using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HarmonyLib; using rjw; using RimWorld; using Verse; using static LicentiaLabs.Licentia; using static HarmonyLib.Code; namespace RJW_Genes { /// /// Changes LicentiaLabs (if Present) to add a cumflation-counter hediff, when the pawn is cumflated. /// The counter hediff takes away the negative stats of the original hediff. /// This code is exercised / loaded in the HarmonyInit. /// Patched File: /// /// class Patch_LikesCumflation { // This patch does not need the normal Harmony Targetting, // as it needs to be added only on demand (See HarmonyInit.cs) public static void PostFix(SexProps props) { if (props == null || props.pawn == null || props.partner == null) return; if (props.pawn.genes != null && props.pawn.genes.HasActiveGene(GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_likes_cumflation) ) { AddOrIncreaseCumflationCounterHediff(props.pawn); } if (props.partner.genes != null && props.partner.genes.HasActiveGene(GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_likes_cumflation)) { AddOrIncreaseCumflationCounterHediff(props.partner); } } public static void AddOrIncreaseCumflationCounterHediff(Pawn inflated) { //Hediff cumstuffed_hediff =; Hediff cumstuffed_hediff = LicentiaLabs.CumflationHelper.GetCumflationHediff(inflated, LicentiaLabs.Licentia.HediffDefs.Cumstuffed, "stomach"); if (cumstuffed_hediff != null && cumstuffed_hediff.Severity >= 0.01) { ModLog.Message($"{inflated} got cumstuffed and gets the counter-part"); var bodyPartRecord = inflated.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Find(bpr => bpr.def.defName.Contains("stomach") || bpr.def.defName.Contains("stomach".ToLower())); var counter_hediff = CreateOrGetCumflationCounterHediff(inflated, HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_cumstuffed_counter, bodyPartRecord); counter_hediff.Severity = cumstuffed_hediff.Severity; } else if (cumstuffed_hediff != null) { ModLog.Message("cumstuffed_hediff was too un-sever"); } else ModLog.Message("cumstuffed_hediff was null"); Hediff cumflation_hediff =; if (cumflation_hediff != null && cumflation_hediff.Severity >= 0.01) { ModLog.Message($"{inflated} got cumflated and gets the counter-part"); var bodyPartRecord = Genital_Helper.get_genitalsBPR(inflated); var counter_hediff = CreateOrGetCumflationCounterHediff(inflated, HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_cumstuffed_counter, bodyPartRecord); counter_hediff.Severity = cumstuffed_hediff.Severity; } else if (cumflation_hediff != null) { ModLog.Message("Cumflation Hediff was too un-sever"); } else ModLog.Message("Cumflation Hediff was null"); } public static Hediff CreateOrGetCumflationCounterHediff(Pawn inflated, HediffDef counterCumflationDef, BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord) { Hediff cumflationHediff =; if (cumflationHediff == null) { cumflationHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(counterCumflationDef, inflated, bodyPartRecord); cumflationHediff.Severity = 0;, bodyPartRecord); } else { ModLog.Message("Did not find a correct Counter-CumflationDef "); } return cumflationHediff; } } }