using System; using HarmonyLib; using Verse; using Verse.AI; using rjw; namespace rjwcum { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver), "Cleanup")] internal static class Patch_JobDriver_DubsBadHygiene { //not very good solution, some other mod can have same named jobdriver but w/e //Dubs Bad Hygiene washing private readonly static Type JobDriver_useWashBucket = AccessTools.TypeByName("JobDriver_useWashBucket"); //private readonly static Type JobDriver_washAtCell = AccessTools.TypeByName("JobDriver_washAtCell"); private readonly static Type JobDriver_UseHotTub = AccessTools.TypeByName("JobDriver_UseHotTub"); private readonly static Type JobDriver_takeShower = AccessTools.TypeByName("JobDriver_takeShower"); private readonly static Type JobDriver_takeBath = AccessTools.TypeByName("JobDriver_takeBath"); [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Cleanup_cum(JobDriver __instance, JobCondition condition) { try { if (__instance == null) return; if (condition == JobCondition.Succeeded) { Do_cleanup_cum(__instance); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.ToString()); } } public static void Do_cleanup_cum(JobDriver __instance) { Pawn pawn = __instance.pawn; //ModLog.Message("patches_DubsBadHygiene::on_cleanup_driver" + xxx.get_pawnname(pawn)); if (xxx.DubsBadHygieneIsActive) //clear one instance of cum if ( __instance.GetType() == JobDriver_useWashBucket// || //__instance.GetType() == JobDriver_washAtCell ) { Hediff hediff = => (x.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_Cum || x.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_InsectSpunk || x.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_MechaFluids )); if (hediff != null) { //ModLog.Message("patches_DubsBadHygiene::" + __instance.GetType() + " clear => " + hediff.Label); hediff.Severity -= 1f; } } //clear all instance of cum else if ( __instance.GetType() == JobDriver_UseHotTub || __instance.GetType() == JobDriver_takeShower || __instance.GetType() == JobDriver_takeBath ) { foreach (Hediff hediff in { if (hediff.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_Cum || hediff.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_InsectSpunk || hediff.def == HediffDefOf.Hediff_MechaFluids ) { //ModLog.Message("patches_DubsBadHygiene::" + __instance.GetType() + " clear => " + hediff.Label); hediff.Severity -= 1f; } } } } } }