using RimWorld; using rjw; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse.AI; using Verse; namespace RJW_Genes { public class AnimalBreedingHelper { /// /// Finds animals in a distance around a pawn, and schedules a breeding job. /// This is done regardless of the animals genitalia at the moment. /// This function has no checks if the Pawn is hostile, downed, etc., such checks must be done upstream! /// /// The pawn that will be target of breeding animals /// The range around the pawn for which animals will be triggered. public static void DoAnimalBreedingPulse(Pawn toBeBred, int pulse_distance, bool ends_manhunter = true) { IEnumerable animals = GetAnimalsInRange(toBeBred.Map, toBeBred.Position, pulse_distance); int breeder_counter = 0; foreach (Pawn animal in animals) { if (ends_manhunter) EndManHunter(animal); if (!RJW_Genes_Settings.animalMatingPulseCheckForGenitals || { ForceBreedingJob(toBeBred, animal); breeder_counter++; } } ModLog.Message($"{breeder_counter} of {animals.Count()} Animals in range are trying to breed {toBeBred}"); } private static IEnumerable GetAnimalsInRange(Map map, IntVec3 position, int distance) { IEnumerable animals = map.mapPawns .AllPawnsSpawned .Where((Func)(p => p.IsNonMutantAnimal && p.Position.InHorDistOf(position, distance) && xxx.is_healthy_enough(p)) ); return animals; } private static void ForceBreedingJob(Pawn toBeBred, Pawn animal) { // Stopping all Jobs in this way is a bit heavy - but as it's only about Animals this should be fine.;; Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(xxx.animalBreed, toBeBred);; } private static void EndManHunter(Pawn animal) { if (animal.MentalState != null && (animal.MentalState.def == MentalStateDefOf.Manhunter || animal.MentalState.def == MentalStateDefOf.ManhunterPermanent)) { animal?.MentalState?.RecoverFromState(); } } } }