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// #define TESTMODE // Uncomment to enable logging.
using Verse;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using RimWorld;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse.AI.Group;
//using Multiplayer.API;
using rjw;
namespace rjwwhoring
/// <summary>
/// Helper for whoring related stuff
/// </summary>
public class WhoringHelper
public const float baseMinPrice = 10f;
public const float baseMaxPrice = 20f;
public static readonly HashSet<string> backstories = new HashSet<string>(DefDatabase<StringListDef>.GetNamed("WhoreBackstories").strings);
public static int WhoreMinPrice(Pawn whore)
float min_price = baseMinPrice;
min_price *= WhoreAgeAdjustment(whore);
min_price *= WhoreGenderAdjustment(whore);
min_price *= WhoreInjuryAdjustment(whore);
min_price *= WhoreAbilityAdjustmentMin(whore);
//min_price *= WhoreRoomAdjustment(whore);
if (xxx.has_traits(whore))
min_price *= WhoreTraitAdjustmentMin(whore);
return (int)min_price;
public static int WhoreMaxPrice(Pawn whore)
float max_price = baseMaxPrice;
max_price *= WhoreAgeAdjustment(whore);
max_price *= WhoreGenderAdjustment(whore);
max_price *= WhoreInjuryAdjustment(whore);
max_price *= WhoreAbilityAdjustmentMax(whore);
//max_price *= WhoreRoomAdjustment(whore);
if (xxx.has_traits(whore))
max_price *= WhoreTraitAdjustmentMax(whore);
return (int)max_price;
public static float WhoreGenderAdjustment(Pawn whore)
if (GenderHelper.GetSex(whore) == GenderHelper.Sex.futa)
return 1.2f;
return 1f;
public static float WhoreAgeAdjustment(Pawn whore)
return AgeConfigDef.Instance.whoringPriceByAge.Evaluate(SexUtility.ScaleToHumanAge(whore));
public static float WhoreInjuryAdjustment(Pawn whore)
float modifier = 1.0f;
int injuries = whore.health.hediffSet.hediffs.Count(x => x.Visible && x.def.everCurableByItem && x.IsPermanent());
if (injuries == 0) return modifier;
while (injuries > 0)
modifier *= 0.85f;
return modifier;
public static float WhoreAbilityAdjustmentMin(Pawn whore)
int b = backstories.Contains(whore.story?.adulthood?.titleShort) ? 30 : 0;
int score = whore.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.EarnedMoneyByWhore);
float multiplier = (score + b) / 100;
multiplier = Math.Min(multiplier, 2);
multiplier = (multiplier - 0.5f) * 0.5f + 1;
return multiplier;
public static float WhoreAbilityAdjustmentMax(Pawn whore)
int b = backstories.Contains(whore.story?.adulthood?.titleShort) ? 30 : 0;
int score = whore.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.CountOfWhore);
float multiplier = (score + b) / 100;
multiplier = Math.Min(multiplier, 2);
multiplier = (multiplier - 0.5f) * 0.5f + 1;
return multiplier;
public static float WhoreTraitAdjustmentMin(Pawn whore)
float multiplier = WhoreTraitAdjustment(whore);
if (xxx.is_masochist(whore)) // Won't haggle, may settle for low price
multiplier *= 0.7f;
if (xxx.is_nympho(whore)) // Same as above
multiplier *= 0.4f;
if (whore.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Wimp)) // Same as above
multiplier *= 0.4f;
return multiplier;
public static float WhoreTraitAdjustmentMax(Pawn whore)
float multiplier = WhoreTraitAdjustment(whore);
if (xxx.IndividualityIsActive && whore.story.traits.HasTrait(xxx.SYR_Haggler))
multiplier *= 1.5f;
if (whore.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Greedy))
multiplier *= 2f;
return multiplier;
public static float WhoreTraitAdjustment(Pawn whore)
float multiplier = 1f;
if (xxx.has_traits(whore))
if (whore.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDefOf.Industriousness) == 2) // Industrious
multiplier *= 1.2f;
if (whore.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDefOf.Industriousness) == 1) // Hard Worker
multiplier *= 1.1f;
if (whore.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.CreepyBreathing))
multiplier *= 0.75f;
if (whore.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.PawnBeauty) >= 2)
multiplier *= 3.5f;
else if (whore.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.PawnBeauty) >= 1)
multiplier *= 2f;
else if (whore.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.PawnBeauty) < 0)
if (whore.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.PawnBeauty) >= -1)
multiplier *= 0.8f;
multiplier *= 0.6f;
return multiplier;
/*public static float WhoreRoomAdjustment(Pawn whore)
float room_multiplier = 1f;
Room ownedRoom = whore.ownership.OwnedRoom;
if (ownedRoom == null) return 0f;
//Room sharing is not liked by patrons
room_multiplier = room_multiplier / (2 * (ownedRoom.Owners.Count() - 1) + 1);
int scoreStageIndex = RoomStatDefOf.Impressiveness.GetScoreStageIndex(ownedRoom.GetStat(RoomStatDefOf.Impressiveness));
//Room impressiveness factor
//0 < scoreStageIndex < 10 (Last time checked)
//3 is mediocore
if (scoreStageIndex == 0)
room_multiplier *= 0.3f;
else if (scoreStageIndex > 3)
room_multiplier *= 1 + ((float)scoreStageIndex - 3) / 3.5f;
} //top room triples the price
return room_multiplier;
public static int PriceOfWhore(Pawn whore)
float NeedSexFactor = xxx.is_hornyorfrustrated(whore) ? 1 - xxx.need_some_sex(whore) / 8 : 1f;
float price = Rand.Range(WhoreMinPrice(whore), WhoreMaxPrice(whore));
price *= NeedSexFactor;
//--ModLog.Message(" xxx::PriceOfWhore - price is " + price);
return (int)Math.Round(price);
public static bool CanAfford(Pawn targetPawn, Pawn whore, int priceOfWhore = -1)
//if (targetPawn.Faction == whore.Faction) return true;
if (WhoringBase.MoneyPrinting) return true;
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($"CanAfford for client {xxx.get_pawnname(targetPawn)}");
int price = priceOfWhore < 0 ? PriceOfWhore(whore) : priceOfWhore;
if (price == 0)
return true;
// can customer afford the cheapest bed? - skip check, should rarely make a difference
//float bed_factor = WhoreBed_Utility.GetCheapestBedFactor(whore, targetPawn);
//price = (int)(price * bed_factor);
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" whore price {price}");
Lord lord = targetPawn.GetLord();
Faction faction = targetPawn.Faction;
int clientAmountOfSilvers = targetPawn.inventory.innerContainer.TotalStackCountOfDef(ThingDefOf.Silver);
int totalAmountOfSilvers = clientAmountOfSilvers;
if (faction != null)
List<Pawn> caravanMembers = targetPawn.Map.mapPawns.PawnsInFaction(targetPawn.Faction).Where(x => x.GetLord() == lord && x.inventory?.innerContainer?.TotalStackCountOfDef(ThingDefOf.Silver) > 0).ToList();
if (!caravanMembers.Any())
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" client not in caravan");
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message("CanAfford::(" + xxx.get_pawnname(targetPawn) + "," + xxx.get_pawnname(whore) + ") - totalAmountOfSilvers is " + totalAmountOfSilvers);
return totalAmountOfSilvers >= price;
totalAmountOfSilvers += caravanMembers.Sum(member => member.inventory.innerContainer.TotalStackCountOfDef(ThingDefOf.Silver));
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" client silver = {clientAmountOfSilvers} caravan silver = {totalAmountOfSilvers - clientAmountOfSilvers}");
//if (RJWSettings.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message("CanAfford:: can afford the whore: " + (totalAmountOfSilvers >= price));
return totalAmountOfSilvers >= price;
//priceOfWhore is assumed >=0, and targetPawn is assumed to be able to pay the price(either by caravan, or by himself)
//This means that targetPawn has total stackcount of silvers >= priceOfWhore.
public static int PayPriceToWhore(Pawn targetPawn, int priceOfWhore, Pawn whore)
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($"PayPriceToWhore for client {xxx.get_pawnname(targetPawn)}");
if (WhoringBase.MoneyPrinting)
DebugThingPlaceHelper.DebugSpawn(ThingDefOf.Silver, whore.PositionHeld, priceOfWhore, false, null);
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" MoneyPrinting " + priceOfWhore + " silver to pay price");
return 0;
int AmountLeft = priceOfWhore;
if ((targetPawn.Faction == whore.Faction && targetPawn.GuestStatus != GuestStatus.Guest) || priceOfWhore == 0)
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" No need to pay price");
return AmountLeft;
Lord lord = targetPawn.GetLord();
//Caravan guestCaravan = Find.WorldObjects.Caravans.Where(x => x.Spawned && x.ContainsPawn(targetPawn) && x.Faction == targetPawn.Faction && !x.IsPlayerControlled).FirstOrDefault();
List<Pawn> caravan = targetPawn.Map.mapPawns.PawnsInFaction(targetPawn.Faction).Where(x => x.GetLord() == lord && x.inventory?.innerContainer != null && x.inventory.innerContainer.TotalStackCountOfDef(ThingDefOf.Silver) > 0).ToList();
IEnumerable<Thing> TraderSilvers;
if (!caravan.Any())
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" (not a caravan member), try to pay with own silver");
TraderSilvers = targetPawn.inventory.innerContainer.Where(x => x.def == ThingDefOf.Silver);
foreach (Thing silver in TraderSilvers)
if (AmountLeft <= 0)
int dropAmount = silver.stackCount >= AmountLeft ? AmountLeft : silver.stackCount;
if (targetPawn.inventory.innerContainer.TryDrop(silver, whore.Position, whore.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, dropAmount, out Thing resultingSilvers))
if (resultingSilvers is null)
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" have no silver");
AmountLeft -= resultingSilvers.stackCount;
if (AmountLeft <= 0)
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" {xxx.get_pawnname(targetPawn)} paid {resultingSilvers.stackCount} silver");
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" TryDrop failed");
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" price: {priceOfWhore}, paid: {priceOfWhore - AmountLeft}");
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" (caravan member), try to pay {AmountLeft} silver with caravan silver");
foreach (Pawn caravanMember in caravan)
TraderSilvers = caravanMember.inventory.innerContainer.Where(x => x.def == ThingDefOf.Silver);
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" try to pay with {xxx.get_pawnname(caravanMember)} silver");
foreach (Thing silver in TraderSilvers)
if (AmountLeft <= 0)
int dropAmount = silver.stackCount >= AmountLeft ? AmountLeft : silver.stackCount;
if (caravanMember.inventory.innerContainer.TryDrop(silver, whore.Position, whore.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, dropAmount, out Thing resultingSilvers))
if (resultingSilvers is null)
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" have no silver");
AmountLeft -= resultingSilvers.stackCount;
if (AmountLeft <= 0)
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" {xxx.get_pawnname(caravanMember)} paid {resultingSilvers.stackCount} silver");
if (WhoringBase.DebugWhoring) ModLog.Message($" price: {priceOfWhore}, paid: {priceOfWhore - AmountLeft}");
return AmountLeft;
public static bool IsHookupAppealing(Pawn target, Pawn whore)
if (PawnUtility.WillSoonHaveBasicNeed(target))
//Log.Message("IsHookupAppealing - fail: " + xxx.get_pawnname(target) + " has need to do");
return false;
if (WhoringBase.ClientAlwaysAccept)
return true;
float num = target.relations.SecondaryRomanceChanceFactor(whore) / 1.5f;
if (xxx.is_frustrated(target))
num *= 3.0f;
else if (xxx.is_hornyorfrustrated(target))
num *= 2.0f;
if (xxx.is_zoophile(target) && !xxx.is_animal(whore))
num *= 0.5f;
if (xxx.AlienFrameworkIsActive)
if (xxx.is_xenophile(target))
if (target.def.defName == whore.def.defName)
num *= 0.5f; // Same species, xenophile less interested.
num *= 1.5f; // Different species, xenophile more interested.
else if (xxx.is_xenophobe(target))
if (target.def.defName != whore.def.defName)
num *= 0.25f; // Different species, xenophobe less interested.
num *= 0.8f + (float)whore.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Social).Level / 40; // 0.8 to 1.3
num *= Mathf.InverseLerp(-100f, 0f, target.relations.OpinionOf(whore)); // 1 to 0 reduce score by negative opinion/relations to whore
//Log.Message("IsHookupAppealing - score: " + num);
return Rand.Range(0.05f, 1f) < num;
/// <summary>
/// Check if the pawn is willing to hook up. Checked for both target and the whore(when hooking colonists).
/// </summary>
public static bool WillPawnTryHookup(Pawn target)
if (WhoringBase.ClientAlwaysAccept)
return true;
if (target.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Asexual))
return false;
Pawn lover = LovePartnerRelationUtility.ExistingMostLikedLovePartner(target, false);
if (lover == null)
return true;
float num = target.relations.OpinionOf(lover);
float num2 = Mathf.InverseLerp(30f, -80f, num);
if (xxx.is_prude(target))
num2 = 0f;
else if (xxx.is_lecher(target))
//Lechers are always up for it.
num2 = Mathf.InverseLerp(100f, 50f, num);
else if (target.Map == lover.Map)
//Less likely to cheat if the lover is on the same map.
num2 = Mathf.InverseLerp(70f, 15f, num);
//else default values
if (xxx.is_frustrated(target))
num2 *= 1.8f;
else if (xxx.is_hornyorfrustrated(target))
num2 *= 1.4f;
num2 /= 1.5f;
return Rand.Range(0f, 1f) < num2;
/// <summary>
/// Updates records for whoring.
/// </summary>
public static void UpdateRecords(Pawn pawn, int price)
pawn.records.AddTo(RecordDefOf.EarnedMoneyByWhore, price);
//this is added by normal outcome