
108 lines
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using HarmonyLib;
using RimWorld;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace Rimworld_Animations
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PawnRenderTree), "TryGetMatrix")]
public class HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderTree
public static bool Prefix(PawnRenderTree __instance, Dictionary<PawnRenderNodeTagDef, PawnRenderNode> ___nodesByTag, PawnRenderNode node, ref PawnDrawParms parms, ref Matrix4x4 matrix, ref bool __result)
* Facing offsets fix
//find lowest parent that is animating, or nothing if not animating
PawnRenderNode animatingNode = node;
while (animatingNode != null
&& !(animatingNode.AnimationWorker is AnimationWorker_KeyframesExtended))
animatingNode = animatingNode.parent;
//if animating parent node found,
if (animatingNode?.AnimationWorker is AnimationWorker_KeyframesExtended animatingNodeAnimationWorker)
//change parm to facing to animate correctly
parms.facing = animatingNodeAnimationWorker.facingAtTick(__instance.AnimationTick);
* Set Render Node to absolute position
if (node.Props is PawnRenderNodeProperties_GraphicVariants graphicVariantProp
&& graphicVariantProp.absoluteTransform)
matrix = parms.matrix;
//absolute transform -- just use the node's transform, not its ancestors
node.GetTransform(parms, out Vector3 offset, out Vector3 pivot, out Quaternion quaternion, out Vector3 scale);
if (offset != Vector3.zero) matrix *= Matrix4x4.Translate(offset);
if (pivot != Vector3.zero) matrix *= Matrix4x4.Translate(pivot);
if (quaternion != Quaternion.identity) matrix *= Matrix4x4.Rotate(quaternion);
if (scale != Vector3.one) matrix *= Matrix4x4.Scale(scale);
if (pivot != Vector3.zero) matrix *= Matrix4x4.Translate(scale).inverse;
float num = node.Worker.AltitudeFor(node, parms);
if (num != 0f)
matrix *= Matrix4x4.Translate(Vector3.up * num);
__result = true;
return false;
return true;
//done here because changing parms causes recaching anyway, so might as well do it here
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PawnRenderTree), "AdjustParms")]
public class HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderTree2
public static void Prefix(PawnRenderTree __instance, ref PawnDrawParms parms)
int animationTick = __instance.AnimationTick;
if (__instance.rootNode.AnimationWorker is AnimationWorker_KeyframesExtended rootAnimWorkerExtended)
//recache during facing turn
if (rootAnimWorkerExtended.shouldRecache(animationTick))
__instance.rootNode.requestRecache = true;
foreach (PawnRenderNode node in __instance.rootNode.children)
if (node.AnimationWorker is AnimationWorker_KeyframesExtended animWorkerExtended)
//recache during flicker on/off
if (animWorkerExtended.shouldRecache(animationTick))
node.requestRecache = true;