# 1.0.1 (2022-12-20) - Fix issue with Orgasm Rush throwing an Error on Animal Orgasm (Thanks Shabakur) - (Internal) Use of RJW methods to clean up racegroupdefs # 1.0.0 (2022-12-19) Initial Release ! Content: - Genes for Base-RJW-Genitalia Types - Genes for Small and Big Genitalia per Genitalia (Breast, Anus, Penis, Vagina) - Elasticity Gene if Licentia is loaded - Genes to modulate Cum amount (None, much, very much) - Male and Female only Genes - Genes for Genitalia-Amount (2 Penis, 0 Penis, etc.) - Futa-Gene that adds the other Genitalia, without touching Gender - Orgasm Rush, restoring sleep for Pawns on Orgasm - Breeding Genes: Immunity to Mech Birthing Damage, Fertilizing All Eggs in Pawn and more egg space - Genes that add RJW Traits (Zoophile, Necrophile, Hypersexual, Rapist) - Animal Gene Inheritance, utilizing Base-RJW Racegroups and a Dictionary for which Genes are how likely to appear in Crossbreeding