rjw_genes_orgasm_rushOn orgasm, carriers of this gene get a boost in activity. (rest-need is partially filled)1-2UI/Memes/FleshPurity1rjw_genes_youth_fountainHaving sex with a carrier of this gene makes the partner slightly younger. (Partner stays adult)2-2UI/Ideoligions/FireLeaves2
rjw_genes_sex_age_drainHaving sex transfers some of the partners life-time to themselves. (Pawn stays adult)2-1UI/Icons/ColonistBar/Idle3
rjw_genes_aphrodisiac_pheromonesRJW_Genes.Gene_Aphrodisiac_PheromonesPheremones of this pawn induce an incressed sexdrive to others nearby.Genes/Icons/Pheromones411
rjw_genes_sexual_mytosisCarriers of this gene grow more unstable with ongoing multiple orgasms - climaxing in a process of mytosis. This will result in an (biologically) identical pawn and both twins are set in a regenerative state. Also, the pawn can have multiple orgasms: In a state of higher unstableness, they come quicker.UI/Icons/Genes/Gene_PsychicBonding55-5rjw_genes_hormonal_salivaThe saliva of this xenotype stimulates growth in penises. Regular contact will lead to noticable growth.2-1Genes/Icons/Big_Male_Genitalia6
rjw_genes_cocoonweavercocoonerCarriers of this gene can produce a cocoon to prepare helpless (or willing) victims for breeding.Genes/Icons/Cocoon11