using rjw;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Genes
public static class DiseaseHelper
/// Checks for a pawn if it is immune against a disease.
/// The pawn for which immunity is checked
/// The genetic disease that is checked against
/// True if the pawn is immune, false if the pawn can be infected by it.
public static bool IsImmuneAgainstGeneticDisease(Pawn pawn, GeneDef disease)
// Case 1: Something is null / not working, return Immune (to have less follow up effects)
if (pawn == null || pawn.genes == null) return true;
if (disease == null) return true;
// Case 1.B: Dead people can spread, but not receive, diseases.
if (pawn.Dead) return true;
// Case 2: The pawn has general genetic immunity to diseases
if (GeneUtility.HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_genetic_disease_immunity))
return true;
// Case 3: The pawn already has the genetic disease
if (GeneUtility.HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, disease))
return true;
// Case 4: Check all genes if one of them has the Immunity Extension that covers the GeneDef
List genes = pawn.genes.GenesListForReading;
genes = genes.Where(x => pawn.genes.HasActiveGene(x.def)).ToList();
foreach (Gene gene in genes)
ImmunityAgainstGenesExtension ext = gene.def.GetModExtension();
if (ext != null) {
foreach (string defname in ext.givesImmunityAgainst)
if (disease.defName == defname)
return true;
// Case 5: Nothing special happens, so return false (not immune)
return false;
/// Returns all active Genes with the `GeneticDiseaseExtension`.
/// List of all active Genes with the `GeneticDiseaseExtension` in pawn
public static List GetGeneticDiseaseGenes(Pawn pawn)
if (pawn != null && pawn.genes != null)
return pawn.genes
.ConvertAll(gene => gene.def)
.Where(genedef => pawn.genes.HasActiveGene(genedef))
return new List() { };
public static List GetGeneticInfectorGenes(Pawn pawn)
if (pawn != null && pawn.genes != null)
return pawn.genes
.ConvertAll(gene => gene.def)
.Where(genedef => pawn.genes.HasActiveGene(genedef))
return new List() { };
public static List LookupInfectionGeneDefs(GeneticInfectorExtension infectorExt)
if (infectorExt == null) new List();
return RimWorld.GeneUtility
.Where(genedef => infectorExt.infectionGenes.Contains(genedef.defName))
/// Checks if the performed sex was penetrative.
/// Condom check is not done here!
/// The sexprops
public static bool IsPenetrativeSex(SexProps props)
if (props == null) return false;
return props.sexType ==
|| props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Anal
|| props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Oral
|| props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.DoublePenetration
|| props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Fellatio
|| props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Sixtynine;
public static bool IsGeneticDiseaseGene(GeneDef geneDef)
if (geneDef == null) return false;
GeneticDiseaseExtension diseaseExt = geneDef.GetModExtension();
return diseaseExt != null;
public static bool IsGeneticInfectorGene(GeneDef geneDef)
if (geneDef == null) return false;
GeneticInfectorExtension infectorExt = geneDef.GetModExtension();
return infectorExt != null;
public static float LookupDiseaseInfectionChance(GeneDef geneDef)
if (IsGeneticDiseaseGene(geneDef))
GeneticDiseaseExtension diseaseExt = geneDef.GetModExtension();
return diseaseExt != null ? diseaseExt.infectionChance : 0.0f;
return 0.0f;