rjw_genes_lifeforce Carriers of this gene have a reserve of biological strength powered by a resource called fertilin. The resource can be gained and spent in various ways, all of which are unlocked by other genes.\n\nCarriers lose 10 lifeforce per day from biological entropy. RJW_Genes.Gene_LifeForce RJW_Genes.GeneGizmo_ResourceLifeForce lifeforce
  • 0.25
  • 0.5
  • 0.75
  • true true A reserve of biological strength which can be gained and spent in a variety of ways. \n\nFertilin can be increased by absorbing cum, typically through oral sex or stored cum. \n\nIf fertilin reaches zero, {PAWN_nameDef} will become very unhappy and may try to obtain some forcefully. UI/Icons/Genes/Gene_Hemogenic 0 rjw_genes_fertilin -2
  • Gives fertilin supply.
  • fert
  • rjw_genes_lifeforce_randomrape 18 0.05 1 1
    rjw_genes_pussyhealer pussyhealer Carriers of this gene are able use vaginal sex to tend to other's wounds. Things/Mote/Heart rjw_genes_lifeforce 10 rjw_genes_fertilin
  • rjw_genes_pussyheal
  • rjw_genes_pussyheal 1 -1 18
  • life
  • pussy
  • heal
  • rjw_genes_cockeater cockeater Carriers of this gene are able eat cocks to restore their fertilin supply. Things/Mote/Heart rjw_genes_lifeforce 11 rjw_genes_fertilin
  • rjw_genes_cockeater
  • rjw_genes_cockeater 1 -1 18
  • life
  • cock
  • eat
  • rjw_genes_vaginal_absorber Carriers of this gene are able to absorb ferilin through their vagina. Things/Mote/Heart rjw_genes_lifeforce 2 rjw_genes_fertilin 1 rjw_genes_anal_absorber Carriers of this gene are able to absorb ferilin through their anus. Things/Mote/Heart rjw_genes_lifeforce 3 rjw_genes_fertilin 1 rjw_genes_drainer Carriers of this gene are able to absorb a great amount of ferilin by draining the vitality of the partner. Things/Mote/Heart rjw_genes_lifeforce 4 rjw_genes_fertilin 1 -1