using Verse; using HarmonyLib; using System; using rjw; using RJWLoveFeeding; namespace RJW_Genes { [StaticConstructorOnStartup] internal static class HarmonyInit { static HarmonyInit() { Harmony harmony = new Harmony("rjw_genes"); var original = typeof(Hediff_Pregnant).GetMethod("Tick"); harmony.Unpatch(original, HarmonyPatchType.Prefix, "rjw"); harmony.PatchAll(); if (ModsConfig.BiotechActive) { harmony.Patch(typeof(SexUtility).GetMethod("ProcessSex"), new HarmonyMethod(typeof(LustFeeding), "Postfix", null)); } // Patch Licentia, if Licentia exists // Logic & Explanation taken from // Adjusted to use ModsConfig (which makes it work, the example above does not run out of the box) } } }