using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;
using rjw;
namespace RJW_Genes
/// This Patch handles the changes to Fathers / Mothers when dealing with Femboys and Male/Male Pregnancies.
/// This is related to
public class Patch_ParentRelationUtility_GetParents
private static void FatherPostfix(ref Pawn __result, Pawn pawn)
if (__result == null && pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh && pawn.relations != null)
List directRelations = pawn.relations.DirectRelations;
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < directRelations.Count; i++)
DirectPawnRelation directPawnRelation = directRelations[i];
if (directPawnRelation.def == PawnRelationDefOf.Parent)
if (flag)
__result = directPawnRelation.otherPawn;
flag = true;
private static void MotherPostfix(ref Pawn __result, Pawn pawn)
if (__result == null && pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh && pawn.relations != null)
List directRelations = pawn.relations.DirectRelations;
for (int i = 0; i < directRelations.Count; i++)
DirectPawnRelation directPawnRelation = directRelations[i];
if (directPawnRelation.def == PawnRelationDefOf.Parent)
__result = directPawnRelation.otherPawn;
private static void HasSameFatherPostfix(ref bool __result, Pawn pawn, Pawn other)
if (!__result && pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh && pawn.relations != null)
Pawn parent = pawn.GetFather();
Pawn parent2 = other.GetMother();
Pawn parent3 = other.GetFather();
Pawn parent4 = pawn.GetMother();
if (parent != null && parent2 != null && parent == parent2)
__result = true;
if (parent3 != null && parent4 != null && parent3 == parent4)
__result = true;
if (parent != null && parent3 != null && parent == parent3)
__result = true;
if (parent2 != null && parent4 != null && parent2 == parent4)
__result = true;
private static void HasSameMotherPostfix(ref bool __result, Pawn pawn, Pawn other)
if (!__result && pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh && pawn.relations != null)
Pawn parent = pawn.GetFather();
Pawn parent2 = other.GetMother();
Pawn parent3 = other.GetFather();
Pawn parent4 = pawn.GetMother();
if (parent != null && parent2 != null && parent == parent2)
__result = true;
if (parent3 != null && parent4 != null && parent3 == parent4)
__result = true;
if (parent != null && parent3 != null && parent == parent3)
__result = true;
if (parent2 != null && parent4 != null && parent2 == parent4)
__result = true;
private static bool SetFatherPrefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn newFather)
Pawn father = pawn.GetFather();
if (father != newFather)
if (father != null)
pawn.relations.RemoveDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Parent, father);
if (newFather != null)
pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Parent, newFather);
return false;
private static bool SetMotherPrefix(Pawn pawn, Pawn newMother)
Pawn mother = pawn.GetMother();
if (mother != newMother)
if (mother != null)
pawn.relations.RemoveDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Parent, mother);
if (newMother != null)
pawn.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Parent, newMother);
return false;