Enable whoring tab Shows/hide whoring tab Show whore price factor on beds Show whore price factor as a label on beds that are enabled for whoring. Show bed widgets Show bed widgets to mark beds for public/private for whoring. Money Printing Clients will spawn silver instead of using their own/caravan Client RNG disable Instead of doing rng roll, Clients always accept solicitation. Debug log whoring info Enables some very spamming debug logs to help find bugs in Whoring solicitation operations. {0} accepted the deal {1} offered. {0} wants to be serviced by {1}. {0} rejected the deal {1} offered. {0} rejected the offer because {1} does not look healthy Assign to whorin' Won't agree to be a whore Allow everyone to whore Allow all whores to use this bed to entertain customers. Allow owner to whore Whether owner(s) are allowed to use this bed for whoring. Whoring price factor (based on comfort, room impressiveness and number of beds in room: {0} Whoring price range: Prisoner Slave