• AdvancedProstheses
  • AdvancedProstheses
  • 2.0 true Things/Item/BodyPart/Bionic2 Graphic_Single
    AdvancedBionicJaw An upgraded bionic jaw. It includes nano-motors embedded in the structure that allow the entire mouth to vibrate at a several different speeds. In addtion to the obvious intimate uses, the vibration function can aid in chewing. Things/Item/BodyPart/Bionic2 Graphic_Single 1038 0.4
  • Advanced
  • AdvancedBionicPenis An upgraded bionic penis. New Features include: - Configurable shape ensuring you will always be able to hit the right spots. - Internal temperature regulator allows you to share sultry heat or shocking cold with your partner. - Increased nerve density ensures maximum sensitivity along the entire length of the penis. 1200 0.5 AdvancedBionicVagina An upgraded prosthetic vagina. New Features include: - Internal semen sensors that can automatically trigger orgasm when your partner cums. - Embedded nano-pumps allow for acontrollable suction down to -10psi. - Lubrication dispensors can be configured for several flavors, including Mango! 1200 0.10 AdvancedBionicBreasts Upgraded prosthetic breasts. New Features include: - Independantly resizable nipples - Selectable areola shapes, including hearts and stars. 1200 1.0 AdvancedBionicAnus An upgraded prosthetic anus. New Features include: - Toggleable nerve clusters that increase pleasure and decrease discomfort. 1200 0.10