using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using rjw; using RJWSexperience; using RimWorld; using Verse; using Verse.AI; using Verse.AI.Group; using UnityEngine; namespace RJW_Genes { public class JobGiver_TryQuickieWith : ThinkNode_JobGiver { protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { Pawn target = pawn.mindState.duty.focus.Pawn; Pawn_JobTracker jobs =; string pawn_name = xxx.get_pawnname(pawn); string target_name = xxx.get_pawnname(target); //can reserve eachother if (pawn.CanReserveAndReach(target, PathEndMode.InteractionCell, Danger.Some) && target.CanReserve(pawn, 1, 0, null, false)) { //Dont interrupt player if (!(((jobs != null) ? jobs.curJob : null) != null && jobs.curJob.playerForced)) { float willingness = TargetWillingness(pawn, target); if (Rand.Chance(willingness)) { Job newJob =JobMaker.MakeJob(xxx.quick_sex, target); //Pawn joins faction when lordJob ends instead of leaving //in the future determine the chance of this another way if (Rand.Chance(JoinChance(pawn, target))) { Lord lord = pawn.GetLord(); LordJob_SuccubusVisit lordJob = lord == null? null : lord.LordJob as LordJob_SuccubusVisit; if (lordJob != null) { if (!lordJob.colonyJoiners.Contains(pawn)) { lordJob.colonyJoiners.Add(pawn); } } } return newJob; } else { if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) //change this when we have our own settigns { ModLog.Message(string.Format("{0} was not interested in having sex with {1}: ({2} chance)", pawn_name, target_name, willingness)); } } } else { if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) //change this when we have our own settigns { //ModLog.Message(string.Format(" find_pawn_to_fuck({0}): lover has important job ({1}), skipping", pawn_name,; } } } else { if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) //change this when we have our own settigns { ModLog.Message(" (" + pawn_name + "): cannot reach or reserve " + target_name); } } return null; } public static float TargetWillingness(Pawn pawn, Pawn target) { string pawn_name = xxx.get_pawnname(pawn); float willingness = SexAppraiser.would_fuck(target,pawn); bool nymph = xxx.is_nympho(target); bool loverelation = LovePartnerRelationUtility.LovePartnerRelationExists(pawn, target); if (nymph || loverelation) { willingness *= 2; } if (xxx.HasNonPolyPartner(pawn, false) && !loverelation) { if (RJWHookupSettings.NymphosCanCheat && nymph && xxx.is_frustrated(pawn)) { if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) { ModLog.Message(" find_partner(" + pawn_name + "): I'm a nympho and I'm so frustrated that I'm going to cheat"); } } else { if (!"AlcoholHigh"), false)) { if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) { ModLog.Message(" find_partner(" + pawn_name + "): I interested in banging but that's cheating"); } //Succubus has a small chance to seduce even if target is in relationship willingness *= 0.1f; } else { if (RJWSettings.DebugLogJoinInBed) { ModLog.Message(" find_partner(" + pawn_name + "): I want to bang and im too drunk to care if its cheating"); } //No change } } } return willingness; } public static float JoinChance(Pawn pawn ,Pawn target) { float chance = 0.1f; //Sex satisfaction, how good the target is at sex chance *= xxx.get_sex_satisfaction(target); //Succubus mood if (pawn.needs != null && pawn.needs.mood != null) { chance *= pawn.needs.mood.CurLevelPercentage + 0.5f; } //Size of genitals bool size_matters = true; //To be placed in modsettings if (size_matters) { //The larger the penis to greater the chance if (RelationsUtility.AttractedToGender(pawn, Gender.Male)) { chance *= GetGenitalSize(target, true) + 0.5f; } //The tighter the vagine the greater the chance, a size above 1 is considered as 1 if (RelationsUtility.AttractedToGender(pawn, Gender.Female)) { chance *= 1f - Mathf.Min(GetGenitalSize(target, false),1f) + 0.5f; } } //Sex ability from sexperience if (ModsConfig.IsActive("rjw.sexperience")) { chance *= RJWSexperience.PawnExtensions.GetSexStat(pawn); } return Mathf.Max(chance,0f); } //Gets the size of the largest penis or the tightest vagina public static float GetGenitalSize(Pawn pawn, bool penis_else_vagina) { List genitals = rjw.PawnExtensions.GetGenitalsList(pawn); if(!genitals.NullOrEmpty()) { if (penis_else_vagina) { List penises = genitals.Where(genital => Genital_Helper.is_penis(genital)).ToList(); { if (!penises.NullOrEmpty()) { return penises.Max(genital => genital.Severity); } } } else { List vaginas = genitals.Where(genital => Genital_Helper.is_vagina(genital)).ToList(); { if (!vaginas.NullOrEmpty()) { return vaginas.Min(genital => genital.Severity); } } } } return 0f; } } }