• Orgasm ThatsMyFetish
  • ChitinLover {pawn} enjoys the smooth strength of a chitinous exoskeleton. {pawn_pronoun} prefers arachnoid or insectoid partners. Chitin
  • Chitin QuirkForOwnRace
  • DemonLover {pawn} is after the naughty ones. {pawn_pronoun} prefers {pawn_possessive} partners to come from the literal depths of hell, or at least look the part. Demon
  • Demon QuirkForOwnRace
  • FeatherLover {pawn} loves that downy fluff. {pawn_pronoun} prefers avian or dinosaur partners. Because dinosaurs are birds and have feathers, as {pawn_pronoun} will explain at great length if given a chance. Feathers
  • Feathers QuirkForOwnRace
  • FurLover {pawn} prefers a partner with a thick, luxurious, snuggly-soft coat of fur. Fur
  • Fur QuirkForOwnRace
  • PlantLover {pawn} likes watering plants. If you know what I mean. Plant
  • Plant QuirkForOwnRace
  • RobotLover Which is better, 2D or 3D? {pawn} knows that 3D-printed gives you the best of both worlds. Robot
  • Robot QuirkForOwnRace
  • ScaleLover Who wouldn't want to fuck a dragon? Definitely not {pawn}. {pawn} wants to fuck a dragon. Scales
  • Scales QuirkForOwnRace
  • SkinLover {pawn} prefers {pawn_possessive} partners to have smooth sensitive skin without fur or scales getting in the way. Lucky for {pawn_objective} humans are all over the place. Skin
  • Skin QuirkForOwnRace
  • SlimeLover Because of their slippery and malleable nature slimes are very, very good at sex. As you will hear over and over if you listen to {pawn} talk for any length of time. Slime
  • Slime QuirkForOwnRace