using HarmonyLib; using RimWorld; using RimWorld.QuestGen; using rjw; using rjw.Modules.Shared.Extensions; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse; namespace RJW_Genes { /// /// There was a big change with RJW 5.3.6 and I got a new Issue #52 documenting it. /// Basically, the reroll and orgasm logic was changed. /// [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_Sex), "SetupOrgasmTicks")] public static class Patch_OrgasmMytosis { private const float SEVERITY_INCREASE_PER_ORGASM = 0.075f; public static void Postfix(JobDriver_Sex __instance) { Pawn orgasmingPawn = __instance.pawn; if (orgasmingPawn != null && GeneUtility.HasGeneNullCheck(orgasmingPawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_sexual_mytosis) && ! { var mytosisHediff = GetOrgasmMytosisHediff(orgasmingPawn); mytosisHediff.Severity += SEVERITY_INCREASE_PER_ORGASM; if (mytosisHediff.Severity >= 1.0) {; var copy = Multiply(orgasmingPawn); ApplyMytosisShock(copy); ApplyMytosisShock(orgasmingPawn); orgasmingPawn.Strip(); } else { float orgasm_time_reduction = Math.Max(1.0f - mytosisHediff.Severity, 0.1f); __instance.sex_ticks = (int) (__instance.sex_ticks * orgasm_time_reduction); } } } private static void ApplyMytosisShock(Pawn copy) { var stunA = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_mytosis_shock_hediff, copy); stunA.Severity = 1;; } /// /// Helps to get the Orgasm Mytosis Hediff of a Pawn. If it does not exist, one is added. /// /// The pawn that had the orgasm, for which a hediff is looked up or created. /// public static Hediff GetOrgasmMytosisHediff(Pawn orgasmed) { Hediff orgasmicMytosisHediff =; if (orgasmicMytosisHediff == null) { orgasmicMytosisHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_orgasmic_mytosis_hediff, orgasmed); orgasmicMytosisHediff.Severity = 0;; } return orgasmicMytosisHediff; } public static Pawn Multiply(Pawn toMultiply) { if (RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug) ModLog.Message("Hitting Multiply of Mytosis Pawn!"); PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest( kind: toMultiply.kindDef, faction: toMultiply.Faction, forceGenerateNewPawn: true, developmentalStages: DevelopmentalStage.Adult, allowDowned: true, canGeneratePawnRelations: false, colonistRelationChanceFactor: 0, allowFood: false, allowAddictions: false, relationWithExtraPawnChanceFactor: 0, forbidAnyTitle: true, forceNoBackstory: true, fixedGender: toMultiply.gender ); /* * Devnote: Adding these will lead to deadly issues! fixedBiologicalAge: toMultiply.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks, fixedChronologicalAge: toMultiply.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalTicks, */ Pawn copy = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); copy.gender = toMultiply.gender; copy.ageTracker = toMultiply.ageTracker; copy.Name = CreateCloneName(toMultiply,2); = CopyRelevantHediffs(copy, toMultiply); copy.genes = CopyGeneTracker(copy,toMultiply.genes); copy.ideo = toMultiply.ideo; copy.records = new Pawn_RecordsTracker(copy); copy.outfits = toMultiply.outfits; copy.relations = toMultiply.relations; copy.skills = CopySkillTracker(copy,toMultiply.skills);; copy.apparel.DestroyAll(); //TODO: Make a letter on birth! PawnUtility.TrySpawnHatchedOrBornPawn(copy, toMultiply); // Move the copy in front of the origin, rather than on top if (toMultiply.Spawned) if (toMultiply.CurrentBed() != null) { copy.Position = copy.Position + new IntVec3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(toMultiply.CurrentBed().Rotation); } // Birthmother doesn't show as relation (See log below) // copy.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.ParentBirth, toMultiply); = CopyStyleTracker(copy,; copy.story = CopyStoryTracker(copy, toMultiply.story); copy.Draw(); return copy; } private static Name CreateCloneName(Pawn toCopyFrom, int additions=1) { if (toCopyFrom.Name is NameTriple) { NameTriple casted = (NameTriple)toCopyFrom.Name; String Postfix = " " + RandomNamePostFix(additions); Name newName = new NameTriple(first:casted.First + Postfix, nick: casted.Nick + Postfix, last: casted.Last); if (newName.UsedThisGame) return CreateCloneName(toCopyFrom, additions); return newName; } return toCopyFrom.Name; } private static Pawn_GeneTracker CopyGeneTracker(Pawn toCopyTo, Pawn_GeneTracker toCopyFrom) { var tracker = new Pawn_GeneTracker(toCopyTo); // Due to Overwrite logics, we first add Endogenes and then a second pass on xenogenes // Pass 1: Endogenes foreach (Gene gene in toCopyFrom.GenesListForReading) { GeneDef def = gene.def; if (!toCopyFrom.Xenogenes.Contains(gene)) tracker.AddGene(def, false); } // Pass 2: Xenogenes foreach (Gene gene in toCopyFrom.GenesListForReading) { GeneDef def = gene.def; if (toCopyFrom.Xenogenes.Contains(gene)) tracker.AddGene(def, true); } tracker.Reset(); var skin = tracker.GetMelaninGene(); var hair = tracker.GetHairColorGene(); //ModLog.Message($"{toCopyTo} had Skin {skin.defName} and {hair.defName} as colour-genes"); return tracker; } private static Pawn_StoryTracker CopyStoryTracker(Pawn toCopyTo, Pawn_StoryTracker toCopyFrom) { var tracker = new Pawn_StoryTracker(toCopyTo); tracker.Childhood = toCopyFrom.Childhood; tracker.Adulthood = toCopyFrom.Adulthood; tracker.headType = toCopyFrom.headType; tracker.bodyType = toCopyFrom.bodyType; tracker.hairDef = toCopyFrom.hairDef; tracker.furDef = toCopyFrom.furDef; tracker.traits = toCopyFrom.traits; tracker.skinColorOverride = toCopyFrom.skinColorOverride; tracker.HairColor = toCopyFrom.HairColor; return tracker; } private static Pawn_SkillTracker CopySkillTracker(Pawn toCopyTo, Pawn_SkillTracker toCopyFrom) { var tracker = new Pawn_SkillTracker(toCopyTo); tracker.skills = toCopyFrom.skills; return tracker; } private static Pawn_HealthTracker CopyRelevantHediffs(Pawn toCopyTo, Pawn copiedFrom) { var toCopyFrom =; var tracker =; // Step 0: Remove everything, Reset tracker.RemoveAllHediffs(); tracker.Reset(); // Step 1: Copy ALL Hediffs foreach (Hediff hed in toCopyFrom.hediffSet.hediffs) { // DevNote: There were a lot of issues around bodyparts: // Some Hediffs really need to know their bodypart, e.g. an implanted arm can either be left or right. // Ignoring this will lead to many errors, mostly around nullpointers. BodyPartRecord originalBPR = hed.Part; if (originalBPR != null) { BodyPartRecord copyBPR = toCopyTo.RaceProps?.body.AllParts.Find(bpr => bpr.def == originalBPR.def); if (copyBPR != null && !copyBPR.IsMissingForPawn(toCopyTo)) { Hediff copiedHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hed.def, toCopyTo, copyBPR); tracker.AddHediff(copiedHediff); } } else { Hediff copiedHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hed.def, toCopyTo); tracker.AddHediff(copiedHediff); } } // Step 2: Remove all Artifical Parts List hediffsToRemove = new List(); foreach (Hediff hed in tracker.hediffSet.hediffs) { if (hed is Hediff_AddedPart && ((Hediff_AddedPart)hed).def.countsAsAddedPartOrImplant) { hediffsToRemove.Add(hed); } } tracker.hediffSet.hediffs.RemoveAll(x => hediffsToRemove.Contains(x)); // Step 3: Tend issues from Removal foreach (Hediff copiedHediff in tracker.hediffSet.hediffs) { if (copiedHediff.Bleeding) copiedHediff.Tended(1.0f,1.0f); } return tracker; } private static Pawn_StyleTracker CopyStyleTracker(Pawn toCopyTo, Pawn_StyleTracker toCopyFrom) { var tracker = new Pawn_StyleTracker(toCopyTo); tracker.beardDef = toCopyFrom.beardDef; tracker.BodyTattoo = toCopyFrom.BodyTattoo; tracker.FaceTattoo = toCopyFrom.FaceTattoo; return tracker; } private static String RandomNamePostFix(int numberOfParts) { List additions = new List() { "A","B","C","D","E","F","X","Y","Z", "Two", "Alpha","Beta","Gamma","Delta","Epsilon","Zeta","Eta","Theta","Iota","Kappa","Lambda","Mu","Nu","Xi","Omicron","Pi","Rho","Sigma","Tau","Upsilon","Phi","Chi","Psi","Omega" }; additions.Shuffle(); return String.Join(" ",additions.Take(numberOfParts)); } } } /* * *Warning: *Tried to add pawn relation ParentBirth with self, pawn=Henri UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () Verse.Log:Warning (string) RimWorld.Pawn_RelationsTracker:AddDirectRelation (RimWorld.PawnRelationDef,Verse.Pawn) RJW_Genes.Patch_OrgasmMytosis:Multiply (Verse.Pawn) RJW_Genes.Patch_OrgasmMytosis:Postfix (rjw.JobDriver_Sex,int&) (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex:rjw.JobDriver_Sex.Roll_Orgasm_Duration_Reset_Patch1 (rjw.JobDriver_Sex) (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex:rjw.JobDriver_Sex.Orgasm_Patch2 (rjw.JobDriver_Sex) (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex:rjw.JobDriver_Sex.SexTick_Patch1 (rjw.JobDriver_Sex,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool,bool) rjw.JobDriver_Rape/<>c__DisplayClass1_0:b__6 () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.JobDriver:Verse.AI.JobDriver.DriverTick_Patch0 (Verse.AI.JobDriver) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:JobTrackerTick () Verse.Pawn:Tick () Verse.TickList:Tick () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickManager:Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick_Patch2 (Verse.TickManager) Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate () Verse.Game:UpdatePlay () Verse.Root_Play:Update () */