
protected override void DoIngestionOutcomeSpecial(Pawn pawn, Thing ingested)
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(pawn);
if (comp.curStage.Equals(HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Follicular) || comp.curStage.Equals(HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Luteal)) comp.curStage = HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Ovulatory;

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@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.Sound;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Pawn), "GetGizmos")]
public class Pawn_GetGizmos
public static void Postfix(ref IEnumerable<Gizmo> __result, Pawn __instance)
List<Gizmo> gizmoList = __result.ToList();
bool isCreatureMine = __instance.Faction != null && (__instance.Faction.IsPlayer || __instance.IsPrisonerOfColony);
if (!isCreatureMine)
if (Configurations.EnableWombIcon && __instance.gender == Gender.Female)
if (!__instance.IsAnimal())
AddWombGizmos(__instance, ref gizmoList);
else if (Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle)
AddWombGizmos(__instance, ref gizmoList);
__result = gizmoList;
private static void AddWombGizmos(Pawn __instance, ref List<Gizmo> gizmoList)
private static Gizmo CreateGizmo_WombStatus(Pawn pawn)
HediffComp_Menstruation comp =<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
Texture2D icon,icon_overay;
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
string description = "";
if (Configurations.Debug) description += comp.curStage + ": " + comp.curStageHrs + "\n" + "fertcums: " + comp.TotalFertCum;
else description += comp.GetCurStageLabel + "\n";
if (pawn.IsPregnant())
icon = Utility.GetPregnancyIcon(comp,hediff);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) icon_overay = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
else icon_overay = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
else icon_overay = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
icon = Utility.GetWombIcon(comp);
icon_overay = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
foreach (string s in comp.GetCumsInfo) description += s + "\n";
Color c = comp.GetCumMixtureColor;
Gizmo gizmo = new Gizmo_Womb
defaultLabel = pawn.LabelShort,
defaultDesc = description,
icon = icon,
icon_overay = icon_overay,
cumcolor = c,
order = 100,
action = delegate
Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_WombStatus(pawn, comp,icon));
return gizmo;

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.Sound;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Gizmo_Womb : Command_Action
public Texture2D icon_overay;
public Color cumcolor;
protected override void DrawIcon(Rect rect, Material buttonMat = null)
Texture2D badTex = icon;
Texture2D overay = icon_overay;
Color color = cumcolor;
if (badTex == null)
badTex = BaseContent.BadTex;
if (overay == null)
overay = BaseContent.BadTex;
if (color == null) color = Color.white;
rect.position += new Vector2(iconOffset.x * rect.size.x, iconOffset.y * rect.size.y);
GUI.color = IconDrawColor;
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, badTex, this.iconDrawScale * 0.85f, this.iconProportions, this.iconTexCoords, this.iconAngle, buttonMat);
GUI.color = color;
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, overay, iconDrawScale * 0.85f, iconProportions, iconTexCoords, iconAngle, buttonMat);
GUI.color = Color.white;

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
internal static class First
static First()
var har = new Harmony("LL");

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@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using HugsLib;
using rjw;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class CompProperties_Menstruation : HediffCompProperties
public float maxCumCapacity; // ml
public float baseImplantationChanceFactor;
public float basefertilizationChanceFactor;
public float deviationFactor;
public int folicularIntervalDays = 14; //before ovulation including beginning of bleeding
public int lutealIntervalDays = 14; //after ovulation until bleeding
public int bleedingIntervalDays = 6; //must be less than folicularIntervalDays
public int recoveryIntervalDays = 10; //additional infertile days after gave birth
public int eggLifespanDays = 2; //fertiledays = ovaluationday - spermlifespan ~ ovaluationday + egglifespanday
public string wombTex = "Womb/Womb"; //fertiledays = ovaluationday - spermlifespan ~ ovaluationday + egglifespanday
public CompProperties_Menstruation()
compClass = typeof(HediffComp_Menstruation);
public class HediffComp_Menstruation : HediffComp
const float minmakefilthvalue = 1.0f;
public static readonly int tickInterval = 2500; // an hour
public CompProperties_Menstruation Props;
public Stage curStage = Stage.Follicular;
public int curStageHrs = 0;
public enum Stage
private List<Cum> cums;
private bool loaded = false;
private List<Egg> eggs;
private int follicularIntervalhours = -1;
private int lutealIntervalhours = -1;
private int bleedingIntervalhours = -1;
private int recoveryIntervalhours = -1;
private Action actionref;
public float TotalCum
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
res += cum.volume;
return res;
public float TotalFertCum
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum) res += cum.fertvolume;
return res;
public float TotalCumPercent
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
res += cum.volume;
return res/ Props.maxCumCapacity;
public float CumCapacity
float res = Props.maxCumCapacity;
if (curStage == Stage.Pregnant) res *= 0.2f;
return res;
public float CumInFactor
float res = 1.0f;
if ( res = 0.001f;
return res;
//make follicular interval into half and double egg lifespan
public float CycleFactor
if (xxx.has_quirk(parent.pawn, "Breeder")) return 0.5f;
return 1.0f;
//effect on implant chance
public float ImplantFactor
float factor = 1.0f;
if (xxx.has_quirk(parent.pawn, "Breeder")) factor = 10.0f;
if (xxx.is_animal(parent.pawn)) factor *= RJWPregnancySettings.animal_impregnation_chance/100f;
else factor *= RJWPregnancySettings.humanlike_impregnation_chance/100f;
return * factor;
public IEnumerable<string> GetCumsInfo
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum) yield return String.Format(cum.pawn.Label + ": {0:0.##}ml", cum.volume);
else yield return String.Format(cum.notcumLabel + ": {0:0.##}ml", cum.volume);
else yield return Translations.Info_noCum;
public Color GetCumMixtureColor
Color mixedcolor = Color.white;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty())
float mixedsofar = 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
mixedcolor = Color.LerpUnclamped(mixedcolor, cum.color, cum.volume/(mixedsofar + cum.volume));
mixedsofar += cum.volume;
return mixedcolor;
public string GetCurStageLabel
switch (curStage)
case Stage.Follicular:
return Translations.Stage_Follicular;
case Stage.Ovulatory:
return Translations.Stage_Ovulatory;
case Stage.Luteal:
return Translations.Stage_Luteal;
case Stage.Bleeding:
return Translations.Stage_Bleeding;
case Stage.Fertilized:
return Translations.Stage_Fertilized;
case Stage.Pregnant:
return Translations.Stage_Pregnant;
case Stage.Recover:
return Translations.Stage_Recover;
return "";
public bool GetEggFertilizing
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach(Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.fertvolume > 0) return true;
return false;
else return false;
public bool GetFertilization
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty()) foreach(Egg egg in eggs)
if (egg.fertilized) return true;
return false;
public bool GetEgg
return !eggs.NullOrEmpty();
public override void CompExposeData()
Scribe_Collections.Look(ref cums, saveDestroyedThings: true, label: "cums", lookMode: LookMode.Deep, ctorArgs: new object[0]);
Scribe_Collections.Look(ref eggs, saveDestroyedThings: true, label: "eggs", lookMode: LookMode.Deep, ctorArgs: new object[0]);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStage, "curStage", curStage, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStageHrs, "curStageHrs", curStageHrs, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref follicularIntervalhours, "follicularIntervalhours", follicularIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref lutealIntervalhours, "lutealIntervalhours", lutealIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref bleedingIntervalhours, "bleedingIntervalhours", bleedingIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref recoveryIntervalhours, "recoveryIntervalhours", recoveryIntervalhours, true);
public override void CompPostTick(ref float severityAdjustment)
if (!loaded)
Props = (CompProperties_Menstruation)props;
if (follicularIntervalhours < 0)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.folicularIntervalDays*24,Props.deviationFactor);
curStage = RandomStage();
if (lutealIntervalhours < 0) lutealIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.lutealIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (bleedingIntervalhours < 0) bleedingIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.bleedingIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (recoveryIntervalhours < 0) recoveryIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.recoveryIntervalDays * 24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (cums == null) cums = new List<Cum>();
if (eggs == null) eggs = new List<Egg>();
if (parent.pawn.IsPregnant()) curStage = Stage.Pregnant;
if (Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
else if (!parent.pawn.IsAnimal()) HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
loaded = true;
public override void CompPostPostRemoved()
ModLog.Message(parent.pawn.Label + "tick scheduler removed");
public Cum GetNotCum(string notcumlabel)
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel)) return cum;
return null;
public Cum GetCum(Pawn pawn)
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn)) return cum;
return null;
public void CumIn(Pawn pawn, float injectedvolume, float fertility = 1.0f, ThingDef filthdef = null)
float volume = injectedvolume * CumInFactor;
float tmp = TotalCum + volume;
if (tmp > Props.maxCumCapacity)
float cumoutrate = 1 - (Props.maxCumCapacity / tmp);
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.pawn.Equals(pawn))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.fertvolume += volume;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
cum.volume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
cum.fertvolume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume * (1 - cumoutrate),fertility, filthdef));
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.pawn.Equals(pawn))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.fertvolume += volume;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume, fertility, filthdef));
public void CumIn(Pawn pawn, float volume, string notcumlabel, float decayresist = 0, ThingDef filthdef = null)
float tmp = TotalCum + volume;
if (tmp > Props.maxCumCapacity)
float cumoutrate = 1 - (Props.maxCumCapacity / tmp);
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn) && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.decayresist = decayresist;
cum.fertvolume = 0;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
cum.volume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
cum.fertvolume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume * (1 - cumoutrate), notcumlabel,decayresist, filthdef));
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn) && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.decayresist = decayresist;
cum.fertvolume = 0;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume, notcumlabel,decayresist, filthdef));
public void CumOut()
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach(Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
cum.volume *= Math.Max(0,(1 - (Configurations.CumDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
cum.fertvolume *= Math.Max(0, (1 - (Configurations.CumDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
if (vd - cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.01f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach(Cum cum in removecums)
public float CumOut(Cum targetcum, float portion = 0.1f)
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
float outcum = 0;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
if (cum.Equals(targetcum)) outcum = cum.volume * (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist));
cum.volume *= Math.Max(0, 1 - (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist)));
cum.fertvolume *= Math.Max(0, (1 - (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist))) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
if (vd-cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.01f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach (Cum cum in removecums)
return outcum;
//ignores cum.decayresist
public float CumOutForce(Cum targetcum, float portion = 0.1f)
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
float outcum = 0;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
if (cum.Equals(targetcum)) outcum = cum.volume * (portion);
cum.volume *= 1 - (portion);
cum.fertvolume *= (1 - (portion)) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio));
if (vd - cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.1f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach (Cum cum in removecums)
return outcum;
public bool FertilizationCheck()
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
bool onefertilized = false;
foreach (Egg egg in eggs)
if (!egg.fertilized) egg.fertilizer = Fertilize();
if (egg.fertilizer != null) {
egg.fertilized = true;
onefertilized = true;
return onefertilized;
else return false;
private Pawn Fertilize()
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return null;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float rand = Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
if (!cum.notcum && rand < cum.fertvolume * cum.fertFactor * Configurations.FertilizeChance * Props.basefertilizationChanceFactor)
return cum.pawn;
return null;
//for now, only one egg can be implanted
private bool Implant()
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
List<Egg> deadeggs = new List<Egg>();
bool pregnant = false;
foreach(Egg egg in eggs)
if (!egg.fertilized) continue;
else if (Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) <= Configurations.ImplantationChance * Props.baseImplantationChanceFactor * ImplantFactor * InterspeciesImplantFactor(egg.fertilizer))
PregnancyHelper.PregnancyDecider(parent.pawn, egg.fertilizer);
pregnant = true;
else deadeggs.Add(egg);
if (pregnant)
return true;
else if (!deadeggs.NullOrEmpty())
foreach (Egg egg in deadeggs)
return false;
private void BleedOut()
//FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(parent.pawn.Position, parent.pawn.Map, ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood,parent.pawn.Label);
CumIn(parent.pawn, Rand.Range(0f, 20f), Translations.Menstrual_Blood,-4.0f,ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood);
GetNotCum(Translations.Menstrual_Blood).color = Colors.blood;
private void MakeCumFilth(Cum cum)
FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(parent.pawn.Position, parent.pawn.Map, cum.FilthDef, cum.pawn.LabelShort);
private void EggDecay()
List<Egg> deadeggs = new List<Egg>();
foreach (Egg egg in eggs)
if (egg.lifespanhrs < 0) deadeggs.Add(egg);
if (!deadeggs.NullOrEmpty())
foreach (Egg egg in deadeggs)
private Action PeriodSimulator(Enum targetstage)
Action action = null;
switch (targetstage)
case Stage.Follicular:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= (follicularIntervalhours - bleedingIntervalhours) * CycleFactor)
case Stage.Ovulatory:
action = delegate
eggs.Add(new Egg(Props.eggLifespanDays * 24));
lutealIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(lutealIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
case Stage.Luteal:
action = delegate
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
if (FertilizationCheck())
else if (curStageHrs <= lutealIntervalhours)
bleedingIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(bleedingIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
case Stage.Bleeding:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= bleedingIntervalhours)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(follicularIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
if (curStageHrs < bleedingIntervalhours / 6) for (int i = 0; i < Configurations.CycleAcceleration; i++) BleedOut();
case Stage.Fertilized:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= 24)
if (Implant())
GoNextStageSetHour(Stage.Luteal, 96);
case Stage.Pregnant:
action = delegate
if (parent.pawn.IsPregnant()) StayCurrentStageConst(Stage.Pregnant);
else GoNextStage(Stage.Recover);
case Stage.Recover:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= recoveryIntervalhours)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(follicularIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
curStage = Stage.Follicular;
curStageHrs = 0;
if (follicularIntervalhours < 0) follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.folicularIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(Stage.Follicular), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
action += () =>
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty()) EggDecay();
actionref = action;
return action;
void GoNextStage(Stage nextstage, float factor = 1.0f)
curStageHrs = 0;
curStage = nextstage;
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(nextstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void GoNextStageSetHour(Stage nextstage, int hour, float factor = 1.0f)
curStageHrs = hour;
curStage = nextstage;
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(nextstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void StayCurrentStage(float factor = 1.0f)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void StayCurrentStageConst(Stage curstage, float factor = 1.0f)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
private int PeriodRandomizer(int intervalhours, float deviation)
return intervalhours + (int)(intervalhours*Rand.Range(-deviation,deviation));
private float InterspeciesImplantFactor(Pawn fertilizer)
if (RJWPregnancySettings.complex_interspecies) return SexUtility.BodySimilarity(parent.pawn, fertilizer);
else return RJWPregnancySettings.interspecies_impregnation_modifier;
private Stage RandomStage()
int rand = Rand.Range(0,2);
switch (rand)
case 0:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, (Props.folicularIntervalDays - Props.bleedingIntervalDays) * 24);
return Stage.Follicular;
case 1:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, Props.eggLifespanDays * 24);
return Stage.Luteal;
case 2:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, Props.bleedingIntervalDays * 24);
return Stage.Bleeding;
default: return Stage.Follicular;
public class Egg : IExposable
public bool fertilized;
public int lifespanhrs;
public Pawn fertilizer;
public Egg()
fertilized = false;
lifespanhrs = 96;
fertilizer = null;
public Egg(int lifespanhrs)
fertilized = false;
this.lifespanhrs = lifespanhrs;
fertilizer = null;
public void ExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref fertilizer, "fertilizer", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertilized, "fertilized", fertilized, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref lifespanhrs, "lifespanhrs", lifespanhrs, true);

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@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
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<Reference Include="UnityEngine.VehiclesModule">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine.VFXModule">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine.VideoModule">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine.VRModule">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine.WindModule">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine.XRModule">
<BootstrapperPackage Include=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2">
<ProductName>Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2%28x86 및 x64%29</ProductName>
<BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1">
<ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5 SP1</ProductName>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using rjw;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PregnancyHelper), "impregnate")]
public static class impregnate_Patch
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, xxx.rjwSextype sextype = xxx.rjwSextype.None)
if (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal)
var pawnpartBPR = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn);
var pawnparts = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, pawnpartBPR);
var partnerpartBPR = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(partner);
var partnerparts = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(partner, partnerpartBPR);
if (Genital_Helper.has_vagina(partner, partnerparts))
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(partner);
if (comp != null)
if (Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(pawn, pawnparts) && PregnancyHelper.CanImpregnate(pawn, partner, sextype))
PregnancyHelper.Doimpregnate(pawn, partner);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn), 0);
else if (Genital_Helper.has_vagina(pawn, pawnparts))
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(pawn);
if (comp != null)
if (Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(partner, partnerparts) && PregnancyHelper.CanImpregnate(partner, pawn, sextype))
PregnancyHelper.Doimpregnate(partner, pawn);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(partner, Utility.GetCumVolume(partner), 0);
return true;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PregnancyHelper), "Doimpregnate")]
public static class Doimpregnate_Patch
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner) // partner has vagina
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(partner);
if (comp != null)
if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn) && !AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidPenisFertility(pawn))
comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn),0);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn),;
return false;
ModLog.Message("used original rjw method: Comp missing");
return true;

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class Translations
public static readonly string Mod_Title = "Mod_Title".Translate();
public static readonly string Info_noCum = "Info_noCum".Translate();
public static readonly string Menstrual_Blood = "Menstrual_Blood".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Follicular = "Stage_Follicular".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Ovulatory = "Stage_Ovulatory".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Luteal = "Stage_Luteal".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Bleeding = "Stage_Bleeding".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Fertilized = "Stage_Fertilized".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Pregnant = "Stage_Pregnant".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Recover = "Stage_Recover".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo01 = "Dialog_WombInfo01".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo02 = "Dialog_WombInfo02".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo03 = "Dialog_WombInfo03".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo04 = "Dialog_WombInfo04".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo05 = "Dialog_WombInfo05".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo06 = "Dialog_WombInfo06".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo07 = "Dialog_WombInfo07".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo08 = "Dialog_WombInfo08".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo09 = "Dialog_WombInfo09".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo10 = "Dialog_WombInfo10".Translate();
public static readonly string Option1_Label = "Option1_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option1_Desc = "Option1_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option2_Label = "Option2_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option2_Desc = "Option2_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option3_Label = "Option3_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option3_Desc = "Option3_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option4_Label = "Option4_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option4_Desc = "Option4_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option5_Label = "Option5_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option5_Desc = "Option5_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option6_Label = "Option6_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option6_Desc = "Option6_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option7_Label = "Option7_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option7_Desc = "Option7_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option8_Label = "Option8_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option8_Desc = "Option8_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option9_Label = "Option9_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option9_Desc = "Option9_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option10_Label = "Option10_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option10_Desc = "Option10_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option11_Label = "Option11_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option11_Desc = "Option11_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option12_Label = "Option12_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option12_Desc = "Option12_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option13_Label = "Option13_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option13_Desc = "Option13_Desc".Translate();

View File

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using rjw;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class Colors
public static Color blood = new Color(0.78f, 0, 0);
public static class Utility
public static float GetCumVolume(Pawn pawn)
CompHediffBodyPart part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("penis")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("ovipositorf")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("ovipositorm")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("tentacle")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
return part?.FluidAmmount * part.FluidModifier * Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f) ?? 0.0f;
public static HediffComp_Menstruation GetMenstruationComp(Pawn pawn)
var hedifflist = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
HediffComp_Menstruation result;
if (hedifflist.NullOrEmpty()) return null;
foreach (Hediff h in hedifflist)
result = h.TryGetComp<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
public static bool HasMenstruationComp(Pawn pawn)
var hedifflist = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
HediffComp_Menstruation result;
if (hedifflist.NullOrEmpty()) return false;
foreach (Hediff h in hedifflist)
result = h.TryGetComp<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
if (result != null) return true;
return false;
public static HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage GetCurStage(Pawn pawn)
return GetMenstruationComp(pawn)?.curStage ?? HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Bleeding;
public static float GetPregnancyProgress(Pawn pawn)
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
return h.GestationProgress;
return -1;
public static Pawn GetFetus(Pawn pawn)
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
//else if (hediff is Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy)
// Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy h = (Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy)hediff;
// return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
//else if (hediff is Hediff_BestialPregnancy)
// Hediff_BestialPregnancy h = (Hediff_BestialPregnancy)hediff;
// return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
else if (hediff is Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)
Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy h = (Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)hediff;
return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
return null;
public static Texture2D GetPregnancyIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp, Hediff hediff)
string icon = "";
if (hediff is Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Mechanoid_Fluid"), true);
else if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
string fetustex = DefDatabase<DNADef>.GetNamedSilentFail(h.babies.First().def.defName)?.fetusTexPath ?? "Fetus/Fetus_Default";
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) icon = comp.Props.wombTex + "_Implanted";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.3f) icon += "Fetus/Fetus_Early00";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.4f) icon += fetustex + "00";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.5f) icon += fetustex + "01";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.6f) icon += fetustex + "02";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.7f) icon += fetustex + "03";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.8f) icon += fetustex + "04";
else icon += fetustex + "05";
else icon = "Fetus/Slime_Abomi02";
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static Texture2D GetCumIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp)
string icon = "Womb/";
float cumpercent = comp.TotalCumPercent;
if (cumpercent < 0.001f) icon += "Empty";
else if (cumpercent < 0.01f) icon += "Cum_00";
else if (cumpercent < 0.05f) icon += "Cum_01";
else if (cumpercent < 0.11f) icon += "Cum_02";
else if (cumpercent < 0.17f) icon += "Cum_03";
else if (cumpercent < 0.23f) icon += "Cum_04";
else if (cumpercent < 0.29f) icon += "Cum_05";
else if (cumpercent < 0.35f) icon += "Cum_06";
else if (cumpercent < 0.41f) icon += "Cum_07";
else if (cumpercent < 0.47f) icon += "Cum_08";
else if (cumpercent < 0.53f) icon += "Cum_09";
else if (cumpercent < 0.59f) icon += "Cum_10";
else if (cumpercent < 0.65f) icon += "Cum_11";
else if (cumpercent < 0.71f) icon += "Cum_12";
else if (cumpercent < 0.77f) icon += "Cum_13";
else if (cumpercent < 0.83f) icon += "Cum_14";
else if (cumpercent < 0.89f) icon += "Cum_15";
else if (cumpercent < 0.95f) icon += "Cum_16";
else icon += "Cum_17";
Texture2D cumtex = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
return cumtex;
public static Texture2D GetWombIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp)
string icon = comp.Props.wombTex;
HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage stage = comp.curStage;
if (stage == HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Bleeding) icon += "_Bleeding";
Texture2D wombtex = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
return wombtex;
public static Texture2D GetGenitalIcon(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
string icon = "Genitals/";
if (hediff.Severity < 0.20f) icon += "Vagina00"; //micro
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.30f) icon += "Vagina01"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.40f) icon += "Vagina02"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.47f) icon += "Vagina03"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.53f) icon += "Vagina04"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.60f) icon += "Vagina05"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.70f) icon += "Vagina06"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.80f) icon += "Vagina07"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.87f) icon += "Vagina08"; //cavernous
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.94f) icon += "Vagina09"; //cavernous
else if (hediff.Severity < 1.01f) icon += "Vagina10"; //cavernous
else icon += "Vagina11"; //abyssal
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static Texture2D GetAnalIcon(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_anusBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("anus"));
string icon = "Genitals/";
if (hediff.Severity < 0.20f) icon += "Anal00"; //micro
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.40f) icon += "Anal01"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.60f) icon += "Anal02"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.80f) icon += "Anal03"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 1.01f) icon += "Anal04"; //cavernous
else icon += "Anal05"; //abyssal
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static string GetVaginaLabel(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
return hediff.LabelBase + "\n" + hediff.LabelInBrackets;
public static string GetAnusLabel(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_anusBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("anus"));
return hediff.Label;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class VariousDefOf
public static readonly DNADef defaultDNA = new DNADef
fetusTexPath = "Fetus/Fetus_Default",
cumColor = new ColorInt(255, 255, 255, 255),
cumTickness = 0
public static readonly ThingDef CumFilth = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("FilthCum");
public static readonly HediffDef RJW_IUD = DefDatabase<HediffDef>.GetNamed("RJW_IUD");

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@

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{847C0F22-0689-42A0-A09E-FBE17A53BD08}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{847C0F22-0689-42A0-A09E-FBE17A53BD08}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />

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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Configurations : ModSettings
public static readonly float ImplantationChanceDefault = 0.25f;
public static readonly int ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault = 25;
public static readonly float FertilizeChanceDefault = 0.05f;
public static readonly int FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault = 50;
public static readonly float CumDecayRatioDefault = 0.05f;
public static readonly int CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault = 50;
public static readonly float CumFertilityDecayRatioDefault = 0.2f;
public static readonly int CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault = 200;
public static readonly int CycleAccelerationDefault = 6;
public static float ImplantationChance = ImplantationChanceDefault;
public static int ImplantationChanceAdjust = ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault;
public static float FertilizeChance = FertilizeChanceDefault;
public static int FertilizeChanceAdjust = FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault;
public static float CumDecayRatio = CumDecayRatioDefault;
public static int CumDecayRatioAdjust = CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
public static float CumFertilityDecayRatio = CumFertilityDecayRatioDefault;
public static int CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
public static int CycleAcceleration = CycleAccelerationDefault;
public static bool EnableWombIcon = true;
public static bool EnableAnimalCycle = false;
public static bool Debug = false;
public override void ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look(ref ImplantationChanceAdjust, "ImplantationChanceAdjust", ImplantationChanceAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref ImplantationChance, "ImplantationChance", ImplantationChance, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref FertilizeChanceAdjust, "FertilizeChanceAdjust", FertilizeChanceAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref FertilizeChance, "FertilizeChance", FertilizeChance, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumDecayRatioAdjust, "CumDecayRatioAdjust", CumDecayRatioAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumDecayRatio, "CumDecayRatio", CumDecayRatio, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, "CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust", CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref CumFertilityDecayRatio, "CumFertilityDecayRatio", CumFertilityDecayRatio, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref EnableWombIcon, "EnableWombIcon", EnableWombIcon, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref EnableAnimalCycle, "EnableAnimalCycle", EnableAnimalCycle, true);
public class RJW_Menstruation : Mod
private readonly Configurations config;
public RJW_Menstruation(ModContentPack content) : base(content)
config = GetSettings<Configurations>();
public override string SettingsCategory()
return Translations.Mod_Title;
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect)
Rect mainRect = inRect.ContractedBy(20f);
Listing_Standard listmain = new Listing_Standard();
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option1_Label, ref Configurations.EnableWombIcon, Translations.Option1_Desc);
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option2_Label, ref Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle, Translations.Option2_Desc);
listmain.Label(Translations.Option3_Label + " " + Configurations.ImplantationChance*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option3_Desc);
Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.ImplantationChance = (float)Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust/100;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option4_Label + " " + Configurations.FertilizeChance*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option4_Desc);
Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.FertilizeChance = (float)Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option5_Label + " " + Configurations.CumDecayRatio*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option5_Desc);
Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.CumDecayRatio = (float)Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option6_Label + " " + Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio*100 + "%", -1, Translations.Option6_Desc);
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust, 0, 1000);
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio = (float)Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust/1000;
listmain.Label(Translations.Option7_Label + " x" + Configurations.CycleAcceleration, -1, Translations.Option7_Desc);
Configurations.CycleAcceleration = (int)listmain.Slider(Configurations.CycleAcceleration,1,50);
listmain.CheckboxLabeled(Translations.Option8_Label, ref Configurations.Debug, Translations.Option8_Desc);
if (listmain.ButtonText("reset to default"))
Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjust = Configurations.ImplantationChanceAdjustDefault;
Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjust = Configurations.FertilizeChanceAdjustDefault;
Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjust = Configurations.CumDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjust = Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatioAdjustDefault;
Configurations.EnableWombIcon = true;
Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle = false;
Configurations.CycleAcceleration = Configurations.CycleAccelerationDefault;

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Cum : IExposable
public Pawn pawn;
//public bool failedFertilization = false;
//public bool dead = false;
public float volume; // ml
public float fertvolume;
public float fertFactor = 1.0f;
public bool notcum = false; // for other fluids
public string notcumLabel = "";
private bool useCustomColor = false;
private float notcumthickness = 0;
public float decayresist
if (!notcum) return DNA.cumTickness;
else return notcumthickness;
notcumthickness = value;
private Color customColor;
public DNADef DNA
if (DNAcache == null)
DNAcache = DefDatabase<DNADef>.GetNamedSilentFail(pawn.def.defName);
if (DNAcache == null)
DNAcache = VariousDefOf.defaultDNA;
return DNAcache;
else return DNAcache;
private DNADef DNAcache = null;
public ThingDef FilthDef
if (filthDef == null) return VariousDefOf.CumFilth;
else return filthDef;
filthDef = value;
private ThingDef filthDef = null;
public Color color
if (!useCustomColor) return DNA.CumColor;
else return customColor;
useCustomColor = true;
customColor = value;
public Cum() {}
public Cum(Pawn pawn)
this.pawn = pawn;
volume = 1.0f;
fertvolume = 1.0f;
decayresist = 0;
public Cum(Pawn pawn, float volume, string notcumlabel, float decayresist = 0, ThingDef filthDef = null)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.volume = volume;
this.fertvolume = volume;
this.notcum = true;
this.notcumLabel = notcumlabel;
this.notcumthickness = decayresist;
this.filthDef = filthDef;
public Cum(Pawn pawn, float volume, float fertility, ThingDef filthDef = null)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.volume = volume;
if (fertility > 0)
this.fertvolume = volume;
this.fertFactor = fertility;
else this.fertvolume = 0;
this.filthDef = filthDef;
public void ExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref pawn, "pawn", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref volume, "volume", volume, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertvolume, "fertvolume", fertvolume, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcumthickness, "notcumthickness", notcumthickness, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertFactor, "fertFactor", fertFactor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcum, "notcum", notcum, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref notcumLabel, "notcumLabel", notcumLabel, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref useCustomColor, "useCustomColor", useCustomColor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref customColor, "customColor", customColor, true);

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class DNADef : Def
public bool IsNone => string.IsNullOrEmpty(defName);
public static readonly DNADef None = new DNADef();
public string fetusTexPath;
public ColorInt cumColor;
public Color CumColor => cumColor.ToColor;
public float cumTickness = 0f;

View File

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Dialog_WombStatus : Window
private Pawn pawn;
private HediffComp_Menstruation comp;
private const float windowMargin = 20f;
private const float pawnRectWidth = 150f;
private const float pawnRectHeight = 150f;
private const float wombRectHeight = 270f;
private const float wombRectWidth = 300f;
private const float fontheight = 30;
private const float genitalRectWidth = 102;
private const float genitalRectHeight = 140;
private Texture2D womb;
private Texture2D cum;
private Texture2D vagina;
private Texture2D anal;
private Color cumcolor;
public override Vector2 InitialSize
return new Vector2(300f + 2*windowMargin,800f);
public Dialog_WombStatus(Pawn pawn, HediffComp_Menstruation comp, Texture2D icon)
this.pawn = pawn;
this.comp = comp;
womb = icon;
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect)
bool flag = false;
soundClose = SoundDefOf.InfoCard_Close;
//closeOnClickedOutside = true;
absorbInputAroundWindow = false;
forcePause = false;
preventCameraMotion = false;
draggable = true;
//resizeable = true;
if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape))
flag = true;
Rect windowRect = inRect.ContractedBy(windowMargin);
Rect mainRect = new Rect(windowRect.x, windowRect.y, windowRect.width, windowRect.height - 20f);
Rect closeRect = new Rect(windowRect.xMax, 0f, 20f, 20f);
if (Widgets.CloseButtonFor(closeRect))
private void MainContents(Rect mainRect)
GUIStyle fontstylecenter = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter };
GUIStyle fontstyleright = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight };
GUIStyle fontstyleleft = new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft };
GUIStyle boxstyle = new GUIStyle(;
GUIStyle buttonstyle = new GUIStyle(;
boxstyle.hover = boxstyle.normal;
boxstyle.onHover = boxstyle.normal;
boxstyle.onNormal = boxstyle.normal;
buttonstyle.onHover = buttonstyle.onNormal;
buttonstyle.hover = buttonstyle.normal;
boxstyle.border.left = 4; boxstyle.border.right = 4; boxstyle.border.bottom = 4; = 4;
float preginfoheight = 0f;
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (pawn.IsPregnant())
womb = Utility.GetPregnancyIcon(comp, hediff);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) cum = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
else cum = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
Pawn fetus = Utility.GetFetus(pawn);
preginfoheight = fontheight;
Rect preginfo = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - 2, wombRectWidth, preginfoheight);
if (fetus != null)
fontstyleright.normal.textColor = Color.white;
buttonstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUI.Box(preginfo, h.babies.Count + " " + fetus.def.label + " " + Translations.Dialog_WombInfo02, buttonstyle);
GUI.Label(preginfo, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo03 + ": " + h.father.LabelShort + " ", fontstyleright);
else cum = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
womb = Utility.GetWombIcon(comp);
cum = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
Rect pawnRect = new Rect(0, 0, pawnRectWidth, pawnRectHeight);
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(pawnRect,PortraitsCache.Get(pawn, pawnRect.size),1.0f);
Rect pawnLabelRect = new Rect(0, pawnRectHeight, pawnRectWidth, fontheight-10);
Rect pawnLabel2Rect = new Rect(0, pawnRectHeight+fontheight-10, pawnRectWidth, fontheight-10);
fontstylecenter.normal.textColor = pawn.DrawColor;
GUI.Label(pawnLabelRect, pawn.Name.ToStringFull, fontstylecenter);
GUI.Label(pawnLabel2Rect, pawn.story.Title, fontstylecenter);
GUI.color = Color.white;
Rect wombInfoRect = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - fontheight - 2, wombRectWidth, fontheight);
buttonstyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
//boxstyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
buttonstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.24f, 0.29f, 0.35f, 1);
GUI.Box(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo01 + ": " + comp.GetCurStageLabel,buttonstyle);
GUI.color = Color.white;
fontstyleright.normal.textColor =;
if (comp.GetFertilization) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo05 + " ", fontstyleright);
else if (comp.GetEggFertilizing) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo06 + " ", fontstyleright);
else if (comp.GetEgg) GUI.Label(wombInfoRect, Translations.Dialog_WombInfo07 + " ", fontstyleright);
//Widgets.Label(wombInfoRect,Translations.Dialog_WombInfo01 + ": " + comp.GetCurStageLabel);
cumcolor = comp.GetCumMixtureColor;
Rect wombRect = new Rect(0f, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight + preginfoheight, wombRectWidth, wombRectHeight);
GUI.color = new Color(1.00f,0.47f,0.47f,1);
//GUI.color = Color.white;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(wombRect, womb,1.0f);
//GUI.color = cumcolor;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(wombRect, cum,1.0f);
GUI.DrawTexture(wombRect, womb, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0, Color.white, 0, 0);
GUI.DrawTexture(wombRect, cum, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0, cumcolor,0,0);
GUI.color = Color.white;
Rect cumlistTitle = new Rect(pawnRectWidth, 0, wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth, fontheight);
Rect cumlistRect = new Rect(pawnRectWidth, fontheight, wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth, mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - fontheight);
Listing_Standard cumlist = new Listing_Standard
maxOneColumn = true,
ColumnWidth = wombRectWidth - pawnRectWidth
Listing_Standard cumlistsection = cumlist.BeginSection_NewTemp(mainRect.yMax - wombRectHeight - 2 * fontheight - 12f);
foreach(string s in comp.GetCumsInfo)
Rect genitalRect = new Rect(24, pawnRectHeight + 2*fontheight, genitalRectWidth, genitalRectHeight + fontheight*2);
Rect genitalIconRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y + fontheight ,genitalRectWidth,genitalRectHeight);
Rect genitalVaginaLabelRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y,genitalRectWidth,fontheight);
Rect genitalAnusLabelRect = new Rect(genitalRect.x,genitalRect.y + fontheight +genitalRectHeight ,genitalRectWidth,fontheight);
vagina = Utility.GetGenitalIcon(pawn);
anal = Utility.GetAnalIcon(pawn);
GUI.color = new Color(1.00f, 0.47f, 0.47f, 1);
GUI.Box(genitalRect, "", boxstyle);
GUI.color = pawn.story.SkinColor;
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(genitalIconRect, anal, 1.0f);
//Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(genitalIconRect, vagina, 1.0f);
GUI.DrawTexture(genitalIconRect, anal, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
GUI.DrawTexture(genitalIconRect, vagina, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
GUI.color = Color.white;
GUI.Label(genitalVaginaLabelRect, Utility.GetVaginaLabel(pawn),fontstylecenter);
GUI.Label(genitalAnusLabelRect, Utility.GetAnusLabel(pawn),fontstylecenter);

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class FertPillOutcomDoer : IngestionOutcomeDoer
protected override void DoIngestionOutcomeSpecial(Pawn pawn, Thing ingested)
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(pawn);
if (comp.curStage.Equals(HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Follicular) || comp.curStage.Equals(HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Luteal)) comp.curStage = HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Ovulatory;

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.Sound;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Pawn), "GetGizmos")]
public class Pawn_GetGizmos
public static void Postfix(ref IEnumerable<Gizmo> __result, Pawn __instance)
List<Gizmo> gizmoList = __result.ToList();
bool isCreatureMine = __instance.Faction != null && (__instance.Faction.IsPlayer || __instance.IsPrisonerOfColony);
if (!isCreatureMine)
if (Configurations.EnableWombIcon && __instance.gender == Gender.Female)
if (!__instance.IsAnimal())
AddWombGizmos(__instance, ref gizmoList);
else if (Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle)
AddWombGizmos(__instance, ref gizmoList);
__result = gizmoList;
private static void AddWombGizmos(Pawn __instance, ref List<Gizmo> gizmoList)
private static Gizmo CreateGizmo_WombStatus(Pawn pawn)
HediffComp_Menstruation comp =<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
Texture2D icon,icon_overay;
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
string description = "";
if (Configurations.Debug) description += comp.curStage + ": " + comp.curStageHrs + "\n" + "fertcums: " + comp.TotalFertCum;
else description += comp.GetCurStageLabel + "\n";
if (pawn.IsPregnant())
icon = Utility.GetPregnancyIcon(comp,hediff);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) icon_overay = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
else icon_overay = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
else icon_overay = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Empty"), true);
icon = Utility.GetWombIcon(comp);
icon_overay = Utility.GetCumIcon(comp);
foreach (string s in comp.GetCumsInfo) description += s + "\n";
Color c = comp.GetCumMixtureColor;
Gizmo gizmo = new Gizmo_Womb
defaultLabel = pawn.LabelShort,
defaultDesc = description,
icon = icon,
icon_overay = icon_overay,
cumcolor = c,
order = 100,
action = delegate
Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_WombStatus(pawn, comp,icon));
return gizmo;

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.Sound;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class Gizmo_Womb : Command_Action
public Texture2D icon_overay;
public Color cumcolor;
protected override void DrawIcon(Rect rect, Material buttonMat = null)
Texture2D badTex = icon;
Texture2D overay = icon_overay;
Color color = cumcolor;
if (badTex == null)
badTex = BaseContent.BadTex;
if (overay == null)
overay = BaseContent.BadTex;
if (color == null) color = Color.white;
rect.position += new Vector2(iconOffset.x * rect.size.x, iconOffset.y * rect.size.y);
GUI.color = IconDrawColor;
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, badTex, this.iconDrawScale * 0.85f, this.iconProportions, this.iconTexCoords, this.iconAngle, buttonMat);
GUI.color = color;
Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, overay, iconDrawScale * 0.85f, iconProportions, iconTexCoords, iconAngle, buttonMat);
GUI.color = Color.white;

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
internal static class First
static First()
var har = new Harmony("LL");

View File

@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using HugsLib;
using rjw;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public class CompProperties_Menstruation : HediffCompProperties
public float maxCumCapacity; // ml
public float baseImplantationChanceFactor;
public float basefertilizationChanceFactor;
public float deviationFactor;
public int folicularIntervalDays = 14; //before ovulation including beginning of bleeding
public int lutealIntervalDays = 14; //after ovulation until bleeding
public int bleedingIntervalDays = 6; //must be less than folicularIntervalDays
public int recoveryIntervalDays = 10; //additional infertile days after gave birth
public int eggLifespanDays = 2; //fertiledays = ovaluationday - spermlifespan ~ ovaluationday + egglifespanday
public string wombTex = "Womb/Womb"; //fertiledays = ovaluationday - spermlifespan ~ ovaluationday + egglifespanday
public CompProperties_Menstruation()
compClass = typeof(HediffComp_Menstruation);
public class HediffComp_Menstruation : HediffComp
const float minmakefilthvalue = 1.0f;
public static readonly int tickInterval = 2500; // an hour
public CompProperties_Menstruation Props;
public Stage curStage = Stage.Follicular;
public int curStageHrs = 0;
public enum Stage
private List<Cum> cums;
private bool loaded = false;
private List<Egg> eggs;
private int follicularIntervalhours = -1;
private int lutealIntervalhours = -1;
private int bleedingIntervalhours = -1;
private int recoveryIntervalhours = -1;
private Action actionref;
public float TotalCum
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
res += cum.volume;
return res;
public float TotalFertCum
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum) res += cum.fertvolume;
return res;
public float TotalCumPercent
float res = 0;
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
res += cum.volume;
return res/ Props.maxCumCapacity;
public float CumCapacity
float res = Props.maxCumCapacity;
if (curStage == Stage.Pregnant) res *= 0.2f;
return res;
public float CumInFactor
float res = 1.0f;
if ( res = 0.001f;
return res;
//make follicular interval into half and double egg lifespan
public float CycleFactor
if (xxx.has_quirk(parent.pawn, "Breeder")) return 0.5f;
return 1.0f;
//effect on implant chance
public float ImplantFactor
float factor = 1.0f;
if (xxx.has_quirk(parent.pawn, "Breeder")) factor = 10.0f;
if (xxx.is_animal(parent.pawn)) factor *= RJWPregnancySettings.animal_impregnation_chance/100f;
else factor *= RJWPregnancySettings.humanlike_impregnation_chance/100f;
return * factor;
public IEnumerable<string> GetCumsInfo
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum) yield return String.Format(cum.pawn.Label + ": {0:0.##}ml", cum.volume);
else yield return String.Format(cum.notcumLabel + ": {0:0.##}ml", cum.volume);
else yield return Translations.Info_noCum;
public Color GetCumMixtureColor
Color mixedcolor = Color.white;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty())
float mixedsofar = 0;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
mixedcolor = Color.LerpUnclamped(mixedcolor, cum.color, cum.volume/(mixedsofar + cum.volume));
mixedsofar += cum.volume;
return mixedcolor;
public string GetCurStageLabel
switch (curStage)
case Stage.Follicular:
return Translations.Stage_Follicular;
case Stage.Ovulatory:
return Translations.Stage_Ovulatory;
case Stage.Luteal:
return Translations.Stage_Luteal;
case Stage.Bleeding:
return Translations.Stage_Bleeding;
case Stage.Fertilized:
return Translations.Stage_Fertilized;
case Stage.Pregnant:
return Translations.Stage_Pregnant;
case Stage.Recover:
return Translations.Stage_Recover;
return "";
public bool GetEggFertilizing
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach(Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.fertvolume > 0) return true;
return false;
else return false;
public bool GetFertilization
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty()) foreach(Egg egg in eggs)
if (egg.fertilized) return true;
return false;
public bool GetEgg
return !eggs.NullOrEmpty();
public override void CompExposeData()
Scribe_Collections.Look(ref cums, saveDestroyedThings: true, label: "cums", lookMode: LookMode.Deep, ctorArgs: new object[0]);
Scribe_Collections.Look(ref eggs, saveDestroyedThings: true, label: "eggs", lookMode: LookMode.Deep, ctorArgs: new object[0]);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStage, "curStage", curStage, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref curStageHrs, "curStageHrs", curStageHrs, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref follicularIntervalhours, "follicularIntervalhours", follicularIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref lutealIntervalhours, "lutealIntervalhours", lutealIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref bleedingIntervalhours, "bleedingIntervalhours", bleedingIntervalhours, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref recoveryIntervalhours, "recoveryIntervalhours", recoveryIntervalhours, true);
public override void CompPostTick(ref float severityAdjustment)
if (!loaded)
Props = (CompProperties_Menstruation)props;
if (follicularIntervalhours < 0)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.folicularIntervalDays*24,Props.deviationFactor);
curStage = RandomStage();
if (lutealIntervalhours < 0) lutealIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.lutealIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (bleedingIntervalhours < 0) bleedingIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.bleedingIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (recoveryIntervalhours < 0) recoveryIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.recoveryIntervalDays * 24, Props.deviationFactor);
if (cums == null) cums = new List<Cum>();
if (eggs == null) eggs = new List<Egg>();
if (parent.pawn.IsPregnant()) curStage = Stage.Pregnant;
if (Configurations.EnableAnimalCycle)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
else if (!parent.pawn.IsAnimal()) HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
loaded = true;
public override void CompPostPostRemoved()
ModLog.Message(parent.pawn.Label + "tick scheduler removed");
public Cum GetNotCum(string notcumlabel)
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel)) return cum;
return null;
public Cum GetCum(Pawn pawn)
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (!cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn)) return cum;
return null;
public void CumIn(Pawn pawn, float injectedvolume, float fertility = 1.0f, ThingDef filthdef = null)
float volume = injectedvolume * CumInFactor;
float tmp = TotalCum + volume;
if (tmp > Props.maxCumCapacity)
float cumoutrate = 1 - (Props.maxCumCapacity / tmp);
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.pawn.Equals(pawn))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.fertvolume += volume;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
cum.volume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
cum.fertvolume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume * (1 - cumoutrate),fertility, filthdef));
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.pawn.Equals(pawn))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.fertvolume += volume;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume, fertility, filthdef));
public void CumIn(Pawn pawn, float volume, string notcumlabel, float decayresist = 0, ThingDef filthdef = null)
float tmp = TotalCum + volume;
if (tmp > Props.maxCumCapacity)
float cumoutrate = 1 - (Props.maxCumCapacity / tmp);
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn) && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.decayresist = decayresist;
cum.fertvolume = 0;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
cum.volume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
cum.fertvolume *= 1 - cumoutrate;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume * (1 - cumoutrate), notcumlabel,decayresist, filthdef));
bool merged = false;
if (!cums.NullOrEmpty()) foreach (Cum cum in cums)
if (cum.notcum && cum.pawn.Equals(pawn) && cum.notcumLabel.Equals(notcumlabel))
cum.volume += volume;
cum.decayresist = decayresist;
cum.fertvolume = 0;
cum.FilthDef = filthdef;
merged = true;
if (!merged) cums.Add(new Cum(pawn, volume, notcumlabel,decayresist, filthdef));
public void CumOut()
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach(Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
cum.volume *= Math.Max(0,(1 - (Configurations.CumDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
cum.fertvolume *= Math.Max(0, (1 - (Configurations.CumDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
if (vd - cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.01f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach(Cum cum in removecums)
public float CumOut(Cum targetcum, float portion = 0.1f)
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
float outcum = 0;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
if (cum.Equals(targetcum)) outcum = cum.volume * (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist));
cum.volume *= Math.Max(0, 1 - (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist)));
cum.fertvolume *= Math.Max(0, (1 - (portion * (1 - cum.decayresist))) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio * (1 - cum.decayresist))));
if (vd-cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.01f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach (Cum cum in removecums)
return outcum;
//ignores cum.decayresist
public float CumOutForce(Cum targetcum, float portion = 0.1f)
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return 0;
float outcum = 0;
List<Cum> removecums = new List<Cum>();
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float vd = cum.volume;
if (cum.Equals(targetcum)) outcum = cum.volume * (portion);
cum.volume *= 1 - (portion);
cum.fertvolume *= (1 - (portion)) * (1 - (Configurations.CumFertilityDecayRatio));
if (vd - cum.volume > minmakefilthvalue) MakeCumFilth(cum);
if (cum.fertvolume < 0.01f) cum.fertvolume = 0;
if (cum.volume < 0.1f) removecums.Add(cum);
foreach (Cum cum in removecums)
return outcum;
public bool FertilizationCheck()
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
bool onefertilized = false;
foreach (Egg egg in eggs)
if (!egg.fertilized) egg.fertilizer = Fertilize();
if (egg.fertilizer != null) {
egg.fertilized = true;
onefertilized = true;
return onefertilized;
else return false;
private Pawn Fertilize()
if (cums.NullOrEmpty()) return null;
foreach (Cum cum in cums)
float rand = Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
if (!cum.notcum && rand < cum.fertvolume * cum.fertFactor * Configurations.FertilizeChance * Props.basefertilizationChanceFactor)
return cum.pawn;
return null;
//for now, only one egg can be implanted
private bool Implant()
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
List<Egg> deadeggs = new List<Egg>();
bool pregnant = false;
foreach(Egg egg in eggs)
if (!egg.fertilized) continue;
else if (Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) <= Configurations.ImplantationChance * Props.baseImplantationChanceFactor * ImplantFactor * InterspeciesImplantFactor(egg.fertilizer))
PregnancyHelper.PregnancyDecider(parent.pawn, egg.fertilizer);
pregnant = true;
else deadeggs.Add(egg);
if (pregnant)
return true;
else if (!deadeggs.NullOrEmpty())
foreach (Egg egg in deadeggs)
return false;
private void BleedOut()
//FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(parent.pawn.Position, parent.pawn.Map, ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood,parent.pawn.Label);
CumIn(parent.pawn, Rand.Range(0f, 20f), Translations.Menstrual_Blood,-4.0f,ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood);
GetNotCum(Translations.Menstrual_Blood).color = Colors.blood;
private void MakeCumFilth(Cum cum)
FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(parent.pawn.Position, parent.pawn.Map, cum.FilthDef, cum.pawn.LabelShort);
private void EggDecay()
List<Egg> deadeggs = new List<Egg>();
foreach (Egg egg in eggs)
if (egg.lifespanhrs < 0) deadeggs.Add(egg);
if (!deadeggs.NullOrEmpty())
foreach (Egg egg in deadeggs)
private Action PeriodSimulator(Enum targetstage)
Action action = null;
switch (targetstage)
case Stage.Follicular:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= (follicularIntervalhours - bleedingIntervalhours) * CycleFactor)
case Stage.Ovulatory:
action = delegate
eggs.Add(new Egg(Props.eggLifespanDays * 24));
lutealIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(lutealIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
case Stage.Luteal:
action = delegate
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty())
if (FertilizationCheck())
else if (curStageHrs <= lutealIntervalhours)
bleedingIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(bleedingIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
case Stage.Bleeding:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= bleedingIntervalhours)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(follicularIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
if (curStageHrs < bleedingIntervalhours / 6) for (int i = 0; i < Configurations.CycleAcceleration; i++) BleedOut();
case Stage.Fertilized:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= 24)
if (Implant())
GoNextStageSetHour(Stage.Luteal, 96);
case Stage.Pregnant:
action = delegate
if (parent.pawn.IsPregnant()) StayCurrentStageConst(Stage.Pregnant);
else GoNextStage(Stage.Recover);
case Stage.Recover:
action = delegate
if (curStageHrs >= recoveryIntervalhours)
follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(follicularIntervalhours, Props.deviationFactor);
curStage = Stage.Follicular;
curStageHrs = 0;
if (follicularIntervalhours < 0) follicularIntervalhours = PeriodRandomizer(Props.folicularIntervalDays*24, Props.deviationFactor);
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(Stage.Follicular), tickInterval, parent.pawn, false);
action += () =>
if (!eggs.NullOrEmpty()) EggDecay();
actionref = action;
return action;
void GoNextStage(Stage nextstage, float factor = 1.0f)
curStageHrs = 0;
curStage = nextstage;
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(nextstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void GoNextStageSetHour(Stage nextstage, int hour, float factor = 1.0f)
curStageHrs = hour;
curStage = nextstage;
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(nextstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void StayCurrentStage(float factor = 1.0f)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curStage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
void StayCurrentStageConst(Stage curstage, float factor = 1.0f)
HugsLibController.Instance.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(PeriodSimulator(curstage), (int)(tickInterval * factor), parent.pawn, false);
private int PeriodRandomizer(int intervalhours, float deviation)
return intervalhours + (int)(intervalhours*Rand.Range(-deviation,deviation));
private float InterspeciesImplantFactor(Pawn fertilizer)
if (RJWPregnancySettings.complex_interspecies) return SexUtility.BodySimilarity(parent.pawn, fertilizer);
else return RJWPregnancySettings.interspecies_impregnation_modifier;
private Stage RandomStage()
int rand = Rand.Range(0,2);
switch (rand)
case 0:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, (Props.folicularIntervalDays - Props.bleedingIntervalDays) * 24);
return Stage.Follicular;
case 1:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, Props.eggLifespanDays * 24);
return Stage.Luteal;
case 2:
curStageHrs = Rand.Range(0, Props.bleedingIntervalDays * 24);
return Stage.Bleeding;
default: return Stage.Follicular;
public class Egg : IExposable
public bool fertilized;
public int lifespanhrs;
public Pawn fertilizer;
public Egg()
fertilized = false;
lifespanhrs = 96;
fertilizer = null;
public Egg(int lifespanhrs)
fertilized = false;
this.lifespanhrs = lifespanhrs;
fertilizer = null;
public void ExposeData()
Scribe_References.Look(ref fertilizer, "fertilizer", true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref fertilized, "fertilized", fertilized, true);
Scribe_Values.Look(ref lifespanhrs, "lifespanhrs", lifespanhrs, true);

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@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
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<Compile Include="Cum.cs" />
<Compile Include="Dialog_WombStatus.cs" />
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<Compile Include="GetGizmos.cs" />
<Compile Include="Gizmo_Womb.cs" />
<Compile Include="Harmony.cs" />
<Compile Include="HediffComp_Menstruation.cs" />
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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using rjw;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PregnancyHelper), "impregnate")]
public static class impregnate_Patch
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner, xxx.rjwSextype sextype = xxx.rjwSextype.None)
if (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal)
var pawnpartBPR = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn);
var pawnparts = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, pawnpartBPR);
var partnerpartBPR = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(partner);
var partnerparts = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(partner, partnerpartBPR);
if (Genital_Helper.has_vagina(partner, partnerparts))
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(partner);
if (comp != null)
if (Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(pawn, pawnparts) && PregnancyHelper.CanImpregnate(pawn, partner, sextype))
PregnancyHelper.Doimpregnate(pawn, partner);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn), 0);
else if (Genital_Helper.has_vagina(pawn, pawnparts))
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(pawn);
if (comp != null)
if (Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(partner, partnerparts) && PregnancyHelper.CanImpregnate(partner, pawn, sextype))
PregnancyHelper.Doimpregnate(partner, pawn);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(partner, Utility.GetCumVolume(partner), 0);
return true;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PregnancyHelper), "Doimpregnate")]
public static class Doimpregnate_Patch
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner) // partner has vagina
HediffComp_Menstruation comp = Utility.GetMenstruationComp(partner);
if (comp != null)
if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn) && !AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidPenisFertility(pawn))
comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn),0);
return false;
else comp.CumIn(pawn, Utility.GetCumVolume(pawn),;
return false;
ModLog.Message("used original rjw method: Comp missing");
return true;

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class Translations
public static readonly string Mod_Title = "Mod_Title".Translate();
public static readonly string Info_noCum = "Info_noCum".Translate();
public static readonly string Menstrual_Blood = "Menstrual_Blood".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Follicular = "Stage_Follicular".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Ovulatory = "Stage_Ovulatory".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Luteal = "Stage_Luteal".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Bleeding = "Stage_Bleeding".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Fertilized = "Stage_Fertilized".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Pregnant = "Stage_Pregnant".Translate();
public static readonly string Stage_Recover = "Stage_Recover".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo01 = "Dialog_WombInfo01".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo02 = "Dialog_WombInfo02".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo03 = "Dialog_WombInfo03".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo04 = "Dialog_WombInfo04".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo05 = "Dialog_WombInfo05".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo06 = "Dialog_WombInfo06".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo07 = "Dialog_WombInfo07".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo08 = "Dialog_WombInfo08".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo09 = "Dialog_WombInfo09".Translate();
public static readonly string Dialog_WombInfo10 = "Dialog_WombInfo10".Translate();
public static readonly string Option1_Label = "Option1_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option1_Desc = "Option1_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option2_Label = "Option2_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option2_Desc = "Option2_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option3_Label = "Option3_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option3_Desc = "Option3_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option4_Label = "Option4_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option4_Desc = "Option4_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option5_Label = "Option5_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option5_Desc = "Option5_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option6_Label = "Option6_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option6_Desc = "Option6_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option7_Label = "Option7_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option7_Desc = "Option7_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option8_Label = "Option8_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option8_Desc = "Option8_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option9_Label = "Option9_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option9_Desc = "Option9_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option10_Label = "Option10_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option10_Desc = "Option10_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option11_Label = "Option11_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option11_Desc = "Option11_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option12_Label = "Option12_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option12_Desc = "Option12_Desc".Translate();
public static readonly string Option13_Label = "Option13_Label".Translate();
public static readonly string Option13_Desc = "Option13_Desc".Translate();

View File

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using rjw;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class Colors
public static Color blood = new Color(0.78f, 0, 0);
public static class Utility
public static float GetCumVolume(Pawn pawn)
CompHediffBodyPart part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("penis")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("ovipositorf")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("ovipositorm")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
if (part == null) part = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff hed) => hed.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("tentacle")).InRandomOrder().FirstOrDefault().TryGetComp<rjw.CompHediffBodyPart>();
return part?.FluidAmmount * part.FluidModifier * Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f) ?? 0.0f;
public static HediffComp_Menstruation GetMenstruationComp(Pawn pawn)
var hedifflist = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
HediffComp_Menstruation result;
if (hedifflist.NullOrEmpty()) return null;
foreach (Hediff h in hedifflist)
result = h.TryGetComp<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
public static bool HasMenstruationComp(Pawn pawn)
var hedifflist = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).FindAll((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
HediffComp_Menstruation result;
if (hedifflist.NullOrEmpty()) return false;
foreach (Hediff h in hedifflist)
result = h.TryGetComp<HediffComp_Menstruation>();
if (result != null) return true;
return false;
public static HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage GetCurStage(Pawn pawn)
return GetMenstruationComp(pawn)?.curStage ?? HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Bleeding;
public static float GetPregnancyProgress(Pawn pawn)
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
return h.GestationProgress;
return -1;
public static Pawn GetFetus(Pawn pawn)
Hediff hediff = PregnancyHelper.GetPregnancy(pawn);
if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
//else if (hediff is Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy)
// Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy h = (Hediff_HumanlikePregnancy)hediff;
// return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
//else if (hediff is Hediff_BestialPregnancy)
// Hediff_BestialPregnancy h = (Hediff_BestialPregnancy)hediff;
// return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
else if (hediff is Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)
Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy h = (Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)hediff;
return h?.babies?.First() ?? null;
return null;
public static Texture2D GetPregnancyIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp, Hediff hediff)
string icon = "";
if (hediff is Hediff_MechanoidPregnancy)
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get(("Womb/Mechanoid_Fluid"), true);
else if (hediff is Hediff_BasePregnancy)
Hediff_BasePregnancy h = (Hediff_BasePregnancy)hediff;
string fetustex = DefDatabase<DNADef>.GetNamedSilentFail(h.babies.First().def.defName)?.fetusTexPath ?? "Fetus/Fetus_Default";
if (h.GestationProgress < 0.2f) icon = comp.Props.wombTex + "_Implanted";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.3f) icon += "Fetus/Fetus_Early00";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.4f) icon += fetustex + "00";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.5f) icon += fetustex + "01";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.6f) icon += fetustex + "02";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.7f) icon += fetustex + "03";
else if (h.GestationProgress < 0.8f) icon += fetustex + "04";
else icon += fetustex + "05";
else icon = "Fetus/Slime_Abomi02";
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static Texture2D GetCumIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp)
string icon = "Womb/";
float cumpercent = comp.TotalCumPercent;
if (cumpercent < 0.001f) icon += "Empty";
else if (cumpercent < 0.01f) icon += "Cum_00";
else if (cumpercent < 0.05f) icon += "Cum_01";
else if (cumpercent < 0.11f) icon += "Cum_02";
else if (cumpercent < 0.17f) icon += "Cum_03";
else if (cumpercent < 0.23f) icon += "Cum_04";
else if (cumpercent < 0.29f) icon += "Cum_05";
else if (cumpercent < 0.35f) icon += "Cum_06";
else if (cumpercent < 0.41f) icon += "Cum_07";
else if (cumpercent < 0.47f) icon += "Cum_08";
else if (cumpercent < 0.53f) icon += "Cum_09";
else if (cumpercent < 0.59f) icon += "Cum_10";
else if (cumpercent < 0.65f) icon += "Cum_11";
else if (cumpercent < 0.71f) icon += "Cum_12";
else if (cumpercent < 0.77f) icon += "Cum_13";
else if (cumpercent < 0.83f) icon += "Cum_14";
else if (cumpercent < 0.89f) icon += "Cum_15";
else if (cumpercent < 0.95f) icon += "Cum_16";
else icon += "Cum_17";
Texture2D cumtex = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
return cumtex;
public static Texture2D GetWombIcon(HediffComp_Menstruation comp)
string icon = comp.Props.wombTex;
HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage stage = comp.curStage;
if (stage == HediffComp_Menstruation.Stage.Bleeding) icon += "_Bleeding";
Texture2D wombtex = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
return wombtex;
public static Texture2D GetGenitalIcon(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
string icon = "Genitals/";
if (hediff.Severity < 0.20f) icon += "Vagina00"; //micro
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.30f) icon += "Vagina01"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.40f) icon += "Vagina02"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.47f) icon += "Vagina03"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.53f) icon += "Vagina04"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.60f) icon += "Vagina05"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.70f) icon += "Vagina06"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.80f) icon += "Vagina07"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.87f) icon += "Vagina08"; //cavernous
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.94f) icon += "Vagina09"; //cavernous
else if (hediff.Severity < 1.01f) icon += "Vagina10"; //cavernous
else icon += "Vagina11"; //abyssal
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static Texture2D GetAnalIcon(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_anusBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("anus"));
string icon = "Genitals/";
if (hediff.Severity < 0.20f) icon += "Anal00"; //micro
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.40f) icon += "Anal01"; //tight
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.60f) icon += "Anal02"; //average
else if (hediff.Severity < 0.80f) icon += "Anal03"; //accomodating
else if (hediff.Severity < 1.01f) icon += "Anal04"; //cavernous
else icon += "Anal05"; //abyssal
return ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get((icon), true);
public static string GetVaginaLabel(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("vagina"));
return hediff.LabelBase + "\n" + hediff.LabelInBrackets;
public static string GetAnusLabel(Pawn pawn)
var hediff = Genital_Helper.get_PartsHediffList(pawn, Genital_Helper.get_anusBPR(pawn)).Find((Hediff h) => h.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("anus"));
return hediff.Label;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Menstruation
public static class VariousDefOf
public static readonly DNADef defaultDNA = new DNADef
fetusTexPath = "Fetus/Fetus_Default",
cumColor = new ColorInt(255, 255, 255, 255),
cumTickness = 0
public static readonly ThingDef CumFilth = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("FilthCum");
public static readonly HediffDef RJW_IUD = DefDatabase<HediffDef>.GetNamed("RJW_IUD");