using HarmonyLib; using RimWorld; using rjw; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Verse; using static RJWSexperience.RsDefOf; namespace RJW_Genes { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SexUtility), nameof(SexUtility.SatisfyPersonal))] public static class Patch_SexualTamer { public static void Postfix(SexProps props) { // ShortCuts: Exit Early if Pawn or Partner are null (can happen with Masturbation or other nieche-cases) if (props == null || props.pawn == null || !props.hasPartner()) return; // Exit for non Animals or Animal on Animal if (!(props.pawn.IsAnimal() || props.partner.IsAnimal() ) ) return; Pawn animal = props.pawn.IsAnimal() ? props.pawn : props.partner; Pawn human = props.pawn.IsAnimal() ? props.partner : props.pawn; if (human.genes.HasActiveGene(GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_sex_tamer)) { // Case 1: Wild Animal - Try to Tame if (animal.AnimalOrWildMan() && animal.Faction == null) { if(RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug) ModLog.Message($"{human} is a sextamer with bestiality on wild animal {animal} - trying to recruit"); human.interactions.TryInteractWith(animal, InteractionDefOf.TameAttempt); } // Case 2: Colony Animal - Try to Train else if (animal.Faction == human.Faction && != null) { if (RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug) ModLog.Message($"{human} is a sextamer with bestiality on colony animal {animal} - trying to train"); var trainable =;, human); } } } } }