using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Verse; using UnityEngine; //using Multiplayer.API; namespace rjwcum { public class Hediff_Cum : HediffWithComps { public int cumType = CumHelper.CUM_NORMAL;//-> different colors public string giverName = null;//not utilized right now, maybe in the future save origin of the cum public override string LabelInBrackets { get { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append(base.LabelInBrackets); if (this.sourceHediffDef != null) { if (stringBuilder.Length != 0) { stringBuilder.Append(", "); } stringBuilder.Append(this.sourceHediffDef.label); } else if (this.source != null) { if (stringBuilder.Length != 0) { stringBuilder.Append(", "); } stringBuilder.Append(this.source.label); if (this.sourceBodyPartGroup != null) { stringBuilder.Append(" "); stringBuilder.Append(this.sourceBodyPartGroup.LabelShort); } } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } public override string SeverityLabel { get { if (this.Severity == 0f) { return null; } return this.Severity.ToString("F1"); } } //[SyncMethod] public override bool TryMergeWith(Hediff other) { //if a new cum hediff is added to the same body part, they are combined. if severity reaches more than 1, spillover to other body parts occurs Hediff_Cum hediff_cum = other as Hediff_Cum; if (hediff_cum != null && hediff_cum.def == this.def && hediff_cum.Part == base.Part && this.def.injuryProps.canMerge) { cumType = hediff_cum.cumType;//take over new creature color float totalAmount = hediff_cum.Severity + this.Severity; if (totalAmount > 1.0f) { BodyPartDef spillOverTo = CumHelper.spillover(this.Part.def);//cumHelper saves valid other body parts for spillover if (spillOverTo != null) { //Rand.PopState(); //Rand.PushState(RJW_Multiplayer.PredictableSeed()); IEnumerable availableParts = CumHelper.getAvailableBodyParts(pawn);//gets all non missing, valid body parts IEnumerable filteredParts = availableParts.Where(x => x.def == spillOverTo);//filters again for valid spill target if (!filteredParts.EnumerableNullOrEmpty()) { BodyPartRecord spillPart = null; spillPart = filteredParts.RandomElement();//then pick one if (spillPart != null) { CumHelper.cumOn(pawn, spillPart, totalAmount - this.Severity, null, cumType); } } } } return (base.TryMergeWith(other)); } return (false); } public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); Scribe_Values.Look(ref cumType, "cumType", CumHelper.CUM_NORMAL); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit && base.Part == null) { //Log.Error("Hediff_cum has null part after loading.", false);; return; } } //handles the icon in the health tab and its color public override TextureAndColor StateIcon { get { TextureAndColor tex = TextureAndColor.None; Color color = Color.white; switch (cumType) { case CumHelper.CUM_NORMAL: color = CumHelper.color_normal; break; case CumHelper.CUM_INSECT: color = CumHelper.color_insect; break; case CumHelper.CUM_MECHA: color = CumHelper.color_mecha; break; } Texture2D tex2d = CumTextures.CumIcon_little; switch (this.CurStageIndex) { case 0: tex2d = CumTextures.CumIcon_little; break; case 1: tex2d = CumTextures.CumIcon_some; break; case 2: tex2d = CumTextures.CumIcon_dripping; break; case 3: tex2d = CumTextures.CumIcon_drenched; break; } tex = new TextureAndColor(tex2d, color); return tex; } } } }