2024-04-29 08:22:51 +00:00

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# To contribute improvements to CI/CD templates, please follow the Development guide at:
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/cicd/templates.html
# This specific template is located at:
# https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/dotNET-Core.gitlab-ci.yml
# ### Specify the Docker image
image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:latest
# ### Define variables
# 1) Name of directory where restore and build objects are stored.
OBJECTS_DIRECTORY: 'IdeologyAddon/obj'
# 2) Name of directory used for keeping restored dependencies.
# 3) A relative path to the source code from project repository root.
# NOTE: Please edit this path so it matches the structure of your project!
# ### Define global cache rule
# Before building the project, all dependencies (e.g. third-party NuGet packages)
# must be restored. Jobs on GitLab.com's Shared Runners are executed on autoscaled machines.
# Each machine is used only once (for security reasons) and after that is removed.
# This means that, before every job, a dependency restore must be performed
# because restored dependencies are removed along with machines. Fortunately,
# GitLab provides cache mechanism with the aim of keeping restored dependencies
# for other jobs.
# This example shows how to configure cache to pass over restored
# dependencies for re-use.
# With global cache rule, cached dependencies will be downloaded before every job
# and then unpacked to the paths as specified below.
# Per-stage and per-branch caching.
# Specify three paths that should be cached:
# 1) Main JSON file holding information about package dependency tree, packages versions,
# frameworks etc. It also holds information where to the dependencies were restored.
# 2) Other NuGet and MSBuild related files. Also needed.
# 3) Path to the directory where restored dependencies are kept.
# 'pull-push' policy means that latest cache will be downloaded (if it exists)
# before executing the job, and a newer version will be uploaded afterwards.
# Such a setting saves time when there are no changes in referenced third-party
# packages.
# For example, if you run a pipeline with changes in your code,
# but with no changes within third-party packages which your project is using,
# then project restore will happen quickly as all required dependencies
# will already be there — unzipped from cache.
# 'pull-push' policy is the default cache policy, you do not have to specify it explicitly.
policy: pull-push
# ### Restore project dependencies
# NuGet packages by default are restored to '.nuget/packages' directory
# in the user's home directory. That directory is out of scope of GitLab caching.
# To get around this, a custom path can be specified using the '--packages <PATH>' option
# for 'dotnet restore' command. In this example, a temporary directory is created
# in the root of project repository, so its content can be cached.
# Learn more about GitLab cache: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/caching/index.html
# - 'dotnet restore --packages ../$NUGET_PACKAGES_DIRECTORY'
stage: build
# ### Build all projects discovered from solution file.
- 'dotnet restore --packages ../$NUGET_PACKAGES_DIRECTORY'
- 'curl -s --create-dirs "$RJW_DLL_URL" -o ../../rjw/$RIMWORLD_VERSION/Assemblies/RJW.dll'
- 'dotnet build --no-restore'
untracked: false
when: on_success
expire_in: 1 day
- "*" # Incluse everything
- ".*" # Exclude dot files
- ".*/**/*" # Exclude everything in the dot folders
- "Source/**/*" # Exclude everything in the Source folder
# stage: test
# ### Run the tests
# script:
# - 'dotnet test --no-restore'
stage: deploy
# image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-cli:latest # this image currently is amd64 only
image: alpine:latest
when: never # Do not run this job when a tag is created manually
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "ci-test" # Run this job when commits are pushed or merged to the dev branch
- 'ls -l'
- 'apk add gitlab-release-cli'
tag_name: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH-$CI_PIPELINE_IID' # The version is incremented per pipeline.
description: 'Automated release based on commit $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA $CI_COMMIT_TAG'
ref: '$CI_COMMIT_SHA' # The tag is created from the pipeline SHA.