using HarmonyLib; using rjw; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse; namespace RJW_Genes { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), nameof(SexUtility.SatisfyPersonal))] public static class Patch_OrgasmRush { private const float REST_INCREASE = 0.05f; private const float ORGASMS_NEEDED_FOR_SUPERCHARGE = 3.0f; public static void Postfix(SexProps props) { // ShortCuts: Exit Early if Pawn or Partner are null (can happen with Masturbation or other nieche-cases) if (props == null || props.pawn == null || !props.hasPartner()) return; // Exit for Animals - Animals can't get or trigger Orgasm Rushes. Fixes #15 if (props.pawn.IsAnimal() || props.partner.IsAnimal()) return; if (props.pawn.genes != null && props.pawn.genes.HasActiveGene(GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_orgasm_rush)) { // Pump up Wake-Ness if ( != null) += REST_INCREASE; // Add or Update Hediff for Orgasm Rush Hediff rush = GetOrgasmRushHediff(props.pawn); float added_severity = props.orgasms / ORGASMS_NEEDED_FOR_SUPERCHARGE; rush.Severity += added_severity; // Severity should be capped to 1 by the XML logic } } /// /// Helps to get the Orgasm Rush Hediff of a Pawn. If it does not exist, one is added. /// /// The pawn that had the orgasm, for which a hediff is looked up or created. /// public static Hediff GetOrgasmRushHediff(Pawn orgasmed) { Hediff orgasmRushHediff =; if (orgasmRushHediff == null) { orgasmRushHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_orgasm_rush_hediff, orgasmed); orgasmRushHediff.Severity = 0;; } return orgasmRushHediff; } } }