2022-07-13 15:13:21 +03:00

272 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using UnityEngine;
//using Multiplayer.API;
namespace rjwcum
class Hediff_CumController : HediffWithComps
Whenever cum is applied, this hediff is also added to the pawn.
Since there is always only a single hediff of this type on the pawn, it serves as master controller, adding up the individual cum hediffs, applying debuffs and drawing overlays
private static readonly float cumWeight = 0.2f;//how much individual cum_hediffs contribute to the overall bukkake severity
List<Hediff> hediffs_cum;
Dictionary<string, CumSplatch> splatches;
public override void ExposeData()
//Scribe_Values.Look<Dictionary<string, CumSplatch>>(ref splatches, "splatches", new Dictionary<string, CumSplatch>()); - causes errors when loading. for now, just make a new dictionary
splatches = new Dictionary<string, CumSplatch>();//instead of loading, just recreate anew
hediffs_cum = new List<Hediff>();
public override void PostMake()
splatches = new Dictionary<string, CumSplatch>();
public override void PostTick()
if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)//for now, only humans are supported
hediffs_cum = this.pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs.FindAll(x => (x.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_Cum || x.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_InsectSpunk || x.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_MechaFluids));
float Level = CalculateLevel();//sum of severity of all the cum hediffs x cumWeight
this.Severity = Level;
bool updatePortrait = false;
//loop through all cum hediffs, add missing ones to dictionary
for (int i = 0; i < hediffs_cum.Count(); i++)
Hediff_Cum h = (Hediff_Cum)hediffs_cum[i];
string ID = h.GetUniqueLoadID();//unique ID for each hediff
if (!splatches.ContainsKey(ID))//if it isn't here yet, make new object
updatePortrait = true;
bool leftSide = h.Part.Label.Contains("left") ? true : false;//depending on whether the body part is left or right, drawing-offset on x-aixs may be inverted
splatches[ID] = new CumSplatch(h, pawn.story.bodyType, h.Part.def, leftSide, h.cumType);
//remove splatch objects once their respective cum hediff is gone
List<string> removeKeys = new List<string>();
foreach (string key in splatches.Keys)
CumSplatch s = splatches[key];
if (!hediffs_cum.Contains(s.hediff_cum))
updatePortrait = true;
//loop over and remove elements that should be destroyed:
foreach (string key in removeKeys)
CumSplatch s = splatches[key];
if (updatePortrait)//right now, portraits are only updated when a completely new cum hediff is added or an old one removed - maybe that should be done more frequently
//called from the PawnWoundDrawer (see HarmonyPatches)
public void DrawCum(Vector3 drawLoc, Quaternion quat, bool forPortrait, float angle, bool inBed = false)
Rot4 bodyFacing = pawn.Rotation;
int facingDir = bodyFacing.AsInt;//0: north, 1:east, 2:south, 3:west
foreach (string key in splatches.Keys)
CumSplatch s = splatches[key];
s.Draw(drawLoc, quat, forPortrait, facingDir, angle, inBed);
//new Hediff_CumController added to pawn -> just combine the two
public override bool TryMergeWith(Hediff other)
if (other == null || other.def != this.def)
return false;
return true;
private float CalculateLevel()
float num = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < hediffs_cum.Count; i++)
num += hediffs_cum[i].Severity * cumWeight;
return num;
//class for handling drawing of the individual splatches
private class CumSplatch
public readonly Hediff_Cum hediff_cum;
public readonly Material cumMaterial;
public readonly BodyPartDef bodyPart;
private bool mirrorMesh;
private const float maxSize = 0.20f;//1.0 = 1 tile
private const float minSize = 0.05f;
//data taken from CumHelper.cs:
private readonly float[] xAdjust;
private readonly float[] zAdjust;
private readonly float[] yAdjust;
public CumSplatch(Hediff_Cum hediff, BodyTypeDef bodyType, BodyPartDef bodyPart, bool leftSide = false, int cumType = CumHelper.CUM_NORMAL)
hediff_cum = hediff;
cumMaterial = new Material(CumTextures.pickRandomSplatch());//needs to create new material in order to allow for different colors
cumMaterial.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(-1, 1));
this.bodyPart = bodyPart;
//set color:
switch (cumType)
case CumHelper.CUM_NORMAL:
cumMaterial.color = CumHelper.color_normal;
case CumHelper.CUM_INSECT:
cumMaterial.color = CumHelper.color_insect;
case CumHelper.CUM_MECHA:
cumMaterial.color = CumHelper.color_mecha;
//if (!MP.enabled)
mirrorMesh = (Rand.Value > 0.5f);//in 50% of the cases, flip mesh horizontally for more variance
//x,y,z adjustments to draw splatches over the approximately correct locations; values stored in Cum helper - accessed by unique combinations of bodyTypes and bodyParts
CumHelper.key k = new CumHelper.key(bodyType, bodyPart);
if (CumHelper.splatchAdjust.Keys.Contains(k))
CumHelper.values helperValues = CumHelper.splatchAdjust[k];
//invert, x-adjust (horizontal) depending on left/right body side:
if (!leftSide)
float[] xAdjTemp = new float[4];
for (int i = 0; i < xAdjTemp.Length; i++)
xAdjTemp[i] = helperValues.x[i] * -1f;
xAdjust = xAdjTemp;
xAdjust = helperValues.x;
zAdjust = helperValues.z;//vertical adjustment
else//fallback in the the key can't be found
//if (RJWSettings.DevMode)
// ModLog.Message("created cum splatch for undefined body type or part. BodyType: " + bodyType + " , BodyPart: " + bodyPart);
xAdjust = new float[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f };
zAdjust = new float[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f };
//y adjustments: plane/layer of drawing, > 0 -> above certain objects, < 0 -> below
CumHelper.key_layer k2 = new CumHelper.key_layer(leftSide, bodyPart);
if (CumHelper.layerAdjust.Keys.Contains(k2))
CumHelper.values_layer helperValues_layer = CumHelper.layerAdjust[k2];
yAdjust = helperValues_layer.y;
yAdjust = new float[] { 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f };//over body in every direction
public void Draw(Vector3 drawPos, Quaternion quat, bool forPortrait, int facingDir = 0, float angle = 0,bool inBed=false)
if (inBed)
if (this.bodyPart != BodyPartDefOf.Jaw && this.bodyPart != BodyPartDefOf.Head)//when pawn is in bed (=bed with sheets), only draw cum on head
//these two create new mesh instance and never destroying it, filling ram and crashing
//float size = minSize+((maxSize-minSize)*hediff_cum.Severity);
//mesh = MeshMakerPlanes.NewPlaneMesh(size);
//use core MeshPool.plane025 instead
//if (mirrorMesh)//horizontal flip
//mesh = flipMesh(mesh);
if (angle == 0)//normal situation (pawn standing upright)
drawPos.x += xAdjust[facingDir];
drawPos.z += zAdjust[facingDir];
else//if downed etc, more complex calculation becomes necessary
float radian = angle / 180 * (float)Math.PI;
radian = -radian;
drawPos.x += Mathf.Cos(radian) * xAdjust[hediff_cum.pawn.Rotation.AsInt] - Mathf.Sin(radian) * zAdjust[facingDir];//facingDir doesn't appear to be chosen correctly in all cases
drawPos.z += Mathf.Cos(radian) * zAdjust[hediff_cum.pawn.Rotation.AsInt] + Mathf.Sin(radian) * xAdjust[facingDir];
//drawPos.y += yAdjust[facingDir];// 0.00: over body; 0.01: over body but under face, 0.02: over face, but under hair, -99 = "never" visible
drawPos.y += yAdjust[facingDir];
GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(MeshPool.plane025, drawPos, quat, cumMaterial, forPortrait);
//flips mesh UV horizontally, thereby mirroring the texture
private Mesh flipMesh(Mesh meshToFlip)
var uvs = meshToFlip.uv;
if (uvs.Length != 4)
return (meshToFlip);
for (var i = 0; i < uvs.Length; i++)
if (Mathf.Approximately(uvs[i].x, 1.0f))
uvs[i].x = 0.0f;
uvs[i].x = 1.0f;
meshToFlip.uv = uvs;
return (meshToFlip);