using Verse; using RimWorld; using rjw; namespace RJW_Genes { /// /// The CocoonWeaver Ability applies the RJW-Cocoon to a pawn. /// Friendly Pawns can always be cocooned, neutral and hostile pawns must be downed. /// public class CompAbilityEffect_CocoonWeaver : CompAbilityEffect { private new CompProperties_AbilityCocoonWeaver Props { get { return (CompProperties_AbilityCocoonWeaver)this.props; } } public override void Apply(LocalTargetInfo target, LocalTargetInfo dest) { base.Apply(target, dest); Pawn CocooningPawn = this.parent.pawn; Pawn PawnToCocoon = target.Pawn; // Error Case - Null Pawn if (PawnToCocoon == null) { return; }"RJW_Cocoon")); } /// /// For validity, there are a few checks: /// 0. Target is not already cocooned /// 1. Target is either Colonist / Prisoner /// 2. If the Target is an enemy or neutral, it must be downed. /// public override bool Valid(LocalTargetInfo target, bool throwMessages = false) { Pawn cocoonTarget = target.Pawn; if (cocoonTarget != null) { bool CocoonTargetIsColonistOrPrisoner = cocoonTarget.Faction == this.parent.pawn.Faction || cocoonTarget.IsPrisonerOfColony; bool CocoonTargetIsHostile = cocoonTarget.HostileTo(this.parent.pawn); bool CocoonTargetIsDowned = cocoonTarget.Downed; if ( => t.def.defName == "RJW_Cocoon")) { if (throwMessages) Messages.Message(cocoonTarget.Name + " is already cocooned.", cocoonTarget, MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput, false); return false; } if (!CocoonTargetIsColonistOrPrisoner && !(CocoonTargetIsHostile && CocoonTargetIsDowned)) { if (throwMessages) { if (CocoonTargetIsHostile && !CocoonTargetIsDowned) { Messages.Message(cocoonTarget.Name + " is hostile, but not downed.", cocoonTarget, MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput, false); } else if (!CocoonTargetIsColonistOrPrisoner) { Messages.Message(cocoonTarget.Name + " is not a part of the colony or hostile.", cocoonTarget, MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput, false); } } return false; } } return base.Valid(target, throwMessages); } } }