using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Verse; using rjw; using Autopsy; using HarmonyLib; namespace RJW_patch_Autopsy { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(NewMedicalRecipesUtility), "TraverseBody")] public static class NewMedicalRecipesUtilityPatch { [HarmonyPrefix] public static bool AddRjwParts(RecipeInfo recipeInfo, Corpse corpse, float skillChance, ref IEnumerable __result) { //Collect vanilla parts BodyPartRecord core = corpse.InnerPawn.RaceProps.body.corePart; List queue = new List { core }; HediffSet hediffSet =; List results = new List(); List damagedParts = new List(); while (queue.Count > 0) { BodyPartRecord part = queue.First(); queue.Remove(part); //Drop parts and bionics that are higher on the body tree. if (NewMedicalRecipesUtility.TryGetParts(corpse, recipeInfo, part, skillChance, ref results, ref damagedParts) && core != part) continue; queue.AddRange( => !hediffSet.PartIsMissing(x))); } foreach (BodyPartRecord part in damagedParts) NewMedicalRecipesUtility.DamageHarvested(corpse.InnerPawn, part); //Collect rjw rediffs List rjwNaturalDiffs = (from x in where x is Hediff_PartBaseNatural select x).ToList(); List rjwArtificialDiffs = (from x in where x is Hediff_PartBaseArtifical select x).ToList(); //Log.Message(String.Format("Collected {0} natural and {1} artifical hediffs", rjwNaturalDiffs.Count(), rjwArtificialDiffs.Count())); //Collect parts from hediffs rjw's surgery methods List rjwNaturalThings = rjwNaturalDiffs.Select(d => SexPartAdder.recipePartRemover(d)).ToList(); List rjwArtificialThings = rjwArtificialDiffs.Select(d => SexPartAdder.recipePartRemover(d)).ToList(); //Log.Message(String.Format("Collected {0} things from {1} natural and {2} things from {3} artifical hediffs", rjwArtificialThings.Count(), rjwNaturalDiffs.Count(), rjwArtificialThings.Count(), rjwArtificialDiffs.Count())); //Simulate success chance scaled with skill etc. rjwNaturalThings.ToList().ForEach(t => { if (Rand.Chance(Math.Min(skillChance, recipeInfo.NaturalChance))) results.Add(t); }); rjwArtificialThings.ToList().ForEach(t => { if (Rand.Chance(Math.Min(skillChance, recipeInfo.BionicChance))) results.Add(t); }); //Remove all parts that were tried to harves from the corpse rjwNaturalDiffs.ToList().ForEach(d =>; rjwArtificialDiffs.ToList().ForEach(d =>; if (results.Count() > recipeInfo.PartNumber) { Random random = new Random(); __result = results.OrderBy(i => random.Next()).Take(recipeInfo.PartNumber); } else { __result = results; } return false; } } }