rjw_genes_lifeforceCarriers of this gene have a reserve of biological strength powered by a resource called fertilin. The resource can be gained and spent in various ways, some of which are unlocked by other genes.\n\nCarriers lose 5 fertilin per day from biological entropy. \n\nGene is inactive until carrier is able to have sex.RJW_Genes.Gene_LifeForceRJW_Genes.GeneGizmo_ResourceLifeForcefertilin
truetrueA reserve of biological strength which can be gained and spent in a variety of ways. \n\nFertilin can be increased by absorbing cum, typically through oral sex or stored cum. \n\nIf fertilin reaches zero, {PAWN_nameDef} will become very unhappy and may try to obtain some forcefully.Genes/Icons/FertilinAlt0rjw_genes_fertilin-218
rjw_genes_lifeforce_draindrainingCarriers lose an additional 15 fertilin per day from biological entropy.fertilinRJW_Genes.Gene_LifeForceDrainGenes/Icons/FertilinDrainAltrjw_genes_lifeforce0.15rjw_genes_fertilin18-116
rjw_genes_pussyhealingpussyhealerCarriers of this gene are able use vaginal sex to tend to other's wounds.Genes/Icons/Healpussyrjw_genes_lifeforce9rjw_genes_fertilin
rjw_genes_cockeatercockeaterCarriers of this gene are able eat cocks to restore their fertilin supply. Cocks are consumed during that process.Genes/Icons/cockeaterrjw_genes_lifeforce11rjw_genes_fertilin
rjw_genes_paralysingkissparalysing kissCarriers of this gene are able to briefly stun an enemy with a kiss.Genes/Icons/Paralysing_Kissrjw_genes_lifeforce12rjw_genes_fertilin
rjw_genes_seduceseductionCarriers of this gene are able to seduce a pawn into having sex with them.Genes/Icons/seducerjw_genes_lifeforce13rjw_genes_fertilin
rjw_genes_naked_prowessCarriers of this gene are able to temporarily increase their strength and resilience, while they are naked.Genes/Icons/rjw_naked_prowessrjw_genes_lifeforce13rjw_genes_fertilin
rjw_genes_cum_eaterCarriers of this gene are able to absorb fertilin through eating cum. This includes oral sex, eating cum for food or sucking out cumflated pawns. Genes/Icons/cumeaterrjw_genes_lifeforce1rjw_genes_fertilin1
rjw_genes_fertilin_absorberCarriers of this gene are able to absorb the fertilin inside sperm through their vagina and anus.Genes/Icons/Vaginal_cum_absorptionrjw_genes_lifeforce2rjw_genes_fertilin1
rjw_genes_drainerCarriers of this gene are able to absorb a great amount of fertilin by draining the vitality of the partner. This is done passively through having sex with a non-drained pawn that does not have this gene.Genes/Icons/Vitality_Drainerrjw_genes_lifeforce4rjw_genes_fertilin1-1