
217 lines
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//using Multiplayer.API;
using RimWorld;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
using rjw;
using rjw.Modules.Interactions.Enums;
namespace rjwstd
/// <summary>
/// Responsible for spreading STDs (adding STD hediffs). Usually happens during sex.
/// </summary>
public static class std_spreader
/// <summary>
/// Check for spreading of every STD the pitcher has to the catcher.
/// Includes a small chance to spread STDs that pitcher doesn't have.
/// </summary>
public static void roll_to_catch(SexProps props, Pawn catcher, Pawn pitcher)
//immune race
if (std.IsImmune(catcher) || std.IsImmune(pitcher))
//immune genitals
if (std.PartsImmune(catcher, catcher.GetGenitalsList()))
//TODO: add check for sex based "genital" immunity
//if (props.pawn == catcher)
// bool immune = false;
// var interaction = rjw.Modules.Interactions.Helpers.InteractionHelper.GetWithExtension(props.dictionaryKey);
// bool Reverse = interaction.HasInteractionTag(InteractionTag.Reverse);
// if (props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal)
// immune = std.PartsImmune(catcher, catcher.GetGenitalsList());
// if (props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Anal)
// immune =std.PartsImmune(catcher, catcher.GetAnusList());
// if (props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.DoublePenetration)
// immune = (std.PartsImmune(catcher, catcher.GetGenitalsList()) && std.PartsImmune(catcher, catcher.GetAnusList()));
// if (props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Oral || props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Fellatio || props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Cunnilingus)
// std.PartsImmune(catcher, catcher.GetGenitalsList());
// if (Modules.Interactions.Helpers.PartHelper.FindParts(giver, GenitalTag.CanFertilize).Any() &&
// Modules.Interactions.Helpers.PartHelper.FindParts(reciever, GenitalTag.CanBeFertilized).Any())
// if (props.isReceiver &&
// interaction.DominantHasFamily(GenitalFamily.Vagina) &&
// interaction.SubmissiveHasTag(GenitalTag.CanPenetrate) &&
// interaction.HasInteractionTag(InteractionTag.Reverse))
// {
// if (RJWSettings.DevMode) ModLog.Message(" impregnate - by receiver");
// }
// else
// return;
// if (immune)
// return;
float cleanliness_factor = GetCleanlinessFactor(catcher);
foreach (std_def sd in std.all)
if (!catcher.health.hediffSet.HasHediff(sd.hediff_def))
if (catcher.health.immunity.GetImmunity(sd.hediff_def) <= 0.0f)
var bodyPartRecord = std.GetRelevantBodyPartRecord(catcher, sd);
var artificial = bodyPartRecord != null && catcher.health.hediffSet.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(bodyPartRecord);
float catch_chance = GetCatchChance(catcher, sd);
float catch_rv = Rand.Value;
if (STDBase.std_show_roll_to_catch)
Log.Message(" Chance to catch " + sd.label + ": " + catch_chance.ToStringPercent() + "; rolled: " + catch_rv.ToString());
if (catch_rv < catch_chance)
string pitch_source = "sex";
float pitch_chance = -9001f;
if (STDBase.std_sex)
if (get_severity(pitcher, sd) >= STDBase.std_min_severity_to_pitch)
pitch_source = xxx.get_pawnname(pitcher);
pitch_chance = 1.0f;
if (STDBase.std_floor && pitch_chance != 1.0f)
pitch_source = "the environment";
pitch_chance = sd.environment_pitch_chance * cleanliness_factor;
float pitch_rv = Rand.Value;
if (STDBase.std_show_roll_to_catch)
Log.Message(" Chance to pitch (from " + pitch_source + "): " + pitch_chance.ToStringPercent() + "; rolled: " + pitch_rv.ToString());
if (pitch_rv < pitch_chance)
infect(catcher, sd);
show_infection_letter(catcher, sd, pitch_source, catch_chance * pitch_chance);
if (STDBase.std_show_roll_to_catch)
Log.Message(" INFECTED!");
if (STDBase.std_show_roll_to_catch)
Log.Message(" Still immune to " + sd.label);
if (STDBase.std_show_roll_to_catch)
Log.Message(" Already infected with " + sd.label);
public static float get_severity(Pawn p, std_def sd)
Hediff hed = std.get_infection(p, sd);
return hed?.Severity ?? 0.0f;
public static Hediff infect(Pawn p, std_def sd, bool include_coinfection = true)
Hediff existing = std.get_infection(p, sd);
if (existing != null)
return existing;
BodyPartRecord part = std.GetRelevantBodyPartRecord(p, sd);
p.health.AddHediff(sd.hediff_def, part);
if (include_coinfection && sd.cohediff_def != null)
p.health.AddHediff(sd.cohediff_def, part);
//--ModLog.Message("std::infect genitals std");
return std.get_infection(p, sd);
static float GetCatchChance(Pawn pawn, std_def sd)
var bodyPartRecord = std.GetRelevantBodyPartRecord(pawn, sd);
float artificialFactor = 1f;
if (bodyPartRecord == null && pawn.health.hediffSet.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(pawn)))
artificialFactor = .15f;
else if (pawn.health.hediffSet.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(bodyPartRecord))
artificialFactor = 0f;
return sd.catch_chance * artificialFactor;
public static void show_infection_letter(Pawn p, std_def sd, string source = null, float? chance = null)
StringBuilder info;
info = new StringBuilder();
info.Append(xxx.get_pawnname(p) + " has caught " + sd.label + (source != null ? " from " + source + "." : ""));
if (chance.HasValue)
info.Append(" (" + chance.Value.ToStringPercent() + " chance)");
info.AppendLine(); info.AppendLine();
Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("Infection: " + sd.label, info.ToString(), LetterDefOf.ThreatSmall, p);
static float GetCleanlinessFactor(Pawn catcher)
Room room = catcher.GetRoom();
float cle = room?.GetStat(RoomStatDefOf.Cleanliness) ?? STDBase.std_outdoor_cleanliness;
float exa = cle >= 0.0f ? STDBase.std_env_pitch_cleanliness_exaggeration : STDBase.std_env_pitch_dirtiness_exaggeration;
return Mathf.Max(0.0f, 1.0f - exa * cle);
public static void generate_on(Pawn p)
if (p == null) return;
//prevent error on world gen for pawns with broken bodies(no genitals)
//if (p.RaceProps.body.HasPartWithTag(rjw.BodyPartTagDefOf.RJW_Fertility))
// return;
if (!xxx.is_human(p))
float nymph_mul = !xxx.is_nympho(p) ? STDBase.pawn_spawn_with_std_mul : STDBase.nymph_spawn_with_std_mul;
foreach (std_def sd in std.all)
if (Rand.Value < sd.spawn_chance * nymph_mul)
Hediff hed = infect(p, sd, false);
float sev;
float r = Rand.Range(sd.hediff_def.minSeverity, sd.hediff_def.maxSeverity);
sev = Mathf.Clamp(sd.spawn_severity * r, sd.hediff_def.minSeverity, sd.hediff_def.maxSeverity);
hed.Severity = sev;