using Verse; using HarmonyLib; using rjw; using System; namespace STD { /// ///roll for STD with unprotected rjw sex /// [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), "Aftersex")] [StaticConstructorOnStartup] static class Aftersex_STD_Apply { [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Aftersex_STD_Patch(SexProps props) { try { //TODO: add/test a roll_to_catch_from_corpse to std if (!props.usedCondom) if (!props.pawn.Dead && !props.partner.Dead) { //TODO: animal env probably always dirty, so skip, maybe add/test someday human-animal transfer if (!(xxx.is_animal(props.pawn) || xxx.is_animal(props.partner))) { std_spreader.roll_to_catch(props, props.pawn, props.partner); std_spreader.roll_to_catch(props, props.partner, props.pawn); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.ToString()); } } } }