using System.Collections.Generic; using Verse; using RimWorld; namespace RJW_Genes { public class Gene_Aphrodisiac_Pheromones : Gene { // Default XML Setting is that it looses 4 Severity per day - so a "fully libido" gives 6h boost. // This means that adding +.25 equals 1.5h of Libido. // Tick Speed is hence set to 0.5h public const int APHRODISIAC_DISTANCE_FALLBACK = 25; const int TICK_INTERVAL_FALLBACK = 60000 / 48 ; // 60k = 1 day, we want 0.5h which is 1/48th of 1 day. const float SEXFREQ_THRESHOLD = 0.5f; // Summary: once every one hour check for all pawns nearby and in line of sight (same room) and add/renew a hediff which lasts for 1 hour. public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); int tickInterval = ModExtensionHelper.GetTickIntervalFromModExtension(GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_aphrodisiac_pheromones, TICK_INTERVAL_FALLBACK); if (this.pawn.IsHashIntervalTick(tickInterval) && this.pawn.Map != null) { // Only spread pheromones if sexdrive above 1 float sexfrequency = this.pawn.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("SexFrequency")); if(sexfrequency > SEXFREQ_THRESHOLD) { foreach (Pawn pawn in this.AffectedPawns(this.pawn.Position, this.pawn.Map)) { this.InduceAphrodisiac(pawn); } } } } // Creates an IEnumerable of all pawns which are closeby and in lineofsight, self and other pawns with aphrodisiac pheromones gene are skipped (to prevent loops). private IEnumerable AffectedPawns(IntVec3 pos, Map map) { foreach (Pawn pawn in map.mapPawns.AllPawns) { // Return for trivial errors if (pawn == null || this.pawn == null || pawn == this.pawn) continue; // Check for position-existance if (pawn.Position == null || pos == null || pawn.Map == null) continue; // Do nothing if pawn is carried if (pawn.CarriedBy != null) continue; // Do nothing if Pawn is Baby or Child (#25) if (!pawn.ageTracker.Adult) continue; // Do nothing for pawns that also have pheromones if (GeneUtility.HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_aphrodisiac_pheromones)) continue; // Actual Logic: // Pawn qualifies in right distance and needs line of sight. int effectDistance = ModExtensionHelper.GetDistanceFromModExtension(GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_aphrodisiac_pheromones, APHRODISIAC_DISTANCE_FALLBACK); if (pos.DistanceTo(pawn.Position) < effectDistance && GenSight.LineOfSight(pos, pawn.Position, pawn.Map)) { yield return pawn; } } yield break; } private void InduceAphrodisiac(Pawn pawn) { Hediff aphrodisiac =; if (aphrodisiac != null) { aphrodisiac.Severity += 0.25f; } else { aphrodisiac = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_aphrodisiac_pheromone, pawn); aphrodisiac.Severity = 0.5f;; } } } }