Creating synthetic organ. SmithingSpeed Cook Recipe_Tailor 40000 UnfinishedProsthesis SyntheticOrgans Crafting 10 Upgrading bionic part. SmithingSpeed Cook RBSESound 40000 UnfinishedProsthesis Crafting 10 MakeAdvancedBionicJaw Upgrades a bionic jaw.
  • BionicJaw
  • 1
  • Hyperweave
  • 10
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 2
  • BionicJaw
  • Hyperweave
  • Plasteel
  • 1
    MakeSyntheticUterus Creates a synthetic uterus from hyperweave and plasteel
  • Hyperweave
  • 10
  • Plasteel
  • 10
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 1
  • Hyperweave
  • Plasteel
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 1
    MakeSyntheticTesticles Creates a synthetic testicles from hyperweave and plasteel
  • Hyperweave
  • 5
  • Plasteel
  • 5
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 2
  • Hyperweave
  • Plasteel
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 1
    MakeAdvancedBionicPenis Upgrades a bionic penis. 1
  • BionicPenis
  • 1
  • Plasteel
  • 10
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 2
  • BionicPenis
  • Plasteel
  • ComponentSpacer
  • MakeAdvancedBionicVagina Upgrades a bionic vagina. 1
  • BionicVagina
  • 1
  • Plasteel
  • 15
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 1
  • BionicVagina
  • Plasteel
  • ComponentSpacer
  • MakeAdvancedBionicBreasts Upgrades a pair of bionic breasts. 1
  • BionicBreasts
  • 1
  • Plasteel
  • 25
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 2
  • BionicBreasts
  • Plasteel
  • ComponentSpacer
  • MakeAdvancedBionicAnus Upgrades a bionic anus. 1
  • BionicAnus
  • 1
  • Plasteel
  • 5
  • ComponentSpacer
  • 1
  • BionicAnus
  • Plasteel
  • ComponentSpacer