2024-03-20 09:55:35 +00:00

381 lines
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using Verse;
using Verse.AI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using RimWorld;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using rjw;
namespace rjwwhoring
public static class WhoreBed_Utility
public static readonly RoomRoleDef roleDefBrothel = DefDatabase<RoomRoleDef>.GetNamed("Brothel");
// find the best bed for a customer; whore is needed as parameter to only select beds that are reachable
public static Building_Bed FindBed(Pawn whore, Pawn customer)
List<Building_Bed> b = FindReachableAndAvailableWhoreBeds(whore, customer);
return GetBestBedForCustomer(customer, b);
public static bool CanUseForWhoring(Pawn pawn, Building_Bed bed)
bool flag = bed.IsAvailableForWhoring(pawn) && pawn.CanReserveAndReach(bed, PathEndMode.InteractionCell, Danger.Unspecified) && !bed.IsForbidden(pawn);
return flag;
public static Building_Bed GetBestBedForCustomer(Pawn customer, List<Building_Bed> beds)
if (beds != null && beds.Any())
return beds.MaxBy(bed => CalculateBedScore(customer, bed));
return null;
public static float GetCheapestBedFactor(Pawn whore, Pawn customer)
List<Building_Bed> beds = FindReachableAndAvailableWhoreBeds(whore, customer);
return GetCheapestBedFactor(beds);
public static float GetCheapestBedFactor(List<Building_Bed> beds)
if (beds != null && beds.Any())
return CalculatePriceFactor(beds.MinBy(bed => CalculatePriceFactor(bed)));
return 0f;
// unused
/*public static float GetMostExpensiveBedFactor(List<Building_Bed> beds)
if (beds != null && beds.Any())
return CalculatePriceFactor(beds.MaxBy(bed => CalculatePriceFactor(bed)));
return 0f;
public static float CalculateRoomFactor(Room room, int num_humanlike_beds)
if (room == null || room.Role == RoomRoleDefOf.None || room.OutdoorsForWork)
return 0.1f;
float room_multiplier = 1f;
if (room.Role == roleDefBrothel)
room_multiplier *= (float)Math.Pow(0.8, num_humanlike_beds - 1);
else // if(room.Role == RoomRoleDefOf.Barracks)
room_multiplier /= 2 * (num_humanlike_beds - 1) + 1;
int scoreStageIndex = RoomStatDefOf.Impressiveness.GetScoreStageIndex(room.GetStat(RoomStatDefOf.Impressiveness));
//Room impressiveness factor
//0 < scoreStageIndex < 10 (Last time checked)
//3 is mediocore
room_multiplier *= (float)(scoreStageIndex <= 3 ? .4f + scoreStageIndex * .2f : 1f + .3f * (scoreStageIndex - 3));
return Mathf.Max(room_multiplier, 0);
public static float CalculateBedFactorsForRoom(Room room, Building_Bed except_this_bed = null)
float room_factor = 0.1f;
if (room == null)
return room_factor;
// get eligible beds
IEnumerable<Building_Bed> humanlike_beds = room.ContainedBeds.Where(b => b.def.building.bed_humanlike);
int num_humanlike_beds = humanlike_beds.Count();
if (num_humanlike_beds <= 0)
return room_factor;
IEnumerable<Building_Bed> whoring_beds = humanlike_beds.Where(b => b.IsAllowedForWhoringOwner());
if (whoring_beds.Any())
// if beds exist, calculate room score
room_factor = CalculateRoomFactor(room, num_humanlike_beds);
// and update all beds
foreach (Building_Bed b in whoring_beds)
// except the bed given as parameter (will be calculated in that bed's function)
if (except_this_bed == null || b.thingIDNumber != except_this_bed.thingIDNumber)
CalculatePriceFactor(b, room_factor);
return room_factor;
public static void ResetTicksUntilUpdate(Room room)
IEnumerable<Building_Bed> whoring_beds = room.ContainedBeds.Where(b => b.IsAllowedForWhoringOwner());
foreach (Building_Bed bed in whoring_beds)
// set all to 0
// if one is needed, it updates all the other beds
// if none is needed, it doesn't matter
// only setting one bed to update has the risk that a different bed's value is required that doesn't trigger an update
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).scoreUpdateTickDelay = 0;
public static float CalculatePriceFactor(Building_Bed bed, float room_multiplier = -1f)
BedData saved_bed_data = WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed);
// cache result (no need for saving): if no result available, calculate; otherwise save tick at which it has been calculated.
// additional parameter "room_multiplier" to skip room analysis
if ((room_multiplier == -1 || room_multiplier >= 0 && room_multiplier == saved_bed_data.roomScore)
&& saved_bed_data.bedScore >= 0f
&& saved_bed_data.lastScoreUpdateTick >
GenTicks.TicksGame - saved_bed_data.scoreUpdateTickDelay)
if (room_multiplier >= 0 && saved_bed_data.scoreUpdateTickDelay < 720)
// if saved value is used due to unchanged room multiplier, increase recalc delay
saved_bed_data.scoreUpdateTickDelay += 60 + Rand.Int % 10;
//Log.Message("[RJW] lastScoreUpdateTick: " + BukkakeBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).lastScoreUpdateTick.ToString() + " / TicksGame: "+ GenTicks.TicksGame.ToString());
return saved_bed_data.bedScore;
if (room_multiplier < 0)
Room room = bed.Map != null && bed.Map.regionAndRoomUpdater.Enabled ? bed.GetRoom() : null;
room_multiplier = CalculateBedFactorsForRoom(room, bed);
// uncomfortable beds reduce price, comfortable beds make customers pay a tip
float comfort = bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Comfort);
float price_factor = room_multiplier * comfort;
// delay recalculation if result is the same as before
// Rand.Int % 10 flattens the spike over time if many beds are toggled at once
if (price_factor == saved_bed_data.bedScore)
if (saved_bed_data.scoreUpdateTickDelay < 720)
// slowly increase recalculation delay to two seconds on speed 3
saved_bed_data.scoreUpdateTickDelay += 60 + Rand.Int % 10;
// reset recalculation delay
saved_bed_data.scoreUpdateTickDelay = 60 + Rand.Int % 10;
// update bed data
saved_bed_data.lastScoreUpdateTick = GenTicks.TicksGame;
saved_bed_data.bedScore = price_factor;
saved_bed_data.roomScore = room_multiplier;
// this is quite spammy
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring)
// Log.Message("[RJW]CalculatePriceFactor for bed " + bed.thingIDNumber.ToString() + ": "
// + "room_multiplier (num beds, impressiveness) ("+room_multiplier.ToString() +") * "
// + "comfort (" + comfort.ToString() + ") = " + price_factor.ToString());
return price_factor;
// customers would want the best bed
// TODO: price as factor, rebalance
public static float CalculateBedScore(Pawn customer, Building_Bed bed)
float basePriceFactor = CalculatePriceFactor(bed);
// ascetic pawns want the least impressive room
if (customer.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Ascetic))
float comfort = bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Comfort);
basePriceFactor = comfort * comfort / basePriceFactor; // inverse room effects - may be cheap, but should still be comfortable. ascetic isn't masochistic!
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring)
Log.Message("[RJW]CalculateBedScore - Customer is ascetic");
basePriceFactor *= 200; // make a larger number for better distance scaling (and random effect)
// horny pawns are in a hurry and want a closer bed
int distance = 0;
if (xxx.is_hornyorfrustrated(customer))
distance = (int)bed.Position.DistanceTo(customer.Position);
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring)
// Log.Message("[RJW]CalculateBedScore - Pawn is horny - distance = "+distance.ToString());
int random_factor = Rand.Int % 100;
float score = basePriceFactor - distance + random_factor;
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring)
Log.Message("[RJW]CalculateBedScore for bed " + bed.thingIDNumber.ToString() + ": "
+ "score from price (" + basePriceFactor.ToString() + ") "
+ "- distance (" + distance.ToString() + ") "
+ "+ randomness (" + random_factor.ToString() + ") "
+ "= " + score.ToString());
return score;
public static List<Building_Bed> FindReachableAndAvailableWhoreBeds(Pawn whore, Pawn customer)
List<Building_Bed> wb = new List<Building_Bed>();
wb = whore.MapHeld.GetWhoreBeds().Where(bed =>
!bed.IsForbidden(whore) &&
!bed.IsForbidden(customer) &&
!bed.IsBurning() &&
bed.WhoringIsAllowedForPawn(whore) &&
bed.IsAvailableForWhoring(whore) &&
whore.CanReserveAndReach(bed, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Unspecified) &&
customer.CanReach(bed, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some)
// TODO: price/affordable?
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring)
Log.Message("[RJW]FindReachableAndAvailableWhoreBeds - found " + wb.Count().ToString() + " beds");
return wb;
public static IEnumerable<Building_Bed> GetWhoreBeds(this Map map, Area area = null)
if (map == null) return new Building_Bed[0];
if (area == null) return map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfClass<Building_Bed>();
return map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfClass<Building_Bed>().Where(b => area[b.Position]);
public static bool WhoringIsAllowedForPawn(this Building_Bed bed, Pawn pawn)
if (bed.IsAllowedForWhoringAll())
return true;
if (bed == pawn.ownership.OwnedBed && bed.IsAllowedForWhoringOwner())
return true;
return false;
public static void SetAllowedForWhoringOwner(this Building_Bed bed, bool isAllowed)
if (!isAllowed)
// if whoring is disallowed for owner, also disallow for all
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).allowedForWhoringOwner = isAllowed;
public static void ToggleAllowedForWhoringOwner(this Building_Bed bed)
public static bool IsAllowedForWhoringOwner(this Building_Bed bed)
if (!bed.def.building.bed_humanlike ||
bed.Faction != Faction.OfPlayerSilentFail ||
bed.Medical ||
bed.def.defName.Contains("Guest") ||
bed.def.defName.Contains("Android") )
return false;
if (bed.ForPrisoners)
// no toggle on prisoner beds, they may always use their own bed (if they are supposed to whore, anyway)
return true;
return WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).allowedForWhoringOwner;
public static void SetAllowedForWhoringAll(this Building_Bed bed, bool isAllowed)
if (isAllowed)
// if whoring is allowed for all, also visibly allow for owner
// if bed is designated for whoring, disable prisoner/medical use
bed.ForPrisoners = false;
bed.Medical = false;
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).allowedForWhoringAll = isAllowed;
public static void ToggleAllowedForWhoringAll(this Building_Bed bed)
public static bool IsAllowedForWhoringAll(this Building_Bed bed)
if (WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).allowedForWhoringAll)
if (!bed.def.building.bed_humanlike ||
bed.Faction != Faction.OfPlayerSilentFail ||
bed.Medical ||
bed.ForPrisoners ||
bed.def.defName.Contains("Guest") ||
bed.def.defName.Contains("Android") ||
bed.GetRoom()?.IsPrisonCell == true)
return false;
return true;
return false;
public static void ReserveForWhoring(this Building_Bed bed, Pawn p, int num_ticks)
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).reservedUntilGameTick = GenTicks.TicksGame + num_ticks;
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).reservedForPawnID = p.thingIDNumber;
public static void UnreserveForWhoring(this Building_Bed bed)
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).reservedUntilGameTick = 0;
WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).reservedForPawnID = 0;
public static bool IsAvailableForWhoring(this Building_Bed bed, Pawn p)
// check for active reservation
if (WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).reservedUntilGameTick > GenTicks.TicksGame)
if (WhoringBase.DataStore.GetBedData(bed).reservedForPawnID != p.thingIDNumber)
// a different pawn has reserved this bed
return false;
if (bed.OwnersForReading.Any())
for (int i = 0; i < bed.OwnersForReading.Count; i++)
if (bed.OwnersForReading[i].InBed() && bed.OwnersForReading[i].CurrentBed() == bed)
// someone sleeping in this bed
return false;
return true;