  • CumAmount
  • false
  • Genes/Icons/RJW_Genes_Endogene_Background Genes/Icons/RJW_Genes_Xenogene_Background
  • rjw_genes_no_cum Males of these species have no fluid. Genes/Icons/No_Cum RJW_Genes.Gene_NoCum 533 0 1 rjw_genes_much_cum Males of this species produce a lot of fluid. Genes/Icons/Much_Cum RJW_Genes.Gene_MuchCum 534 1 -1 rjw_genes_very_much_cum Males of this species produce a whole lot of fluid. They are like fountains basically. Genes/Icons/Very_Much_Cum RJW_Genes.Gene_VeryMuchCum 535 1 -2