using HarmonyLib; using RimWorld; using rjw; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse; namespace RJW_Genes { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), "Aftersex")] public class Patch_AftersexUtility_TransferGeneticDiseases { public const int FACTION_GOODWILL_CHANGE = -2; public static void Postfix(SexProps props) { if (!RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_genetic_disease_spread) return; if (props == null || props.pawn == null || props.partner == null) return; Pawn pawn = props.pawn; Pawn partner = props.partner; if (pawn == partner) return; if (pawn.IsAnimal() || partner.IsAnimal()) return; if (pawn.genes == null || partner.genes == null) return; // No Infections on Condom Use if (props.usedCondom) return; // Exit early if settings require penetrative sex, but this is not penetrative sex if (!DiseaseHelper.IsPenetrativeSex(props) && RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_genetic_disease_spread_only_on_penetrative_sex) return; //ModLog.Debug($"Firing Patch_TransferGeneticDiseases for {pawn} and {partner}"); TryTransferGeneticDiseases(pawn, partner, props); TryTransferGeneticDiseases(partner, pawn, props); } private static void TryTransferGeneticDiseases(Pawn infector, Pawn infected, SexProps props) { foreach (GeneDef disease in DiseaseHelper.GetGeneticDiseaseGenes(infector)) { ModLog.Debug($"Found genetic disease {disease} in {infector}, trying to infect {infected}"); if (DiseaseHelper.IsImmuneAgainstGeneticDisease(infected,disease)) continue; if ((new Random()).NextDouble() <= DiseaseHelper.LookupDiseaseInfectionChance(disease)) { infected.genes.AddGene(disease, !RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_genetic_disease_as_endogenes); HandleFactionGoodWillPenalties(infector, infected); } } } private static void HandleFactionGoodWillPenalties(Pawn actor, Pawn target) { if ( target.Faction != null && actor.Faction != null && target.Faction != actor.Faction && target.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { HistoryEventDef reason = DefDatabase.GetNamedSilentFail("rjw_genes_GoodwillChangedReason_spread_genetic_disease"); target.Faction.TryAffectGoodwillWith(actor.Faction, FACTION_GOODWILL_CHANGE, true, true, reason, target); } } } }